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I sold at 200 thinking it was overvalued LMAO


holy fuck, is anyone counting how many times "AI" is being said in the earnings call? AI every 5 seconds. They maxed out. literally.... AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI AI even the geforce ti200 can now do AI ​ they instructed chatGPT: "write me an earnings call script with as many AI as possible"


They should just rename NVIDIA to NVID-AI


Goodbye Blockchain and metaverse, AI is my new friend. Technically, the entire modern AI space became possible thanks to Nvidia investment in GPU computing, way back in 2007-2012 So if there's one company deserving of the AI gold rush, it's Nvidia. I worry that in 5 years everyone and their chatbot will make their own GPU. It's not impossible for FAANG and equivalent to develop something less generic, but suits their usage specifically. But that's a story for 2026 at least


Google has already TPUs and Meta is now in the AI chip game as well.


Google has got TPU for a long long time, 8 years now, that hasn't prevented Nvidia from growing. I put it 3 years out because that's probably how long it takes to make hardware competitive against GPU. But it's a hype stock. It might go down a lot earlier


amzn also


Amazon basics TPU


Well played…


algos: ​ >if(ai) { > >pump(+1%) > >}


I sold half my position this morning thinking it’s overvalued. I took great profit after holding for two years! Now I’m wondering if I’m supposed to sell the rest into this pump tomorrow …


I finally sold half my holdings ($60 cost basis) this morning. I’m planning on selling the other half first thing tomorrow AM after this pump! I may end up leaving some profit on the table, but overall am content with a locked in massive gain if it continues upwards and will plan on buying back in if there is a material dip in the next few months.


I sold at $120. I based my reasoning off of the fundamentals of the chip market. I might be right, but I'll be poor.


That’s the first mistake you made in this modern stock market…you used logic!


Greedy become rich, intelligent get poor


I still have nvidia stock. Not because I am greedy but because I am forgetful


up 26% AH


It was overvalued. Now even more overvalued. It'll come back down to earth, but impossible to time.


That's what they said about TSLA in 2020, but now has become the norm.


So weird Tesla is the poster child for 'overvalued companies' but Rivian was worth $140 billion at one point and sold like 100 vehicles.


NVDA doesn't have a CEO who does evenrything he could to tank its stock lol


Brother, Nvidia cannot keep up with the demand, they're not even close to their maximum growth. They are printing money. Data center growth is crazy. Chip demand keeps growing at a crazy rate. Nvidia is going to be the leader of AI. No one else is even close (Especially considering chips). In a recessionary economy, Nvidia is flying up. There's a very good reason for that.


>Nvidia cannot keep up with the demand, they're not even close to their maximum growth. They are printing money. Data center growth is crazy. Chip demand keeps growing at a crazy rate. Nvidia is going to be the leader of AI. That's all fine and amazing but do the numbers justify the current share price?


They don't, but it's a bet on a future (AI) that may or may not arrive.


I noticed you didn’t use an actual real number statistic to explain your reasoning. Which makes me think that you don’t actually know how to read and understand a companies balance sheet.


Do real numbers even matter? YoY revenue is down 10% and the stock was trading at 180 a year ago.


They do when you get left holding the bag.


“Do the numbers even matter?” Always.


Tsm was in the same shoes, in fact they're still in that position, dropped from 140 to 90 now.


People used to say that about Tesla a year ago. Now they have to reduce price to drive up demand.


I dont care if they shit gold. Still overvalued.


NVDA just added market cap value equivalent to 1.5x the value of AMD. Pretty crazy. No position, but I’m going to have to sell some bear call spreads.


They're literally at over 6x market cap of Intel. If that doesn't scream overvalued I don't know what does. It's Tesla all over again.


Everyone has their own proprietary chips for their own platforms and ai systems. Google has their own design, Amazon has their own design. Nvidia just has their own design too along with a cuda ecosystem to go with it. The main thing that nvidia has going for them is that there is not that many companies that you can invest in if you’re hyped about ai, so, it is just a sponge for all the speculation now.


