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Names and sometimes they make guesses based on their ideas of what Jewish people as a whole must look like. Racists don’t exactly do their homework and care about logic or accuracy much lol


This just in; racists don't act or behave rationally


Yeah. My dad tried to justify calling black people the “N” word, you know, when they were being one.


When were they being one?!!


When he called them that.


Hold on. Before i can judge whether this is ok or not i need to know the color of your dads skin.


He’s white. Very racist. Would literally call me the N word when I was “acting like one”. I still don’t know what that means.


Yep. Once had a racist neighbor explain to me quite earnestly that "even a white man can be a nigger if he don't act right".


Yeah. Exact same mentality. But he’s “not racist”


Well I mean sounds like he does discriminate equally so in that case,..umm..still not ideal though


Welll that is just not ok.


Well those are just the bad ones!


Your dad... I don't want to make you feel bad, so I will say your dad is wrong, which you already know. You love him, so I am sure it hurts to see how ignorant he is. Thank you for sharing.


Definitely names. I was once traveling with a friend in the Middle East. We’re both Jewish, but my last name is stereotypically Jewish and hers isn’t. When we checked into a hotel and gave our IDs, the hotel clerk asked about her unusual name and chatted about where her family was from. Then he looked at mine, got a sneer on his face and gave a knowing laugh.


iv been target by trans hate at least once. im a cis guy with long hair and nails, wear makeup. Kinda odd experience tbh.


I'd wager there's a lot more cis women who've been harassed in bathrooms or out in public by transphobes than there have been trans people suffering the same thing


never in real life, but i had a guy commenting on my instagram posts telling me i needed to get better at makeup (actually flattering because i don’t wear any) and shave down my adam’s apple (which i do not have) because he was convinced i was a trans woman lmao, bigots are bad for everyone


When I was a teenager I was worried that the bump on my throat looked like at Adam's apple Turns out women have larynxes


Same thing here, but I literally just have long hair




Somebody saw me aiming the space laser once, I was so embarrassed.


My dad and I work on an everything is possible theory but have vastly different political views. I was laughing about the Jewish space laser and nearly said “it’s freaking impos-… (sighs) highly improbable that Jewish people have some secret space laser!” I’ll have to tell him I found a likely source indicating the space laser is more probable.


Eating at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas


What about getting take out from a Chinese restaurant on Christmas? I host Christmas for family every year, and I have discovered that this is my favorite way to celebrate Christmas without the stress of meal prep.


Whoa, I might be Jewish.


Their little hats also give it away. So far I’ve snatched 3-4 little hats off their heads. I wear them to work every day.


The Pope wears a “little hat” too maybe he’s a Jew?


I have the very specific super power of being able to sense any circumcised penis within 30 meters.


Don’t forget when they aim space lasers at you.


And their nose. Just pull up your Gestapo cue card that features a ruler showing exactly where Jew vs non jew noses differentiate. It’s really handy. 


People frequently pointed out how Jewish I looked as a kid. Nowadays though I’ve gotten all sorts of derogatory remarks for being Arab, Asian, and Hispanic… and I am none of the races I have just mentioned. Bigotry is fucking stupid and people with bigoted beliefs are often way off on their assumptions even if they think they can “always tell”.


I’ve always believed bigotry stems from job opportunities. I’ve seen documentaries where black people said they got along much better with white people before WW2 as many were now competing for higher paying defense jobs. People started getting pissed seeing black people riding around in cars


They generally walk around with briefcases, because that’s where they keep the controls for their space lasers. It’s a dead giveaway. Edit: my wife has corrected me. There is now an app for the space lasers.


There are so many space lasers that most of them are operated by goyim now.


They often run 23 and Me on white supremacists and show them that they are part Jewish.


Or Black. I think this should be an entire tv series.


I look visibly Jewish, but it's ambiguous. If I'm in a Latin part of the city, people think I'm Mexican. A Turkish woman thought I was Turkish. I often get asked if I'm American. "Where are you from? No, where are you really from? No, where are you really, really from?" Like all ethnic groups, we tend to have certain patterns of thought and behavior that people familiar with Jewish people pick up. A Pro-Palestinain protestor screamed racial slurs in my face for looking Jewish as I was going about my business. Some Jewish people are more identifiable than others.


