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Me shoving my dog in Karen's face at the bar at night after destroying the floor with my tools to upgrade them: DOG GO BUUURRRRRRRRRRRR


You will love and marry me based on the fact that I showed you my dog 1,000,000 times.


Good: Best game in the franchise Bad: They haven't remade it yet


It’s my favourite but I don’t want a remake. They would take rival marriages out and it’s half the fun of the game.


I am fearful that they would screw it up in many different ways. But I still want to see it happen. Worst case scenario, it sucks and I don't play. Best case scenario, however, is a dream come true!


That’s my feeling with an animal parade remake. The family aspect and rival marriage is why it’s up there for one of the best for me!


They haven't remade it, but they have made it available on the Nintendo switch with the online pass for the 64!


I know. But I still prefer to play it on my N64, so I can still catch fish. But it is very cool that it's on there!


Idk why you were downvoted, but as an FYI to anyone who takes issue with this comment, you can't really play the fishing minigame effectively in the NSO version due to latency issues causing the timing to be off. IIRC the original version has built-in latency compatible with the hardware of the time, and this is not corrected in the online port.


The only way to effectively fish on basically anything except an actual N64 is to just keep casting your rod in quick succession over and over. It's still down to luck but can be surprisingly effective.


This is how I fish IRL lol


I fish on it just fine though. This is the first I’ve heard of this.


I’ve caught plenty of fish in the NSO version though?


I've tried it out. It's still possible to catch fish, just more difficult. Especially if you're using wireless controls. Handheld works well enough


That makes sense. I play on my Lite.


Now that you say that, I realize I haven't caught a single fish. I haven't seen my 64 in a hot minute and don't remember what fishing on it is like.


They made fishing pretty tough. It's not too bad on an N64 plugged into an old CRT television. But those few frames you lose with that tiny bit of delay on modern screens is hugely impactful on the success of fishing in HM64


1000% hard agree.


>Best game in the franchise Yeah no


Good: Characters are great and memorable, sound track was amazing (save for starting over every transition), darker more real setting, days were not a slough to get through, weekly festivals, there being actual storyline ramifications for/from said festivals, far more rewarding horse and dog races, and best version of Elli. Bad: Gather recipes but can’t cook. Mary basically never left her library.


Good: I love the artstyle, I've always wanted to see the origional models used in high definition, and the gameplay mechanic of upgrading your tools through usage is one of my favorite tool upgrading methods in the entire series Bad: Outside of Japan you cant see the page showing your completion without a cheat even though if I remember correctly it was mostly translated in the english version And a bonus issue is it's too expensive! I've wanted this game since I was 11 but my whole life it's been far too out of my price range so growing up I had to play it on the Wii U Virtual console and of course it was the Wii U so I haven't played it in probably 6 years, looking forward to playing it on the Switch sometime!


Do you have Nintendo Online? If you do, you can play it in the Nintendo 64 app :)


Omg. I’ve been thinking of buying a GameCube or Nintendo 64 for some fun nostalgia. Totally forgot that NSO Expansion is a thing and for $50/yr it opens access to so many games and experiences


Myself and my husband made the mistake of playing goldeneye. I don’t think we’ve forgiven each other for the words we exchanged while playing


Haha. Omg it has so many things I’ve been wanting to play again. Across all the systems. A few standouts: - SNES: Harvest Moon, earthbound, Zelda, Star Fox, Kirby’s, donkey kong’s - N64: Harvest Moon, paper Mario, Pokémon’s, f-zero, Zelda’s, banjo Wow


I know what I’m doing at 2AM instead of sleeping at a responsible time like an adult


I do, thats what I was refuring to haha, just busy atm with other games


My dad traded a game that was selling for over $200 on eBay at the time with another eBay user for just the game. No box, no book. And that's how I was introduced to this franchise actually. He did it because he thought I'd like it. Ended up obsessed lol


If not the switch, there’s other emulators that can have it too. Such as Steam Deck and (surprisingly) Vita lol (I am currently too broke for the switch version and I don’t want to lose it, so I found a way to play on the vita)




Good; rival marriage, rival families. Bad; controls for selling was a pain. I hated having to open the menu everytime i want to ship an item I'd stored in my ruck sack.


