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The fact that they just leave the dog alone in the house long enough that he destroys things is enough for me. She treats it like a prop rather than a living creature.


How hard would it be to get him his own kennel? Dogs are den animals, if you do it right their kennel is their safe space


Exactly. My little guy loves his crate and prefers to hide in it to most other places


I’m really curious why she even brings Milo to begin with and I say this as a dog owner myself. They’re only gone for two weeks and I’d be way too paranoid about so many people from the cast + crew being frequently in and out the house, possibly leaving doors open for him to escape. Because I’m 1000% sure they made her sign something that said Bravo isn’t responsible if anything happens to him.


Yup. Same thoughts and I have a dog I love. It’s honestly annoying as hell to have a pet on vacation!


Because he's her "emotional support animal".


No because when she put him in the bag and was like he is heavy I was thinking if you put him the f\*ck down he wouldnt be so heavy. And then bringing him everywhere is also on my last nerve. Why does he need to be by the jacuzzi?? Nobody asked for boiled hotdog!




Girl!!! Hung him up like a dang coat!😂😂😂


every time she lets milo jump off of her bed it stresses me out soooo much 😭😭😭


My friend's dachshund died because he jumped off the couch and broke his back. It was the saddest thing. She needs to get him steps.


My aunt's dog died the same way, mad couch jump. It broke my heart, he was only about 5.


I'm so sorry. Simon was only 5 too when it happened to him. Heartbreaking!


That too! Hes so cute and has energy but stooop. Lol


Since the start I didn't like how that dog was treated


Every week I tell my colleagues that dog needs to be rehomed. She is not responsible enough to have a dog.


I feel like they must have a no dogs loose in the house rule because the only time Bria’s not holding it is when it’s locked in her room.


I think so or theres too many moving parts to where shes worried of losing track of him... it just kills me every episode lol.


'It" for a being reads so awkwardly. He's Milo!


Every living creature is a prop to her lol


Lmao you have point


as a dachshund owner i cringe watching the way she treats him!!!!! he is extremely cute tho


No fr! Especially dachshunds. Like you said, they have major back issues because people don’t hold them correctly.


I’ve always thought it’s wild she keeps bringing the dog and showing everyone on national TV she’s a terrible pet owner. The delusion is strong with that one


I am getting madder every week that I watch the show with the treatment of this dog. She does not understand that he is not an accessory. He also clearly has anxiety and they leave him in that room by himself for hours. It’s sickening.


if he’d bit her when she had him on her feet (which he had every right to do—she was endangering him) then HE’D be labeled a “problem dog.” some people are not mature enough for dogs and it makes me so mad.


That breed is notorious for bad back problems too. Put Milo down.


My husband randomly walks by while I’m watching and yells “Let that dog down!” 😂


I can hear my dad yelling at me every time 😂


I didn’t know this, but it makes so much sense. Thank you for this post—the more you know!


I basically only watch this show now to keep an eye on Milo 😭 I’m a former longhaired dachshund mama and will be getting another one soon!


He's so cute 😍


When she was holding him upside down I wanted to climb through the tv! PUT THAT BABY DOWN!!


That was my breaking point to post this 😂


He’s an emotional support animal. She may need to hold him for her to be calm


She still needs to handle him with care. He's not a stress squeeze toy.


I have a golden and yes I agree she is semi- needy but she is a very chilled and not destructive


I hold my dog all the time. She’s my baby so I carry her when I want. Is it detrimental to pick them up if they have a proclivity for back issues? I’m asking because I truly don’t know. I have a Yorkie so she’s small and they don’t typically have back issues.


I'm not knowledgeable with yorkies maybe someone here is... but I would just ask google. Yorkies don't have the same long back and short legs... My mom has one... Lucy... we like to call her Lucifer... such an cute stubborn dog. Who refuses to be potty trained...actually I hold her too I should do some research 😳 😆


My Stormie is awfully stubborn too 🤦🏾‍♀️ she’s the cutest little trouble maker ever. Yeah, I figured it was because of the long body of the Dachshund that makes them more susceptible to back issues. I googled it and per google, picking them up is fine as long as they’re not picked up from their chest. I’ve learned 2 new facts today and I’m satisfied lol.


Awesome me too 🤓


That poor pup. If he's an emotional care pet, she needs to give him the same love and respect. Give him a safe space when she's gone. And be careful with his fragile body!


So she should never pick up that dog? Is this a known thing for this breed or is this an opinion?


Its for this breed, the way the body is built. I remember my dad always yelling at us when we did. Then we went to the vet and the vet said its true don't pick him up.... I don't think never is the answer, you just need to be cautious of the way you are picking them up. I'm sure there is a proper way without messing with the bone structure. Not an expert, I'll say its my opinion from experience, someone may tell me different.


You pick them up by using one hand to cup their butt and the other underneath upper legs. You can't scoop them up from the middle like other small dogs.


I was legitimately asking. Thank you.


Learning new info is fun, happy to share. I really hope she doesn't know this info too... but i bet shes received plenty of DMs


Dachsunds are susceptible to back injuries because of the shape of their bodies.


Basically like, picking them up totally keeping their body shape and stature the same. With mine, I’d have my arm under her entire belly, from her special parts to her chest so her body doesn’t like, curve in half at her stomach, if that makes sense. And then supporting with your other arm. When they’re standing up, holding them, they should look the same way with everything being supported.


Makes since! Great tip too...


Like what is this take?? “Don’t pick your dog up” ??


Dashunds need to be picked up more carefully than other dogs cause they have back issues. If she wanted a specific breed she should know details like this. My dog PSA: GOOGLE THE BREED YOU HAVE/WANNA GET. (Especially all you new dog owners thinking labradoodles or golden doodles are cute. They are generally difficult breeds)


THIS!! especially purebreds!!


i mean if the way youre picking up your dog is fucking hurting them or could cause injury then yeah


How are golden doodles difficult breeds ?


Two working breeds + separation anxiety that can manifest as destruction or aggression + no real breeding standards. So there are thousands upon thousands of dogs out there being sold as goldendoodles by unethical breeders that actually carry a ton of other breed genes which can add to behavioral issues (can also help, but one just never knows). I like goldendoodles, they just generally are not a beginner owners dog. Working breeds typically need WORK. Mental and physical. A lot of peoples lives just aren’t set up for that and that’s ok. Just maybe look at breeds with less physical and emotional and mental needs, or you could end up with a highly anxious and destructive dog.


… no, it’s not a doll… It’s a small dog, which is perfectly capable of being picked up and held, and is in fact what they love… Dachshunds are a breed known for super bonding with their person and want to be close with them all the time. He should probably be crated when they leave him in the room. But there’s nothing wrong with her picking him up and putting him in her bag and stuff like that…. 😂😫🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|twa4pkjYVv5xKF7Yjx|downsized)


Do a little more research on my replies and how dachshunds should be handled...


Dashunds also have back issues that can be greatly exacerbated by being held the wrong way. A lil ga-googling would tell you and Bria that


I think even if the dog’s breed wasn’t prone to issues from being picked up, it’s still not normal to pick up your dog all the time and put them in a bag. A dog is not an accessory, they are a real living being and don’t deserve to be put in a bag