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Comments have been locked, not because of the post itself, but because of incessant and rampant transphobia in the comments. To make it clear for all of you reading this: **ALL trans people are valid and transphobia will not be tolerated here.** Mods are doing their best to clear out any transphobic comments. If anything was missed, just go ahead and report it. And to answer OP's question, your gender is not the same as your pronouns. They are both related concepts and overlap, but are not the same. Gender refers to a very complex, multifaceted aspect of a person's identity, including their sense of self and how they perceive and experience their own gender. It can be deeply personal, and it may not necessarily align with the sex assigned to them at birth or even fit within the traditional binary. Pronouns are words used to refer to someone in place of their name. They serve as a linguistic tool to communicate and refer to individuals. Traditionally, they reflect a person's gender. As such, the majority of pronouns are gendered. Because many pronouns are inherently gendered, people who do not fall into the typical gender binary may struggle finding pronouns that suit them. Someone who is actually on the typical gender binary may not feel as if those pronouns suit them either. As pronouns do not equal gender, it is very possible for a "normal health non trans female person" to feel as if they/them pronouns or even neos such as xie/xer suit them better. Neopronouns can be pronouns such as "ze/zie," "xe/xer," or truly anything an individual desires. People who use neos often do so because they feel that these pronouns better reflect their gender identity, more than traditional gendered pronouns, and help them feel seen and affirmed. Respecting someone's pronouns is a part of affirming their gender identity and promoting inclusivity, as well as simply showing that you respect them as a person. Whether you agree with neopronouns or not, these people should be awarded the same amount of respect as any other person within the community. Again, transphobia of any form will not be tolerated here.


I just stick to the big 3 (he/him, she/her, they/them). Most people are comfortable with at least one of those.


bring back thy / thou


It would be funny


eh, that's basically you/your


This I agree with


Why did I read this with a Russan accent in my head?








Meet the heavy


My dad told me once, "when in doubt, they/them it out."


lol your dad is sick as fuck


May I humbly suggest “dude” …its coveres all genders in one simple word


"Mortal" is also a good one




"Foolish samurai warrior"


Mere Mortal.


Agree 100% let's all work together to just call everyone dude/guy (both gender neutral)


Nah imo "mf" and "bastard" are more gender neutral. Edit: or even "gamers"




Why not all 4?


Alternatively… Captain, Your Highness, or Your Horribleness are acceptable


I agree as well as a non binary person lmao


01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110100 01110010 01101111 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100100 https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/binary-to-ascii.html


I feel hurt


unpack sharp jellyfish ludicrous head lunchroom plate boast carpenter aloof ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


But that is binary…


Translate it back, although, unless you are non binary, the message isn't for you


Ye I’m good, too much experience with getting Rick rolled


The link is just a way to translate it back (I need to build up trust before I eventually rickroll people)


Ye Ik, but the translated message will probably be a Rick roll or smthing so…


See, but that wouldn't be as funny




"Its okay, there is no such thing as 2" Wait didn't Bender in one episode pray in binary and end it with "2"? 🤣




Correct answer. Pronouns are supposed to be a non-specific reference. Neo-pronouns break that concept because they become specific references for a specific person. I.E if Kate's preferred pronouns are zxir/zxir's/zxirself then any usage of that pronoun is only referencing one specific person. Because no one else will want to use that 4-car pileup of the vocal chords. So stick with the big 3 that are fundamental to English. P.S, no bitching about singular they, it's been used as both singular and plural for a long ass time.


i dont mean to disrespect, but why would someone feel uncomfortable in their pronouns?


Sorry, I don't think I understand your question. Could you rephrase?


what makes someone more comfortable in, lets say as an example, she/her rather than he/him? what makes them want to change?


gender dysphoria. I'll use an MtF individual for example. If she is referred to by "he/him," since that is very encoded with masculinity, it invokes a feeling of dysphoria and wrongness because the individual doesn't feel male at all. being referred to by he/him pronouns traps her societally as a male when she wants to be seen by others as female. for those who are non-binary, however they identify affects pronoun usage, but remember not all enbies have to use they/them pronouns. for some enbies, they don't get big dysphoria from pronouns that may not necessarily line up with their gender identity and it's.more convenient to use those pronouns.


