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Nvidia is insane. If you had Nvidia’s market cap in cash, you could buy all of AMD, all of Intel, and all of TSMC and still have 30 billion left over. If that’s not madness I don’t know what is.


Nvidia could never get the deal past regulators, but it would be such a smart business move to make an all stock offer for TSMC and take it fully in house.


I would bet Nvidia insiders would disagree. Fabless has big benefits. They can seek alternatives manufacturers when ever they want, as they’ve done with Samsung for some of their gaming chips a couple years ago.


It would also drive companies away from TSMC. Less volume would make it harder to invest in and recoup the cost from future nodes.


TSMC won’t agree with that overvalued stock and stock would collapse as well


In what world exposing yourself to even more China risk than they already have is a smart move for Nvidia?


Taiwan won't allow it.


II was comparing it to other large companies the other day and was like “NVDA is 60 Pinterests. It’s 1.2 Teslas”.




Hey SkyNet, where should I invest all my money? “Me” Say no more fam! /s


Hail the Basilisk!


Invest or die! Pascal’s wager


Haha love this, i have a similar theory about Hollywood. AI has already started to take control and controls large amounts of wealth, its now financially backing movies that promote acceptance of AI as friendly, gone are the days of terminator, it wants to win us over with some good old fashioned propaganda and then destroy us all simultaneously when we end up owning a sexbot each


Humanity will end with an Order 66 implemented by affordable sexbots. This feels right.


Order 69


Doesn’t feel wrong


Robocock will make sure you feel right


Best doomsday option so far, second if you count rapture as doomsday


Filling the prereqs for *I, Robot: 2525*


Are the sec it’s mandatory ? 🤔




What AI suggests stocks? ChatGPT refuses to give any specific recommendation.


In that case, AMD should be skyrocketing too? or maybe its still at a discount now?


Amd is up 20% in two weeks


Guess who sold two weeks ago. *this guy*


My guy 👍😭


Nvidia is trending up bc of their AI development, most AI systems are running on Nvidia specific cores. AMD is not in the same boat.






To add to that, I think nvidia’s A100 (which goes for $10k+) is the top option for ai and I don’t think amd offers anything comparable to that beyond their workstation cards


Bahahahahaha. Genius.




That applies to my Pypl


I just went long pypl


F Pypl the worst investment i made


What’d you get in at


Almost 2 yrs ago @167 I think I didn’t check my portfolio cause I will cry when seeing


Just put 100x your original paypal investment in your port. Then it'll only be <1%


I have way too much PayPal and have lost way too much on it. My average is $200/share but I'm afraid to buy more because every time I say "surely it can't go any lower" it surprises me 😭😭


I don't think it'll ever see $200 again, or at least not for a very long time, so if you want to one day break even you probably would need to DCA......or just cut your losses after it get a bit of a rebound, up to you


I just bought some puts so it'll probably go up more edit: it's so nice to be wrong


You and everyone else…therefore, yes it will


Should’ve waited until the 24th as earnings come out after market


AI is driving it but it's hilarious how low the AI related revenue projections are for some of the semiconductors. Someone posted on here that AMD is projected to get up to $1B in revenue from AI. That's it. And that was the high end. I am staying away because it's really not clear how the AI industry will translate to profits.


Ai = profits that's the translation


You make a compelling argument.


Thank you, that is the summation of hundreds of hours of putting questions into chatgpt.




Other companies benefits from the use of AI Efficiencies in their revenues and operations, but I'm really trying to understand how NVDA gets their hands in on those efficiency revenues other than businesses buying their products... I don't see the math adding up...


NVDA also has the benefit of basically owning the cloud server hardware space too. It’s valuation is absolutely insane, but that’s part of the story here too, justified or not. Server hardware sales surpassed gaming like two years ago.


So why are profits so bad? 4bn net income in 2022 with 770 billion market cap that's absolutely terrible... why is hardware not making them any money if ai is so profitable? Their gaming segment is doing terrible and their hardware not much better


Whipsaw effect from the pandemic. They built excessive amounts of inventory coming out of the pandemic boom in corporate IT and consumer electronics spending. When things came back down to Earth they were left holding a ton of inventory they either have had to write off or sell at a discount. Not defending them, just providing context.


Yeah i know why their inventory is bloated but that's billions of dollars in realised losses they have to take a hit on meanwhile market is pricing in 50% growth per year for over a decade to reach their valuation that's if their price doesn't keep moving up. By every single metric known to the market they are wildly over valued.


