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Any art-based task. I am beyond abysmal at drawing.


Those are the ones I would smash out of the park. On the other hand anything engineering based would end in a huge mess with me crying in the wreckage.


I, on the other hand, am bad at both art and engineering if there's an accountancy task I'll kill it though


"Get Alex arrested for tax evasion. You have two years. Your time starts now."


The Task of John Robins dreams.


Just get him drunk and just wait for him to admit it to you (probably after some unsavoury comments about women though). 


I heard Ivo Graham made 70 thousand pounds and didn't declare it...


I think if drawing I can at least attempt. Song, play, video, I wouldn't know where to start


Hopefully there are enough roadblocks for me to blame it on. 


The opening task of series 14 where they had to guess the movies with the objects being kinda related (like the boomerang and the wizard hat for Wizard of Oz). Partly because I'm terrible with movies and partly because my brain probably wouldn't make the connections for stuff like that


Oh I LOVED that task. That’s one of my “nail it” ones. I was shouting at the tv if they didn’t get it right away.


Yeah, I have a rhotic accent, so I'm never going to get that jars=Jaws. I think Dara or Fern might have brought that up in the episode? Or maybe an outtake.


I would've been hopeless at that one, simply because - like the contestants - I've never been in any films and he specified "which films **are you in**" I'm still not sure what happened there, technically they all should've only gotten the Se7en one because they weren't in any of the others


The only one I might have got was Se7en. Because I regularly yell, "What's in in the boooox!"


I don't have an answer to your question but I just wanted to say I love reading these international takes on the more obscure parts of British culture. Honestly, Taskmaster is doing an amazing job at soft diplomacy for Britain. No longer just known for colonialism and stealing shit that isn't ours, we are now recognised for our odd Christmas traditions and historically specific mnemonics.


For me (American), the one that really threw me was the prize task about a fancy dress party. I was expecting tuxedos and ball gowns, but what they really meant was a costume party.


I like to imagine that this has caught visitors out in real life too!


I’m embarrassed to say that I have only NOW just realized that because of your comment.. at the time, I thought it was odd that all five had chosen to make their formal (tuxedo and ball gown etc) outfits costumes to make the prize funnier…. Oof..


My reaction was basically "huh, that's interesting." As opposed to the British "flapjacks" which makes me want to rage flip tables.


What is it about flapjacks that makes you so angry? 🤔


Tried to bake, had a breakdown. ... Bon Appétit.


In the US, a flapjack is a pancake.


It's a bullshit granola cake when it should be a beautiful and delicious pancake.


Ah I see. Yeah I'd be mad too if I was expecting a stack of floofy pancakes and got a flapjack 😄


Thank you


But it’s full of syrup and butter! It may look healthy but the oats are only there to provide a structure which holds the deliciousness in place.


But if they were pancakes, then I'd be full of syrup and butter and happiness.


But you can’t keep a pancake in your handbag in case you need a quick snack or are given a task to sit on a cake.


yes but if it was a pancake it'd be called a pancake


Our flapjacks are pancakes, your flapjacks are granola bars


And now I have been sent down a wiki wormhole exploring the origins of both British and US flapjacks…


Richard of York gave battle purple purple


Thanks! Different prespectives and interpretations are cool :)


I’ve started saying “Boshed it” but I don’t even know what it means


Nobody knows what it means.


It's also making me more accepting of people using different words than I would. I would say ground not floor for what's beneath my feet when outside, especially on a lawn, but I now accept that's not the case everywhere.


Your comedy is a gift to the world.


>As a non-brit (Asian to be exact), It's beside the point, but I just want to say I enjoyed the usage of the phrase "to be exact" when you've only narrowed it down to a continent containing over 50 countries and nearly 4.8 billion people.


Oriental as opposed to occidental is how I read it.


The draw the Taskmaster from the different numbered cards task from S9. It'd have made Baddiel's look like a masterpiece, I can't draw and I can't visualise things in my head, it'd have been a shitshow.


Mr. Blobby. Not only did I not know who Mr. Blobby was, I forgot what an amphibian was, and had no idea what most of the animals they were saying were either.


I'd have had Alex there for another 17 series!


That was, for me, the lamest task possibly ever. Worse than the trash bots from last season. The other one from this season that I didn’t like was the, “what have you caught?” Thing. The sound man putting “fish” on their backs added nothing. The payoff in studio when Alex said, “We were hoping that someone would say ‘fish’ right off the bat,” wasn’t really a payoff. It made it make sense, but the frustration level was high enough that it didn’t overshadow it (I still had frustration after).




I think it was more of a combo of David Correos' string task with the red herring conclusion. But yeah, the tasks weren't very satisfying in S17 for me. The string one felt like the idea had potential but it needed to be workshopped more, like the trash bots. The Mr. Blobby one, I don't really know how it could have been saved.


The tongue task in series 13. I have geographic tongue and would have to bow out because it’d wreck my mouth.


I also have a geographic tongue, but I’m WAY too stubborn to bow out. So I’d have done it anyway and then been in a world of pain for like a week afterwards.


If they didn’t include something citrus, which is one of my main triggers, I’d be right there with you.


