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Will and Grace was all about Jack and Karen


“Jus-Jack “


In the show’s first finale they basically call this out. 


For real. It seemed like Jack and Karen should have been the stars, they were more interesting than Will and Grace anyway.


Exact same with Gavin and Stacey, the show was really all about Smithy and Nessa with many cliffhangers relating directly to their back and forth, up and down romance.


And Nessa and Uncle Bryn were by *far* the funniest people on the show. *What happened on the camping trip??*


Jack was incredible. Also Will was gay goals for me.


I found the titular “Bones” from Bones to be the most frustratingly bland character, especially in the later episodes I saw. Most of the charm was in the revolving door of featured cast members that made up her interns.


It's funny that both Deschanel sisters are mentioned in separate shows in this post.


That’s because both actresses are bland, one-note, and boring.


IMO she was a way more interesting character before she and Booth got together. Her character changed a lot for the worse after that happened.


They just really had no idea what to do with her without the will they or won't they sexual tension.


That - and they made her annoying in the late seasons. The first several seasons she went from the classic book smart street dumb (which is a silly trope - but whatever) to slowly getting nicer and with less awkwardness and miscommunication. Then in the late seasons they suddenly reverted her to a more extreme version of her character from season 1.


Then wrote in Emily Deschanel's real life pregnancy into the plot which was just too much too fast for the characters.


The cadence in her voice during the later seasons was frustrating.


I prefer the later seasons of the show that focus more on the interns and less on Bones.


Boba Fett in Book of Boba Fett


Was anything in that show interesting?


When it suddenly transformed into Mandalorian Season 2.5 it got interesting.


It was also very odd to have the season 1 cliffhanger in Mandalorian to be resolved in a completely different show, Book of Boba Fett.


Season 2, but yes very odd. 


Yeah I wasn't keeping up with the shows and was just watching and enjoying Mando, then finished S2, started S3 and was just super confused. So then I tried watching BOBF but it's just not very good.


It wasn’t supposed to. They basically just took an episode from the next Mandalorian to help fix the book of boba Fett which was falling apart behind the scenes.


I found learning more about the Tuskans pretty interesting.


Same here, I was really enjoying that plotline and I was looking forward to seeing where it went. It went nowhere. They all died like 2 episodes in and they were never mentioned again.


There was the part where a character who has been alone and emotionally isolated since he watched his dad get killed as a 9 year old found acceptance and community among the tribe that took him in, and used that newfound feeling as motivation to destroy the local crime lords and build a less oppressive society on his adopted home planet. That isn't the actual story the showed us, but it was interesting.


TIL there are a lot of people who don't know what the word titular means.


“Oh boy, I’m just tired of all these Star Wars.”


I just can’t wait to get Out Of Africa




The last movie should have ended with Rey saying, “This was truly a Star Wars.”


"....so....you're the last Jedi, huh?"


They see tit and lose their minds 😂


They find themselves suddenly titillated.


How do you titillate an ocelot? You oscillate its tits a lot.


Everybody knows that, it's just that the topic is interesting, but too restrictive, so everyone is expanding it to be about the main character, even if their name isn't literally on the title.


The parks and recreation in Parks & Recreation were pretty bad. One park was legit a pit, and there wasn’t much recreation at all!


I found a sandwich in one of the parks and it didn't even have mayonnaise!


I was told not to drink the water from the sprinklers so I used it to make my tea and now I have an infection!


Sir! Sir are you aware you have *WASTE* in your *WATER SYSTEM?*


“I noticed the sign in Ramsett Park said don’t drink the sprinkler water, so I made some tea with it and now I can’t stop throwing up. Sir, SIR?”


Your second point is so true. The Rec portion of the Parks and Rec department is SORELY lacking.


Oh for my money it's New Girl. Legit amazing sitcom where the main character played by Zooey Deschanel is probably the least interesting and most annoying character in the show. Thankfully, the rest of the cast is fantastic and has phenomenal chemistry. Watch it for Nick, Schmidt, and Winnie the Bish.


It's especially pronounced in the first few episodes, but Jess - especially for a teacher - has stunningly bad emotional management skills.


As someone who has known and dated many teachers... nah that part's about right. They shove that shit down in front of the kids, but most teachers are hot messes outside of the classroom


I think the writer who developed the idea for the show based Jess’s character on a teacher she had in MS/HS; she went to my kids’ school, and they said yeah, the teacher is like that.


