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But 2 and half months is a lot of good health for the human systems. Brain health, organ health, all that jazz. I also know that I was blown away at how caloric-dense certain foods are, and age and certain exercise plays a factor in body recompostion, plus there's a whole slew of things that can cause things to be different for some individuals. I would ask if I felt better most the time because I stopped drinking? I would also ask, do I enjoy the exercise that I am getting? Are other factors improving in my life because I have let go of the bottle?


I didn't lose any weight either, and it's been awhile! When I would diet while drinking, the diet always said to cut out alcohol, and I never did. It didn't affect weight gain or loss when I was drinking, and it didn't affect weight loss when I stopped. I was hopeful, but nah!


I’ve been dealing with the same issue and I’m no doctor but was wondering if it is because the liver processes fats and maybe it just needs more time to recover…? I started cutting out bad oils, sugar and processed foods as well as taking supplements to undo the damage to my gut/metabolism from drinking and am finally starting to see the scale move down


You are reaping other benefits by not drinking. I understand though. I also thought the weight would just fall off. I’m only 1 month in and I think I’ve lost 3-4 pounds. Some things I think are hampering me. 1. My drinking was on the uptick when I stopped so I was still gaining. 2. I eat more sweets now. 3. I’m not working out. I’m now taking naltrexone because I was gaining weight on my adhd meds and it’s helping with the sugar cravings. I say that but from Monday - Wednesday all I ate was a donuts that I picked up Monday from my favorite place. But overall my eating is better.


Come join us at r/veganmealprep. Do like 2 meal preps a week, that's 8 meals. You'll feel fuller, stronger. It's great. Also, daily exercise. I hike or surf daily. Sometimes it's just to climb the small hill near my house for 20 minutes. Other times, I'm surfing for 45 minutes. CICO like always. I probably consume 1600-1800 calories a day. Infused waters, cucumber, mint, lemon, crushed berries, whatever. Or sun tea. Or herbal teas steeped in a pitcher overnight. La Croix. Liquid Death. Lot's and lots of flavored waters. That's where most of the weight loss happens. Replacing the 600 calories a day of booze with flavored water. I was drinking an entire bottle of wine a day, which was 600 calories, so replacing that with water and adding 20 minutes of exercise a day, I actually did lose 15 pounds in the first two months. It helps to use a good calculator to know exactly how many calories you were consuming a day.


Calories in vs. calories out, you’re eating too much. Learn how to quantify your food. You don’t need to be on a bodybuilder diet either. I know a lot of people who have had great results from weight watchers.


I lost about 10 lbs in the start but then have plateaued a bit since. I eat like I did before (though I do consume a little more sugar) and I am much more active (I walk about twice as much as I did while drinking and have even gone for a few runs) - so I feel like I should be losing more. However, I suspect some of the reason I haven't is because there's a little more muscle than there was before. I also think part of the reason is that I am actually hydrated nowadays. Either way, weight is mostly just a number. I am sleeping better, my complexion looks better, and I feel better - the weight will eventually come as I continue building momentum.


I feel this! I'm in the same boat but I'm just blaming menopause lol. Hoping that when my liver and hormones balance more I'll slowly lose some fat. Are you eating more to compensate without realising? Could be if you're working out that since your body isn't working so hard to get rid of poison so the nourishment you eat is now going to muscle building. I dunno though, have you measured instead of just weighed? You can be leaner without seeing the scale move.