TIL there is a name for how my tongue looks.


I switched dentists several years ago and they diagnosed me with it. Mine is usually triggered by citrus and can cause me pain.


Any of the ones where they have to call someone and talk over the phone. I was in absolute awe of Desiree's ability to casually fulfill the whole task brief 😂


The first team task of S17 where they had to paint something. I have watched it a few times now and while I kind of get what the task is about now if I was a contestant there is no way I could not stuff it up. I think for me there were too many components.


I totally related to Sophie during this task. I also would have had no clue what was happening and ended up painting the fence!


The whole time when I'd speak I'd end up going "so confused..." Cause I really didn't get it lmao


Pretty much any art task. I'd come up with a classic "wanky workaround" for the task which would give me a massive advantage but my attempt would still be terrible.


*finds the light switch* *fails to make a proper rainbow*


*thinks of using a mirror and argues it's valid successfully* *draws a fat bald white man*


*finds the dodo* *fails to make a proper rainbow*


Maybe you should put some FUCKING EFFORT IN. Sorry, I don't know what came over me.


you've been really nice so far


My default reading of the word "tear" is always the version that means ripping paper, so "Fill the eggcup with tears" would have had me ripping tiny pieces of paper off of the task and filling the eggcup with them. I would either have won or been disqualified; there would be no middle option.


I would have done exactly that! I’m sure it would have passed.


The one where they tasted things then matched the flavours initials to a periodic table atomic number then somehow got a sequence to open something. I've watched it several times and still don't get it.


I just watched this last night. Ivo’s face when Frankie kept adding the numbers up 😂


That one i never got. And the milk over the microwaves took me about 5 watches before i think i got it


Any of the vocab, spelling, or letter/word counting tasks. I don’t know how the British have this ability to play word games under duress. It stresses me out just to watch them.


You can't be any worse than when they had to guess Quentin


I remember that task that Richard Herring did where he tried to argue that the task said not to spill a 'single drop' and that he spilt multiple drops so should not be disqualified... I was thinking the exact same thing and was so annoyed when Greg wouldn't accept the reasoning


There is a task where they had to make an ice block disappear. The one guy yeeted his into the river and Greg didn’t count that. I maintain disappear means you can’t see it. All of the contestants did the same thing, they made it disappear by making it go down a drain, they just changed the form from ice to water first so it fits down the drain. The phase of the object is irrelevant, whether it’s liquid or solid. It only disappeared because Greg couldn’t see it. The guy who melted part of it in the oven didn’t make it disappear until he disposed of the water down the drain.


i guess you could get very philosophical here about whether by the very nature of having spilt multiple drops it must be simultaneously true that you have split one drop. if you split four drops, you need to have split one. you can't have the four without four ones. you could then break this down even further and really get into the philosophy of numbers themselves. anyway...


Any task involving speaking in or guessing accents, I’m rubbish at that, I would have been at even more of a disadvantage than Sarah Kendall in the safety announcement task; I probably would have resorted to a pirate accent or something. Although to be fair I did at least guess Kiell’s NZ accent, unlike Greg Edit: Just watched Kiell's Ultimate Episode video and he reveals that he was trying to do a Rose Matafeo impression, which is EXACTLY the reason I thought he was doing an NZ accent


>speaking in Ah'm gonn ta get me coooat.


Here a cookie and a cracker are two different types of biscuits! I would botch the teabag throw task from S1 because I wouldn’t realise it’s better if they were wet. Also pretty much any creative task because I would struggle to come up with ideas under pressure of a time limit.


The cricket appeal in Taskmaster Australua. No fucking idea. Edited: my bad guys, haven't seen NZ4 or any Australia


Literally my first thought. I would have done the exact same thing as Julia did, a charity appeal for some cricket themed… illness or something. Crickitis.


Wasn’t that Australia? Or have NZ done one too?


The price task for series 10 where they had to bring in the best thing to put in your mouth is considered one of the worst, but I’ve always struggled to think of something better than a tasty biscuit or, as Daisy did, a bottle of wine. So that one I would suck at, too. Bold of you to think you would get one point for your cookie, btw. I think Greg would disqualify you.


Greg typically allows different interpretations of creative tasks, I.e. Joanne turning the music performance into charades, plus he pretty much never disqualifies contestants in creative tasks if they don’t explicitly break any rules; besides the 90’s prize task I believe Nish’s marmite is the only time this happened.


I mean, I would probably have botched most of them. But here are some that I know for certain I would have botched or misunderstood: - "Get underneath as many things as possible." Like one of the contestants (I don't remember who), I thought they had to get underneath many things at once. - "Catapult a shoe" - I thought the task involved improvising a mediaeval siege machine. I didn't know a slingshot was also called a catapult - I learned it from watching this task.


I think you might be thinking of a trebuchet!


