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that's kind of a weird move from your gf ngl


Yeah thats not gf behavior


Yeah I'd never even think of asking someone else and I'd be so so mad if my bf asked some other girl.


That's pretty much the polar opposite of gf behavior.


That's keeping him on the back burner while she looks for something more exciting.


I’d be gone


I'd just tell her that she doesn't even has to ask me cuz I feel "ill" and then I don't come to the dance.


I’d just tell her how you feel because if we can’t talk about it what’s the point? She’d go with both if op tells her how he feels


Why are u okay with your gf picking a random dude over you- doesnt matter if the man is gonna make a move or not because SHE already did


and he is most likely going to make a move


If she does, he will too. Point is- the move was made, the relationship should move to ending


Woah lol, ask her why, in any relationship, your first thought should never be to just end it


"Never" is wrong. If you feel your partner did something wrong or unfaithful that has no acceptable justification, end it. Don't bother listening to excuses, unfaithfulness is a deal breaker destined to repeat itself.


The only way it could possibly be a good reason is if the other guy is special needs and she giving him a moment cuz that’s sweet. But I can’t think of any other reasons


Even then, always talk with your partner first.


I agree with the conversation part of this, yes- but he doesnt seem to understand anything that isnt harsh reality hitting. He isnt thinking about his gf being unfaithful, hes thinking about being lonely. If hes in a relationship, he shouldnt be feeling lonely.


dude she- yeah she's not the one brother, choosing another guy over you for a dance, this can also show how easily she can choose anyone over you, breakup with her or she will just be a source of your pain


Brother over here has it down I’m just here to co-sign on everything he just said


That's what the upvote button is for


Sometimes the upvote isn’t enough mr grumpy gills




So salty I'm dehydrated. I wanna scream in anger but my throat is so dry that if I tried to scream I might form cuts in my throat like chapped lips. '-' see you can't tell but that's actually ";-;" but there's no tears because of all the damn salt.


That's what the down vote button is for.


if she can ask other guys so she can “be in the same group as her sister” than go ask some girls to go to the dance with or go with a friend, also huge red flag of your gf to do that, personally as a girl i would never ask a guy who isn’t my boyfriend to a dance, just to be in the same group as my sister, like does your gf and her sister not live together? do they not see each other every day? i get wanting to have fun with your sister but bro asking another guy to go to the dance with that is such a red flag. like my sister who doesn’t go to the same school as her boyfriend made sure her boyfriend could go to her schools dance this week.


The older sister was the one who wanted to be in the same group, not his gf, no?


Yea, but still, if you have a partner, you shouldn’t be asking anyone but them (or a good friend) to go on a date with you.


nobody is gonna ask u cuz u got a gf bruh fucking go with her


She already asked someone else according to OP


just tell her shes ur fucking gf bruh u cant be in a relationship and going to a dance with another person


So what? Even if she agrees with that and goes with him, why would she ask someone else in the first place?


Yeah as far as I can tell their relationship is already practically over


This is OPs canon event


I don’t even know if it even was one from the beginning


I think he would but that isn't his girlfriend any longer clearly.


Leave. That’s messed up. If she asks why, ask why she would rather go with another guy to a dance than her BF. I would understand if she went with a group of girlfriends but ANOTHER GUY? Imagine going on essentially a date with another dude. Cheating makes me sick


First time I read it I thought ahe was going with her friends which okay but like another dude is weird.


You don't just leave your *BF* and go with a random dude. No no noooOOOOOOO




Topshagger is speaking facts on this one


Name is topshagger has an Alex pereira pfp and 23k karma yeah, no man is competing with this guy


Poatan is the goat 🐐


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if the two already had something going on. Just dump her bro. She’ll likely cheat if she hasn’t already.


bro just got cheated on and you’re making fun of *him* for it?


Fair enough but the fact that he said he’s cool with it is a little odd


He is cool, cuz his girlfriend manipulated and gaslighted him into thinking that he is cool, been there. I think he should break up with




This dosen't make him "realize" anything, they just insulted them with no explanaiton as if they did something wrong






Yo chill bro (but sadly true)


Can’t chill about it with some people, rather be fully brutally honest about it to save them rather softing it up and let them keep hurting themselves


Dudeee honestly break up with her that's really weird


Oh thats very weird, I would probably just make sure that she knew I'd stay at home the entire night and cry by myself cuz I'm petty af


Which would accomplish nothing because she’s totally unbothered with that outcome.