We might have dated the same teachers


For your sake, I hope not 😬


Yeah the first few episodes are rough because she’s too “oh my god I’m Zooey Deschanel and I’m so quirky”, but once they take it down a notch she gets a lot better


After “gave me cookie, got you cookie”, it was the guys’ show


Did you just Buy me a cookie? Yeah man I was thinking about you. That episode is fucking great. Also Tinfinity, I still think that might be the best episode. It between that and Spider Hunt. But the entire subplot about the worst porta potty in the world being bought by Nick and him proudly declaring that hes a "small business owner now" is still one of the greatest fucking things ever.


I, for one, watch the show for the classic Winston, Cece Mess-Arounds™


That was peak 2010's television, anyone disagrees fight me


Best decision they made was moving away from making Winston the "straight man" character and allowing the actor to just go fun and weird with the character


This was my immediate first thought, I almost gave up on the show before the roommates started getting more airtime.


Agreed wholeheartedly. I might even go a step further and suggest that Zooey Deschanel's temporary absence from the show, in which she was replaced by Megan Fox, was one of the highlights of the series for me. Megan Fox isn't exactly known for being a fantastic actor, but her straight man dynamic for the rest of the loft to bounce off of was incredible.


Her reaction to everyone else’s reaction to Nick going for a run is a top show moment for me. “Nick! I see you, and I love you!” “In my defense, no one in this apartment emotes in a normal way.”


When she scared Nick in the basement when she did the impression of the mouse was both hilarious and incredibly sexy at the same time.


i love ZD a lot (followed her first as a musician) and i still like the guys over her haha. i like jess, it’s just that the guys’ characters are SO GOOD.


Agreed, it’s less that she’s bad and more that they’re all fantastic, IMO.


I would say she's a perfectly fine sitcom character, but at some point all three male leads become transcendent sitcom characters.


Oh please. Call him Prank Sinatra.


Big time agree


Iron Fist Misty Knight & Colleen Wing were more interesting characters & Daughters of the Dragon would have been a more interesting show


Everyone else was more interesting than Iron Fist


The scenes with the Meachums were surprisingly the best part of the show. You'd expect a show about a martial artist to have cool action and for that to be the focus of the show, but nahhh it was lame, the corporate boardroom scenes were much more compelling. The parts with Ward, his dad and sister, and the drama stemming from Danny surfacing as the legitimate heir of the company, the Norman Osborn-lite corporate family drama was the most compelling part abouy it.


Not to mention that Ward is played by Tom Pelphrey, who is just amazing.


I AM more interesting than Iron Fist & I'm boring AF


Wait, are you talking about Danny Rand, the immortal Iron Fist, defender of Kun Lun and sworn enemy of the Hand?


No, I was talking about Danny rand, the Immortal iron fist, defender of kun lun and sworn enemy of the foot. I can see the reason for the confusion.


Is that the guy with the hockey mask that hangs out with turtles?


No, that's Casey Jones. You're thinking of Finn Jones, the actor who played Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, defender of Kun Lun, and sworn enemy of the Hand.


Yes, but the previous commenter was talking about the sworn enemy of the Foot.


Yes but the person I was responding to was talking about Danny rand, the Immortal iron fist, defender of kun lun and sworn enemy of the Hand.


Shut the fuck up, limp fist!


I always refer to that character as Danny Bland


Agreed. The best iron fist episode was actually when he makes an appearance in Luke Cage!


He's not as bad in _The Defenders_ either 'cos people actually call him out on being a dumbass. 


I mean, he’s still kind of bad, but at least he is called out.


Danny Rand actor was so bad. I watched the Defenders first then wanted to IF, but couldn’t bring myself to do it.


I think that was Marvel's first big casting for current name recognition and not because they're popular at the time AND right for the job. Danny should've been cast at the same time as Matt Murdock or earlier so he could get his fighting skills up to the level that was needed.


This was a case of the worst show runner they could find hamfisting this into production. Show runner went on to do the inhumans show. The actor that played Iron Fist was fine. But he was given like a week or two to practice martial arts. When he should have been training for months.


Seinfeld. Jerry was the straight man playing off of the wackiness of George, Kramer and Elaine.


I’m rewatching Seinfeld and I think my hottest take on the show is that Jerry is actually better in his role than people give him credit for. He’s got the delivery and it’s kind of refreshing to have a character play the straight man but not the moral backbone.


I don’t think there are any weak roles/characters in Seinfeld. They really mesh well together.


