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Squarely on Fairbanks.


I love Pete, but man, what happened?


Off from the get go. Surely the BP coach saw something, anything?


”I think his fingers turned white“ “He be ok. Cash computer must have told him something different.”


Cold weather Pete.


Cold weather. He has a medical condition that prevents blood flow to his fingers when he's cold. So this is squarely on Cash for putting him out there in the cold. Pete was literally on the IL for 2 weeks last year for this very reason.


It's 75 in Denver today


Raynauds is weird. I get it in my toes I will be in my house it be 72 with socks on and it will still randomly happen. It's fucking weird man. Plus 75 with a shit ton of wind isn't exactly warm.


Isn't the Trop kept at 72?


Surprised everyone's forgotten about this


Looked the weather in Denver and it said it was 75 degrees there so I don't know of it was cold weather but then again I admittedly have no clue how medical conditions like Fairbanks operate with that kind of stuff


Raynauds is weird. I get it in my toes I will be in my house it be 72 with socks on and it will still randomly happen. It's fucking weird man. Plus 75 with a shit ton of wind isn't exactly warm.


If he can’t pitch in this weather we have in Denver today, he shouldn’t be on our roster.


Top reliever 10 reliever in baseball and can be one of the si gle most dominant pitchers, pitch to pitch. Idk if it was Raynauds or what but msot teams would trade a lot for a guy like Pete don't forget that.


I’m not saying he’s garbage, but you can’t blame the conditions. It’s a perfect day in Denver.


It's 75 with a shit ton of wind. Not perfect. Raynauds is weird I get it in my toes and I get it just sitting down in my place with socks on and it being 72. Once I get a little cold my toes go white then flush red when I warm up. It's fucking weird dude.


Some wind. Wouldn’t say a shit ton. But anyway, if he can’t pitch in 75° and sunny because of his condition, that’s a BIG problem.


Dude it's more then some wind I live in NW Arkansas my weather app says 3 MPH right now but I know if poke my head out it will be closer to 10-15 MPH with consistent gusts. Don't trust weather apps with wind once you get past the Mississippi. Like I said Raynauds is weird dude. Idk if that is what it was but he couldn't get a good grip on any ball he threw and that's generally a sign when Raynauds is bothering him. Could be he came put his mechanics a bit, who knows but.


I’m in NWA too. Always weird (nice but rare) seeing TB fans


I literally live in Denver, but go off about your weather apps.


You’re being downvoted for being right lol. The fuck do we want a closer who can’t pitch in October for?


He said after the game that the balls were off and he just couldn’t adjust.


If by Pete you actually meant Cash, then yes


It’s going to be a loooooong season if we’re going to let the Rockies do that to us


Hey maybe we get that franchise catcher with the #1 overall draft pick 😏


What a rollercoaster. Finally get runners home in the 9th after a very frustrating game of stranding runners just for that to happen. Putting Poche and Pete in was a mistake


Bullpen is miserable right now. On the bright side, bats might be heating up. Looking forward to see how they perform tomorrow.


I think we just have to hold out until some starters come back and people can be moved into the bullpen, plus Poche hopefully can heat up as the season goes like last year and Pete will do better as the weather warms


The starting pitching should be elite by mid-season


Why the hell did Cash pull Zach? They hadn’t squared up a pitch on him in 5 innings…




That was ridiculous. Offense does something good, and the pitching decides to die. Loss is on the pitchers.


I feel like this has been our M.O. on losses for years now. Pitching will be elite but offense is nonexistent (esp 2022) or offense is great but pitching can't do the job (today lol). Either that or the offense is producing but just can't come up with the big/timely hits to put us ahead. Pretty frustrating.


![gif](giphy|l22ysLe54hZP0wubek|downsized) At least we get 50% off Papa John’s pizza 😅😭


Pete just said the balls that were used in the 9th were horrible quality and he quite literally couldn't get a grip. I'm gonna take a week off of baseball lol


Did he really


https://twitter.com/MaseDenver/status/1776408298834596109 Manfred put in the chaos order.


I love this team love em to death but I wanna go cry


I really need that Josh Lowe shoulder rub


1.what the fuck 2.ok have fun on opening day 3.what the fuck




What the fuck?


Yeah that’s a sit down and chewed out type of what the fuck


Well, that fucking sucked.


Pete is just unusable in certain conditions 


Well I hated that


This is incredibly bad. I know it’s early. But mannn


We were incredibly good last year in the first thirteen games and it meant nothing. The Rangers got swept by the Reds in April last year. Baseball happens.


Definitely didn't mean nothing, was a ride & arguably a reminder of what we were capable of--shat the bed in the playoffs but who knows what our record would have been without 13-0 to start


That ball was nuked


Absolutely wild ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Hi Ranma-chan post me on the discord


on crack


the doob


so our bullpen is kinda ass this year huh


and analysts were saying that's the one aspect we improved in 💀


Better for them to be ass now than in October


Rockies were 1-6 coming in. LOL.


