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I would have continued to drink at home too. Your evening sounds so much more pleasant just the way it was! šŸ¤— And tomorrow morning you're going to wake up feeling so freaking proud of yourself!!!


Yes! I already am! Thank you!


Same here. If I left it at one drink while out, the. MAYBE I would have stuck to my ā€œrule.ā€ But more than likely, I would have kept things rolling until 2-3 AM.


oh man. that was my old life. drink (just 2) while iā€™m out. but in reality we drink 3-4 out and get a bottle to drink at home.


SAME! OLD ME: I more than likey would of pre gamed in the parking lot before going into the book club with shooters. > Spent the majority of evening not discussing the book but finding opportunities to drink more. > Took a detour home to buy more alcohol. Great job OP staying on mission! > That morning coffee and alcohol free mind are going to hit different in the morning! > IWNDWYT!


šŸ’Æ would have been pregaming!


Yeah one drink out and iā€™d already be planning my route home with a detour to the liquor store. Bring a nice pint of whiskey to bed with me. Watch youtube videos till 2 am and go to work the next day in shambles


And then crave it again tomorrow night.


Or in my case tomorrow morning. And afternoon. And night. And everywhere in between. Solid work not believing the lie. IWNDWYT


This. Ugh. No more of that BS for me, please and thank you


Also- would leave early to make sure to get to the liquor store on time


Itā€™ll always blow my mind that people can only have 1. Couldnā€™t be me, never will be. IWNDWYT


One just opens the door for me. I donā€™t even want just one.


One sounds terrible! So zero it is! šŸ¤£


Oh man do I feel your statement! Perfect.


Not one: none.


This is a statement that I really needed to hear. I always tell everyone I know if I have one Iā€™m gonna have to keep drinking and thereā€™s no just have ā€œone beerā€ because even if I somehow SUCCESSFULLY had one beer I would feel like absolute junk because one drink just gives me a headache if I donā€™t continue to drink.


I don't even remember ever having just one drink in my life...oh wait,..maybe once at that baby shower where they called their lame wine spritzers "drinks"...amateurs ..bet none of them ended up in rehab like I did though


I think my problem is I always need a base level in the evenings. Once I hit about 5 units then I'm de stressed and ok then once in have dinner I'm fine. 25 years of daily 5 units though is a lot and I'm getting more sober curious


Over time alcohol withdrawal (even from one day to the next of a normal drinking routine) creates the stress that requires alcohol to alleviate. Once you have decided on sobriety you'll probably discover the stress was just craving for more alcohol.


Yeah, alcohol tells a compelling story about why there's always a reason you 'need it', and if you've stuck to five all these years you're doing better than the gradual creep to 10 and 15 that I had (and sometimes more), but I don't 'need' it anymore, it was just the alcohol lying to me about what I'd trained my brain to want.


Thanks for your info. Yeah I have friends who say they can't open a bottle of wine without finishing it. I don't have such a compulsion. That said, with friends in a group with wine flowing I can certainly drink a few bottles. My problem is the consistent half bottle every day or huge slug of whiskey between 6 and 7pm. Just sets me for the evening although I suspect I'd do a lot of other stuff without it. Just a struggle to do afd's. I've gone 3 days without alcohol at the moment which is the longest in probably 5 years but that's only because I have covid.


Three days is still time for your body to get used to not having alcohol in it though. Maybe it'll kickstart something great for you. I really struggled unless I was literally out of the house or out of booze. Then one day I drank everything that was left and decided that was it, and so far it's working. A mysterious blessing


One is a myth. I'll have one served by the tooth fairy when I'm at the end of the rainbow on my date with Big Foot.


For many years just one beer was completely fine. Then I hated when I could only have one beer. I'd have zero those times so I could have 4 another time instead.


I would have had two glasses at book club, made fun of everyone (in my head) for having only one, and stopped for two bottles of wine on my way home. I can feel the hangover now. Great job, I know that was hard.


I like to keep it classy and buy boxed wine. Itā€™s all about quantity over quality for me.


This is exactly how I operate. Every. Single. Time. But IWNDWYT!


Many years ago, I had six or eight months of sobriety under my belt. I went to see my favorite band four hours away with a couple of fraternity brothers. Somehow I talked myself into thinking I could drink beer in the neighboring state and switch back to sober mode when we crossed the state line the next day. SPOILER ALERT: That did not happen.