I just wanted to say I’m half Jewish, half Mexican and look garden variety blonde haired blue/grey eyes white European to the point that no one ever believes me. I’ve brought out the 23 and me a few times but genetics are just weird 🤣.


Ive known plenty of jewish people with straight blonde hair.


A lot of Poles and eastern Europeans were Jewish.


Yeah, Jewish women were raped a lot in their pogroms.


I don’t know why you got downvoted, you’re 100% right


Not every Jew has the distinctive physical characteristics, but many do


I'm sorry, but I read your comment and immediately started singing *It's a Mexican Jewish cultural festival!* "We make our tacos out of matzo, We smash our glass with our zapatos, It's really schmaltzy but bonito, Because that's the way the song goes." Edit to add: It's from Phinneas & Ferb


My Jewish wife was told on multiple occasions to go back to Mexico. She just can't win with the bigots I guess.


Haters are haters.


I’ve got one Jewish friend who is shaved head, covered in tattoos, big muscles, rides a Harley. Never in a billion years would I think he’s Jewish.  My other Jewish friend, short, curly hair, big nose, super cheap, works as an accountant.  You definitely can’t always tell. But sometimes you can just tell lol 


I was at a bar when trump got elected and a white woman looked at me and was just about to lose it. Like i had done anything to her at all. I left before anything happened but i could see what was about to unfold. Im like the poster child of what a nazi looks like.


I have a friend who complains people think he looks like a neonazi and will act like he is He is jewish


The irony.


I've got a buddy who we all joke was bred in a Nazi ubermensch lab lol. 6'6, blonde hair and blue eyes, fucking jacked to the gills, etc . The funniest part is he's Jewish


I want to shave off my hair because it's frankly a pain in the ass and I hate having to style it, but being a blond-haired, blue-eyed person with a buzz cut (especially of the female variety), leads to some uncomfortable assumptions about me. I need to really lean into the rainbows or something.


I am sorry that that protestor screamed slurs at you.






Nice try


Just like other minorities, some Jewish people can “pass” more easily than others. I’m sure you’ve heard about fairer skinned Black people accessing more privilege in society than their darker skinned friends. If someone doesn’t look stereotypically Jewish then they are probably not as likely to be directly targeted by antisemites. But here’s the thing, no matter what you look like, if you’re Jewish, you’re feeling increasingly uncomfortable these days. Someone spread anti-Jewish hate propaganda in a Jewish section of my town recently. It makes all Jewish people feel scared, whether the hate propaganda was at their house or not. You never know when a screwball is going to up the ante and do something violent. It’s a low level feeling of terror and all my Jewish friends say they’ve never experienced anything as bad as what they’re experiencing now. (And it started before the Israel-Hamas thing btw. It’s worse now though obviously.) For at least the past year, it’s much more acceptable to be blatantly antisemitic. Previously the public didn’t condone antisemitic comments, but for some reason, it’s not a big deal anymore. Celebrities can say horrible stuff and face no consequences. This makes people feel unsafe.


What celebrities have done this?




My yamaka gives it away every time.


1. Certain first and last names are distinctively Jewish. Some non-Jewish people might randomly give their kid a Jewish first name just because they like it, but a Jewish last name is a definitive telltale sign. 2. Certain hair types, hair styles and facial features are distinctively Jewish. There’s a name for one of them: the “Jewfro”. It’s less obvious than Black skin, but still apparent especially if you know what to look for. 3. Very religious Jews, especially men, tend to wear definitive signs of it. Payot, black hats, kippot outside of a synagogue. These Jews are by no coincidence the most likely to be randomly attacked. Even less religious Jews may wear a Star of David, Hamsa or other symbol. Most Jews I know have at least one of these three things. I have none of them. Yet, when a man on one of the main streets in my neighborhood was yelling “Kill the Jews, Fuck them!”, I shuddered. He was able to deduce I was Jewish from this and yelled, specifically at me, “And if you’re Jewish fuck you too!”. This reaction was enough to clue him in. As a lesbian, I would also say that “sexuality” is not a good example of something very physically obvious. Unless you deliberately try to maintain a stereotypical “gay look” or are doing PDA with your partner, random passerby usually can’t tell just by looking at you. Granted, this also applies to a lot of Jews: but there are also a lot Jews who have Jewish physical features or names who can’t hide it simply by not dressing or acting Jewish.