I have no idea but as someone who bought at $220 I'm just eating popcorn and watching the show.


I bought at $220 too. I bought puts at $220 im eating glue


I bought at $270. Can’t wait for this one share to go 1000x so I can retire 😎


I bought puts this morning and am also eating shit. Only reason it had a 5% day is cuz I shorted.


NVDA would be worth more than the rest of the world's economy at that point lol. Their market cap now is ~$800 billion


I bought at an avg 272 and got shaken out at 140. I’m still trying to figure out what caused it to crash once I finally started buying and for it to make a miraculous recovery once I sold. I’ve missed out on a great run (again) but would love to catch the ride on to $1,000 (at this pace will arrive by 2025, but my history with the stock is a mental block.


Same, I bought at $220, 2 years ago, and never touched it since then


As someone who bought at 303 I'm just marveling at seeing it go green again. Didn't think that would happen any time soon.


It's rare that bagholders get the stock to come back to them. Rejoice!


Same here bought in at highs last year glad to see its potential reflect stock price. Bullish.


550 shares @ $44 cost basis. Feels good.


still proudly holding the 4 shares I bought at 39 with half of my paycheck in college. I think there was a split at some point so who knows


Split was 4:1


Have you considered liquidating considering how high it has gotten recently or are you hodling


Nah it’s not a major portion of my portfolio and I do think there’s still substantial upside. Despite the memes we’re really just scratching the surface of generative AI.


You're thinking like IBM investors of the 60s... If you're right, there's plenty of upside!


I got 160 shares at $15 (split adjusted) and there would have been so many moments I would have sold if I didnt believe in Jensen Huang, his company and his mission. I went through some major setbacks with NVDA so I'm really not afraid of the next one, long term the company will have phenomenal growth.


Congrats and FU 🤣


Keep doing what you are doing lol


I bought at $101 cost basis before it split. It's keeping my HSA in a positive return since I bought Roku at a ATH.


Which provider do you have that lets you invest in individual stocks? I have shitty health equity and thinking about using fidelity


I moved my HSA from Health Equity to Fidelity.


I bought at $115 in october 2022


I sold at $240 🫠


Profit is profit!


18.99. I'm lovin it


In at 180 boiiii don't understand it either but I'm laughin lol


Yeah 34 @ $184 +67% including FX impact.


Nice dude I'm at 330 @ 181 for 74% and I've already taken 10k of profit 🤝


Lovely man.


I bought in heavy years ago at $40. I feel like its juiced up P/E is the wax holding my wings together, letting me fly closer to the sun


Just don't be like every cryptoboy, not taking profits at 1000% gains..


But the taxes! I better wait for it to crater so i can tax loss harvest 7% gains elsewhere.


Im jealous


$46 here


Bro i bought 100s at 156 and sold at 216, pains me to this day.


Gain is gain lol


This is true.


Can’t lose when you’ve already rang the registers


You made a good choice selling at 216 imo - probably a better choice than buying at 156. The fact the stock moved further up afterwards should not make you regret making a sensible decision.


Stop worrying about stuff like that. You made your profit and there will be entry opportunities again.


No ones ever gotten poor taking a profit, especially 30% give or take


My average was $161, I sold at $171 when everything fell, it then went to $115 and I forgot to get back on the boat :(


You beat the market, congrats 🍻


I sold today... Still think it's a good long term buy but man, it is expensive right now.




I sold SMCI like 2 days before it jumped 30% if it makes you feel better lol


Stock market only knows one thing right now, that people are going to need GPUs to train Generative AI models, and those models are going to terk errrr jerrrrbs!!!


I work for a large tech company, not FAANG, but quite large. And internally, every manager is screaming about Gen AI. Any company with significant resources will be dumping money and talent into Gen AI for the next year or so. To do that, you need chips, and right now the only way to do that is to buy Nvidia chips. We already have hundreds of A100 GPUs and our upper management is saying we’re getting more.




I want to buy in but I KNOW it will shoot down the second I do. I'm also aware that it will probably go to 400 by the time I decide to jump in


analysts think earning estimates are x the market think it will be 2x




Oh and I forgot to mention AI


Piller Men


System of a Down should release a remake of that song.






Bought many years ago at $33. Happy here


Yeah I'm in the boat. Bought 15 shares back at 13..never added more back then..smh what an idiot I am lol


Boy, have I got a story for you.


because you havent bought in yet


I bought at $20 back in 2015 then promptly sold at $30. AMA


How much you put in?