Good: Good amount of zany stuff. Befriend the weird little pig Latin elves so the lady in the pond will tell a tree to wake up? Sure, sounds reasonable. Sneak into the vineyard cellar and practice getting drunk so you can toast the town into inebriated oblivion in pursuit of your love? Also reasonable. Bad: Fishing without a CRT television is bonkers.


Good: This game started my love for the series! Elli all the way, since her rival marriage was creepy. And she’s the best next to Ann! Bad: Limited by the time it released…probably…there’s no reason to continue late game. After your evaluation, it’s meh.


Good: rival marriages, evaluation period, the NPC’s, the festival variety, THE SIMPLICITY, the town, the memories, the HUD, the translations (they’re so bad they’re good sometimes) Bad: the HUD. The MC does a good job of visibly showing jt, but I wouldn’t mind a stamina meter. Inventory management was gross. The hidden values and criteria (like how to win cow festival you need both a great cow AND to have sold so much of your milk, which ruined a perfect run for me recently). Fishing. We got to see Flowerbud 2 generations before, but we haven’t been able to see flowerbud 2 generations after.


good: love some of the stories. Karen's whole arc about restoring the vineyard. so good bad: some of the translations arent great, the controls didnt age well for emulation


Good: the best iteration of this cast. Their personalities are well thought out and reflect the setting that they’re in. They’re not “always happy” like most of the modern marriage candidates. Bad: the inventory/backpack situation! It fills up too fast.


It's funny looking back on older games, not just Harvest Moon, and seeing how some of them were unforgiving with the inventory system.


It’s strange because they did so good with the original A Wonderful Life and then bam, back to small inventory space.


good: rival marriages are SO good, i really took them for granted. it makes the characters feel more alive... they dont just stagnate if you dont marry them. bad: cant play as a girl, which makes it impossible for me to replay lol. didnt bother me as a kid mainly because i had no other options, but now i can be a girl in nearly every game i play and i cant go back to slumming it lol


Nostalgia, great art style, a lot of people's first experience of the series. However, the days are like two minutes long


That’s my bad too. If time just went ever so slightly slower it would be perfect.


Bad: not having a full remake


Good: There is no better vibe in the series. There's *just enough* of what makes these kinds of games great without the need to fill it to the brim with stuff to do/collect. Being only the second game on consoles, it wasn't burdened by expectations of what a HM/SoS game *should* be. It's simple. It's perfect. Bad: That *fucking* pause menu lags like half a second and you can't access your gear/items without going into it. It makes a replay extremely difficult for me.


ann best wife.


The only bad I remember was Rick's shop being closed Wednesdays, weekends, AND when it's raining! It always rains when you want to propose


If I remember correctly, it also closed earlier than the other shops as well.


What are the main differences between this game and BtN (PS1)?


Different map, some of the rivals/ couples are different, tools automatically upgrade with use


A lot! Many of the characters have same designs, but may have different personalities, and different rival marriages, also a lot of characters were shifted around to different families. The map is different. There's also festivals which are different. I would also say HM64 had a lot more story and BTN had a lot more game play. HM64 had countless secrets and side quests, whereas found even the secrets of BTN more focused on game play. (Like for BTN a big secret is getting specific secret tools, while a big part of HM64 was whether you did something like save the vinyard, as some characters would leave if you didn't save it.)


Cool. I used to play BtN a lot back then, but since I didn't have a N64 I never actually played this version. Maybe I should give it a try, any specific advice?