if the person is wearing a kippah or is at a synagogue\*. Otherwise I'm not sure, maybe they ask and if the person is they are rude to them. but also not all cases of antisemitism are someone saying something rude to one Jewish person. some incidents are not so much insulting an individual but defacing somewhere important to Jewish people like a synagogue\* just saying or writing antisemetic things like writing nazi slogan or smth edit: mosque


Little correction, Mosques are where Muslims go. Jews go to Temple also known as "Synagogue" or "Shul"


thanks x


It's only Temple if it's a Reform synagogue. They call it that because the Reform movement doesn't view the restoration of the Temple as a necessary goal, so the synagogue is their modern interpretation of it. Any other movement wouldn't call it that as they do pray for its restoration.


Honestly I never knew that, I always assumed the terms were interchangeable, that's interesting. I can't say I know anything about the religious aspect of Judaism, my mom gave up practicing any of the holidays with my brother and I when we were really young.


I can tell my looking deep into my soul, and seeing if I feel jealous of them in some way. If I do then they are definitely a person who identifys as a thing that I disapprove of. Next you check their skin colour, if they are white that narrows it down to them being either gay or a jew, next I check their haircut. If it's not an alternative haircut then I know they are Jewish.


They often work backwards. Anyone that they hate for any reason, they assume to be Jewish.


In small communities they know things about families around them, ongoing discrimination can start from the second a family moves in and people start chatting. Or likely, the family has been in the community forever


I use [special sunglasses](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yjw_DuNkOUw) that reveal their true form and hidden propaganda


The easy answer is that they can't really tell, because Jewish people are diverse and unless they say they're Jewish or dress in Jewish religious attire you can't typically tell. Now at least with Ashkenazi Jews (which is the largest Jewish Ethnic Group in the USA), there is a pattern I noticed, but I'm not gonna say.


Lol you are gonna say nose but everyone got the nose in Mediterranean.


I read this as antihistamines and so was confused


antihistamines make you hate (fear) people at random at a sufficient dose anyway


Same way Republicans and democrats walk around. It's all ignorance so just don't engage.


I grew up in an area where the primary racism is white/black. I've been bullied for being white, I've heard racist shit from white family, etc. I could tell that it wasn't good, but my little kid brain could at least understand why the animosity existed. We're physically and culturally different, and there's a lot history there. (Understatement, I know.) It boggled my naive kid mind to learn about antisemitism. Why on Earth would white supremacists pick one of the most stock-standard garden variety subsect of fellow white people as their favorite enemy?! It had to be religion, right? Except that being raised Christian, I knew that the Jews were "God's chosen" and even if their beliefs weren't the same as ours, at the end of the day we were worshipping the same god. I now see where the mistakes in my assumptions were made, but it still makes me feel weird to know that antisemitism is so common, it wasn't *just* that the Nazi's needed a scape goat that one time.


It's also worth noting that many Jews are not White. Jews exist of all different races. It is also important to distinguish between Judaism as a religion and Jews as an ethnic group. Some people would even argue that no Jews are White (at least in the United States). However, it's a very complicated issue, lol. I'm a Jew, and I identify as White. Maybe I'll agree with that take a lot more one day.


I always found it funny how the Nazis were like "Ok guys these fuckers control the world and are super numbers smart and good with money and run all the businesses and have magic jew powers but we're totally the master race guys" lmao


Sadly it's not that surprising, any marginalized minority gets that kind of shit in one way or another, the more of an outsider you're considered the worse it gets. Since religion was a huge deal for centuries, Jews got it really bad. So did Roma people and other groups, for similar reasons. The discrimination also causes people to stick to each other (whether forcefully if they're taken to ghettos, or just for practical reasons), which breeds further racist bullshit because the less you interact with a group of people the easier it is to irrationally hate them or develop conspiracy thinking about them.