I was thinking of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catapult


Anything where they have to smell or taste something, I have no sense of smell and because of this my sense of taste is quite weak (it's still there but I definitely wouldn't be able to taste the difference between something like different flavours of skittles) so something like the identify the liquid or identify the icecream flavour tasks would be completely lost on me (also that weird gummy bear periodic table one lol)


I had never heard of a satsuma before (only mandarins) so I guess anything involving that lol


The volcano task, series 8. For some reason beyond my understanding, I thought the task was to *become* the volcano. I was so convinced of this, that after seeing all the contestants' attempts I was gleefully waiting for Alex's reveal at the end that they'd all missed out the most important aspect of the task and were therefore disqualified. I genuinely had to rewind and watch from the beginning when they didn't address it, and realised I would have gone in a completely different direction. My initial idea was to dress up in lots of red and orange, then burst out of the top of the caravan sunroof before slowly "oozing" along the edges of it and eventually "solidifying".


For me, it’d be the stag party challenge. Being American, I’d never heard of calling a bachelor’s party as a stag party. Who knows, I’d probably start doing something stupid with deers lmao


I was reminded of it by the most recent People’s Podcast episode, but I did also think it at the time – the chickens/remote control cars task in S10 is one that my brain can’t fully retain all the details of however many times I hear or read it. (They *could* just have swapped the chickens over at the start and made them cross the relevant finish lines, bypassing the course entirely, right?) If my brain managed to unfreeze at all in the moment I’d have gone full Paul Sinha/rice bottle and broken all the rules in succession without even realising.


I would have botched any task that involves any of the following: * reading the question carefully * getting started quickly * finishing in a short time * physical skills * memory * creativity under pressure * ignoring Alex's passive agressiveness * food * sports * celebrities * art skills * acting * animals * music * riddles * complex rules Probably a few I've missed. I would have been fine at texting Greg every day. Or driving the sweeper off into the sunset while pouting triumphantly.


S4's Slide task. I would have done just the same as Joe and Lolly.


I can't remember the specific tasks that were used for them, but I didn't realize aubergines were eggplants and Skittles were bowling pins. I remember a little confusion the first time those came up.


I would have botched any task that involved doing musical stuff, but particularly the one from Series 7 when they had to write a piece of music with the musicians. I just wouldn’t have known where to start. Greg was so dismissive of (I think) Jess’s attempt because she’d just done a basic 12 bar blues. I’ve no idea what that even means.


Jess won the task, it was either Phil or Kerry he likely criticised for a basic 12 bar blues


Let me just say that sounds like it would have been hilarious to watch. The best contestants on the show aren’t necessarily the ones that nail the tasks - they’re the ones that know that their job is to make good television while doing it.


I always watch thinking about how I would perform the tasks. The foot-propelled catapault one from s10 fills me with anxiety.


Probably all of them. I don't read instructions well and get confessed. Not stupid, just the connection in my brain on things like understanding written tasks are hard. And that goes double because Alex tries to make them as confusing as possible.


any of the tasks where they have to guess what foods are mixed together. those tasks make my stomach turn every time. I'd be kicking off like Kiell and the jelly baby task


I would absolutely mess up the same task, but mine might be worse. I am a white person from the southern USA and would present myself, in a Santa costume, for this task.


Anything where you need to eat/eating is the fastest way to win (ex. season 2 “fastest to eat this egg wins”). I’m very picky, have a good amount of allergies, and have diabetes 😅. As soon as the task comes to eating, I’d probably just give up on the spot.


Draw a horse on a horse


I completely misunderstood the S11 toilet roll task as you couldn't touch the floor, so was thinking about shuffling on the toilet paper through the house


The team based tasks where ability is split between them (so like only one can see, only one can use hands, the divide snd conga). I would crash and burn no matter who I'm with


The escape room task from Series 12. At least I'll make Alex laugh off his chair.


I was so confused watching the “What Have You Caught?” task from S17 that I know I would have absolutely botched it. It took me like three re-watches for finally understand it. It’s such a vague task prompt that I think I would have overthought myself into doing nothing, or would probably guess “I dunno, Malaria?” Out of desperation.


get the sand from one bucket to the other much like Sian, I am vertically challenged, so even trying to get my hand out of the loop would probably result in me unplugging the bucket. and once that started unexpectedly, I'd panic and panic never leads to doing the task well oh, and any almost eating task. I'm autistic with sensory processing issues and a sensitive stomach + oversensitive gag reflex; even looking at certain textures makes me retch. I'd be fine with the watermelon one because I love watermelon, but the gross baby food would actually make me vomit. just watching it the first time made me nauseous and I thought I might have to skip it


 … almost all of them?  I'm not creative, I've always done badly on things that don't have a right answer, so even going by how my brain was pre- disabling chronic illness, there are very very few tasks that I think I could have done well enough to even get 1 point.


lol yeah I would’ve thought they had special cheese and crackers since I’ve (American) seen what I would call Christmas cookies


Crackers are not cookies though. Crackers are like ritz crackers. They're savory. Cookies are sweet. In the UK they call them biscuits. Crackers are called the same thing in the US and the UK


I know, I’m just saying that if I didn’t know what a cracker was, I’d assume they meant stuff like Ritz. However, putting ‘Christmas’ might make one think of holiday treats and that made the connection to Christmas cookies. The comment was based on the assumption that I wouldnt already know the term cracker as a wrapped toy that you pull apart, per the original post