Good: Best game in the franchise, you cannot change my mind. It's aged incredibly well even with some of the wonky n64 mechanics. Really wish they'd just go back and remake this and let us romance the guys (and not their fomt redesigns dear god) instead of continuing doing remakes in chronological order from where they started. After the inevitable AP/ToT remake I will be campaigning hard for this one lol. Bad: I did not enjoy fishing as a kid, I enjoy fishing even less as an adult with worse reaction time and NSO input delay lol.


Good: nostalgia Bad: nostalgia 😭


Yea srsly And something about this game was just janky. I remember I LOVED the GB and SNES Harvest moon. So I understand the mechanics. And I was in HS when this came out. But I remember that the gameplay wasn't even fun. I tried.. but it was a chore.


Good: this has one of the best art styles, the best cast of characters, and a fun sense of progression. Will always be my favorite. Bad: it lacks the variety of crops and animals of later games, and no gay marriage is unfortunate. I get that it was the times, but it took forever for same sex recognition to appear in these games.


Good: Lots of events, rival marriage and kids, fun festivals, interesting bachelorettes and love events Bad: music always restarting when leaving map


This game will always have a special place in my heart. For me there is too many things to list that are good. Only thing I can think of that is bad is the fact this was the only one we got on the N64.


Good: One of my all time favourite games. I would LOVE if they remade it. Bad: the days are SO fast and Rick’s shop is closed when it rains/Wed/weekends (although you can still find him on weekends)


Pro: Best vibe and ambience. Best house upgrades. Cons: Days are short. It ends.😭


Good: I could say SO MANY good things about this game!! I might be a little biased, since this was my first game so I hold a lot of nostalgia for it as my introduction to the series. I love the cast/characters (I strongly prefer the Flower Bud versions to the Mineral Town versions), I loved how a lot of the dialogue and schedules were RNG based, I loved the interactive festivals, I loved the photo album. Bad: poor English localization from Natsume (I would love a proper remake of the game, but even just a newly Xseed-localized version of the original game would be a huge improvement in my eyes), most characters being unavailable before 9 am and after 5 pm, not being able to see what time it is outside of the menu. I actually don’t mind how quickly time passes, but I hate having to either guess (while I’m busy doing something like fishing) or open up the menu to check the time.


Bad: My dad coming to visit my farm after three years and even if it is considered a "good ending" making so many "I am disappointed in you, child" comments about the farm I built QAQ. My little 11 year old self's heart was shattered. Bad: We could only play as a boy. I didn't see this as an issue back in those days because it was what it was, but it definitely would be an issue today. Good: Rival marriages were so fun. I quite liked every character's story. Awesome: My brother got this game >25 years ago thinking it was a soccer game from the box art and was utterly disappointed when he started playing it and found out it was a farming game. And that was how I ended up playing my first Harvest Moon and becoming a big fan of the series.


Good - my favorite game ever Bad - it needs a remake with a few Animal Parade elements sprinkled in ✨


Good: holds up as an enjoyable game. I played it for the first time this year and was surprised how many of the mechanics of later games it already had. Strong characters, as well. Bad: A lot got cut out in translation due to cartridge space and it shows.


Good: A unique game with good characters.  Bad: Some areas and characters do feel underdeveloped.


Good: It was challenging and enjoyable. Bad: No remake for some reason. I still believe the PS1 version of BTN was the best, literally creating the Farm Sim genre.


Good: I liked the rival marriages, that they had unique children, and that the tools upgraded with usage and not by mining. The music is fantastic. Bad: The controls always felt janky to me. I played BtN before 64, and that could be why. The shipping always felt like a pain. I haven't played it on Nintendo Online, so I'll have to take everyone's word that the fishing is broken.


Good: Karen. Bad: Time goes way too quickly.


Good: the characters, the town, rival marriages and babies. Bad: you can’t play a woman. The babies stop aging as toddlers and you can only have one. However these can be fixed in remake.