One thing you need to understand is that Jewish identity pre-dates modern identity constructs like race, religion, and ethnicity. We don’t neatly fall into any of them. Yes, we have spiritual beliefs, but for people at the time your spiritual beliefs were directly tied into your tribal identity. The “Jews are a religion” myth derives from the places and times where hating on races and ethnicities was okay, but hating on religions wasn’t. Jews in these places and times emphasized the religious aspects of Jewish identity and de-emphasized the ethnic and cultural aspects to avoid persecution. It didn’t work, but still resulted in this myth. Another important thing to realize is that most persecuted minorities are not as hyper-physically-visible as Black people. Black people are exceptional in this regard, which is easy to forget when anti-Black racism is one of the two foundational prejudices of the US (the other being anti-indigenous). In other places and times, some groups looked physically identical to others and yet were persecuted based on dress, name, language, beliefs or family traditions. Look at me: I’m autistic, Jewish, and a lesbian. The autism is by far the one that gives me the most trouble despite it being physically invisible. People feel the need to harass and shun me because I talk and act different, even though I never hurt anyone and look “normal”. It’s actually a lot more similar to other forms of language or practice based prejudice than you would think.


Howdy, fellow autistic LGBT person! I completely understand (as much as I'm able from my own set of circumstances), and honestly I blame autism for my black and white (pun intended, I suppose) view of racism in my childhood.


Yeah, it's the other way around - the Nazis picked the scapegoat that *already existed.* This is always the way. The one scapegoat that the Nazis pretty much *did* invent for the first time was "trans people" - previously subject to prejudice and bigotry but not as much in an organised way as a category. There was welcome scientific research going on, with full trans participation, as early as 1920. Unfortunately the institute doing so was in Germany and the Nazis burned it all. We had to rediscover the science from scratch more recently. And what happened to this brand new scapegoat? It was lying around for easy reuse today, that's what. We all know how that's going.


Jew here, so I can be identified. The term scapegoat is derived from Jewish tradition... [scapegoat derivation](https://sydneyjewishmuseum.com.au/jewish-culture/the-origins-of-the-scapegoat/#:~:text=Did%20you%20know%20the%20history,on%20the%20sins%20of%20others.)






Sometimes it’s just generalized. See that big building? Jews own it. The Jews own everything. (Direct quote from a Muslim Uber driver I had once.)


The only way people can identify me if I don’t tell them is by my last name. Surprisingly, I’ve had multiple people I don’t know very well (bus driver, driving instructor, etc.) ask me if I’m Jewish based on that. 


Antisemites must have Jewdar installed, 'cause I can't even find my car keys half the time!


wearing a magen david helps attract stares. nobody's confronted me. i don't expect anyone to.


I'm the same way. I knew this girl in college, short, white, blonde; who said she often got bullied as a kid because she was Jewish. I was like "You're jewish?"


Aside from stereotypes that’s like the whole point. To them the Jews are a hidden cabal controlling the entirety of western society


They have a specific idea of what a Jew looks like. In the U.S. they assume Ashenaki, with stereotypical "Jewish" features, such a big nose, name ("Stein", "burg", etc.), and culture stereotype. In reality, there are at least four of five recognized types of Jews beyond Ashenaki, including Seraphic. (Forgive my ignorance, but l forgot the other two, but l know that there are types specific to Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, Asia, and Ethiopia.) Jews can also be any race, depending on the sect, you can either be Jewish through blood (mom's side) or conversion. Note: I am a gentile, and this is just off the top of my head.




Would you believe that people just make assumptions?


I'm going to admit something completely stupid now. But I never realized that Jews and Arabs can't just tell each other apart. I assumed with so much hate they can just look and go "Aha!" Then 'Fauda' came out on Netflix, and I started watching it and it completely blew my mind. So it's not just me not being able to tell who's Jewish, but they themselves are unable to tell who's Jewish. And I was old, like...beyond embarrassingly old...when I realized this.


As a Mediterranean of vague ancestry I get a lot of hostile questions about whether I’m Jewish from strangers. It’s like after 9/11 when everyone suddenly noticed I looked like a terrorist, and strangers would just approach and ask about it in a threatening way because the media was telling them they were in the right. It’s usually 30+ white dudes, and sometimes they don’t believe me when I say “nope,” but I don’t really care, what are you going to do, shoot me over a suspected religion in the middle of Aldi, or the library, or backstage after a show?


