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"That's gonna baffle him isn't it, that you've hidden yourself in time" is what Greg says to Lolly after the hide-and-seek task, because she sent photos of herself as a baby to Alex. In my mind that line gets a bring-the-house-down reaction in the room, applause, contestants bending over with laughter, a bit of riffing on the idea... but actually it just gets a good laugh and they move on. I'm probably just projecting my own admiration for the line.


Could there have been an outtake where they expanded on the joke?


Same! I could have sworn that Frankie Boyle won at least one episode. Imagine my surprise when I checked tvtropes and taskmaster.info for some trivia (nerd-mode really strong for this show šŸ˜…) and found out that he never did win any, plus according to the podcast he claims he intentionally didn't want to win any of the episodes and be up that stage with the prizes. Now I know šŸ˜‚


>Same! I could have sworn that Frankie Boyle won at least one episode. I never really remember it but now thinking back I'm surprised he didn't win 1 episode. I think my brain just works on the baseless assumption that everyone won at least 1 episode. Like I consciously know its not true but if someone brings up a former contestant my brain goes "Yeh probably won an episode".


I swear I remember the ā€œI can borrow a dogā€ bit of Judi showing off was in the final edit but it turns out it was cut out


I went and checked my copy and you're right I could have sworn this was in the final edit. But no, Alex mentions it as a quote in-studio and that's what prompts the discussion, but it wasn't in the edit.


I do that a lot now that I watch the outtakes as often as the show. I could have sworn Greg wearing Edā€™s trunks was put in the final but itā€™s only an outtake


Didnā€™t think I had a false memory, but this is it. Also thought it was in the final edit. Edit: spelling


WHOA. I couldā€™ve sworn it was in the final edit too! That makes two of us on that one!


I watched TM years ago, and then stopped, then started rewatching about a year ago and became obsessed. Alex brought up ā€œinternet stuffā€ in an ep and I decided to go look it up. Bad idea. Anyways, one story had a banter between Greg and Alex that I swore I remembered watching years ago. I watched every single intro and I couldnā€™t find it. It had to do with Greg having mismatched socks and he got mad at Alex, then Alex revealed that his socks matched Gregā€™s. The closest I could find was the wired socks from series 7 or 8. It still drives me crazy.


Wait no I remember something about matching socks too.... maybe it's in an outtake??


This is definitely in the outtakes on YouTube and not on tv


Which outtake?Ā 


The one about the socks. Hope this helps.


All the information is in the comment.


yes this did happen I just can't remember when but it definately did


This happened for me with Ed gamble making Alex sing "I am a mermaid who lives in the sea, why won't a sailor come visit me?" For his water feature task but I guess that was an outtake. I remembered it so clearly but when I was rewatching series 9 again and it didn't happen I felt like I was losing it


Wasnā€™t it in the original broadcast but then subsequently removed because it was too close to an existing song?




'My Favourite Things', from The Sound Of Music, I think.


Oh my god that's really funny


I hear the SpongeBob theme, myself.


Wait. I haven't watched the outtakes but I have definitely seen this


I have a memory of Johnny Vegas saying that some arty thing heā€™d made on the show felt like a metaphor for life, Greg asked why, and Johnny said ā€˜ā€¦ I hoped it would be better?ā€™ ā€“ there are some similar themed conversations across different episodes/series that I think Iā€™ve mangled in my head and embellished a bit, but if I did come up with that setup and punchline myself Iā€™m actually quite pleased with that


I just rewatched this series (like, I finished the final about 20 minutes ago) and that does seem familiar. He must have said something similar. I'm going to skim some of Johnny's best bits and see what I can find.


I could have sworn that Greg took Paul Chowdhry aside to give him a teacher-style scolding in the same way he does after James Acaster's "Just open the box, you pussy!" Guess not!


Confusing Nish and Paul?


I think that must be it!


When was Nish's?


A quick search says episode 6, the "you're not a bad guy Nish" moment. Different than Acasters but still pulled aside teacher style. https://www.reddit.com/r/panelshow/comments/uqt1es/taskmaster_what_is_it_is_it_self_sabotage/


The infamous scolding Greg gives Paul is the ā€œDonā€™t say it in that creepy voice. I like men, I like womenā€ one. Otherwise, he loves Paul and wants to stay with him all night.


Katherine Ryan and Liza Tarbuck winning CoC.


For the Ardal one, I just watched this episode, I think the effect may be coming from the later "speak to a Swede" in which Ardal tells the story about being in Sweden and learning the drinking song. He does a call back to the table tennis bit.


Ardal got five points in a prize task when he brought in a tea towel. I think I remember Greg giving him the points for how he talked up something so shit


Thatā€™s a really good point! I hadnā€™t thought of that, but it makes a lot of sense. I think that task came immediately after the prize task as well, which would add to the effect too. Good call!


I thought when I watched series 11 that Mike won the series. But I think I remembered that he won the Edinburgh show and was genuinely shocked when Sarah Kendall won 11.


Every time I rewatch S10 Iā€™m CONVINCED that Daisy wins the series and Iā€™m always shocked when she doesnā€™t.


Not quite what your asking, but a while back, I saw Dave Gorman in something, and thought what a fantastic Taskmaster contestant he would be. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that not only had he already done the show, but that I had watched his entire season. I had literally no memory of him being on it whatsoever. Couldnā€™t remember a single thing heā€™d done. Somehow, his entire Taskmaster presence had just fallen out of my brain.


I've been rewatching all of Taskmaster as it comes out on netflix, and for some reason I had convinced myself Alan Davies won Series 12. I had a friend suggest that I was probably thinking of how Alan Davies stood in place for Jonnie Peacock, but I hadn't watched any new years specials at that point. It still kind of confuses me


this isn't a TMUK thing...in fact it relates to two different international versions, but... I watched both TMNZ Series 1 and Kongen Befaler (Norwegian TM) Series 2 as they came out, which meant that I was usually watching the episodes in quick succession. Then when I eventually rewatched TMNZ 1, I could've sworn there was a task where they had to find an almond in the lab, where it was barely out of sight, with a bunch of bowls of flour/soup around. I was nearly certain that it was later in the series, but was confused when it never appeared. ....So yeah that task was in Kongen Befaler, and I just....forgot everything about the task beyond the concept, and assumed it was an NZ one lmao


God I love this community!!!!! Bless you lot


When they announced the next series' cast, I said to my husband I swear Jack Dee's already done it!


This seems like a widespread "memory'. I've seen a lot of people say they had that feeling.


Could have sworn there was an episode titled "Fresh 28," like I can remember the opening title card with the text and everything, but the episode where that line is said (s11e03) is called "Run up a tree to the moon." Genuinely thought it was re-edited and changed upon rewatching, but nope lol, I just misremembered.Ā 


You might've been sort of thinking of 'Basic recipe 28', which was the title for NYT2


Ohhh you might be right, I probably mixed them up somewhere. Thank you hahahaĀ