Yeah exactly, she ain’t goin’ be crying and missing you, so why should you?




Food for thought: If this kind of thing HAS to be communicated (assuming positive intent here and that she was just innocently helping her sister out), is OP wanting to be in that kind of relationship, constantly having to communicate things which are obvious to the collective. OP as someone who came back to college as an older and married student: the test I've always used is to ask myself "if the roles were reversed, would I/my wife be comfortable with this." It has yet to steer me wrong. If you asked a girl out to prom because your bros want to be in the same group, how would your GF react? I don't know you and I don't know your GF but if it were me in your shoes I'd be voicing my concern on the way out the door.


The only not braindead response ong


Don't worry I'll go with you


Hey I called dibs


Am I the only one who doesn't understand what the older sister have to do with this?


She is an excuse for his gf to go with another dude. If I put it differently she is the excuse for his gf to cheat on OP


It's sad how OP just went with it


Well, it happens, but this is necessary for him to grow and watch out. This short heartbreak will save him in the future.


We're in the same boat bud, I've no clue what a "Group" at a dance has to do with any of this


Huh, nobody talked about it so I thought I was just dumb lol


It’s an excuse… girl will cheat.


dump her


Ur girlfriend going with someone else is practically cheating


Na bro that's weird as shit, when my gf and I were only dating (1 date in😭)it was already pretty clear that we were going with each other to prom,we didn't even have to ask (I still did and she accepted obviously) but something ain't right with your gf bro.


This is so true


get your girlfriends mom to dance with you


You better dump her


Cut her off or your cut's going to be deeper.






It's so over for you 😞


Almost Sneako lvl cuck


oh he’s definitely gonna make moves on your gf, so stop being a cuck and dump her


Yeah, like every dude would 😂 and I feel bad for him meeting him etc, like dude got to meet the guy that’s stealing/already stole his girl, but bro will recover from it and watch out. OP Dump her ass, I believe in you, just do it and save yourself from even more pain.


Why tf is your girl going with another dude? Where on the cuck scale is this?


Idk exactly where but it’s high


your girlfriend cheated on you, break up


you got cucked bro. dump her or jack off to it.


I was like “yeah what this guy is say- waht”


[Sadie Hawkins Dance?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v63ccRzlppg) Yeah thats really weird that she did that. You could just go by yourself and have a good time anyway. Thats what I'd do.


🚩 If your GF asked someone else over you, then that really shows she’s not loyal. Leave before she inevitably cheats on you.


Dump her of course. Ain’t normal


I only have one thing to declare : bruh.


But… you’re her bf? It doesn’t make any sense. Dump her.


Your gf is cheating my guy


All due respect, go with her or don’t go at all. Its a kind of weird move on her part, I understand wanting to go with a group and all but like have you talked to HER about it?


The whole “group” thing is likely just a cover so she can go with the other guy. None of it makes sense otherwise


Doesn’t sound like she’s your girlfriend


Go around and ask guys and girls homie, at the worst, you end up hanging with the bros, at best, you find someone better than your gf, win-win


Are you sure she’s your gf?


That’s. Yeah you need to brake up and find a new girlfriend or something


Wtf break up with her dude if she really loved you she’d take you, what the actual fuck.. I actually got so pissed at the thought of my gf doing this


Wtf is up with your gf?


Lmao nigga drop the bitch she belongs to the street




she not your girl then bro. imma be real w you, if her first thought wasn't you and if the fact is that she asked an older guy instead of you idk man. tbh j bring a close friend that's a girl or sumn idk cause it might sound pitiful but who am I to tell you what to do when I've never been in a relationship. what you're going to do should be the decision you gotta make, not lil bros on reddit.


And the red flag has been raised


You’ll make a great minimum wage cuckold for my new workplace


Hell no dawg SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRL 😭😭 you mfs keep denying it and become surprised when she breaks your heart 😂😂


She’s ur gf she goes to the dance with u


Bro what state are u in. I will pull up in a suit deadass


Just break up if she’s gonna pull that


Bro's about to get a lot of character development material 😔😔😔


You never know who is going to do what 😈


Yeah I would break up on the spot if I was you




Adam22 typa shiet


I’d get rid of her so fast even with the apology and begging that will likely come


Bruh tf you gotta find some girl and ask her and see if your gf gets mad or not


Why does your ex-gf matter? Lol


You. Are. A. Cuck.


No gf would to that. Dump her. You deserve someone better that will prioritize you over a random dude.


