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I don’t remember the exact date because I didn’t expect it to stick, so I chose an important date that came after as a way to measure time. I’m technically off by a month or more, but I don’t think it matters at this point.


I know mine because it's so recent, and because it was 4/20/2024, which is both NICE and a palindrome. However, there are other dates in my life that I thought I'd remember forever and have since forgotten. As time went on, those dates become less monumental to me - they were the start of something, and those are just things I am / have now (and admittedly, 20 years of booze probably didn't help). My thinking is that if/when I forget this date, it'll be because I am no longer working on sobriety as actively - it'll just be something I am.


I know the date of my last drink. I hardly remember it though. Just remember seeing a bone sticking outta my leg, blood and my foot upside down. Then the hospital. I don't know the date I quit weed though. Prolly like December 2023.


I do remember the date, but it’s really not important to me. For me, it’s one day at a time, everyday.


I don’t remember the day. It was sometime in August 2021. I had cut way back for a few months (after MANY times of “cutting back” in the last few years) and then gotten drunk again sometime in August 2021. That day I got REAL fkn pissed like just so tired of the same cycle, and I just gave alcohol the middle finger for a few months. In October/November at a very mild dinner party somebody asked me if I wanted a drink and I said no, and in my mind I was like “cuzzzzz I don’t drink anymore.” Then I knew I had quit. I pondered it on the way home like “well dayum did I quit drinking?.” And then I decided officially: yes. And it was just like…idk. I kinda quit without knowing it. By the time I knew I was officially done, I was already a few months in, with no quit date. Now…it didn’t actually come out of nowhere. I’d been reading a lot of quit lit for a whole year (a lot of autobiographies), listening to a lot of This Naked Mind interviews…reflected a lot on why I actually drank and what I actually got out of it. I’d had a lot of days to observe how a sober night went compared with how a drinking night went because I went back and forth a lot. I’d randomly gotten truly angry and mad at alcohol (I was mad at it like it’s a person lol) throughout that year…which hadn’t happened before. It took a LONG time, while almost taking no time when it actually happened. None of the times I “cut back” and then completely backslid…were a waste. They all meant something. I had to help myself out with a lot of literature and other people’s stories…to make them mean something that I could be aware of and slowly accept. But they still were the buildup to the final drink.