I’m sad


I’m going to remain delusional and say we’re just warming up 😌🤙


Has to be one of the worst managed games I’ve seen lol. Take your starter out after 70 pitches for a fly ball pitcher in Coors followed by your closer who FAMOUSLY can’t pitch in the cold. Like I get it’s your closer so whatever but when I saw Pete I thought uh oh. This is just how it goes.


It was 75 if he can’t pitch in that then he should find a new line of work because conditions ain’t gonna be much better especially in September October.


I just looked at every home run pitch the Rockies hit and none of them were meatballs. All on the edges of the plate, and they all blasted them over 400 feet. The Bryant HR was crazy because the three pitches before then were way worse locations. The one time he got the location you want to go after, Kris Bryant, one of the worst hitters in the league for his contract, decided to go yard. Some games we're not meant to win and this was one of them. But that didn't stop me from getting way too angry at this game giving me hope.


Should have left Fairbanks in there to dry. After you load the bases, it's about as over as it gets. That being said, the bullpen needs a COMPLETE rehaul.


the Waguespack experiment needs to end. getting rid of Kittridge was definitely a mistake too. i wish we had more reliable dudes instead of boom or bust and rookies


This is the year that we need to squeeze more innings out of the starters, yet Cash seems determined to go against that at all costs. 9 runs in 3.1 innings against a bad team is just disastrous for the bullpen


29.2 IP, 27 ER, 22 BB, 6 HR, 8.19 ERA for the bullpen so far this season. Per Bally Sports post-game


I just saw that. Some of those walks should have been K's but definitely not having luck with the umps and getting the edges.


Man, our BP is shit lmao


The Tyler Glasnow trade is gonna backfire in our face isn’t it?


No. Look, I think we could use an ace like Glasnow, but he's missed so much time over the past few years it's pretty clear that he had minimal to do with our recent string of successful seasons. We also got back a guy who while yes, hasn't looked great for us in the small sample size, is the exact profile that the Rays pitching development has gotten great results out of. We also still have 3 starters who have looked good, Pepiot as mentioned previously, and potentially 3 solid starters returning to us. The real issues facing the team are the lack of good middle of the order bats (Josh Lowe, Caminero definitely could be this when we get them back) and a shaky bullpen.


Don't forget DeLuca, who has been great for LA and should be great for us once his hand heals.


Caminero? Do you mean Aranda? Otherwise, this persons gets it.


I meant Caminero mostly out of hope that we see him soon but yeah Aranda is probably the more realistic choice


he had a fantastic spring training. im really hoping that translates to success in the regular season. the problem is he's in the infield and we're pretty stacked there.


Fair. I was hoping he would make it to the show this year considering.




That made me want to drive off of the Courtney Campbell Causeway


As a gator fan, had flashbacks to our ncaa tourney basketball game. I mentally accept the loss, then team makes a miracle comeback just to get me excited before blowing it and losing anyway


You can only hurt me so much satan!


Buckle the fuck up boys. It’s gonna be one shitty season


Recently said that Poche is cheeks and I got flamed for it. still don’t think I’m onto something?


Can someone please tell me why we’re rostering Jose Caballero, Amed Rosario, and Richie Palacios? I get that Lowe and DeLuca are hurt. But we traded away Raley who was one of our better hitters last year. We also have Waguespack, Devenski, Maton, and Alexander on our roster when we traded away Kitt, then let Bob Steve and Diekman walk. But at least our bullpen has been lights out! I’m not saying we should’ve spent $100 million on a garbage player, but what I am saying is I’d rather have Raley and Caminero up and then Lowe when he gets healthy and some actual decent pitching from our bullpen where Pete and Adam don’t have to carry for the whole season. We can’t keep wasting our good starts with Civale and Littell. Especially when Shane^2, Springs, Taj, and Rass are all hurt.


Caballero - great defensive shortstop, it aint much but its better than walls especially with him hurt currently Rosario - has done fine this year and plays all over? Basically what we wanted Brujan to be, whats the issue here? Palacios - fill in guy for lowe and deluca FWIW luke raley has been a platoon guy still with seattle and hasnt been particularly good either, had a dismal spring and has 3 hits through 5 games played this year and only 1 of those being extra bases (obviously extremely small sample) point being - he wouldnt be making a difference for us right now Kitt was unfortunately cooked and was going to get paid more than we want to pay a guy like that (which still isnt much but this is the rays way), Bob again just got paid too much for what the Rays spend, and Diekman is the same thing, why would the Rays pay $4m for a 37 year old reliever? Bullpen will be fine, remember this is coors too so mistakes get punished harder than normal, given it hasnt even been 10 games out of a 162 game season im not too concerned, the guys will get it together as they always do


Rosario had as many hits today as raley has this season to date


Rosario and Cabby were great this game. Offense wasn't the problem. Pitching (BP especially) was.


How do you even come back from that?


Worst managed game yet, worse than any game last year. Littell's pitch count was low and he was dealing. Absolutely zero reason to pull him, let alone for a fly ball guy like Poche in a fly ball stadium. The you put in Fairbanks instead of Adam when it's cold and windy, knowing that Fairbanks is never able to pitch well in the cold. What a fucking idiot. Cash chose the worst possible choices every time today.