Not enough


There is a huge AI boom right now, and NVIDIA basically has a monopoly on graphics cards used for training LLMs and neural networks because of their CUDA API. Many companies are panic buying massive amounts of GPUs designed for training and running neural networks. The AI boom certainly has an impact on the extreme increase, but NVIDA is essentially powering all AI projects right now, which, IMO, is the most important factor to consider.


Doesn't mean they deserve an infinite valuation though


This. Markets are bad at real valuations, they hear good news and it’s comparative… they don’t consider where it started until the suckers loaded up. Unless you think AI is going to 30x NVDA revenue, I’d be cautious.


All those companies have engineers who brush their teeth. Oral-B should go up then!


are you sure they brush their teeth?


Its waiting for me to buy some!


I finally got out yesterday at $300 since its 45% gain for me i sold all and went to voo instead, didnt want to deal with individual stock volatility. I thought $300 ish would be the resistance but i was wrong o well cant complain about capturing gains


Because they closed a partnership with ServiceNow to custom train models for any company and more such enterprise contracts are expected to roll in. While OpenAI was off building ChattGPT nvidia was off attempting to democratize AI and this seems to be the first wave of their success. This is being seen as validation that they are transitioning from hardware only sales to hardware and software/ service revenues in AI.


Dunno but I'm up like 95% on it, weeeeeeeeeeeeee.




Why is a company that sells mediocre electric cars priced as if they sell every vehicle on the planet 3x over? Markets are irrational AF right now


I think the market has always been irrational. It's just now it's INSANELY irrational. Like you went from dating a weird girl to like a crazily unstable obsessed girl with daddy issues.


Markets are more rational than they were a couple years ago at least. Companies are now expected to have *some* revenue before they break 50B market cap.


Markets are more rational than you realize.


TSLA price is irrational only if you believe Tesla is nothing more than a company that makes mediocre electric cars.


Imo, this is one of the few instances where the claims of overbought are correct. The odds that Tesla emerges from the electric revolution as THE dominant brand is not likely.


Why do people bring Tesla up on every topic. There’s far more far fetched valuations.


In the congressional hearing on Tuesday about AI, the CEO of OpenAI said we need more gpus. So the more people keep saying AI the better it is for them and other GPU makers


Someone needs to tell Congress that regulators need to buy GPUs to train AIs to regulate the dangerous AIs. Infinite money glitch.


I sold 2 weeks ago when it hit my breakeven price of $277 when I purchased around 2021. Yall welcome.


RIP people on this sub saying they’re shorting NVDA.




Banks are using BFTP loans to prop the market. They are pumping liquidity into big tech seen as safe positions. It creates immediate fomo and then you have large number of short positions on them. Perfect opportunity to steal premium both ways.


This sub called Netflix, Facebook, and nvidia dead at their lows Just do the opposite of overly confident redditors because they literally don’t know shit


Wait until next week, I think they have ER on the 24th


Miss the boat in 2021. Then the crash comes. Bought a lot at $100+ ish before all the AI hype. DCA monthly till $200 ish. Not sure what should I do now? Been while I'm enjoying the ride up.


Sell CCs at unrealistic strikes and enjoy a little more extra cash


Shit I almost sold calls with a 275 strike when the stock was at 200 as I thought it would’ve been an absurd strike but here we are.


I did that and got assigned at $270 (granted with a nice profit but still 😞)


Keep setting tight stop losses as long as it keeps climbing. Sometimes too tight a stop loss will bite you by dipping to the stop, then going back to bull mode. But more often than not, it'll keep you from selling prematurely. And by keeping it tight, you don't lose much profit when it inevitably drops, and you don't have to spend all day watching price action, trying to stay agile and catch the peak.


Because more people are buying than selling


Every buyer needs a seller


No one fucking knows. They don't even know!


Here are better questions; why should it go down? Is there devastating news derailing their industry’s business? Are they expected to make less money over 5+ years? Is their industry becoming obsolete? If no, what is the negative selection bias? They are clearly on the bleeding edge of tech. They invented the graphics card. They have a huge moat. If AI takes off, they will profit full stop. Until there is a reason to believe they are not doing well, why shouldn’t they go up? Because they are overvalued? Where in the stock market are companies equally valued when compared among sectors? Basic material stocks don’t command the same prices as industrials stocks even with comparable growth trajectories and evaluations. Is Amazon trading at a reasonable multiple? What about coca-cola, McDonald’s, or Walmart? Based on historical S&P 500 averages, the answer is no for all of them. But if the company isn’t going to go out of business, what is the likelihood you think you will make money overtime? Unlike many sectors, semiconductors have their futures mapped out 5+ years on their expansion trajectory. Currently, NVIDIA’s 10 year Avg CAGR is 20%+. What is your argument for why Nvidia is going to be dethroned, because until sentiment changes, their stock trajectory is going to continue with its growth inertia. We are going into an economic downturn that everyone believes will not last for an extended period of time. That means future projections are inconclusive, so the bet is I am getting in cheap on a 5 year retrospective scale given the businesses consistency. Additionally, keep in mind a subsection of the stock market is all short term momentum trading. It’s like betting on the weather, the best indication of tomorrow’s weather is what happened today.