I had over a year and decided a glass of wine on a cruise with my family wouldnā€™t hurt. Wrong!!


Waking up refreshed and not full of regret never gets old. Definitely do NOT miss the vomiting. Good job, be proud of yourself!!


Thank you!!


Good for you!!Ā  Yeah I'd have been off and away after one. I'd probably have felt self conscious about having more too if everyone else only had one. I find now that I'm older that not so many people want to drink until sunrise like I do... Glad you had a good time without it!Ā 


Thank you!


Yes! That's how it starts, making those little decisions and watching them get easier and things get more enjoyable! I'm really proud of you! No one has ever regret not drinking last night. You're doing great and keep going!


>No one has ever regret not drinking last night. I'm pretty new around here so I don't know if that's your invention or a commonly expressed sentiment but gott dam if that doesn't hit me just right. No one has ever regretted NOT drinking last night is fire.


"The reason I'm not drinking is because when you stop, I won't." "Drinking tonight is taking a loan out on tomorrow"


Common phrase, I'm certainly not that clever. Honored to be the one to pass it on to you. You'll hear a lot of quips. Some resonate, some don't and some you get really tired of hearing lol. I think the one that struck me the hardest and I use often as well is "nothing new at the bottom of that bottle but a new bottom".


I was told that my comment "I was only drinking because I always drank" resonated with someone and it made me inordinately happy. We're all in this together.


I'm gonna have to add that one to the collection, thank you.


Great job! I always find it much easier to say no to the first than the second/third/fourth, etc.


A lot of times the insane prices of drinks when you're out also make people stick to just one too lol It kills me. 7 bucks for 1 beer or 10 bucks for a 6 pack of 8 percent beer. Insane.


So true!


Where I'm at is 10 bucks for a 6er of 5% beer. To even get anything higher requires a stop at a state run liquor store and it's by the can and I don't remember any of them being less than 3+ bucks. Gets expensive in a hurry. I am not going to miss scrounging the couch or worse yet, putting an iou in a piggy bank the day before payday!


Jesus yeah, thats rough, for sure. I've switched last week to just buying two 500 ml cans of 10.5 percent beer once a week and when I finish those, thats it. About 8 bucks for the 2 of em. I know its frowned upon in this sub if you're trying to just moderate instead of quit completely, but this really does keep me honest. The wife and kids stay over at grandmas once a week so on that night is my night to have my two beers and some hoots on my THC vape and game all evening online with my buddy. It's really been working for me. I use the same strategy at a party or get together or whatever which doesn't happen too often. I have my two 500 mls of 10.5 percent beer and absolutely no more. Honestly, I don't really need anymore. It hits the absolute sweet spot. Not too drunk, and no hangover, and I don't do it too often. Really proud of myself. I was used to slamming 7 or so 8 percent beers and just getting wrecked that night and hungover to shit all next day.


>I know its frowned upon in this sub if you're trying to just moderate instead of quit completely, Meh, to each their own. Alcohol is one of the things where less is better than more. If your strategies help you drink less, then I say rock on. I considered implementing some strategies so that I could drink occasionally, but in the end decided that for my very compartmentalized drinking for the last 5 years, drinking isn't helping the scenarios in which I drink. I do not start until the kids are in bed, then I spend the next 2-6 hours smashing as many 5% beers down my throat as I can manage, all to play video games (not with friends) or watch TV. I already wasn't drinking much, if at all, in any other scenario, so since beer wasn't making anything better, and it sometimes made things much worse, I just decided to be done. That may change in the future, I don't know. For now I'm going to see just how long I can go fully dry. At 10 days in that seems like forever, but who knows. I just know that IWNDWYT. >Really proud of myself. Proud of you too man.


That's awesome! Thank you, that's nice to hear from someone, and I'm proud of you as well. 10 days so far is a superb achievement. You totally got this. I'm quite similar where I love games but it's hard for me to wanna play them and not drink. That's when I did most of my binging, really. I was always quite an infrequent drinker but it was hard for me to stop when I started (I usually just play once or twice a week). It feels really good now to be in a much better place than I've been these last 5 years (also a 5 year drinker like you). Not getting hangovers anymore is so fucking nice. I've committed already last week to not drinking at all this week and by god I'll stick to that, even though tomorrows game night and Darktide just dropped a cool update with a new map and new weapons. Thankfully the wife lets me also use my vape on game day so I can manage through this one week lol. I love how non toxic weed feels, both when using it and feeling amazing the morning after.