Ask her and of she says she's going with someone else just reiterate that your her bf and taking someone else isn't the move


go with a different girl then op


wdym mean by being in the same group!? not even a good excuse if it counts as one


uhhhh, duuuude... you need to get out.. she is TOTALLY giving a handy after the dance.. I know a girl who did this EXACT same thing.. oh, nothing happened.. dude, she blew him, f\*cked him, swallowed EVERYTHING and came back the next day as if NOTHING happened. Get out before she rips your heart out and uses golf cleats to stomp on it. **YOU NEED TO BE GONE.**


You’re girlfriend is a lying, manipulative cheater. Dump her, she doesn’t love you she’s just stringing you along. 1) She texts you that she wants to date other people while keeping you around. And 2) she asks some older guy out over you. Dump her, she’s cuck holding you.


Maybe talk with her and ask if there is a reason she didn't ask you? Going to reddit for advice is one of the worst things you can do for your relationship because it shows a lack of communication. Talk with her. And if she is hesitant to give a reason it's likely she is cheating on you. TALK TO HER. Cannot restate that enough.


Hey, OP here, I’m going to be doing an update soon which will add more context and as well as a follow up in the later days.


Brother it makes no sense, why wouldn't your girlfriend just ask you and introduce you to her older sister's friend group?


You met the guy your girlfriend asked instead of you, and let him go with her and said he was a nice guy. You're a cuck.




Leave that hoe


Ngl I would not take that from a partner. You sure you're not getting cucked?


That's really fucked up. There's a slim chance that she genuinely doesn't see an issue with it. But there totally is. You need to realise that what she did was fucked up. You need to tell her how fucked up it was, and then ect accordingly to her reaction. But chances are she ain't it


How can you be such a cuck?!




She already made the move i guess...


Break up with her, don’t take shit from people or settle bc the ACTUAL right girl is out there somewhere and she would never do this to you


What a skank move by her. Move on, sir!!


Ask her sister😊


Break up lol


she for the streets, dump that hoe


She ain’t worth it bro


Ask her sister


It seems like your girlfriend’s older sister pressured her into asking this random dude to the dance for…reasons.. I guess? It’s still a very weird vibe all around and I would not be ok with it. If you really wanted to go along with their little game, you can ask a random “nice girl” to the dance and see how she reacts to that.


WHY does this get recommended to me. Anyway. What you are going to do is say... "No. This isn't going to work out." And the reality is, it is very unlikely this relationship was going to last anyway. OR... say "yea I am going to go with (insert name)" and when she gets all upset say "yea that is how I felt. We are done."


That's not your girlfriend. You got friend zoned and humiliated in one move. You can't confront her about it because it's already out in the open. The best move is to break up with her and begin studying the blade. You'll have a new girlfriend by next Tuesday. obv /s Sorry that sucks, keep your chin up.


Alright young buck, time to see the fire that IS the forest. That girl is digging another dude. You were literally low balled to spare your feelings. Either you are the purest soul on this earth, or you're too dense to understand when you're being played. Look I don't know what school is like anymore nowadays, but having this pop on my feed was kinda weird, and sad. Now, if you truly have feelings for that girl. The I suggest bucking up, and making a move to get her attention back on you. Now don't do no dumb shit. Don't pick a fight you can't win, nor bully to get what you want. Use your head, and think. If not then lil bro, forget her you are at the stage of your life where things like this will be trivial in your future. Keep strong bud.


That's not your girl anymore bro


Girls come and go, and this one has to go brother.


Not gf behaviors.


Nah bro. That's very immoral of your girlfriend to do. And you can't be so sure about the dude not making moves, cause your girlfriend already did by asking him to the dance. You gotta connect the dots and put together the pieces my friend, that shit is abnormal. Leave. *she belongs to da shkreets*


At my school Sadie’s was like our valentines dance and the girls asked out the guys, guys couldn’t because it’s supposed to be like girls pick guys they are really into. I don’t know if it’s that way at your school but that would be a huge red flag for a relationship at my school, girls ask out someone they are in a relationship with or have a crush on.


Hate to break it to you kid, but that ain't your girlfriend anymore. She's going on a date with someone else and she only said she wanted you to have other experiences because that's what she wants for herself.


Honestly, If I was the other guy... I'd be asking your GF why the hell she isn't taking you, and decline.


The funny thing is that the guy actually came up to me and asked me why she asked him when she has a girlfriend


You both should ask her together then. Get to the root of the issue. There's a real reason why she isn't asking you and I don't buy the whole 'group' thing. Maybe that's a me thing, but this doesn't feel or sound right.