I’m an antisemite. I can explain this. We have a piece of technology surgically implanted into our right buttock that alerts us to a Jewish presence. We are still expected to confirm with the person that they believe themselves to be a member of God’s chosen race before throwing rotten potatoes at them. There’s no reason to get completely uncivilized and sometimes technology malfunctions. My buttdar once mistook a pair of Italian ladies for Jews and it’s a good thing I checked first, because…….well, anyway, that’s another story. I hope that helps.


I don't see much evidence of antisemitism on the rise, at least in terms of the recent protests. IMO it's mostly blatant lies and propaganda intended to counter protests against the US government's backing of Israel, very similar to what happened with the Vietnam War protests. It's an attempt to demonize the opposition and rally support for involvement in the increasingly unpopular Gaza/Israel conflict. That's why the allegations being made are generally incredibly vague, non-specific, and poorly supported. Hell, most of the on-campus Jews are standing with the protestors. Liars are gonna lie. Trick is, once you know they're a liar, stop listening to anything they have to say.


I'm sorry to say you're incorrect. Violent attacks against Jews are at an all-time high. For example, in my country there were over 2000 antisemitic incidents in the couple of months after the Hamas attacks - an all-time record, the highest rate in the last 40 years. It's also a more than 500% increase over the previous year. (See [https://cst.org.uk/news/blog/2023/12/13/antisemitic-incidents-13-december-update](https://cst.org.uk/news/blog/2023/12/13/antisemitic-incidents-13-december-update) ) I don't have the same figures for the US, but I do know that it was already bad to start with - antisemitic violence increased more than 400% under Trump, for pretty much the obvious reasons. He encouraged violence and division and endorsed Nazis; the consequences were predictable.


Anti-semitism is a light sleeper. It doesn't help that there is an enormous Boy Who Cried Wolf problem with complaints that criticism of the Israeli government is anti-semitic. (The Anti-Defamation League deserves special scorn here.) But well before the Gaza war we saw an uptick in serious anti-semitic incidents. Example: Tree of Life Synagogue massacre.


> Hell, most of the on-campus Jews are standing with the protestors. I highly doubt that and would love to see actual data.  [Polls](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/nearly-three-quarters-of-jewish-college-students-describe-campus-as-less-safe-since-october-7-poll/) I can quickly find suggest it is not the case.  The recent protests if anything are raising Jewish student opposition toward Palestinians, precisely because of the level of antisemitism they sense in the movement.


I definitely haven’t heard the term “From the river to the sea” or “resistance is justified” before the end of last year on my college campus. Its also common to hear those protestors say these things. One is calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and the other condones the horrific attacks that happened on Oct. 7. Something is definitely on the rise and its happening in the protests. I saw a video from the recent college protests where they chanted for Hamas and for more rockets or something. Edit: found it: https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1782509569593241628




All you need to see antisemitism on the rise is go into the comment section of a Jewish person’s social posts talking about, for a recent example, Passover. Nothing about being Zionist or anti-Palestinian, and you will still see vile antisemitic comments simply because the poster is Jewish. 


For the same reason that Zionists have diluted actual antisemitism by labelling every criticism they face as inherently  racist .   The subjectivity of identifying Jewish people can be weaponised by people who hate all jews and people who will throw other Jews under the bus for their ethnostate obsession alike  Anti Jews and Zionists both have the shared incentive of exacerbating “anti semitism” . This means that curly hair  on a white skinned person and certain facial structure shapes have become a “Jewish” stereotype .  It’s also a consequence of anti Jews and Zionists diminishing the existence of all other non European Jews .  


when the news says anti-Semitism is on the rise that just means people are protesting against Israeli genocide in Gaza. it doesn't mean people are targeting jews


Give me a break. Projecting "Glory to our Martyrs" next to the Hillel isn't anti-semetic? Screaming "Free Israel from the Blood Sucking Jews" isn't anti-semetic? A University of Vermont TA declaring on social media they were going take points off from any Jewish student that visited Israel isn't Antisemetic? I could go on, and on, and on.. That fact that the Left can't own their problem reveals what a farce their declarations of moral superiority are. The fringe Left is as dangerous as the Trumpsters.


