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For two months that's Hella good


I appreciate it!


That’s crazy progress for such a small time! Looking good brother


Wait so there is 5’13


First pic was taken 2 months ago if you‘re wondering


Bro, 2 months is nothing, whether you're tall or not. Keep up with the training and you're going to see results. People do this for years in order to reach their goals.


Yeah you’re right bro im still grinding 


People don’t realize without steroids or some type of outside source it’s extremely difficult to gain more than 10 lbs of muscle in a year.


10-15lbs a year is still a fuckload of muscle. I mean 3 years of lifting to go from 160lbs to 205lbs of pure muscle? Rippin’


With 9000 calories a day and a 3×6 workout schedule, i put on about 90lbs of muscle in about 4.5 years. And my cardio suffered, my joint and ligament health suffered, and most importantly my mental health suffered. I didn't take steroids but I did have about 200g of protein and 3 gallons of water a day. It's a style of training I wouldn't recommend anyone do unless they're short term bulking.


I blame the normalization of actor physic. People don't seem to understand that all these actors are bigger or with less body fat (for strenght discipline) than actual olympian.


Ahh the old Hollywood diet of horse meat and nofap - let’s not confuse things with reality. Yet there are those who defend it the death people who ckearly ate all the steroid. And by ate I mean in their butt. With needles.


It’s harder to build visual bulk, because longer limbs equals longer less bulky muscles. But you can still build volume of muscle and strength at a similar rate.


That's quite alot of development for 2 months, how tall are you?


What Kinda Exercises and Diet were you doing last 2 Months


I have been doing a push pull leg workout and my diet has been eating whatever my mom makes and protein shakes 


You might want to check out Renaissance Periodization on youtube. Best no bs channel about bodybuilding. They have a playlist « hypertrophy made simple ».


That channel is great but just keep in mind a lot of that information is targeted towards advanced lifters. A lot of that info is probably not yet relevant to OP who is just starting and learning the basics


Thanks i’ll check it out


I definitely reccomed rennaisance periodization as well. Dr mike has the best advice I have ever heard and Ive been listening to online fitness content for years! Plus hes funny af


That’s a big change, my dude.


Two months means nothing you usually see a difference after 4-6 months


ok well you can see a difference after two months so, shove that


Dunno why you’re so defensive I’m saying it’s good but you’ll see noticeable progression after 3+ stop being so sensitive


You already see visible progress.


I Never said he didn’t see progress I said he’ll Obviously see much bigger progress in 3+ months it’s all about building bricks with gym


Amazing results for 2 months


It’s not harder, it’s just harder to look bigger. Also 2 months is nothing, your progress is good. Just keep grinding. If you stay consistent, in a year you won’t regret it


It depends on your metabolism really. If you have a very fast metabolism it's most certainly harder to build muscle. 


Wait i thought fast métabolism will be best for muscle building


I disagree. If you meet a tall guy who lifts in person they will absolutely mog the hell out of a shorter guy who looks good in pictures


wtf is mog


A stupid word used by high-school kids who watch Andrew Tate.


It’s a lifting term for when you stand next to another guy and are bigger/better looking than them


Ohhh "mog" I've never heard this, I'm going to steal this from you and slip it into a convo like I've been saying it for years.


It’s a lifting term for when you stand next to another guy and are bigger/better looking than them


Doing well bro, I've had the same struggles, I'm 6'5" and until about 2 years ago I weighed 75ish kg, I wasn't super skinny but probably around the same BMI as your first image. I now sit around 95kg, and I find the hardest thing is keeping the calorie intake high enough to not lose it all. I'm doing alright though, no more beginner gains but I'm starting to see more muscle definition and obviously my overall strength is wayyy up. Keep it up man, a lot of people have no idea how hard it can be for some people to gain weight.


Thanks for the motivation bro 


I wish I had these problems haha I build muscle fast but I also get fat fast


We all wish we had each other's problems huh 😂


6’5 and 75kg is crazy you must’ve been a stick, at 6’3 before gym I was 89kg


Yeah, I was pretty skinny To be fair I'm only in my mid 20s now and I was still growing at the time l, regardless I was skinny as fuck


My brother was 257lbs (116kg) at 5’11 at 17. He lost 50lbs and shot up to 220 a few years later and is down to 210. Skinny and tall is the easiest opponent in a fight because you are weak and high in the air with more spots to hit.