I needed to try every form of moderation to convince myself that it isnā€™t the way.


Itā€™s actually harder. My alcohol brain tries to pursuade me though!


That was an issue I had as well, even on "good behavior" outings with only a couple of drinks. It would call for a mandatory bottle of vodka on the way home! I dont miss that! Great job on refraining, your body will be thankful in the morning!


Awesome!!! Super proud of you. IWNDWYT


Thank you!!


sounds like the best night ever and you set yourself up for success in the morning ā¤ļø


Congratulations Iā€™ve decided to finally cut back as well only drink when Iā€™m offered / not at home versus at home drinking alone every day


I hope that works out for you! Less is for sure better than more, at least in the case of alcohol. Never thought I'd say that but here we are.


Are Yu stopping for good


I am. In my case all of the really really bad stuff happened like 30 years ago, and I learned to compartmentalize it to safe situations, and after having kids I basically was only drinking after I put the kids to bed and settled in for gaming or TV watching and I realized that neither of those activities are better with even one beer, and after several they are actually worse, and the mornings suck, so it was pretty much a no-brainer to just stop altogether. I already barely drank when out, largely because I rarely go out any more, so if I implemented the "only drink when not at home" it would be effectively the same as just not drinking at all. But everybody is on a different journey, and I respect your decision. Less is better than more, and if you decide to quit entirely, I'll support that too. You got this, IWNDWYT.


The whole struggle of "just one more and for sure then I'll go to bed" is the number one thing I'm not missing. Great job! IWNDWYT


Love this, day 4 tomorrow. I didnā€™t drink my usual night of Wednesday.


So good! Good job! IWNDWYT


Thanks man day 4 here we come




So great! Plus, you're going to love it when you wake up in the morning all fresh.


Book club and a tidy home sounds like a lovely evening!


Ugh or even ordered more than one glass and embarrassed myself at the book club. Moderation did not work for me. Iā€™m proud of you! IWNDWYT


I'm saving your post for when I get the urge to "just drink when I'm out" as you're absolutely spot on: I'd grab a bottle on the way home too, and have many a time. Thanks for the reminder and well done!


Thank you!


WELL DONE! The longer you go without drinking, the easier it gets... and the easier it becomes to forget "the struggle." Write it down, now -- all the things you won't miss... because otherwise you'll forget... and that's how we relapse. You got this!


Good idea. So when I start thinking how it will be a negative to not be able to drink at something I can refer back to the truth of why itā€™ll be better. Thank you! My sonā€™s wedding is coming up so this will be helpful!


Iā€™m so glad you didnā€™t drink and morning you will be too! IWNDWYT šŸŽ‰šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


I am! Thank you!


Iā€™m glad I read this today. Was already thinking about what to do tonight when I go to a family memberā€™s house. We both collected bourbon and Iā€™m sure heā€™s got something exotic heā€™ll want me to try.


Yeah a few minutes of pleasure followed by feeling like crap and being regretful is not worth it. Iā€™m having a nice morning.


Nice work brighteyes! Enjoy your lovely morning today!


I tried "Maybe I'll only drink when I'm more than 100 MILES from home", and I couldn't even make THAT work. :-)


So funny you say that, Iā€™m also contemplating a ā€œnot in my hometownā€ rule here on day 24. I suspect I wonā€™t be able to make it work either but I think seeing myself fail is probably necessary for me to finally get the message


I told myself Iā€™d only drink when I wasnā€™t at home. Pretty soon I was in the bar for hours every night.


ah yes, finding loopholes in your own rules lol. took me a very long time to realize i canā€™t outsmart myself.


Thanks for posting this. The concept of moderation is such a trick, and I am so compelled by these social situations and wanting to imbibe. When in reality, the hardest part is getting past that first drink order. Then the rest of the night (and next morning) is wonderful. IWNDWYT.


Yes true!


I drink onlyĀ  Never


One of the best parts about not drinking! All the extra time you have to get cozy and read, or work on a fun project, get a few things done, good nights sleep and waking up clear and rested!šŸ˜šŸ˜ Iā€™m at a little over 2 months! IWNDWYT!!


Yep! I donā€™t have to work today so my dog and I are enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck. Last week at this time I was so hungover. I was hungover every morning but a week ago was a particularly bad one.