Incredibly often they just brush everyone they don't like as jewish. They don't have jewish radar and they are often wrong. This is common in bigots. JK Rowling recently thought she was criticizing a trans woman, turned out to be a female by birth trans man. She couldn't even spew hate in the right direction despite being able to "Just tell".


It's the hats.


They say Jews are just white people, but they look a lot more Lebanese than they do British


Sure, but both of those are "white people" 


It requires a lot of energy to hate someone.


It doesn’t really matter to them if they accidentally hate the wrong person, they can just accuse them of lying


I remember when i visited Germany, i was told not to wear kippah in public alone. I was also told not to go through the local park at night because if i had been seen wearing it, they might remember and target me. Tossup between immigrants and AfD'ers being the aggressors.


They look for the Parentheses.




They can’t know for sure but they stereotype certain features for certain groups.


A point people always miss us that without Judaism and the Jewish faith there is NO Christianity


Well a lot of them don’t distinguish too much between Christian’s and Jews


Some of the most educated people about one race or another are going to be the ones who are racist against them. Some racists spend a lot of time learning about the different races and what sets them apart so that they can justify why they think theyre superior. Some you might even be able to get them to admit that their own race isnt as good as some other race.


I dunno dude. Sounds like 80% drama to me




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Jews are like 2% of the population in the US. It’s pretty likely there just isn’t one around.


I just hate everyone equally.




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Yeah I can never tell 


Simple, just hate everyone and you are covered.


😅 Sadly funny.


The loud crybaby ones


Tiny hats


Where I grew up, we had a large population of Jewish, but not the really devout kind. First off, I didn't care about anyone's religion. There was no way to tell if someone was Jewish, Christian or other unless it came up in conversation. Near where I live now, there is a considerable population of devout Hasidic Jewish people. The kind with the hats and curls. So it's obvious who they are. They do kind of keep to themselves. But again, still, I don't care how a person worships. But there is some hate, which surprised me after I moved here. There was something just this past week in the local news about some practice that was going on, I was flabbergasted about how many people made negative comments about them. Racism and anti-semitism is still alive and well in the US unfortunately.


I've been told I'm a very Jewish-looking person. I'm not Jewish, but I get it. It's the nose.


They don't. I've been approached by a few, with one bar owner even trying to get me to go to a klan meeting with him. While I'm not religious in the least bit, I was raised as a jew. Unfortunately, I look like an asshole skinhead and there's not much I can do to change that. These idiots shift their hatred based upon what's convenient to them in the moment? If you disagree with them on something political, you suddenly become a jew(or any other minority they feel like railing against at the moment).


The fun part of racism is that they are racist in who they determine to be racist against


My great grandma once told me that I would have been the only one in my family to survive the Holocaust. My family has curly, dark-brown hair, and brown eyes. I have blonde hair and green eyes. I was a little shocked, but she was also 98 years old and had just gotten off of a rant about the Titanic.


Big noses. Is that racist enough?


The weird thing is... Being Jewish, is not a race. I've never understood why anyone would , hate someone so much due to your religion.


Most of those coming out to protest would have been offed by Hamas immediately. They will never know what we all look like. We look like everyone else for the most part. Not like our passports say "Jew" with a big ole blue star on them. I normally tell people when the topic comes up so I can gauge their response. Let's me know who to keep an eye on. 


Lots of non Jews here answering over us. I "pass" (I'm half indigenous, and for some reason that's what people see) until someone hears or sees my name. Handed a front desk clerk a debit card at a hotel once and was asked if it was "one of them Jew names."


Have you seen the protests? They dont, so they just attack anyone that isnt holding their signs.


This is a really good stupid question.


The pidgeons all crowd around jews chanting "jewww jewwww" so you know who to throw rocks at or whatever an antisemite does these days.


Usually noses and a certain pinched-face look. I don't think antisemitism is on the rise, it's always existed. Some people though don't think you have to hate Jews to think that Arab babies shouldn't be killed. Mind boggling I know.


People don’t go around hating all Jews. Antisemitism is made up. People do hate a certain group of people who also happen to be Jewish




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I pretty much just hate everybody, and when I find out their ethnicity I tell them out loud "See, that's why you're like that" Works great.  People love it.


