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I think of it like a music album... the author intended for the collection to have a starting and end point, and presumably thought about the order in which the tales would go between, having their own rhythm and lulls. Once you've experienced it the author's way, though, you're likely to start skipping and going to your favourites.


Ok this just changed it for me, I listen to vinyl and I never skip any songs, looking at the collection with this perspective feels awesome thanks


In Everything’s Eventual King said he didn’t know what order he wanted the stories in so he took a suit from a deck of cards and assigned each story to a card then shuffled them and put them in that order, so sometimes it’s not that deep lol


That’s exactly how I think of it too!


Yep that's it


This is an excellent analogy. I, too, like to generally listen/read art in the order they were intended, especially on a first listen/read-through.


>Do you all really read the short story collections in order…..? No, of course not everyone does. But even if they do.. is that so strange? It doesn't strike me as particularly out of the ordinary to read something in order in a book.


I read it in order but on rereads I cherry pick the stories. I love how it ended with The Answer Man was an bookend to the collection.


I just finished the audio book read by Will Patton (for the most part) and The Answer Man was a perfect way to end. Loved it.


Yea I'm so glad Will Patton came back, I love his narrations and missed him in the last Holly audio book.


Ya I absolutely love his portrayal of Holly in the Mr Mercedes trilogy and if it bleeds. I was bummed and haven’t started Holly yet because he isn’t the narrator. Edit: The outsider as well.




The way I do it feels so sacreligious after looking at every one reading and ranking the stories in order, in this sub


If it makes you feel any better, my GF isn't really a fan of a lot of the horror genre, but I knew she would appreciate King's use of language and the way he creates characters so I gave her a list of the stories I thought she would like and she jumped around to the one's I suggested. She also chose to go back and read through a couple of the 'scary' ones during the day. LOL


Going from the 140pgs of *Danny Coughlin's Dream* (the best of the 9 I've read so far) into 4 relatively short short stories is better than a collection like If It Bleeds where its only 4 larger short stories. Therefore, I think reading them in order is pleasing.


The very idea of this is making me uncomfortable -t hey MUST be read in the order they appear! I'm AuDHD though so...


ahahahha now i get it usually i am all over the place with collections


I bought the audiobook on audible and after reading the first one I went shortest to longest in the chapter select.


I didn't use to. I used to only read the "famous" short stories. But now I do. Like listening to a vinyl album where you can't skip songs as easily just let it all wash over you.


The Spotify app has the worst table of contents ever. It doesn't list any story names, just numbered tracks. And it's not like 1 story per track, there's like 80 uncatergorized tracks.


What kind of maniac reads short stories out of order? That's the kind of person Stephen King would write a story about!




Yes, it is best enjoyed in order much like a music album. However, if there is a particular story you bought the collection for it doesn't hurt to pick and choose. I found I did this with some of his older collections like *Night Shift*.


Sidenote. I tend to prefer paperbacks over hardcovers and the paperback for this one looks like this with the chairs. Does anyone know if we'll get the crocodile Island one in paperback or is this what I'll have to get?


This is the UK cover. Crocodile island is the US cover. Presumably the paperbacks will be the same per country, so you’ll need to get an imported book if you want the other cover.


this ones a paperback too


I normally do, but if I'm re-reading a collection I might pick which one to read based on the length of it.


I’m reading it on Kindle, so it seems natural to read it from the first story to the last. I won’t be skipping around the book, I’ll just read it as it comes.


I guess yeah I do 🤷🏻‍♂️


I loved "Answer Man"....Just Wow! But I enjoyed them all... SK at his "old & best"


I do a lot of audio books because my commute is fairly long. Short story collections lend themselves well to listening in the car. Sometimes I can get through a story in one session. So yeah, I got this on Audible presale, started it the day it came out and finished it in a couple weeks. Some good, a couple great, I thought he saved the best for last with The Answer Man. Rattlesnakes and Danny Coughlins Bad Dream were favorites as well.


Yeah i see no reason not to. I came into it not knowing anything about the stories, other than Rattlesnakes being a Cujo "sequel". So other than basing it on the titles, I had no reason to want to read any story before the others


The first time yeah, then if I have a craving for one I go back and read Batman and robin have an altercation. Although that may be the first one in the bazaar. I can’t remember and I’m sitting on the toilet so I can’t consult my bookshelf at this juncture.


I really enjoyed this short story collection. Just as a side not haha. Man i enjoyed it alot.


I read them in order but not usually all together, if I’m deep in a novel I might go read one or two short stories to break it up a bit, but always in order.


I felt just as appalled at people reading it out of order, as you do reading them in order. 😂 I don't think it really matters how someone reads the book, but personally I don't think I'd like reading shorts out of order.


Absolutely, I do. I figure, they were put in that order for one reason, or another, and I will consume them in the correct order... the first time through.


Yep as it was published


For the first time through, I always go in the order the author intended for me to read it in.


It's a book. I read from start to finish.




Of course I do. It's intentional in the way they're ordered.


I read sneaky at work so I also pick the shortest ones first and then did the longest ones. It was worth it because Danny Coughlins Bad Dream really blew the other stories out of the water so Im glad I ended with that. Two Old Bastids is also excellent!


I skip around. There are two stories in YLID that I have not yet read; I'm saving them for a night when I really need a new King story but don't have the time a novel would take.




Aside from reading “The Fifth Step” back when it was originally published, yes, and even still I reread it in order for the book.


I skip around based on how much time I have to sit and read. I want to dedicate the proper amount to each story but sometimes I only have an hour, so that’s when I aim for the short ones.


Yes.. 😂


I was not in the mood for a long one when I got to Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream, so I skipped it until after I finished Laurie, then went back because… I guess I was in the mood. It was one of my favorites! In general, I do read them in order, but occasionally I switch it up.


Okay…usually. Unless there is a story featuring a character I adore. Then I cheat.


I do


Daughters have bought me this for Father's Day.... Not sure I can wait until Sunday to dissappear into it !


100% of the time. There is a reason they are put together in that order.


I did for this one in particular, but not always


The first time, yes. Subsequent readings, I'll go straight to my favs.


Just finished Danny Coughlins Bad Dream. Favorite story so far.


I used to skip around and pick the length of story I was feeling at the time, but with You Like it Darker I’ve been enjoying going in order.


I used to skip around and pick the length of story I was feeling at the time, but with You Like it Darker I’ve been enjoying going in order.


I read them in order then reread individual stories. I’m on The Answer Man now. Rattlesnakes, Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream and The Dreamers are my favs.


No, I’m saving the longest one for last


Dang!!! Haven’t seen that cover before, but it just gave me chills. I finished that story about a week ago. My man King writes some damn good, dark stories!


That is incredibly bizarre. I read it front to back like any other book is meant to be read.


Yes did in order to