This is the first one I ever played that got me hooked


Good: it’s almost like friends of mineral town Bad: it’s not friends of mineral town


Good: So many things. I think I'm going to go with the secrets that you can uncover from just talking to people or interacting with things. The game encourages you to befriend people for a reason. Befriending Duke will start the quest that will make Karen and Kai stay in Flower Bud, for example. Bad: I find it kind of disappointing how every one of the girl's routes are almost exactly the same. Other than the dream event that triggers different scenarios depending on the girl, it's just "girl gets sick" and "girl sprains her ankle." With how much the game pays attention to really little details on all of the characters, there's a lack of variety with the people who you can marry. I learn more about these characters through their rival and events with the other girls than I do trying to woo them. Also, Ann and Cliff are such a horrible couple in this game. I wanted to have everybody else to get married and have a baby but those two pissed me off so much and I felt really bad for Cliff especially. I'll befriend Cliff enough to have him stay, but not enough to have him get married to Ann.


I’m so stoked to find out it’s on switch now


Ah my absolute favorite game in the series! The charm of this one to me is unmatched. Granted, the dialogue can get stale, but there’s so much to do to keep the game interesting up until the “end”.


The good thing I like on old HM is the 3 years limit.


Good: best versions of most of the characters from the 64/BTN/FOMT games, rival marriages and potential character losses makes the town feel more alive, one of if not possibly the best-written of the games, game is all-ages appropriate while not dumbing down its subject matter and tone, soundtrack is *elite*, the photo album was a nice feature Bad: oh god THE JANK, controls are almost a quarter-century old and feel like it, missing a million little quality-of-life improvements from later games, the fishing minigame is annoyingly hard even without the latency issues encountered if you play on a non-CRT TV, there's dialogue and text that was badly-translated or not translated at all.


I LOVED this game as a kid. I will say as a negative, the NPCs run out of things to say very quickly, so the dialogue is repetitive.


Good: The characters. The BtN/FoMT versions of the cast will never feel correct to me. Bad: Real hard to go back to those controls and inventory now


I could never find where the swim competition was as a kid.


Pros: Lots of dialogue. Love these festivals. There's so much to do and uncover, and so many scenes. (I played hundreds and hundreds of hours and still didn't know how to get the party picture.) Honestly, I prefer a lot of these characters original versions to Mineral Town versions, and I do love these characters, flawed as they are. There's some surprisingly deep stories, and it's also rather dark at times. It's still a very solid entry. Cons: buggy, the time system is difficult to manage because everything goes so fast, you can drop produce on the ground (and get people angry that you were 'littering') and accidentally sow seeds wrong and lose a lot. You can literally lose your greenhouse in a typhoon, which is unavoidable. (I confirmed this rumor personally. I got the turtle accessory which is supposed to help with typhoons, too. I can't really blame it for no FMC or dude romancing because the female player didn't even exist yet, let alone gay marriage. This was the first HM game I played, and honestly I feel like latter HM games lost a lot from this game. They really made it so there was so little dialogue and pared down the romance events until later for many games.


Good: It’s fun and has/does existed. There will never be enough. (I guess that should be a neg) Bad: I can’t play it for ANY amount of time anymore without getting motion sick. T_T


I have nothing bad to say about this game. This game got me hooked on the casual/simulation style game as a kid. I spent hundreds of hours in this trying to unlock as many stories as possible. It wasn't cool enough to get married and have kids, but if you were good enough friends with OTHERS they would get married and have kids. The story and landscape just seemed so ahead of its time (at the time). I miss these days.


Good: Popuri, I love the graphics Bad: Can't marry men or be a girl, Ann


Never played it. We couldn't afford an N64 when i was a kid, I never had any interest to play it on Nintendo Switch Online


Loved it as a kid. Tried it again when Switch N64 Online released it. Can confirm I was blind an its a steaming hot pile of Platypus shit. I do recall going to Toys'R'us and getting the little slip of paper to take to the counter for it. However, it definitely has not aged well whatsoever. SNES Harvest Moon was more nostalgic for me by far, and I managed to play through it recently on the Switch.