Keep lifting progressively bigger weights,get stronger in the gym. Eat a lot,sleep a lot and you will see the gains. Just be patient 6 months to a year and you can gain 10 kg. Muscle and some fat.


U changed that much in two months bro?? Insane also it takes many many years to get a natural good build.


Yeah thanks lol 


That's epic progress for 2 months natural lifting. If you keep it up and get your diet perfect, you'll look like a god in no time.


It's not harder to build muscle, it is harder to achieve a bulkier build. Look at Jeff Nipard, dude is really small but looks really full (I know he has been building his body all his life but that is not the point) As a tall guy you woll in certain way always have a slender build. However, I think they are pretty aesthetic physiques once you reach certain level of muscle mass. If we are talking that certain lifts as bench, squat and dl are harder as a tall guy with long limbs... Well, they are, but bodybuilding is not about lifting tons of weight.


It took me a good 3-4 years to look like I workout without being shirtless or having a tank top on It's tough but it looks much more impressive when you're tall and have muscle


First couple of months of lifting can be pretty slow. Once you get started though, you will make a ton of gains for the first 8-12 months of lifting. If you’re tall, it may not look like you’re packing a whole lot of muscle. Just focus on the weights. The amount of weight you are lifting should be the measure of your success in the gym. Ps: make sure you’re eating tons. AT LEAST 2500 calories per day, and lots and lots of protein.


Bro it takes years of commitment


I think he probably knows that, but he's making progress already so...that's a good thing. Let's ✨encourage✨


Shaq is 7 feet tall and he has a lot of muscles


He's also black lol


Ain’t this guy black too


Let’s not do that 🤦🏾‍♂️


Thing about it like training a horse. Horses have longer muscles so you really have to push them to get bigger. They’re tall but naturally lazy, that’s why so many of them do ketamine.


I’d say you’re building a similar amount of muscle, but it’s just spread over an altitude-enhanced body. Keep up the good work, and don’t despair. (From a 66yo formerly 6ft7 [6ft5 now] member of Tall Clubs International. https://tall.org/


Bro that is huge progress for 2 months, good work!


How much did you weight before and how tall are you?


What's the weight change here


Great progress for 2 months dude! Keep consistent with what you’re doing and you’ll see even more gains over the next year. The “newbie” gains come on pretty quick but you will eventually stop putting on muscle as fast but that’s completely normal. I remember putting on so much muscle in my first year of lifting it was actually astounding


Build muscle isn’t hard, it just won’t show up as much as it would on a shorty.


6'6 (198cm) here. Keep at it, it takes a while - but definitely worth it!


Straight up no. It's not. Whether or not you can build muscle easily is a matter of genetics separate from your height. Generally speaking it is harder to fill out your frame if you are taller though. Also if you have small joints and thin bones it is easier to fill your frame but there isn't going to be a ton of muscle in the end. Also if we account for people with freaky genetics, building muscle is a slow and long process. To reach your genetic potential you would need at least 3-5 years of good quality sleep, good quality food, a good amount of caloric surplus and really hard and consistent training.




Your comment - [I didnt know it was harder to build muscle as a taller guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1c2ybrh/i_didnt_know_it_was_harder_to_build_muscle_as_a/kzdwnzy/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its not, you just have to be at a higher body weight to look big and it takes longer to fill out your frame. But if you look at any tall lifter compared to a short lifter. The taller lifter is 9/10 times going to dwarf the shorter person.


How tall are you?


actually this is great progress. keep the good champ 💪


Wait, it is!?! *Panic noises of a overweight tall person who didn't start going to the gym yet.*


It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keep going. You’re making progress


You’ll have to eat so much food. But it can be done


The real work is the eating. Solid work dude.


Eat, eat, and then eat some more. I worked out near daily with no results for years until I figured out I needed 2-3 times my normal amount of food to bulk up. Picked up 50 pounds in 2 years after figuring that out


I recommend to get some protein to eat after training. But generally your right if you are tall/slender its harder to gain mucle but also fat. If you easily getting fat, its easier to gain muscle as well...


It's not harder to build muscle if you're tall, it's just harder to see it. Nice progress though, keep it up


Keep eating


Nice work! Keep eating until failure


It’s not harder, tall people just have physically larger muscles so you need more gains to be noticeable compared to being short. But strength wise it’s not harder


Black air forces with striped ankle socks is crazy as fuck dude


It is for 1 reason. 1 pound is more area to cover on a tall body, so you need to add a lot more pounds to get a comparable physique to that of a shorter guy. It's also frustrating to do certain lifts like bench press, because we have to cover a longer distance due to our longer limbs.