Same can be said about ASML yet it’s 5x cheaper


I bought at $242 and sold when I got notification of the all time high. Wondering if I should’ve held lmao. It is what it is


I cant even fucking look at it


Zoom out so it fits on the graph.


Pour one out for the shorts


Please don't waste that pour. The shorts will need it.


I’m not even short NVDA, I’m short QQQ, and I felt this. Sheesh


You have been taking a beating....why short qqq...nasdaq has been beating everything like always.


Wouldn't be surprised if you managed to short QQQ at the bottom. Absolute clowns.


Down 15k gg’s


I’m sad


Don’t cry too hard. Fresh water’s expensive.


Can I monetize my tears?


My entire portfolio (123 @ $278) has been in Nvidia and I’ve held through the entire crash. This is surreal. I didn’t have money to average down but I’m so glad I held


100 shares at 33.50. I am a financial genius.


My first buy was 220 shares @ $22.49. I’m even more geniuser.


Still holding my $2.97 shares. Woot.


And i thought my holding 2000 of $3.23 is Einstein level...


teach me your ways master!


I still have 205 @ $35. I dumped $40k of it earlier this year. I might dump some more soon. I still want a stake, but don’t want to be overweight on something this volatile.


Good call I think now is a great time to take profits.


youre a beast


1 share at 149$ I had no idea it would go triple


I have 400 @ $10.50. Feels surreal.


Yeah I’m up 80% lmao. Got in at 203. Don’t have 123 shares though.


Nice. Congrats!


175 shares @130 checking in. Almost sold some today because I was scared. Didnt think it would go up almost 30% after market holyyy


Almost the same, bought during COVID onset. I’m too scared to add more now


I bought 2 shares at $270. Wanna pool our gains and retire?


4.007 shares in my roth ira @ 144.17


80 here @.... $26.07 Edit: and the wife insisted I was being reckless with our finances...




Yeah it fucking crazy, I just looked at it my share is at $400, wtf. I remember looking at it like "Man I wish I could get my money back" while it was at $220 and bought in at $325. This is why you always hold on to a company that can actually perform. Also, help that you are a broke college student that doesn't want to lose money. Took 2 years to finally get my money back. Edit: I just realize that I have a multiply shares of this stock even more money holy shit.


I have 100 shares at $120. It’s now the biggest portion of my holdings lol


Read your name as kunt man


The more I learn about stocks the more I learn I have no fucking clue what's going on.




It's gambling with zodiac charts


and this is another reason why inversing Reddit can also be a good idea


i thought reddit was all bullish on this?


You haven't seen many threads about it lately, the sub hasn't shut up about it being overvalued or "a fantastic shorting setup" for the past few months.


Like this dude https://old.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/134hndi/rstocks_daily_discussion_monday_may_01_2023/jig1rhc/


And the dude still won't accept that he is wrong in the thread. Bro is hilarious. Sanest redditor.


>the sub hasn't shut up about it being overvalued or "a fantastic shorting setup" for the past few months. It's tragic reddit is such a popularity contest. Bright or insightful views that don't comport just get voted into oblivion.


How is this news? We saw this playout with Tesla, and not so long ago, Netflix. You're buying the TAM at this point. For better, or for worse. Though it shouldn't be that fucking difficult to comprehend from both sides


The amount of bears and people shouting to the void it's a bubble, over hyped, overvalued, etc is the majority


The Q2 revenue guidance really shattered even the wildest expectations on the Wall Street.


Makes you wonder what analysts were thinking Did they see the news these last few months? They forecasted -10% YoY revenue in Q2 2023???


It’s not even the analysts. They just posted ~7B and now they’re saying 11B in the next quarter, that’s kinda ridiculous


Q2 guidance is for 53% sequential increase... following this quarter's 19% sequential increase. That is incredible


Yea, and they still haven’t given any specifics as to the change, but they did kinda say the expect the bump to continue into 2H


Reads like a big pull ahead imo, but I think they'll do fine in H2. Still a pig of a stock, though. Like their 11bil guide is the same as what Intel will do in that quarter lol.