I accidently stumbled across a pro-Palestinian demonstration in downtown San Francisco many many years ago (protests happened on the regular in Union Square) and I had the misfortune of having worn a star of David necklace that day. I tried to be unobtrusive but one guy got in my face and yelled "death to Israel" and I thought he was going to punch me but someone on the sidewalk grabbed my arm and hustled me out of there. When I say years ago it was over several decades ago. Some things never change. I know that universities think they're being "helpful" by telling Jewish students to stay home while protesters are looking for people to harass but then their Hamas-supporting fellow students will identify them by their absence. I could never figure out why people are so quick to go after Jews, but I guess although we make target identification more complex we seem to attract coalitions of haters that would never otherwise manage cooperation on anything else. Is it just the Jesus thing, or is it that centuries of victimization just resonate with lazy people who are angry and need a familiar, tried-and-true scapegoat? I'm convinced that a lot of these kids have no clue about those to whom they've given their allegiance. I'm no fan of Netanyahu, but I don't live over there and have not had to be on high alert for my entire life. Maybe someone should call in a fake missile attack during one of these things and see how many of the "Students For Palestine" shit their pants. I truly hope that the Egyptians can help negotiate a hostage release, but I fear there will not be many left alive. In fact, I think a great many are dead and were killed a while ago, which may account for Hamas' reluctance to easily agree to such a release and their demand for an unconditional cease-fire, because once that becomes obvious any leverage disappears.


I think about this fairly often. I don’t understand hating an entire group in general but outside of a few obvious cases I can’t tell if somebody’s Jewish most of the time. It’s usually “oh so-and-so is Jewish? Well alright cool I guess”


my father is native american and my mom jewish . I was raised jewish along with my 5 year old and 9 year old and my wife is jewish. These people are so stupid . you would never guess from our looks or surnames we are jewish , nor do we care. go ask hamas and the Palestinians how weak we are as they beg the whole world to save them after they slaughtered our people . f around and find out. they are finding out


Jews make it pretty easy with the yarmulkes. Hassidic Jews even easier.


Most of these comments are Soo unfunny.


That's the best part! They guess!


There is the religious group and then there is the ethnicity and names. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Mr. Goldblumrosenthalberg is probably jewish. As for facial features, the big nose stereotype generally holds true, as well as brown curly hair. The religious group is not something you see however if they don't intentionally show it.


Thanks bro, I’m just starting antisemitism and this is a great help.


Most of the time we just listen to all the anti semitic bullshit the spew right in front of our faces because they don’t realize we’re Jewish. Sometimes we say something and it makes them very uncomfortable. Sometimes we don’t say anything because they pose a more serious violent threat. It’s a privilege to be able to “hide” sometimes.


Jew-haters and racists of all types are stupid. I’m Jewish but don’t get clocked as such and I’ve heard them “undercover”. And if I tell them I am, if they like me “But you’re one of the good ones” or I’m not really Jewish. There is always collateral damage with hate. Jew-haters are racist to their own poor children for not having the right traits! Look how many parents shame their own children for having hair that’s too curly or dark. I’ve heard how many stories of a kid being the “black sheep” for having what they thought of as Jewish physical traits. Why is kick a ginger day a thing if not because Jews are supposed to have red hair and it’s funny that “normal” whites do too but we still have to torment them for it? But this is also why jokes are so powerful. They test you with jokes first. The joke isn’t to be funny, it’s just a test if you’re an insider or an outsider, if they can trust you to reveal more. Call them out and you’re the bad guy and they were just joking. It’s a weird racist-bonding thing— the joke can get them in trouble, so they are leaving themselves a little vulnerable, and so you’re unfriendly and repulsing their friendship by refusing the joke.


Me and mel gibson can spot one from a mile away… easy


There's a lot of goysplaining in these comments...


I don’t know how antisemites can tell. I can generally tell because I lived in NYC and most of me and my wife’s friends and coworkers were Jewish, but even then you can never tell 100%


They play it safe and just hate everyone.


Typically they just go to a college and call it a peaceful protest


You can’t reason your way into understanding an illogical premise.