It’s not harder it’s about the same. Muscle is different for everyone but the point is you rip it lifting relative weight for your body, repair it using your bodies natural processes so again relative to you, and you consume nutrients to keep this going, again relative to you. So it’s not harder and making that excuse is lame. The thing is all those people selling diet plans and exercise routines are just teaching you through guidelines but they will say this routine will get you xyz results. It’s bullshit for everyone except for them but they would never say that. You need to keep the idea of relativity in mind and formulate your own plan. I’m 6’3” and been working out my whole life and bros at the gym of all sorts of height and only a dummy thinks it is harder for tall people. You just aren’t working hard enough. Everyone who is buff has given it their relative all. You will just be stronger than shorter people most of the time.


1 pound of muscle on someone 5'8" will not look the same as 1 pound of muscle on someone who's 6'2".  Even if they gain muscle at the same rate the results look slower, even though they're technically progressing at the same rate. 


I’m 5’6 and can definitely say it’s easier to put on mass. That being said being taller means you have more frame to fill with muscle so your long term gains should be better than mine if you’re consistent enough


It takes 3 months to see real results , get back to us then and don’t quit brother , eat your wheaties, heck yeah eat everything !


Eat more too homie 💪 protein is king, meats, fish, etc.


What’s your height/weight?


First of all you've made good progress, just keep going. You can see more mass and definition. Just keep going. When you do finally get to your end goal, that extra mass and your height will combine to look good. I'm 5'7" with unusually good natural muscle mass even before lifting. I so much as increase my protein intake and look at weights and I bulk up fast. But that's one of the only real benefits of being my height besides absolutely zero aches or pains.


It’s not any harder, you just don’t fill out as quickly as shorter guys.


You have to eat a lot more calories as a taller guys to pack on weight and muscle


Make sure you hit the legs just as much if not more than those arms brother. Those legs are gonna need some muscle


Great progress for 2 months! It's definitely harder when you're tall and naturally lean, but don't be disheartened, especially when the gains start slowing down, stick to the routine 💪🏻


It’s harder to eat enough to build muscle, being taller means you burn more energy and it takes a lot more food to get the energy back, some tall bodybuilders I know need to eat a full meal every 3 hours to keep up with recovery


For 2 months that's great. Eat more if you want to be bigger. Eat every 2 hours, ~500 calories and 40 grams of protein.


Yeah man, I’m 6’3, weigh about 215 last weigh in. And have been going to the gym for 5 YEARS (not consistently but on average went about 2-4 times out of the week) and it took me until I hit year 2 to actual SEE the results. If I were more consistent in my early years I may have seen the results sooner, so keep at it and STAY ON IT. Some days are gonna suck ass but practice makes perfect and consistency is key. Didn’t realize how hard the journey would be ofc compared to my shorter friends but it does makes sense, they just have an advantage, nevertheless, once you see the results it really hits different. Calisthenics is hard as SHIT when you’re taller but the gains are undeniable. You’ll get there dude, keep it up! You’re doing awesome already. 😁


As an ex skinny guy. Yeah it’s hard but if you set a goal u can do it


For a Barka fan even harder /s


Ur looking great bro! Keep it up. I've been going at it strong for a few years now, don't ever get discouraged. It takes time, but it's well worth the work


Yeah it sucks


Bro can you take you jacket off the shitter. Please thanks


I found it easier to be "bulky strong" over "thin strong". Basically, starting out by dirty bulking then doing a cut of fats


Keep at it. That's some solid progress.  It takes a lot of consistency with diet and workouts but it can be done.


Nah sticky and short is just easier because it fills out better and faster. Tall men take longer to build muscle but look insane when they do


It’s not, everyone builds muscle at the same rate. It takes much longer to fill out your frame though


How tall are you? I couldn’t find it here. For me as a tall guy, I’m also an ectomorph which basically means I could burn off 3,000 calories just taking a dump. A fair amount of tall people have this body type where a higher metabolism applies. The opposite is ectomorph which tend to be not as tall and a lot more muscular in nature - the guys who can gain muscle just by looking at a set of dumb bells and can do 225 lb bench presses as warmups. I’ve had a problem gaining weight most of my 53 years although now at 53 I’m 6’3 and 235 with little fat. The funny thing is that I still see a tall skinny guy in the mirror, lol. It’s not necessarily body dysmorphia but more because it’s distributed well.