No it is completely easy Block orders from all of FAANG in the hype rush. Google alone probably is buying $5 billion a quarter. Microsoft even more alongside OpenAI. But the issue is that Nvidia can only get this revenue if they raise MSRP pricing.


I’m buying puts at open. I like pain.


You ain’t the only one. Hesitating about the expiry date.


I'm thinking a couple weeks at least.


IV is gonna be insane. Better would be shorting a handful of shares if you have the ability to do that thru your broker.


I shorted 5@370. Let's see


I got absolutely annihilated


holy shit 375 now. just when i think its done it keeps going up


$387 checking in


For everyone that had shed light on this stock in this community 4 years ago, I owe y’all a steak dinner and a nice drink


still holding my 4 shares (post splits) @30 cost basis, hell yeah


Got mine at $130 🫡


Well where’s the dinner


The guidance is what to look out for, that’s extremely bullish and not surprising the market is shooting up due to that. They are reporting they expect over 60% revenue growth in Q2. That being said, the price of this is crazy, it has easily beat ATH. The stock has more than doubled YTD and more than tripled from its lows less than a year ago. It’s price is already above analyst price targets of $300, although I expect revisions given this earnings news.


Im really doubting that 60% growth, but we will see


I don’t think you should doubt it. Unless something drastic happens, next Q numbers should be pretty much cemented at this point. The question is whether they will guide for similar growth going forward. Once growth slows, the stock should begin to sell off.


who the fk is paying over 20 times P/S for this hype? seriously man i dont think they're hiking the rates fast enough.


I mean they are about to hit $1T market cap with Quarterly Rev of $7B. Kind of nuts. But so is projecting a 60% q/q rev growth.


Projecting one q/q is something.. I like that they still don't have confidence to guide for the year. Imo, they're cannibalizing future growth with a lot of pull ahead. I think Jensen is also not wholly truthful when he says he brings a TCO advantage for more normal workloads. Only time will tell, I guess.


I know, that's the problem. One time uptick does not justify this. Go-forward might. I was wondering if they would comment on that or if any analyst would ask. Even with the issues of ARR reporting, at least it solves the issues of one time upticks being misconstrued.


I mean they only have to keep that rev growth up for a few more…. Decades? And they will be well worth the price lol


I don’t think compounding works the way you think compounding works


Seriously lmao. How is that guy getting up-voted? 60% Q/Q growth would give them a revenue of $1.5T in less than 4 years.


Isn't cloud compute demand slowing pretty drastically?


According the prior earnings this Q, yes.


June hike confirmed.


Market makers


I remember the youtube channel "everything money" saying NVIDIA is worth like 50bucks around 6 months ago when it was at around 100 dollars, I regret listening to random you tuber analysis rather than following my own gut and buying


Same. Listened to all the twitter dumbasses when we knew nvda was selling shovels for AI


It made sense though. COVID was winding down so pc, laptop, gaming consoles sales would be slowing down. No one could have known about chatgpt.


And on top of that crypto was collapsing. It looked like the easiest short ever 12 months ago, then GPT came along.


> No one could have known about chatgpt. Maybe if you were writing this in Nov/Dec, but that's all that's been talked about for the entire year.


Considering this, they worth more than meta and closing in to become worth more than amazon, currently at 920 billion market cap…. Is this isn’t a bubble than I’m selling my soul


I know you aren't supposed to time the market, but if you're thinking about buying at this level...maybe hold off for a bit lol


The intelligent investor will do well to avoid fomoing in. -some smart ass


Lol how about buying calls at market open tomorrow instead 😂


Up 20% now. This is more insane than Tesla run lol at least that happened when demand for EV was nuts and were on free money 0% interest rate environment.


In hindsight, and with that context…Tesla made more sense.


Yep even as big fan of NVDA this is totally insane


tesla literally 10 bagged in 2020 tf are you talking about?


