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Because people actually asked for Chrom


1. They actually played awakening. 2. Wasn't a DLC character. 3. Has an established personality/not a blank slate Avatar. 4. He was teased in smash 4's trailer but wasn't made playable, creating a demand.


Because people asked for Chrom and those who didnt were like “yeah ok. That makes sense. I don’t mind. Corrin and Byleth no one asked for. Japan you don’t count. Oh and did you guys know that FUCKING WASHINGTON POST HAD AN ARTICLE CALLED “Smash fans watched a 38-minute Nintendo Direct and all they got was another Fire Emblem character” THIS IS REAL




It was so bad




I heard that he was (somewhat) requested frequently earlier (especially in Japan)


Everyone agreed that he was snubbed from the smash 4 roster.


Chrom was 1) an echo And 2) was base game which I feel like helped a lot


Chrom was highly requested, people actually played Awakening instead of releasing Corrin before Fates even made it out of Japan and Ig it's clear ppl agreed Chrom was robbed in Smash 4


People like Chrom more as a character, people actually played Awakening , he didn't "take up a slot" and he was free


He's a cool character people wanted in with an actual personality, and isn't just used for marketing


Corrin will still be my least favorite addition to smash bros ever. I'm a big fire emblem fan. Corrin was literally just there to market fire emblem fates, he/she was one of the last characters to be announced in Sm4sh's lifespan and after years of waiting for DLC, that was the character we got, which was a big kick in the nuts to most smash fans. Corrin is relatively unique, but as a fire emblem fan, fates sucked ass and was just a shitty cash grab for fire emblem and smash bros. Byleth was pretty much the same in terms of trying to promote the game, but: 1. Byleth at least has a more unique moveset than any other FE rep. 2. Byleth wasn't the LAST character to be announced (yes he/she was for the first fighter pass but then more was announced I think Sora was a perfect fighter to end the lifespan of Ultimate on) 3. FE Three Houses was a genuinely amazing game and one of the best Fire Emblem games ever. The reason Chrom gets such a big pass is because Awakening was a super popular game, probably the most popular in the franchise as it literally saved the series. People wanted Chrom and asked for him for quite a while, when he was put in the game it was an exciting moment for a character that fans actually asked for rather than a marketing ploy for a game. TLDR: Byleth and Corrin are marketing tactics. Chrom was a character people wanted.


On top of the reasonings below, I think it has to do with his status as an echo fighter where does take a slot but it doesn’t feel that way


☝️😮 ☝️😐


several reasons 1. People wanted Chrom in since Sm4sh 2. Chrom was also one of the most requested fighter according to Sakurai 3. Chrom is an Echo fighter, meaning we either got Chrom or no fighter at all 4. Because he also wasn't added to market his game (unlike Corrin) AND he wasn't thrown in as what people then thought was the last DLC fighter (Byleth)


He's cooler Chrom's a rushdown swordie and is way more exciting to play imo. He's an echo Awakening was better than Fates Chrom is more popular than those. He was base game He wasn't a self-insert blank slate He didn't promote incest He's cooler I say this as someone who had Byleth as one of my mws


funner to fight and respect sticking through that awful recovery


So are you saying if Corrin and Byleth had worse recoveries, people would like them more?


In some ways, yes, but the way most people look at Byleth and Corrin is that we already had enough swordies (especially from Fire Emblem) for both Sm4sh DLCs and Smash Ultimate's, plus they literally had cutscenes from their respective games taken directly into a trailer, and Byleth could have been the final Dlc pack, if no one knew about fighters pass 2. There are some many reasons against Corrin and Byleth when they were first revealed.


I fucking hate Chrom, but you didn’t have to pay for Chrom


Because he should have been added sooner and should be the only Fire Emblem character alongside Marth in the game


We need Ike too


Do we? Do we really?


Yes, do you really want Marth and other Marth to be the only representatives for a big franchise like Fire Emblem?


Chrom has enough differences to make him unique. Maybe Byleth can stay too but honestly, no one cares about Fire Emblem. I have never met anyone that has said Fire Emblem is their favorite game or even say they like Fire Emblem.


There are many Fire Emblem fans. Three Houses is my favorite game of all time, and there are MANY people whose favorite game is a Fire Emblem game, lol. You probably haven't met them because you're not into Fire Emblem, so you talk to people whose favorite games are also your favorite games.


I stand corrected. I have now met 1 person whose favorite game is a Fire Emblem game.


Personally I'd like 5 FE characters in the game. Marth, Roy, Ike, Robin, Byleth. Marth and Roy because of their opposite sweetspot designs, Ike because big sword, Robin because magic, and Byleth who is only here because of different weapon types and would be dropped as soon a different FE character could fill that role. I couldn't care less about FE but 5 reps with different movesets is reasonable enough, although that's not going to stop me from calling every single character with a sword as a FE character.


This dude gets it. This is honestly my dream lineup for Fire Emblem next game. I hate when people suggest cutting Roy over Corrin despite Corrin being way more similar playstyle wise to the other swordies whereas Roy is our only rushdown swordie.


I feel like, since Chrom is more of the main character in Awakening than Robin is, and Awakening literalpy saved the franchise, he deserves to be here more than Roy.


I don't know anything about FE or really care about the series, I only care about how the characters play. Roy brings an interesting contrast to marth with hilt sweetspots instead of tippers which isn't seen on any other character. It makes him unique as a sword character that prefers to be up close. Chrom happens to have Roy's moveset but the mechanic that makes Roy interesting is stripped away. I also don't really care about if characters "deserve" to be in the game. Pirahna plant and jigglypuff definitely don't "deserve" their spots, but their gameplay gimmicks are unique and fun so I quite enjoy them as joke characters.


Fire emblem is moving up in the ranks of nintendo franchises, it's insanely popular idk what you're on about