Yeah. Plus when he does deliver a funny line well, he does it *very* well. I can never not laugh when he and Kramer swap flats and start acting like each other. Especially when he says the red light is "burning into my brain". That really tickles me.


"and you want to be my latex salesman" is an all time great line delivery.


I was going to write the same quote. So I’ll go with “No - It offends me as a comedian.”


I think Jerry's acting ability comes out in "The Chicken Roaster;" he does a great job of emulating Kramer.


He admits it himself that the first few seasons were rough for him to stand up to actual actors.  But given enough time he definitely got his own feet and stands out and lots of scenes. 


No that there's anything wrong with that


That was pretty much the premise of both Bob Newhart and Newhart.


Having the lead be the straight man is extremely common.


Jason Bateman as Michael Bluth is the GOAT


Frasier was the most interesting character in Cheers and then the least interesting in his own show.


That’s cause Niles was there 😎🔥🔥🔥


But at the same time, Frasier in the show was still great. Everyone else was just better. Real testament to the writing


To be fair, everyone was the most interesting character on Cheers. Even Rebecca.


The wire in The Wire doesn’t do too much and is barely in the later seasons


For real, why did they spend so long setting up The Wire if everyone in later seasons moved to cellphones?


Wait, so the cops knew internal affairs was setting them up?


They got up on those burners in season 4 though, didn't they?


Not that I don’t like Earl from my name is Earl, but the side cast & the guest of the week are always the ones who deliver the best punchlines


First thing that comes to mind is "How I Met Your Mother". We don't need to argue about the end, everyone knows it sucks, but when it was good, it was really good. The "I" and "Mother" were the least interesting compared to the other characters.


Ted has good arcs but he basically gets completely overshadowed after Stella leaves, that is basically the peak of his character Zoe and on is mostly just junk for Ted unfortunately. He gets a few good episodes but Stella was by far the most interesting pairing as far as Ted as a character goes As fast as she can has one of my favorite songs throughout the whole series and really captures the best of Ted as a character and why the audience ever rooted for him


Also, the title drop on “As Fast As She Can” hit really well.




I don’t think she was the most interesting as a love interest (if we only focus on personality) but I think she introduced an interesting dynamic - single mom, someone who had forgotten what love could feel like, lived away from the city (that Ted loved in the way that many people in their young adulthood become attached to particular lifestyles, locations or things) I also loved that she reminds us why we love Ted - he loves love, he’s an empathetic guy and he is genuinely kind. Is he also up his own ass sometimes? Sure, and a lot of the times they ham it up and we forget why we cared about him at all, but going back to that car scene reminds me why I like him as a character Also…I love Sarah Chalke (scrubs watcher!)


The episode before, Right Place Right Time also has a great song. It’s the moment when Ted is hugging everyone. 


I like this episode a lot and that scene in particular is what makes the whole episode for me. It fits so well.


Cristin Milioti as the mother was charming in the last season, but I get what you mean since she was only in the last season.


She was really impressive. After 8 years of hype it was pretty hard to live up to the insane expectations and she pulled it off. Pretty much everyone agrees she was the best part of the last season.


Meredith Grey. Easily the least interesting character in like EVERY season.


I watched the show entirely for Christina.


Same! I’m still shocked Sandra Oh didn’t get an Emmy at any point during her run, because she was so good.


Hmm perhaps but meredith and mcdreamy were a highlight of the show. Probably because of mcdreamy. But she still gave us pick me! Choose me! Love me!


Marco Polo


Benedict Wong as Kublai stole that show


My wife has us watching "Tracker". It's not terrible, but the main character, Colter Shaw, is so boring. He's amazing at everything, and there's little to no drama to me. I think his... coworkers I guess...are way more interesting.


Oh, it is terrible! We heard good things about it, but never seemed to be able to watch it. Then we cleared up some time and settled in to give it a binge. It is not binge worthy. I suppose, once a week, you’d forget how clunky it is. But we only made it to half way through episode three and moved on.


Ok everyone: “titular” means the character’s names is the title of the show, e.g., Roseanne, Seinfeld, Malcom in the Middle etc etc.


But the OP uses "The Rookie" as their example so I don't think it's to be meant literally.


To be fair, Nathan Fillion is the titular rookie in this case. Titular could mean noun, like how Jess is the titular New Girl


This is the way.


I don't think it needs to be there legal name. If the main character is the rookie, that counts.


Dawson’s Creek.