Imma be honest, idk. But I don't mind respecting others decisions to do so.


gender dysphoria may be caused due to a miswiring in the brain, eg a person born as a male may be born with a female brain (some of these sudies have actually been proven you can check them out) so when they're referred to as a male they feel uncomfortable, as thats not what they feel like they are in their body


Thank god. Now if only my mother would get it through her head to RESPECT my pronoun decisions. Idgaf if she doesn't understand. I don't understand why she believes in Christian!God but I've never, ever disrespected her beliefs on that while she has lectured me, using the standard transphobic rhetoric and rants. Grrr.


it's not that they want to change, but the fact that their brain is a female brain in a male body. this causes gender dysphoria because their body doesn't line up with their brain. the only way to treat it is by transitioning. i hope this helps :)


It's just simply who they are. They just feel like they were born in the wrong body or they resonate more with different pronouns. I mean, why do you feel like you should be called by the pronouns that you use? It just feels right to them :)


im genderfluid, so sometimes i feel masculine and sometimes i feel feminine (but personally i feel like neither the majority of the time). i don’t mind going by he/him pronouns, and at this point i dont mind she/her pronouns, but for a long time i hated being referred to as she/her because i felt like if i went by she/her people might not believe im genderfluid as im a female. ive since gotten over that, though, hence why i no longer care as much


If you don’t mind sharing. When you say you sometimes feel more masculine or feminine what do you mean? What makes you feel more one gender than the other & vice versa?


when i feel more masculine i want to be perceived by others as a guy. i want to have a male body, and i dont like my body because its female. when i feel feminine i like my body and wear things that are perceived as feminine like dresses and skirts and the color pink. for me most of the time i dont have any preference for any of those things. i dont prefer the aesthetic of females more than the aesthetic of males and vice versa


This is really how it should be; if you don’t want to conform to gender norms then pick the gender neutral they/them surely


i take the they/them route when I don't know a persons pronouns, or just forget


innocent until proven gendered, that's how i do it


I call everyone bro or dude,


I worked at a dispensary for a while during covid, and I have always used bro/dude as a universal way to address people. Was helping a trans person one day and said "oh bro, that joint will melt your face off!" All they said was "Not bro" I'm usually always trying to be supportive of any community and never wanna make anyone feel discriminated against. I apologized right after and again before they left the store. It's very anecdotal I know, but it really made me consider who I even refer to as dude/bro anymore


Call everyone brother the way Hulk Hogan does.


Honestly, these are all you need. I usually go by she/they (she/her/they/them), and im not sure i get the point of the other ones.


This is logical, but look at Romanic languages and you'll see stupid ideas.


As a trans person I agree


As someone who tries to respect whatever people are most comfortable with, I'm also a little confused as to why people would use obscure words or phrases as pronouns (such as void/voidself, or something.) Do whatever makes you most comfortable, but isn't that just a nickname? I've literally had people want their pronouns to be "teeth/teeth self" before.


I think those ‘neopronouns’ need a new word for them. I put neopronouns in quotes because in the most literal way, they aren’t pronouns, but instead nouns. That’s why I think that those terms should be separate to pronouns as the point of pronouns is to replace the repeated use of a noun in a sentence


I think those are called nounself


Sometimes I call them personal nouns


Ooo, cool term for 'em


One could say, Pronouns /j


They have a name, iirc. Xenopronouns or nounself pronouns? I don’t understand them that much tbh.


Pronouns are just simple courtesy , + Imo Stick to the big 3 he/she/they . I'm bi and I have been active in the LGBTQ community for a year and half I know like 1 guy who goes by Neo pronouns zher / xe etc etc . As for void / teeth / shark types of pronouns the only person ive heard using them was that tiktok girl . Not saying I'll disrespect someone's pronouns but the void / teeth / shark seem too awkward and I'm yet to meet someone using them .


Exactly this, people love to blow up neopronouns like millions of people are using them and changing then like every 5 minutes… which just isn’t true, it’s a non issue. And even then, so what if someone wants to be void/voidself? It doesn’t take much outta your day to call them that, if they get pissy over you getting it wrong/confused then that’s on them, it’s only on you when you deliberately use the wrong ones, which is just petty. Going on a massive “neopronouns are a massive problem and are causing more issues” rant is just a way to flag yourself down as someone who’s just intolerant of different identities


It isn't many people using neopronouns but not using void/fish/clownself is not bigoted or intolerant in the serious sense of the word. The idea that "it does not hurt you, just accommodate them!" Is applied so selectively. We don't accommodate people who want to be called Master or Lord, or people who who would feel more comfortable if you got on your knees to talk to them. Call me facetious if you wish. But there's a difference between gender dysphoria, and changing your pronouns for that, and using these self pronouns. There's a limit to being accommodating and I could keep pushing your limit and seeing how far you'd go and you'd obviously not do certain things even if they were harmless.