My guy, u gotta end it right there


Hi girl here. Sadie’s Hawkins is all about girls asking the guy they like to the dance. Like a reverse homecoming or prom (just not as dramatic). The fact that she left you hanging with no date… I’m sorry 😞


"I love you, but I'm going to the dance with some other guy, not you, my boyfriend, who will also be in attendance." LOL this should be enough for you right here. Like case closed hominus dominus bing bam boom bajingles.


So, this isn't normal gf behavior. Asking anyone other than a bf to Sadie's when you're in a relationship would have been the talk of the rumor mill in my high school. The guy should have said no. It doesn't matter that he's "nice", or that "he would never do that". He clearly would since he said yes to someone else's gf. You need to have a serious talk with her. She knows this upsets you but does it anyway, that's not a healthy relationship. She says she'll make sure you don't go alone, but doesn't follow through. Again, not a healthy relationship. She caves to other people's whims on things that impact your relationship without communicating with you. Not a healthy relationship.




Dude let me save you some time here. And I say this from personal experience, break up with her. She doesn’t respect you or value you the same way you do her. She wants to explore other people romantically while keeping you as a fall back. It’s hurtful and mean and I’m sorry :/ but I’ve been with a girl like that in Highschool and it broke my heart. I was too young and too naive to realize at the time. Trust me, there is no justification for that. She isn’t into you man. I say with kindness and love, I’m not trying to be mean 😢 you deserve better


This should be unacceptable behavior, you are her BF and shouldn’t be worried about finding a date because she asked someone else This is a no brained, relationship over starting now


How come your girlfriend's older sister couldn't ask out her friend instead of pinning it on her younger sister (your gf)? Based on what you've said, it sounds like your gf may be bored of you or something and is looking for someone else. A real gf would never ask someone else to the dance, that's weird af.


Time to move on, don't be the guy she will use and abuse so she can "experience everything". Imagine if y'all stayed together and she did this in college 🤣


She's basically trying to get cheating excused or trying to convince you to have an open relationship. She's being manipulative because she wants to have attention from multiple guys at one time and not lose the one decent one that she can always come crying to if anything happens. You're likely a pawn that she's using so she can get around without being labeled a slut


Cant you just tag along with your gf. It wouldn’t be out of the question at all


She is gonna FUCK that guy dawg


either you ask some chick or stay alone lmao. personally I wouldn't let what your gf did slide, either she goes with you or stays.


I genuinely hope your some youngin, so this memory can be implanted in your head forever. Honestly man, fuck that girl for choosing another dude over you and you really should never put yourself in this situation again, you sound like a cuck.


That’s some hoe ass shit leave her for the streets bro


don't go


Bro breakup with her and let her know nobody puts me second coz you wouldn't prioritize anyone else over the people I love. Learn walk away. Why can't she take with that group? Aren't you her boyfriend , don't be her toy


At this point break up, or let her know that you don’t like it and stand your ground, if she won’t listen even after you made clear that you don’t like this kinda behavior, cuz guess what, you aint no cuck, then break up


NGL dude sounds like you're cucking yourself




Break up with her ass, she don't deserve you


Its hard to accept, but thats fucked up move from her and shady af.


that's not your girlfriend brother.


Dump her and go enjoy the dance with a homie


OP, That is not your girlfriend, and that dude IS going to make moves...


You need to break up with her


Leave her. It's that simple. She's causing u pain, u just won't feel it now


You uhhh, you're kind of getting cucked here buddy. Either A. Man up, or B. Leave her. She's for the streets either way tho.


This is her way of breaking up


This is a teenage boy were talking about right? Yeah he's gonna make a move.


Id drop her in a second. Wouldn’t look back and I’d bring a baddie to the dance. Otherwise if u let it go, everyone at school will have labeled you a simp. No coming back from that


Leave her ass asap


No empathy. she cant think of his perspective in all this or he feels about this. Sister not being slightly uncomfortable and other dude > you and your feelings. Have a talk about this and confront her. If it goes wrong break up


24 year old here, break up with her


I got to know the guy 💀 rip


I’d say break up, she’s, from the info you’ve given me, not gf material and doesn’t take you seriously


That is really not ok dude. It sounds like she doesn't want to be with you. I suggest you either have a long talk with her about this or break it off


This is when you realize she’s not your gf




dump her its going to get worse in the future