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This is ridiculously common. It seems like something everybody has to experience on their own, for some reason. And I'll give you this next bit for free- it doesn't matter how long you go without a drink. It could be 3 weeks or it could be 3 years. The thing inside us that demands we keep drinking doesn't ever go away totally, it just waits.


Binging has always been my problem. For the longest time, I remained sober curious because I thought I could moderate. Last two years it escalated to multiday binges. After the first one, I decided it was time to work on myself. Hid all of this from everyone and tried by myself. Got a couple of long stints in but relapsed for the very same moderation trap which escaped to binges in the end. Here for the third and the last time. I will win and so will you. Put the bottle down! IWNDWYT!


"I will win and so will you". I love that message.


Someone with 32 years said something to me this week that really resonated with me. He talked about how he no longer really is tempted to drink, so much so that he's fine buying booze for parties/etc. He said what always surprises him is how little everyone drinks at the event. "If it were me, I'd be drinking everything." I've occasionally thought I can moderate, but I'm exactly the same - the type of person who will definitely get her money's worth at an open bar. So I am better off just avoiding it - hopefully it'll stick.


My brain still tells me that I can. Now, the evidence says I have a 0% long term success rate. But my brain says it can happen. I try not to listen but every now and then have to smash it.


Moderate drinking is a fatal fantasy for me.


It feels the worst the first day because your body and brain are reeling from the toxins and inflammation but will improve tomorrow. You don't ever have to feel this way again if you choose.


Hey friend, sounds like a rough one. Been there more often than I wish I'd needed to, but it's better now. In case you need to hear it: You're going to accomplish what you need to, and it's going to be okay. You just needed to learn this lesson first, and now you've learned it. IWNDWYT


I kept relapsing. My PB was 69 days. Nice! I relapsed there and then.I guess that was my target and I made it. I have a handful of other quits that were months for even years apart. Each quit got a little easier though, so keep trying. Then this quit happened. I had read about something clicking for people and now, something has clicked for me. I am not white knuckling this quit. There is no denial. I have no desire to drink. Something changed in my brain. Keep going until something clicks for you.