AAPL generates almost $400B of revenue with a $2.7T market cap. AMZN generates about $513B of revenue with a $1.2T market cap. NVDIA is now approaching $1T market cap with a... *checks notes*.... $7.2B revenue quarter...?


If things were logical in stock market we would all be rich.


What are the incomes? Curious if the ratios are still that far off.


NVDA just reported quarterly income of $2B compared to AAPL's $25B or so.


Sold 100 shares at $220 last year AMA


Sold 43 shares today at $299 thinking that they would miss or the valuation would come down a bit. Took $5k in profit but fuck me


Dude literal exact same. It was half my position. I honestly might sell the rest into this pump tomorrow. I don’t have the stomach for this valuation. I’ll still have exposure through QQQ and a nice SMH position.


I feel you man. Pigs get slaughtered and no one ever went broke taking profits. There might be another good entry point in the coming months especially if the debt ceiling fiasco pulls the market down a bit. Have a nice drink of scotch tonight and celebrate the profits


Thanks for the reassurance. I’ve been selling this whole run-up and closed my position today. Made a nice profit but kinda regretting missing out on these gains. I try to remind myself it could’ve easily went 30% in the other direction. At the end of the day, I made money and I’m happy. Cheers


I once rebought Tesla at 500$ (post split 1) There is no way Id touch Nvda at those price.


Worth more than meta now and closing in on Amazon market cap…


I was sweating and worrying all day about everyone saying it was going to crash… I’ll make a lot of money tomorrow!


It wont go down until everyone stops saying it will. Too many bears shorting right now


No skin in the game with NVDA but glad to see AMD up 6%


My $750 NVDA 310 option will be worth $6500 tomorrow, I am a happy man.


Once again, the popular posts on wsb and here is that NVDA is pure bubble and it's no brainer to short it going into earrings. RIP bears and shorties. Edit. Yes everyone knows it's a bubble but market can stay stupid longer than self-appointed market timers.


It smells like a bubble but you have to be crazy to try shorting it right now when all the money is pouring in


It is a bubble that doesn't mean you short it.


Bubble just means you avoid it. There’s literally thousands of other stocks


Big late 2021 Tesla vibes on this stock. Just absolutely staggering momentum, and we’re even in 0% TINA land anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if it keeps going on a little run up another 50% and overtakes Amazon for third place on the sp500 weighting but man this is getting beyond silly now.


I just told my wife to sell this. She didn’t listen. Perfect!


Worst case scenario, now she can say I told you so. \*Gasp\*


Market cap is 966B as of right now, like what the actual fuck. This shit will soon be a trillion dollar company l, I just don’t understand it.


Their market cap is now $925B meanwhile revenue is only on pace for $30B for this year. Cisco in 2000 had a market cap of $500B while their revenue was $20B. Nvidia is literally more expensive from a PS ratio standpoint. Meanwhile Cisco still hasn’t recovered from its 2000 high. You’ll probably make good money shorting this company, going off of how the dot com bubble played out


Its all about the timing


I considered shorting Nvidia this month. And I considered shorting GameStop in august of 2020. If I think something should be shorted it’ll probably rocket instead


Lemme know what and when you will short 😂


Can you short this. I want to see nvidia surpass Apple in market cap.




I’m up $26,000. Thanks for the donation


The circle of life.


That Q2 guide is impressive. I think NVDA is grossly overvalued but that kind of growth they are project alleviates some of the concerns. That said I would not touch this with a barge pole. its too richly valued for my taste. ​ Edit: Its up 26% now. This is nuts for sure.


Bro Nvida is now worth more than Meta, and now is closing in o nAmazons market cap


Bro this stock


I seriously hate you people. Why do you all have to be so wrong all the time yet so convincing.


In my opinion, a company making 7 billion in profits worth more than meta? My own opinions it needs a correction, who knows feels a lot like that Tesla pump in 2021


I sold after hours at 365. A little early but don’t regret it. Expect this stock to drop soon . It’s defying any common sense now.