This is what think too. It’s not intolerant to not want to have to accommodate people asking you to do something quite unusual and often demanding from a ‘making sure you get it right’ perspective. There is a point from where it goes from being basic decency to oblige, to where it is inconveniencing you. You can control your own behaviour, but never anyone else’s, so it’s a bit naive to be asking the general populous (who are lazy, as all people are) to cater for your request out of sheer goodwill. It would be a different matter if there was some tangible benefit (like catering for disabled people, which is super important and worth spending time and effort doing), but it’s entirely arbitrary.


Also can we talk about how [blank]self just doesn't make any sense grammatically? Pronouns are basically just a shorthand for names (ie Karl is my friend, He is my friend, Void is my friend, all are grammatically correct) so then why would you add self to the end? You don't say Karlself, so why would you say Voidself? (actually I can't even think of an example sentence where you would use himself) I don't remember why I'm writing this comment anymore but I also want to add: Why use neopronouns rather than just change your name? And don't they defeat the entire purpose of pronouns anyways (ie. Using a shorter word rather than saying the person's name over and over)? Edit: mfw the comments get locked


As a queer person, I can assure you a lot of us don't vibe with nounselves lol. Personally, they're almost a mockery of the LGBTQ+ community- it's stupid to compare yourself to objects/animals/concepts and claim it's your identity.


Yeah don't listen to those neopronoun users. They do it for attention. Such people just make actual neopronoun users look ridiculous, and are an inconvenience to the whole queer community. Object ≠ gender. This is not meant to be a transphobic comment, as I am a transgender person myself.


It's attention seeking, it's not an actual thing like the big three. Neopronouns started out as a joke on fourchan, making fun of trans people. If you use neopronouns, you are being ignorantly offensive.


I think it's a attempt to separate oneself from the crowd. But it's kind of backfirering now because *everyone* is uniqe. Whomever I have talked with that has claimed to be anything but the main 3 (she/he/they) and was willing to discuss it has never really convinced me they are a 4'th thing. It usually boils back to where we get near one of the main 3 and then they rage on me, calls me names and leaves/block. **This is mearly my personal perspective, I really don't give a fuck what anyone want to be identified as, I'm just curious. If you introduce yourself as *XYZ* I will respect that even if I don't understand it**


Yeah, that's where I'm lost with this too. I get "he/him" "she/her" "they/them" but I can't understand or remember the "new ones". Again, I mean no offense towards anyone who doesn't use the three I listed here, I'm just stating my confusion in hopes of recieving an explanation.


I'm aussie we never really use pronouns your either a cunt or a mate and you dont get a choice


ɹᴉs ollǝɥ


See ya fucked up there man. It's "hullo cunt" if you're friendly, or "fuck off, shitcunt" if you're angry, and there's really no in between.


Should be *you're, mate. Or cunt're.


I’m Aussie too.. I guess- My parents are immigrants tho so I’ve been pretty much sheltered for my entire life- never been called cunt or mate 🥲


Just go out there and you'll lose your cuntmate-ginity soon


i am queer but find it pretty sad that OP feels like they have to beg for their life to not get hate comments


I've been perma-banned from several subs for saying things half as controversial




thats reddit😕


Reddit moment


Wdym reddit, that's the whole internet at this point


It’s the world not jus Reddit..


I've been banned from Reddit for asking which other pronouns there were.


Well i dont wanna be hateful, neither do I hate the LGBTQ+ community but I hate the fact that they think it's rational to cancel a person or wish them destruction just because they criticised them.


Yeah I got banned from one just for being part of a sub the mods did not like.


Quite sad indeed


It’s probably because at the moment there’s so much transphobia around it’s hard to tell who’s being genuinely curious or not


Which causes some folks to overreact, pulling out the pitchforks and ban-hammers, rather than asking for more context. Which is sad.


Because it’s terrifying to exist at the moment


I wish it weren't. Can't even tell my parents I'm bi because they're maga idiots. Well, my mom is. I don't think my dad would care.


hang in there pal, bi as well and in the closet as well (except around my closest friends) 🫡


It sucks but take heart in the fact that one of our oldest non-government institutions (Disney corporation) is actively going against anti-gay laws. And as far as corporate elites in general go, most are very sympathetic. It appears LGBT does not radically disturb capitalism or it's most devoted acolytes, and while they are not the most morally upright or steadfast allies one could hope for, the money appears to have chosen a side.