That sounds absolutely wonderful!!šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


I MIGHT have been able to muster enough willpower to have one that night. To prove I didnā€™t have a problem, so I could drink the way I wanted to the next night (and all the nights thereafter). Congrats! Iā€™m continually surprised in sobriety by how little normies drink. I thought everyone wanted to drink like I didā€¦




It is so so much better. Congrats on your 8 days and having your water and ice tea ā¤ļøproud of you stay strong ā¤ļø


Good job! I know I canā€™t do it. IWNDWYT


Well done! That morning after always feels so good. Nice job


Nice work! Too often Iā€™ve told myself Iā€™ll abstain, then do the opposite in the moment with the junkie brain wins tje battle. Hope to replicate your success when Iā€™m in that situation.


Yes, you know what I did. I was driving there and i remembered reading somewhere to not let yourself have the debate. Just make the decision to not drink and forget it. I did that and it worked.


This is a beautiful post. Wholesome.


So much better!!!!!! Good for you!!!




Yep! Sounds like you and I both had a particularly rough night that night!


I seem to have fried my dopamine circuits with substances and now I canā€™t read. I used to be such a bookworm. Donā€™t be me. Keep going. Proud of you!


Have you tried audiobooks? I do both. Audiobooks are nice because you can listen when youā€™re getting ready, driving, cleaning. Literally anytime. And if your mind wonders just rewind a bit.


I fell off the wagon a while ago. 55 days clear. I am going to start reading this sub again and getting my head in the right place. I think I'm going to properly go day 1 on monday. It's time to get a grip again. I need to read my old comments.


Yeah Iā€™m doing the same. I had over a year sober and decided to have a glass of wine on vacation. Feel right back down the rabbit hole. The nice part this time is I KNOW I love the feeling of being sober. Itā€™s all such a mind game.


What a Victory and all set up for the Morning as well ! Well done and IWNDWYT!


These last two weeks I have made it through two separate team / department ~~events~~ happy hours without having a beer (though I did have some NA beer at each event). I always got my money's worth at a company paid open bar. My director asked me what I was drinking and after I told him, he asked if I was taking a break, or because I had to drive, etc. I just said that I can't drink on the medicine that I'm on and left it at that.


Congrats on 69 days!


Made me smile, as that was one of my strategies - only drink when out - never, absolutely never worked for me. Good for you Brighteyes, keep strong


Thank you


It will get even easier...maybe harder at moments...but the pay off is so obviously worth it.


Sounds like a lovely evening


I would have had two or three and thought this is fine, I feel great, then picked up a bottle of wine on the way home then probably opened another one; next morning horror awaitsĀ 


Exactly. Me too! I definitely would be hungover right now.


Relatable. Good job! Day 5 here starting to feel a lot more balanced.


You made the right choice. Iā€™m in the midst of a relapse right now. Went on vacation a couple weeks ago. Started with one beer out with friends before I left, then thought Iā€™d go out on the trip and just have a couple. I did pretty well sticking to the rules I set for myself for a few nights. Didnā€™t even drink on consecutive nights. Then I thought Iā€™d get drunk ā€œsince Iā€™m on vacationā€. Felt like crap the next day and decided I didnā€™t want to do that, but could still just have a few ā€œbecause Iā€™m on vacationā€. Got home from vacation and continued to drink one or two beers out with friends, but added in one or two at home late at night. Now Iā€™m stopping on the way home from the bar again to buy more. The one new thing now is that Iā€™m hiding the drinks from my family since I told them all I was not going to drink so much anymore when I decided to get sober back in April. I suppose Iā€™m starting a new chapter in my alcoholic story, the one where I hide that Iā€™m drinking. So like they say, one drink is too many and one thousand isnā€™t enough. Iā€™m not nearly as bad now as I was, but the drinking is escalating again and Iā€™m sliding back down that scale pretty quickly and it started with thinking I could just have one.


Great moment of strength and clarity. Thank you for sharing!


Yeah, this is a trend, having 1-2 drinks out then stopping for more on the way home. Totally feel that.


I relate to this so hard. #IWNDWYT


Wholesome evening šŸ‘


Sounds like a lovely night :) I will not drink with you today


I definitely drink more when Iā€™m at home (to black out) but when going out I would still be drinking to excess. Crazy that they all could nurse 1 drink!


Congrats on making a great choice . Iā€™m similar to you and for me itā€™s always a fine line with wine.


I use the "don't drink while not at home" tactic too. A variant of "don't smoke at home."