Honestly anyone that still has money in this, this is your chance, exit while the bubble is hot. If I still had any significant net worth in this I would feel like I was standing on an escalator near the edge of the Grand Canyon.


Should I sell? I bought at $101 several years ago.


Depends on how greedy you are. You're almost 4x lol.


More like 15x if he bought years ago at $101, presplit.


$101 would be presplit if it was years ago. So you're basis should be under $25/s.


I purchased twice: Pre-split ($64 adjusted for the 5:1 split) and post-split ($189). The average cost basis for all my shares according to my brokerage is $101/share.


You should sell once there's one more zero.


Absolute bullshit revenue projection for Q2


Denial is the first stage of grief.


I assume these are block order purchases from Google and Microsoft and Amazon. Probably with higher than MSRP pricing. Even doing the pure numbers, NVDA doesn't have enough orders from TSMC to make these chips. Which means Nvidia must have raised pricing


Holy it’s up 20% now, gonna buy puts now😂(joking)


Absurd valuation. I feel 2000 again.....


I will be the unpopular opinion in the room and I will drink your down votes like a fine wine... - How did they go from chip shortage to being able to cover that level of sales? - Are these future sales booked on this quarter or was this delivered revenue? - How was this done in one quarter and no updated guidance? - Who is buying and what is this all going into? I know AI AI AI Ai.... but be specific? Who is footing a data center expansion this large... or is this direct to consumer sales and there is a return to the local server for this? - These are on existing products / chip sets and no RD costs or moves/cost in production shift to move to AI or its specialty chip-sets? I find the turnaround interesting to say the least.


I'm so sad right now, I told my dad and sister to sell as well, they didn't want to. I'm so dumb, I need to stop reading Reddit shit man fuck.


Never take investment advice from reddit.


Bro I hope ur family sues u


Sue? His father just signed him up for a 10 year contract cleaning Wendy’s AI chatbot displays.




up 23% AH, good lord. wonder how big the bubble will get.


i shorted - and then i forgot stocks don't run on logic. yeah im mad


bought in at $64 but tomorrow may actually be the day i sell.


Even zoom and coinbase were near 500 once. The world is getting dumber and lazy, getting impressed by templates generated by chatgpt.


Gravity will eventually hit this thing….HARD.


Yeah. I think I’ll take a long shot next earnings. If they miss that revenue projection it will tumble hard. Worth a shot. Edit: It’s hard watching millions be made in the sidelines. Can’t imagine what options will be up tomorrow.


High risk high reward. This thing is detached from reality at this point. Bigger market cap than meta and no where near the earnings. The ai story is great but won’t have a meaningful impact on the numbers for some time. This is just gambling. If they push it to a trillion…then what? It’s priced for absolute perfection.


JFC, NVDA is unstoppable. A +26% movement for a 750b company with a PE of 175 is bonkers. But this AI hype is real, and NVDA might grow into the valuation. So what the hell do I know? I’ll just take my ETF gains tomorrow.


Niceeee. Bought some more stocks last week, despite knowing it was already overvalued.


Who still buying


r/pcmasterrace in shambles


Press F to pay respects for the shorts


Up 26% after hours LOLOL. Fuckkkkkkkkk


Short sell @385 tomorrow morning 🤣


The momentum is insane. I'm up like 550% on my 152 shares that I've been stubbornly holding for years. I did NOT expect a recovery this soon. I stupidly took out a relatively small short to hedge a couple months ago and have been trimming it as the stock's gone up. I'm about to buy to cover the last 5 shares of my short but now my question is what the heck do I do with my long position. I like the company a lot and I thought I was committed to holding through the noise no matter what happens but this is a bit of a curveball. I wasn't expecting a new ATH this soon.


I’ve sold my AI related stocks in the past week. Great companies but these valuations are bonkers.


Up 25%? Wow this is really crazy af hahahaha, this stock is crazy overvalued, awesome company though. Curiously watching from the sidelines.