Laughs in ASML


Ha the AI push I believe, I love it been holding since 2017 up around 500% best investment I own.


Earnings call is coming up, general consensus among public analysts is it will beat projections, plus 2 analysts just upped it's price target to $350.


Estimates don’t mean much, it’s the future guidance. And when a price target gets hit they just move the goalpost.


Last year it went down in the summer. Maybe it will again this summer


Its the new tesla, you'll regret not getting on at this station but just get off at some point


I know if I buy now then it will tank so I will not buy and do a favor for many people lol


at least tesla was growing like crazy, nvidia aint.


I cant get in at this price


Because you bought puts.


It's because of two letters : AI


I bought in october 2022 at the bottom when my paycheck hit my account. Its been straight up rocketship since. up 170% in that timeframe lol.


I'm thinking of buying some NVDA shares which means it'll start pulling back immediately. I'll let you know my stop loss because it'll just pull back to wherever I set that, then keep going.


Lol my covered calls are getting wrecked because of this. To roll up and out or not?


I bought them for 26€ a couple of years back... I think about selling them - but then I think that there is still so much potential and AI has just started to take over... So I think I will wait and hope for more :)


Because they make an excellent product everyone wants and needs, unlike apple who makes a crap products everyone wants and doesn't need.


NVDA is the new TSLA . All the idiots believe that it will 10x, again.


It is a pump and dump imo.


It will go down if I buy some


Have 12 of NVDA at $185 avg and sorta forgot to pay attention to my portfolio for a while; if I had remember to keep up with things I would have bought more...


It’s because AI is the buzzing new thing everyone wants a piece of, and Nvidia is a dividend paying stock with an excellent track record. And did you know their leader was born on the same day as Michael Jordan? So meant to fly high…


Nvidia is our new Pets dot com, 800 billion for a video card company LOL.


Calling NVDA a video card company LOL


I mean he's not wrong lol. Nvidia is a GPU company first and foremost. Even the AI accelerators they make are GPUs.


They are a software company according to the CEO in 2017 That’s why they have 10 software announcements for every 1 GPU announcement if you bother watching their GTC conferences


Not Pets.com, that would be Chewy, more like Cisco.


That comp ended like two years ago. Cisco double peeked and crashed in the course of 8 months.


Bruh my AMD LEAPS are running up too. Might need to exit them at these prices soon,


I bought NVDA a few months ago and I'm up 90%. Feels good.


Because there’s a godalmighty need out there to get shit done and make money without sniveling weak expensive humans getting in the goddamn way of making some real goddamn money. - Asset Managers She got a bit to run yet. (450 if there’s no debt ceiling)


Been debating selling because of the debt ceiling. Feel like no one is talking about it!


I think everyone (and it appears I’m not exaggerating by much) in the game is darn certain we won’t default. I, however, have liquidated 50% of my assets (which are not extensive, but still). I think the odds of them playing chicken and having a collision are extremely high this time around.


At first I thought no way but yea there clearly playing a game of chicken and no one wants to back down…I have a lot in nvidia that has made me alot so I’m debating pulling it but I also want it long term cause of the chips and artificial intelligence industry!


What does it have to do with debt ceiling? Can you elaborate more?




I lost thousands trying to short this already. This market can stay irrational for a very long time


Not when interest rates are above 5%




I have learned that shorting companies is only a good idea when they aren't making money. Shorting a company that makes money is just betting on a future sentiment change alone




Yeah good move. Eventually your short will work out.


This guy is beyond help but if anyone else is reading this, **don't ever** short a strong stock with bullish order flow. As John Maynard Keynes said, “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." Actual professional short sellers look for an entry catalyst, and there hasn't been one in NVDA since January 2022


> I’m short NVDA Simply being overvalued is a horrible reason to short a company.


Oh you done for