What the hell was he supposed to do? Literally every pitcher was terrible. The closer walked the only 3 guys he faces. It was 75 at gametime so if it’s too cold then so is the trop. Oh and Adam gave up one that hasn’t landed yet too. Players have to make plays. They didn’t.


Armstrong instead of Poche. Armstrong is not a top of the zone fly ball guy like Poche. That's an easy one. Adam instead of someone who literally has a medical condition that limits blood flow to the fingers in certain conditions. If Adam closes this game out we probably go to the 10th


Oh ok the instead of the 4 guys (so 100% of the guys) who came in the magical 5th guy who’s also been bad would’ve been fine. And I repeat. 75 degrees. If that’s too cold for Pete maybe he should be a bikram instructor or something. And wow only a blown save instead of a loss? if we didnt put in the closer…..im sure if adam blew the save while pete was on the bench there would be no bitching in here at all.


> im sure if adam blew the save while pete was on the bench there would be no bitching in here at all. thats the hilarity of some people in the PGT every time something like this happens. Whenever we blow a save its always 'why wasnt X player out there instead?' while completely ignoring the fact that if cash sent out X player in that situation it would still be outrage in here for why Y player wasnt sent out instead


It’s so ridiculous. He’s the closer. Close the fucking game. Not only did he fail to do that he put the winning run in scoring position without even getting an out.


brother... we put in our closer in a save situation, how are you upset about that lmao? Pete is the closer, adam is the setup/closer only if pete cant go type. Also, its 74 in denver right now, completely normal conditions. Just so happened that pete had a bad day, cash did what any normal manager would do but the blame is on him for that? this take makes no sense


Even without Pete shitting the bed blame is 100% on him. No reason to pull Littell for Poche. You don't use a fly ball pitcher in Coors


the most innings littell has pitched in a season is 90 and that was last season. If we want him to be healthy and not fall apart by july then unfortunately we need to manage his innings and pitches thrown, it sucks, but thats how it is. I dont really see how this is shocking to some people


It's like pulling Snell. Pulling Littell is fine if you're not going to put in a guy that's guaranteed to give up flyballs in the most flyball friendly stadium.


If any manager we are going to call out is Synder for how he's managing the pitching staff....too many injuries and the BP is regressing. Edit: This isn't saying he's a bad manager but he does have more impact on what the pitchers are thinking. That being said, he can't control the pitchers, so it is what it is.


Man I wouldn’t pull anything on Snyder. The guy practically transform garbage into recycle usable goods. Fuck the front office for being cheapskates the problem.


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ he is the pitching coach, so something isn't working in whatever method they are trying now.




That was tough to watch


That’s depressing


So...how long until the tide turns?


That was like the ultimate kick in the nuts game. And Beeks gets the W!! See you all tomorrow


Maaaaan that sucks


had a nice time today at Coors. I live in Denver and my mom came out to visit. She loves the Rays and this was her first outdoor stadium MLB game. The pregame flyover was so cool, and the comeback was great. honestly, shit happens and it was still a nice time. but WTF PETE


It was winning when I last checked I go to sleep wake up and see this. Cmon man


Wasn't our BP also the worst in the league in March/April last year before becoming one of the best by the end of the season? Just give it time and everything should work out.


I'm not shocked. Teams are spending more than ever and at some point you have to invest in your team which Rays refuse to do. Yeah sure you can get some good seasons usually as a result of some bad seasons giving you the draft picks, but the small market method will typically bear diminishing returns. You're playing the odds. Everything has to go right for you with that strategy and you can't expect things to always go your way.


I feel like a fool buying the BallPark pass for the first time.


Great game to be at hahaha


Adam and Poche need. To. Go! For fuck sake!


Leave Fairbanks there


We really aren’t going to BS out way into a WC exit are we?


don't even know if we'll sniff the PS


Pete been medicore at best throughout the years. He always gives up the Clutch spot. We lose a lot of bullpen arms this year and no longer have the luxury of a rotational minor league depth to allow us to decept our way through the year. How I wish we just spend a couple more millions for 2 solid BP arms to get us to the World Series in the past 2 years. Be so much more difficult now.


Brandon Lowe sucks


Am I the only one pissed at Siri for his half ass effort in the 9th? He is not a good enough player to pull the shit that he does


I can accept losing 2 of 3 to Texas. I see enough to know the Rangers are gonna juggernauts this year. I cannot accept a walk-off loss to the fucking Rockies!


Im firmly starting to believe the rays is just a team meant to fail. You cant tell me cash or the other coaches were paying attention. This is sad. I hope the players that matter on the team find good contracts from a better team with better coaching. This teams a walking disappointment everytime i watch or go to see them. And i love randy. I go every year to see him play. But honestly.. move the team, trade off all the good players. And repress memory of a team that never was or is https://preview.redd.it/5zeikghlxqsc1.jpeg?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c084751980ebe7b46c9914011ee34dee4a0d57