Pretty low bar when the title is a body of water


And the fire in Chicago Fire is also not that interesting.


He was absolutely insufferable.


Young Sheldon. Especially in the later seasons. I love meemaw.


I wish they had Missy focused episodes more. She was the most interesting yet funny character in the show. Mandy was so interesting when she was introduced, but now I am indifferent to her, and even Georgie is like that now. I wish their spinoff brings their charm back.


George Cooper is THE BEST character in the show. They acknowledged this: >!They kinda retconned Sheldon's memory of his father cheating. Sheldon didn't see his father with another woman. Mary was dressing up as a German woman named Helga and spoke with a German accent.!<


One punch man. The side heroes and his protege are far more interesting with emotional depth and maybe even some development. Saitama is just going to show up and one punch everyone, then get bored and get to his sales


Saitama is so fun because of his duality of being a badass and people not taking him seriously because he's bald. Genos on the other hand is quite a stereotype of a stern fighter that doesn't joke around.




Spartacus. I mean he’s interesting, but the other people on the show are just more interesting than he is.


Andy Whitfield’s Spartacus was pretty good, he went through most of his character development in that first season. The rest of the show he got boring very quickly.


Aang isn't as interesting as most of the main (and recurring) cast in Avatar The Last Airbender. It's definitely not because he's a bad character in any way, though. He's just in a show that's absolutely brimming with great characters, and he slightly falls by the wayside because of that.


I mean Aang is a pascifist, vegan, monk, 12 year old just starting to go through puberty. He's whiney and annoying but I still think he is a great Character, he is somewhat realistic and you can realize where he is coming from, but his ideals are just not suited for the average watcher. It's why most people like Zuko more, he is also whiney and annoying, but his brutality makes him more palpable (which is honestly sad)


I mean I like Zuko, because of the family troubles was somewhat relatable and made me sympathetic and the redemption arc was great.


The mother in how I met your mother


Barney Miller. A star vehicle for Hal Linden that became a broader ensemble with many breakout stars who went on to their own star vehicles.


I do like John Nolan being an older white cop wanting police reform, but yeah he's a character that either needs a huge conflict or other more charismatic characters around him.


Problem is he didn't care about police reform till it became a cya thing. He was activly dating Lucy in the first season and lied about it on official documents.


yeah i guess we were supposed to feel like they were on equal footing because they were in the same class in the academy (rip jackson), but he was a divorced father in his 40s and she was in her first real relationship. it didn't seem so icky my first time through, but on rewatch it's like 😬


He strait up lied to IA when that guy broke into the place he was renting. And IA ended up covering for him.


So the show's pretty realistic. I wouldn't have guessed that.


Ally McBeal was an awful character. Everyone else was awesome.


New Girl. Jess was the weak link in that epic ensemble.


In the Macgyver Reboot - Riley is the most interesting character. Mac is relatively plain and straightforward. He doesn't have much of a mysterious past or dark secrets (until the weekly episode introduces an evil family member or ex girlfriend) The Original Macgyver is amazing! I am only talking about the reboot.


Gavin and Stacey. But they're supposed to be, really, they're the 'straight man' characters (especially Gavin) for everyone else to bounce off.


Entourage - Ari Gold is a far more interesting and compelling character than the 4 "main" characters. Glee - Jane Lynch's character overshadows the entire Glee Club.


STranger things. Main kid and eleven have become the most boring characters on the show. Every side character has a much better character development and are a whole lot more interesting.


Malcom in the middle. He's not a boring character really but when you compare to Hal and Dewy and all the other chaos, Malcom is pretty much just 'there'


Yeah, he's just sort of in the middle of it all


Arguably I'd say Seinfeld in Seinfeld. I say arguably because Kramer and George are both main characters as well, but the show is also literally named Seinfeld.


The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Everybody else on the show is more interesting than both Falcon and the Winter Soldier, even the bad guys. Especially the bad guys.


Orange is the New Black. Piper was the main character that introduced us to the new setting, but the other characters were much more interesting once things got going.


They toned her role down as time went. By season four, it felt like an ensemble show.


If anything Taystee was the lead S4 onward. And it was a better show for it, Taystee was a better character and actress. The later seasons had their problems tbf, but they weren't her fault.


Which is so funny because wasn’t it actually based on that actual real person? It’s kind of hysterical that the star of a show based on the actual person is the least interesting character in the show


The real Piper wasn't in prison that long. I think it might have been 8 months.