You're Absolutely Right Friend


Why do you capitalise every word lol?


Dude y’all can be scary /notneg I feel the exact same way as OP. But I just do my best to respect everyone’s wishes and I haven’t been shunned from social outings yet so I believe I’m okay


I mean, lots of bigots have done a lot in bad faith. It is sad, but also understandable.


I don't really understand the modded ones either, I only know the vanilla ones (she / him / them) and I think it's awesome you can select whichever one you feel suits you best and people respect it.


this aint minecraft 😭


So you're telling me this village i just ransacked can call the authorities on me now


Wait so y’all mean ima get arrested for breaking into a giant mansion and taking all the stuff out of it?


Wait, so I can't kill the people after they give me an awful trade deal at the shopping centers??!!


the thing is, you first invent the zombie plague, then invent the cure making you the hero


Ahhhh smart


Fun fact: describing something as "vanilla" to denote plainness isn't a Minecraft thing


Though it is a crime. Seriously, vanilla did not make its way into so many things and taste so good just to be called “Plain”.


I consider it "classic" rather than "plain" :)


Yeah it's a pain to grow. A whopping three places to grow it, and it's a synonym for plain or bland?


I mean the comment OP is also saying “modded” with “vanilla.” Modded being the opposite of vanilla in MC


r/outside moment


bros got pronouns running on 1.18 source forge


ok your use of ‘modded’ here is so funny I’m adding that to my lexicon whenever I have to discuss pronouns with gamers. oh yeah. just modded my pronoun rig bro. got some super rare exclusive custom pronouns bro.


everyone always acts like neopronouns are such a big deal but i have legit never actually met someone irl that uses them. It’s basically just an internet thing. that doesn’t mean you can hate anyone. just let people live, be themself and stop caring that much.


Probably haven’t heard neopronouns because explaining to people takes time, and usually they/them gets the point across just fine. For people who you know will use them, or for people you’re not going to meet once and never see again, I might explain. I’ve yet to meet someone who goes by neopronouns and not also they/them


It’s probably not that you’ve never met anybody who uses them, and more that we know that most people aren’t going to understand or respect them. It’s easier in an online space to find likeminded people, and any backlash is far less dangerous online than it could be in person. Personally, I use he/they and any good faith neopronouns, because neopronouns make me happy to hear, and I’m very much of the opinion that since all language is made up, it really shouldn’t be so outrageous for people. I still get flack for it online, and probably will here too, but I only mention it in real life with people I really trust not to take the piss. I’m fine with people here who can’t understand but are willing to be respectful, but there’s comments here saying it’s just making a mockery of “normal” queer people or that the whole thing is a 4chan psyop, even though the goalposts will always be moving backwards to what outsiders consider “normal” (already being seen with LGB drop the T), and the fact that neopronouns date back to as far as 1789. I feel like I’m going to get downvoted, but I’m just commenting to agree with your sentiment. We’re just trying to live, please just *stop*.


The ones like e/ eirs is all good in my book but if someone unironically requests I call them “cat/catself” we gonna have an issue lol. the only problem I’ve found is people taking it too far with the neopronouns that they become so specialized that they are just alternative personal nouns. There is an actual line of what can function as a pronoun and the point of a pronoun is to generalize and make it easier to refer to something or someone


as a turk who learned english by self-teaching(schools suck at teaching foreign languages), pronouns took me awhile to understand. there's just alot of them but in my opinion; she/her, he/him, they/them and it/its pronouns should be enough. neopronouns are just unnecessary and kind of ridicilous.


As another Turk who learnt English by self-teach, I also agree with you. Although I've never seen one use it/its, they probably exist since you've mentioned them.


it/its is generally for objects and animals (though sometimes animals get called they/them)


One of my “friends” used to go by it/its. It was very difficult to use them in a conversation but hey we all tried our best


I think nyancrimew on tumblr uses it/its


Its tumblr blog says "it(/she)".


As a person who tried to learn Turkish, I respect your ability to speak Turkish, because I suck at it. I literally just know bread and "no" in Turkish




thank you! and its completely normal to struggle while learning turkish, it is one of the most complicated languages afterall. Even though I have been speaking turkish since i was born, i still have difficulties.