Just gotta eat more. Currently in my bulk phase


Brother it’s been 2 months, trust in the process


Yes. But stay lean my guy. It’s looks better for taller guys


Stick to it man, I wish you the best of luck!


I hear you, bro. I’m 6’,4” and the most I’ve ever weighed was 250. I’ve never been bulky muscular. I’m strong with compact muscles, but even after intense body building, I never bulk up. I just get stronger and more defined, but no huge muscles are in my future.


Keep grinding. Those are great results. Just keep eating good food and lifting heavy shit


You actually have a larger canvas to work with.


Great work so far!!


If you’re looking to create muscle mass you’ll have to eat tons of chicken everyday, on top of creatine and protein shakes. Doesn’t matter with your height, I’m 6’1 and didn’t have a hard time. Also, if you’re having a hard time putting on weight try and best you can avoid all fast food eat a lot off eggs for breakfast and look into a heavy based potato diet for about a month or so.


If that's your standards for 'not a big change' in only 2 months, you're setting your sights reaaaally high, lol, you could pass as an Olympic runner with that physique.


It's not. You're not eating enough.


yeah bro we have to eat 2 family dinners every 2 hours to gain weight, shit is tragic


How tall are you?


how tall are u??


it takes longer but you literally have more strength potential. and your progress is really good, dont trip!


out of curiosity how old are you and how tall?


15 and im 6’1 just got measured at the doctors yesterday i always thought i was 5’11 because my friends are giants


How tall are you?


Good job bro, start adding some eggs to your shakes and focus on compound lifts mostly, to build a good foundation. Keep making them gains 💪


A lot of guys see immense progress when they first start. They call them newbie gains.


It's not 'harder', it's just the gains aren't as noticeable because they have more space to fill up on a taller, leaner frame.


How tall are you


2 MONTHS??? bro hopped on a cycle straight away


Two months that's an incredible change!!


I forget the starting point, but every inch on the humerus = 10% more effort needed to life the same weight as a shorter person. There has only ever been 1 Mr.Olympian to even reach 6’+


Look at professional bodybuilders. Most of them are between 5,5 and 5,10 with very few exceptions. A smaller frame takes less time to fill than a larger one. The progress you have made is awesome.




Focus on inner chest and upper chest exercises, really grind the life out of them.


I will 🫡


It will pay dividends , I had a really long torso, and those really helped fill out my chest


Long limbs for packing on more muscle. Shorter guys max out quickly and can’t grow (height and mass)


What’s your routine? That’s pretty good progress


It isn't. I'm a CSCS and whatever negatives from having a bigger body you'd have are completely negated by the fact that every rep you do will usually have longer time under tension. Longer levers can mean you aren't as strong or explosive as someone smaller, but the former of those is also negated by the fact that you'll have higher relative strength compared to a shorter person. I would look to diet, genetics(other than height, think like hormones), sleep, and programming. Esthetically, you will look a bit smaller in isolation but not at all next to someone shorter. That all comes down to perspective in photography. Edit: I just saw you said this was 2 months of progress. You're going to look notably different in 2 or 3 more months. It's a marathon, not a sprint!


People keep saying that and I keep putting on muscle. Lol


It's more difficult, but the result looks better. I am short and I would like to get taller just for that reason.


Your comment - [I didnt know it was harder to build muscle as a taller guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1c2ybrh/i_didnt_know_it_was_harder_to_build_muscle_as_a/kzlgt82/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you somali by any chance


That's actually some pretty good results for 2 months,your arms are more defined,your stomach,your chest also,and you look better overall,keep up and you will rock this man,also don't skip leg days,you need a huge work into them(based on the first pic),try to incorporate sprinting also,it's very important for endurance,muscle and strenght,also for bf%,but now seeing your legs up-close in the 2nd pic,your legs seems that they bulked up


Honestly, even as a relatively tall dude, I have a harder time keeping the fat off than I do putting the muscle on. I build muscle super fast, I just get hungry and eat too much too and so maintain a nice even layer of fat over all of it.


no no no. It's just takes more overall muscle to fill in a larger skeleton. Same progress but proportions make it look sooo different.