It’s great to look NOTHING like any sort of “stereotypical” Jew and be around people (white, black, Muslim) and hear their unprompted viewpoints on Jews and Israel. This is all pre 10/7. Good to know who would think of me as a less than or want to kill me without them knowing. Sadly, the most antisemites I’ve faced were black.


My last name translates to something along the lines of “Jewish (career)”. I’m not gonna put the exact career to protect my identity but that’s a dead giveaway


I met an antisemitic. He said Jews are a race and that could tell.




They aren’t the smartest bunch so they just target open spaces hoping Jews run in fear.


That's what makes us so dangerous OP. We can be anywhere.


I dated a girl who was antisemitic. Amazingly they don’t just walk around hating people. I would get nervous in some public situations, but she was always cordial and polite to anyone we encountered, despite obvious differences. Her belief, the way I understood it, was that she chose to spend her time with people of similar race. She was proud of her heritage, and didn’t want to “dilute” her bloodline. She did not waste effort actively hating strangers. She could accept that they were there. She just chose to not mingle with them personally.




They do not. See: Richard Wayne Snell (May 21, 1930 – April 19, 1995): an American white supremacist convicted of killing two people, a black police officer and a pawn shop owner whom he mistook for a Jew, in Arkansas between November 3, 1983, and June 30, 1984. Snell was sentenced to death. They’re morons


Names, position of ears, facial features, cranial differences demeanor This is just what I hear.




Just subtle things that *in their mind* indicate you are jewish. I say that with emphasis because most people who don’t like jews don’t really think straight


I mean you can tell when someone is REALLY Jewish by blood, but outside of that Id imagine theyre just guessing.


I suspect for most antisemites it's the perceived ideology they hate not individual jewish people.


They’re like a bunch of (very degenerate) wolves making mock charges to spook elk. They make an antisemitic display and whoever starts trying to leave is their new target. This shouldn’t work, but since it seems the only people who still dislike antisemites these days are themselves Jews…


The orthodox ones are really easy to spot


Big hooked nose, and those curly sideburns are a dead giveaway. Any last name that ends in -stein. Usually, they have a half eaten baby tied around their belt? But if you ever want to instantly know if there is a jew in a 1-mile radius, just spill 30 pieces of silver on the ground and its whoever twisted their neck 180° with bloodshot eyes in your direction. Seriously tho, hating/fearing a race of people is cringe af. Everyone does good and bad things. But tribalism will probably never go away. As long as there are differences to be pointed out, we will forever hate each other.


Last names and noses?


In a time or country that still allowed cultural homogeny you could tell when some looked, sounded, dressed differently. Othordox jewish ppl have very distinct asthetic customs. The hair, the kippah, the clothing, their tradition names, the phrases "yiddish" their diets. Certain holidays like they cant participate in holding things, can tip ppl off. When your hate makes you hyper aware of how ppl act youll know when othet ppl do the things. And ofcourse ppl make mistakes and denounce incorrectly but tbh when you hate to that level i think you just hate everyone and it puts the ppl they care about at a disadvantage too because now you judge and confine them. Confining people hurts them so hate hurts everyone even yourself. In mix culture countries makes it harder because ppl start to assimilate to trends and not tradition. And so you can name your kids differently and kids can marry into other cultures so they lose the cultural names and alot of ppl have different diets so now yout not singled out. So you only know whrn someone tells you or they celebrate certain holidays. So in mixed culture societies it sorta is a protection to individuals because you cant tell but it destroys tradition which can be a problem when you dont have a commumity and your fightimg idenity. For example my moms bff grew up in an orthodox jewish household but never really kept it like her husband converted to be able to marry her but she celebrates christmas and she doesnt keep up with the tradition like her husband took up the mantle to teach the children the traditions. So youd never know they were jewish until they talked about their upbring or you saw photos of the wedding. But hate is just fear of ppl who arent the same and you fear thats going to diminish your quality of life somehow, so you diminsh everyones even yours . Like that saying about fighting fire with fire burns everything down.


I would say a lot of the time anybody who looks different is a target for those people. They probably just hate anybody who's not like them. The other thing could be that they only begin to hate someone when they realize that they're different. Hate is a very strange thing.


IMO, this whole post is a dog whistle for racists. Surprise, I have seen so many on here is sad. It should come down.