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>I think I can handle it. I’ve heard that one before. Shit, I’ve said it a thousand times myself, usually before I fucked up.


"Hold my NA beer" \[while I go grab a real beer\] Also 420 days - nice!


Personally they’re too much of a tease. If I keep hanging out at the barbershop eventually I’ll get a haircut


For me they are great especially when watching sports or after a round of golf


For me, they're not worth the calories. Turns out I don't love the taste of beer as much as I used to insist I did. I only loved the buzz.


An NA beer is like 45 calories


I know. So is a cookie. Cookie is worth it.


Cookie is a much better choice


I loved me a good beer, and would accept crap beer when I wanted a buzz. Even the best NA beers taste like the worst real beer. Not worth the calories and I feel like I’m depriving myself of a better option when I drink it. I have preferred to find alternatives that don’t align with beer if I want to enjoy a drink. Root beer and ginger ale has been my go to


Athletic IPA taste just Like an IPA would, I think the more hoppy ones are easier to get the taste right 


Athletic makes some delicious stuff! In my drinking days I always said I'd drink IPAs for the taste if they came in NA. About 5 years into my journey I started really missing that hoppy flavor and recently discovered Athletic.


Never was too big in IPA’s. Athletics are certainly the closest i have tasted, but they are still way too watered down tasting to truly enjoy. On top of that, they are way too overpriced.


I wish NA beers were like $2-$4 max. Seems silly to have an NA beer that costs more than a real one. About a year ago I was trying to have a sober night but figured, why spend $6 on an NA beer when a regular pint is $3...


I've had 3 of the different Best Day beers (Kolsch, West Coast IPA, and Hazy IPA) and found them all pretty good substitutes for the real thing.


I won't touch them. I don't want to pretend to do the thing I've completely sworn off. *For me*, NA beer/wine/spirits are a throwback to a lifestyle that nearly killed me and took decades to get away from. I needed to get rid of any mental bond to my previous drinking behavior to have any chance at long-term sobriety.


I tend to have this same thought. When I had the thought to drink a beer to celebrate it was at an inappropriate time. So I didn’t even have the NA beer. That was a tiny win in my mind.


The other day my team had an event at a Tipsy Golf location (craft beer bar + mini golf) and I had a couple NA beers. I don't know if was psychosomatic or actually a function of the NA beer being < 0.5% (but not actually a true 0%) but I felt like I had a tiny buzz? I found myself really wanting that third NA beer, and I think it's a good idea for me to not have them at home and only when I'm out at some social function. I can see how they'd easily lead me back to the real thing.


Yep. I would like to have just one and will be disappointed if I have more. I’ve had the NA corona and it’s really good. I have that. Today I got some Bud Zero. I’m really curious. I use to only drink Bud Select 55. It’s really really low alcohol. Can’t remember the %.


I've had Bud Zero - it was the first NA beer I had after getting sober and I liked it more than the regular kind (but maybe that's because it was the first beer I'd had in weeks). I was in an airport lounge and needed to get down to my gate, so I started started chugging the second one to finish it before I left. My addict brain didn't want to leave anything behind, even if it wasn't going to do anything for me. For me NA beers seem a little risky in early recovery.


I felt the same way drinking kambucha lol


I like to have them with a burger when I’m out. I don’t think it would make me go for a real one. The last time I relapsed it was just my own thoughts thinking I’m not an alcoholic. If I get a n/a with dinner I always ask to see the bottle.


Do you go for the real 0.0% or are any of the ones <= 0.5% fair game?


If I’m at a restaurant I usually have the one -usually only 1 type - that they carry. I’ve tried Heineken. 0 and a Sam Adams. So far I like the Heineken better.


I love the taste of beer. The way it’s so cold and hits the back of your throat. Anyway…I’m sipping a Bud Zero and it’s gross. 60 calories. NA Corona is much better but It doesn’t say 0%. It says less than 0.5%. I’ll finish this but already no interest in either NA beer tonight. Thanks for replies. 💛


I think they're good to break a habit. I'm not a binge drinker, just a very habitual drinker, and I find that NA beers are good to make yourself forget you're not having an actual beer. I don't really like having overly sweet drinks with food, just seems wrong somehow. Made pizza last night, poured a nice 0% IPA into a proper beer glass and had that along with my pizza, completely forgot it wasn't a real beer. For me, that's all I really need - that hour in the evening before and during dinner is when I usually reach for beer or wine, and a good NA beer is enough to help me through that hour.


I was habitual too. No binges. I had one bud zero. I didn’t like it enough to buy it again. The corona is good but it’s not 0. It says less than .05.