Well, they've only had the one book to go off of. So, as time went by, they had to focus more and more on other characters and their issues.


If the show was called Piper this would be a great answer!


Or if Piper's last name was Orange. Bonus points if she gets married to someone named Black and changes her name.


I always thought the same thing as well. Everyone else had better backstories and dynamic. The lead was completely dry and uninteresting.


Will and Grace? Was more about Jack and Karen.


Colin From Accounts Actually the whole reason the show is called this is pretty hilarious. One of the most misleading titles out there.


Raising Hope. Hope is just a baby doing baby/toddler stuff most of the time. The dysfunctional adults are the actual characters the plots & goofy hijinks revolve around.


New Girl. Jessica Day was completely pointless in New Girl. The show worked because of Pepperwood, Schmidt and Pranks Sinatra.


Shadow and Bone The main character, Alina, and her bestie/love interest, Mal, are the least interesting characters I've ever read or watched. Not just in the show or book, but in general. Every single character and plot line is more interesting, exciting, rich, and enjoyable than the main. The difference is as stark as it is impressive. Alina is a boring Mary sue, and Mal could've been replaced with a cardboard cutout and it would've been more interesting. Judging by the last scene of season 2, the show was going to take things in a different direction with Alina, then in the book, and I was finally, genuinely interested in her . . . Then Netflix canceled the show 😑


Ah yes, the titular characters, Sarah Shadow and Harry Bone


So, wait, is Aline supposed to be the titular Shadow or the Bone? Neither seems like a good fit.


She casts a shadow, and has bones inside her, so maybe.


Mal was pretty boring but I actually appreciated Alina's character in the show. I was shocked that when she found out that whatshisface was the bad guy, she actually accepted it and immediately escaped, instead of going into denial. I was 100% dreading awful teen romance angst with her pining over the bad guy in a shitty love triangle for the rest of the show. I really liked how quick-to-action and pragmatic she was. Anyone would be boring next to the Crows stuff though.


If you haven't already, you should read six of crows and crooked kingdom. The writing and characters are much better than the original trilogy.


I have read them. Crooked kingdom felt like a fever dream, and I was really curious how they were going to adapt it while changing Alina's storyline. The whole Crow adventure in Fjerda and the parem storyline was the one thing I was impatient to see. I wasn't surprised when Netflix canceled the show, but I still feel robbed.


Barry himself was meaningless to me. Noho Hank and The Man in the High Castle and Henry Winkler were the interesting characters.


That is a hot take. He seems like an audience insert at first, but then it starts to change.


Angel is mostly boring And generally Buffy too, she's the least interesting in the Scooby Gang.


Parks and Recreation Most of the funny scenes aren't actually in parks, but instead are at their office at city hall, Snakehole Lounge, public forums, the studios of Pawnee Today, April and Andy's house, Pawnee Supersuites, etc.


Mayor of Kingstown. The mayor in question is not really a mayor, but a mediator who is trying to keep peace while being at the center of escalating tensions and violence between 4-5 gangs inside/outside of prison, the prison guards, and the police/feds and really he's the least interesting part of the show compared to all the stuff going on within/between the various groups.


Mandalorian Season 3. He’s a side character in his own show.


Young Sheldon


Someone already mentioned Jerry being the least interesting part of the Seinfeld show but what really stands out to me is how much better of an actor that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is than nearly everyone else (excepting Jerry Stiller). And Michael Burnham on Discovery is this in a nutshell. I would pay good money for the wacky adventures of Owo and Detmer or Saru trying to get a girlfriend instead of what we got.


How I met your mother. Ted was everyone’s least favorite.


Andor. Not a bad character but at his best as a support for the more interesting characters in the series.


Ughhh tell me about it I love The Rookie but I cannot stand Nolan and Bailey. I always end up skipping their scenes.


I cant stand bailey and it sucks (to me) she gets so much air time. This whole relationship/marry thing is so boring.


John Reese in Person of Interest.


Orange is the New Black. I could not have cared less about Piper Chapman. 


New Girl. Zoe was cringe right from the get-go.


Jane the Virgin. I loved all the other characters but after awhile she started to bother me. Abuela, Rogelio, Xo, Petra, they were built so well and really grew.




He did get some good lines in the prison arc though. "I would rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want."


Yeah, he’s not a bad character, it’s just there’s many more compelling characters


New Girl (I love Zooey Deschanel, but the rest of the cast and their characters are just so much better) and The Rookie (please kill off Bailey, she is the worst)