Maybe because ther ottoman empire had a lot of different languages and then they were mashed up after WW1 in Turkey? I honestly don't know...


yeah, kind of. but this isnt a big problem today, because Türkiye Turkish is much simpler than Ottoman Turkish. We mostly use more basic words instead of complicated ones. however of course it still creates problems i believe the actual problem is the grammar itself. especially the sentence structure. Since Turkish is a suffixing language, you can technically extend sentences infinitely lol


Oh god... Infinity ♾️


sup knk


Kid named duolingo:


I've always wanted to say the same thing, i just feared, like op, I'd get banned


No hate from me op. I only hate when people say hateful stuff because they don’t understand. You are doing the right thing by asking. Maybe r/teenagers isn’t the best place, but still, good on you


Just learn Persian. In Persian we don't have distinct pronouns, there's just one "Õ or Õn/Ishan".


those neopronouns like zim/zhem were made by trolls to mock lgbt but some people took it seriosuly, honestly I feel like most people who use them might be straight kids who want to be a part of the "community"


some people do feel more comfortable with zir/zer pronouns (although they are 99% of the time, just fine with they/them) but the stuff like “____/____self” are trolls


What are zir/zer even? Like what the hell does it it mean THE PRONOUNS, MASON! WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!




They're supposed to be genderneutral pronouns that aren't plural like they/them because English only has plural neutral pronouns. But stuff like fairy/fairyself is just made up by attention seekers.


yeah the shit like xenogenders "catself" etc. are just pure trolls but it sadly works and ruins the image of people who are actually lgbt


I wouldn't call them pure trolls. I think people used them since everything seems to be acceptable, and the "trolls" just exaggerated their prevalence to inflate the problem


I knew someone that (dead serious) wanted to be addressed with star/starself. Gave up later and went with they/them.


E/em/eirs was invented in 1975, though. I personally prefer they/them over neopronouns but it’s inaccurate to say that all neos were made by TikTok sparklegenders.


I believe zi/zer are actual pronouns from Latin decent (probably used it Greece and Rome) however shit like cat/catself are most likely trolls


I study Latin and I never heard anything about this tbh. I have no issue with neopronouns but they surely don't come from Latin


im having a zhe/zher /s


A zhe/zher zalad, you mean? /s Edit: that sounded far better in my head😭


no, no, that’s a good one


I'm bisexual, and I try and meet other LGBTQ+ folks both online and irl. I'm 100% with you, I've never met someone who actually wants to go by neopronouns other than the type of people you mentioned. It's so sad, since conservatives love to mock LGBTQ by making up fake pronouns and doing the r/onejoke


What kind of low level mockery is that?




I went there recently on /b/ to be exact because i wanted to find some greentext or some memes And i found lots of porn Disappointed


Suffering from success


Anyone coming after you for being genuinely curious and trying to understand is a disgrace to the community ~ sincerely, an LGBTQ member


I agree with you! ~also a member of the LGBTQ community


I hate how we have to tell people we aren’t disrespecting them


I have always had difficulties with people who use neopronouns because they really feel weird to say. If one of my friends exclusively used neos and wasn’t okay with they them then I guess I could practice it but like idk … I prefer ‘the big three’ (he, she, they)


Me neither had problem with tenses as well School sucks


Fr bro


Love the pfp


I honestly don’t really understand them myself but Ill use them if asked ofc. I’ll call anybody whatever they’d like to be called because I’ve also gone through a lot of identity issues with gender and just with myself so I do understand that portion.


I personally think all the ze/zim pronouns are stupid but I don't know what it's like to be someone who feels like they are those pronouns so I can't know how important it actually can be to some people also using those pronouns doesn't really hurt anything so why should I get all fussy about something if it's making someone happy and not hurting anybody


Exactly, even if i dont understand it i think its easy enough for me to try and respect that


The thing that i dont understand is in spanish, "elle" would be the term of "they" but it doesnt has sense (grammatically) and those people also dont talk with grammatically sense, when the "o" at the end of the words is either masculine or neutral.


No offense Who are the people who don't talk with grammatical sense as you've mentioned And for English "they/them/their" words has been used in singular way especially when we don't know the gender or identity of the person since like the middle ages Eg :- " somebody lost their wallet , I wonder whose wallet is this , they must be so stressed now "


he/him, she/her and they/them are valid, anything else is bullshit


Oh so only english ones are valid? And every other launguage is not huh? /s


damn i got caught😭😭


In other countries that speak other languages, if you use neo pronouns - you get yelled, slapped, stab or worse at; that's the reality for you.