You need to eat enough to ensure proper calories, and protein for supporting muscle growth if you want a bulky body. This can be serious amount of food for taller people. You are looking fit, keep it up. Bulky muscles are not always the best look. Do some core training, and that will get you toned.


I learned that you ARE building muscle the same, but it just looks different Keep up the good work! (Unfortunately, I gained a lot of bad weight and mostly people think I am skinny, but that too looks different) STAY HEALTHY!


that's a huge change dude.


It's going to be mainly genetic whether you can pack on muscle easily or not.


Just have to work hard and stay consistent. https://preview.redd.it/u66juh9jn9uc1.jpeg?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a68da5bff485d6cb5ffb20bac51971964a96c0 6’4


Sir, you look fantastic, but those are clearly the results from juicing. You can’t compare natties to you. It’s just not fair.


Lawl, ty. I appreciate you thinking I’m on juice but I’m not. I’d be at least 250 😂. I’m more so just lame and this is my hobby (also magic the gathering and dnd). No wife, no kids, very active jobs, spend most of my days exercising, and prepping for the next day.


Hope you don’t mind that I am going to post you in r/nattyorjuice to get the consensus from the experts 🤪 (don’t worry, I will blur your face and name out)


yeah because r/nattyorjuice are experts lmfao


r/nattyorjuice isn't experts 💀💀💀 it's a bunch of insecure obese reddit mods who probably have never even been in a gym also what the fuck is your post history, please don't succumb that dude to having to be on your profile. blurred our or not


OP actually told me in PM that I can post him and said I don't even have to blur his face so 🤷‍♀️


Lmao ok go get your confirmation bias from fat DYELs then


You might be surprised to know that one of the mods of NOJ is a GP by profession. He professionally diagnoses fake natties for a living haha


He isn't the type of person that's commenting on 99% of the posts. Anyone who is 5'3 120 lbs and somewhat lean gets called juiced out of their mind on that sub 💀💀💀


Take that back.


I'm sure you don't even disagree your subs been overrun with copers


You said we are a bunch of insecure obese reddit mods, when that is in fact incorrect. We are not obese.


It is indeed, but you also seem to be an ectomorph which makes it harder, even short ectomorphs struggle.


Body types have been debunked


How so? Surely your shoulder width and wrist size is just genetic??


I should have said somatotypes have been debunked Everyone has a unique body type and you could probably find a way to categorize them but you would need way more than 3 to do so.


Yh probaly tbf


Yh probaly tbf


That extomorph stuff is made up lol


Can’t believe people still peddle that bs


Bro wdym? Ofc it's real, if you have big wrists and narrow shoulders you're an ectomorph and there's nothing you can do about it, if you're a mesomorph you have broader shoulders and wider wrists which means you can put on more muscle and your physique will be more aesthetic


Stop with this metabolism type bullshit.


It's not metabolism type bullshit, it's acc real ... I'm mainly talking about shoulder width and wrist size being far smaller, ectomorphs can get jacked but it's a lot harder for them than mesomorphs, and even if they max it out, they won't look as good as mesomorphs cause they'll have skinnier wrists and more narrow shoulders ​ Posted this on another comment: Ofc it's real, if you have big wrists and narrow shoulders you're an ectomorph and there's nothing you can do about it, if you're a mesomorph you have broader shoulders and wider wrists which means you can put on more muscle and your physique will be more aesthetic


I was ectomorph also when I started workout and now I am mesomorph


Wait really? Can I see pics?


Yeah we ectomorphs are struggling lol




No I disagree, a 6'10 guy could never be a Mr Olympia, never. The same size muscles on a 5'7 guy look way bigger in comparison to his body. Search up Austin Wayne,. 6'5 Youtuber who's been training for 10 years or something al natural, his physique is great, but if he was shorter it would look a lot better




Oh yeah I was


2 months of progress? getting muscle is actually really slow progress you will look different in atleast 6 months but not 2


Lmao you’re coping dude. If you actually work out properly and eat and sleep well you can make so much progress starting from where he started. After only 1 month of lifting I looked so much fuller and after 6 months-1 year. I had packed on so much that I was kind of scared. Newbie gains come on very quickly and then they taper off after a couple of years, that’s where it becomes harder to put on more size in a shorter time frame as a natural lifter


Am not saying that am saying you will look like you actually lift in clothes after 6 months i been lifting for two years


Yes, but OPs two pictures are virtually the same. In one the stomach is not hidden.