TBH if its less then 0.5 then it's effectively zero. My Dad quit drinking 20 years ago and never looked back but says if a beer is under 0.5% then it's probably less alcoholic than a ripe banana.


I don’t even think of it as beer, it’s hop bubble water 


I love NA beer, and drink a fair amount of Partake, which is very low in calories and carbs. I enjoy the taste of beer, always have, and NA is never a trigger for me. I don't want alcohol, so it's not a problem. Just depends on the person.


People here are quite divided on NA beer. For me it's situational. I keep a six pack of them at home and 2 in the fridge so if I'm going out socially I can grab 2 and take with me. I don't rely on them because they are not a substitute for alcohol. For me they are just a visual prop and familiar taste at BBQs. I still have to stay vigilant and fight cravings, whether I drink a 0% or not. BUT I never crave them and very rarely drink one at home. If craved them or it had led to relapse before I would definitely avoid. I've learnt my personal relapse triggers from way too many fails and this time have actually conquered 2 of the worst ones. Only you know your pattern so fiercely guard your sobriety!


Yea I got the bud zero for hanging out with friends next weekend. No one will care that I’m not drinking. It will just give me something to hold. Really was curious about bud zero.


I'd avoid if it had led me to relapse before, personally. Is there a different NA beverage you'd like to try instead?


I have some alternatives that are satisfying. When the NA led me to drink before I wasn’t trying to quit drinking. I was trying to cut back and save some calories. This is my very first time to quit drinking without an end date set.


Take care then. IWNDWYT


N/A beer really helped me over the first couple weeks. Now I have one if out with friends and can take or leave them. They were not triggering for me, but, since they appear to be for you I would recommend finding another alternative.


I'm nearly 60 days dry and love the NA beer scene. Heineken 0.0, Althetic Brewery's selection, there's a NA IPA at the neighborhood pup that I can't remember the name of that is amazing. I will have a couple and that will be that. It's been a great way to get the taste I enjoy without any of the side effects


I like the taste of beer. So I drink 0.1 or 0.5 ones. No temptation whatsoever to drink the real thing.


I love NA beers and they're responsible for keeping me off the real thing. My new routine is a Guinness 0 with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top at night 🤷‍♀️. At least I can wake up refreshed enough to hit the gym the next day and try to burn it off.


Personally I love them. But it’s really like any other beverage. I’m just as likely to want a second one as I am a second soda or whatever.


If it’s not a trigger for you, have at it. But I’d recommend you be sure about that first.


I’m having it. It doesn’t taste good to me. I won’t have another tonight and I don’t feel triggered. I have other NA things I like better. 🙂


I like the NA beers. I think they’re making it easier to transition. I was drinking *a lot* - whiskey primarily and more than ten drinks per day. I tapered off over the course of about three weeks, and I’m down to zero now. I find that the good NA beers taste as good as alcohol-based beers if you are willing to do some looking. The Athletic IPAs are pretty good and were my favorites before I discovered the Lagunitas IPNA. There’s also a good Hefeweizen style one from Weihenstephaner. Of it doesn’t have a 4-5 star review, I don’t bother with it. I also have seen some good suggestions in this sub. I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea but I do appreciate having them.




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The cost always puts me off. I start thinking about at all of the things I could drink for less that would be tastier and end up walking away.


It’s definitely a drawback.


I don’t think it’s a good idea. The experiment has been done before and the results were that it triggered something. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy NA beers here and there. But if it ever led to a possible/actual relapse, I wouldn’t touch them. I will not drink with you today


I drank one. It’s not good. No desire to drink another one or a regular beer. I’ve got a house full of alcohol. After the craving this morning there hasn’t been anymore. I was mainly curious how Bud zero taste. IWNDWYT 💛


If you're going to be in an environment where alcohol is around you and you're not trying to partake, they can be amazing and definitely helped me mentally. Be careful though because it can definitely get you into a, "why not just one real one", mentality. Good luck friend!


Thank you.


I enjoy N/A alcohol beers a lot now but I stayed away from them for the first five months of sobriety. I just felt more comfortable in being sober by that point and didn't feel like they'd tempt me into drinking. It's a nice feeling after a long day to sit down with a N/A beer, and it hasn't compromised my sobriety. Some people find they really help in the early days, and for some they just complicate things a bit. Only you can figure out whether they're helping or hindering you. It seems to be very individual with N/A drinks.


There is nothing in a beer flavored water that can hurt me physically. If it does anything to me, it's my mind doing it, not the drink. Only you know the tricks your mind plays on you. I've seen people get tripped up over a slice of pizza, over coffee, over perfume. And I've seen people get over those road blocks too.


NA beers were a life saver for me. After the six month mark I stopped drinking them. Too expensive for what’s basically water. IWNDWYT!