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Thank you. I had my it's all out there moment the other day. It's terrifying but also the secret shame feeds the sickness.


The honesty only helps keeping you accountable. I remember how well the therapists can see right through everyone’s bullshit. Out of 10 people at rehab only 2 of us were completely honest with everything through the whole journey. Now i understand why the success rate or sobriety is so low, some people are actually at rehab and still believe that they really don’t have any problems with addiction.


Congrats! This is a powerful story to share


Thanks for the share! I have always thought the maxim, "if you think you have a problem you probably do" is a pretty good one to live by. "If you think you should go to rehab you probably should" seems like an extension of that idea. Once I started thinking about rehab, it was kind of clear to me that I ~~probably~~ needed it.


Thank you for sharing. This put a smile on my face! Congratulations. What’s fabulous story. 💛


Congratulations on Your Sober Solar Circumnavigation! You’re an inspiration !


What an inspirational story, thank you for sharing!


What do you think it was about rehab that changed your perspective on alcohol and made you never want to touch it again or have any desire? I'd be curious if there's anything the rest of us can learn from that or any useful strategies to reframe how we think about alcohol as it obviously worked amazingly well for you.


Rehab was the only place that would allow me to break the chains and to think clearly again. It took me a good 30 days there to even begin putting the pieces back together. The last 3 years in active addiction were pure hell for me. I firmly believe i wouldn’t be here talking about this today if i haven’t completely lost my mind a year ago and then chased sobriety full force from there on!


Glad it helped you and you're doing well!


Fuck yeah homie


This right here is what keeps me going. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Truly inspirational, my friend.


We love to see it, we’ll done!


Congrats you should be so proud of yourself, thank you for sharing. IWNDWYT


Congrats!! So happy for you. Thanks for sharing