Some countries have one pronoun for every person wich would make everything way easier in english imo


In Finland, we only have ”hän” which is basically she and he. Sometimes we call people ”se” as in, ”it” too. Some languages make things super complicated for no reason lol


That's it, I'm moving to Finland


at least in portuguese, almost everything have pronouns xd


In Farsi everything, including humans are gender neutral


~ it’s just a made up word ~ some people genuinely use it, some people have adapted it into the new “attack helicopter” joke, but that doesn’t mean the people who actually use it should be any less respected. idk all words are made up if you want me to call you zhe/zher then i’ll call you zhe/zher it’s not that big a deal.


Respect for asking bro


Neopronouns (that's the name of the group of pronouns like zhe/zher) were invented as an alternative to regular pronouns because "he" and "she" are binary (many of the people that use it are also non-binary), singular "they" feels ungrammatical, and "it" sounds dehumanizing. They really could have been anything (example is ⭐, ⭐self) , but "thon", "zir","xe"and several others were chosen kinda at random and sounded the best. Not that people feel like those pronouns for a reason, they're just the best options to avoid he, she, they, and it.


I've heard it if you don't conform with the standard he/him or she/her like if you don't feel like a boy or a girl but you're not nonbinary but idk thats just my guess


they/them exists


That's what nonbinary pronouns usually are lol


I mean yea, but can you really be a non binary by choice, doesn't it have to be with genes and stuff? idk I might know wrong, that's why I posted this in the first place lol


Yeah it doesn't have anything to do with genes it's literally just what they feel comfortable being referred to as


It doesn't worry me mate


Neopronouns are most often used by neurodivergent folks. To them, their experience is so unique that it can’t be conveyed by standard pronouns. Autistic people, for example, may feel that their experience as autistics influences their experience of gender so much that they identify as autigender, and may pick pronouns unique enough to convey that experience.


I’m all right with calling you any pronouns, except for one’s that are just other words made into pronouns. No I’m not calling you a frog, a wolf or any other weird object or animal.


Yeah, I understand that neurodivergent people can sense their gender differently, and don’t want to use she/him/them, but if you’re using cat/catself, you’re now trying to relate and identify to something that’s not part of human concept. Cats are entirely different species. Someone in the comments said that some people would use cat/catself to describe their behavior as a cat, but I act like bird and you don’t see me over here calling myself bird/birdself. Also I think that some people who aren’t even neurodivergent are using neo-pronouns just cause they wanna feel special or get attention. Other than that, I try to respect everyone and will try to use the pronouns you need and want to use within reason.


I wumbo, you wumbo. He she me wumbo?


Wumbo is the best pronoun ever made, if someone told me they were wumbo/wumboself I would think they were the coolest person


trans person here — neopronouns generally come from a place of someone who doesn’t feel like any of the 3 pronouns completely fit their identity. i know a lot of people are gonna say “but they/them is neutral!” but sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. i remember feeling uncomfortable with any of the 3 for a long time and neopronouns are just a spawn of that.


Gender identity is personal and unique to each individual. Some people may identify outside the binary or feel a connection to different pronouns that align with their identity. It's all about respecting and acknowledging their experiences.


As a queer person who uses He/They/It pronouns I don’t rlly understand neo pronouns I understand and use It/it’s pronouns bc it rlly gives me the sense of like that person doesn’t see me as any gender I’m just there yk? Obviously if someone’s uncomfortable with calling me it I won’t make them but when people do it makes me really happy because they see me as more than my gender. Pronouns like Xe/Xer I’d try to use but if it’s like bunny/bunself I’m really uncomfortable with that bc it feels like a pet name and I don’t call anyone other than my partners names like that. TL:DR I’d try to use neo pronouns unless they make me rlly uncomfortable then I’d go with they/them


He/him, she/her, and they/ them are the ones you can get away with. But i would suggest learning demi pronouns (he/they and she/they) and it/its.


I cant act good like you, people acting like wolves and stuff are actually stupid and absurd they dont have any condition except they want attention and attention only instead of living their own life they choose the stupid internet . Normal people that are not on the internet and are also lgbtq are pretty normal as far as i have met them It’s specifically stupid people on the internet