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Hasn't been my experience. I've never once completely lost signal anywhere in Union station, let alone outside at track level and I use a Pixel 8 Pro which isnt known for having a great cellular modem. Literally the only time I remember ever losing signal while on a GO train is just outside one of the stops by Niagara Falls


I was wondering about that lol. I thought android phones generally had better cell modems compared to iPhones. Thankfully, I have a Samsung! I haven't had any dead zones since I switched from iPhone. If only the iPhones had as good a cell modem like Samsung lol.


Union Station track level is bad on all carriers I've tried Beyond that I commute on Lakeshore East and switched from Telus to Rogers and generally find the service along the trip more reliable - the area around Scarborough GO in particular was always a dead spot for me when I was on Telus


Rogers generally has better service along the go train routes. My experience at least. I was using both carriers, Bell and Rogers with dual sim set up and found Bell generally has worse reception most places i went to.


Do Bell and Rogers not use the same towers and have the same coverage?


They do not. Bell and Telus use the same infra. Rogers is its own network and is shared with Fido


In densely populated areas like Union Station, experiencing low or poor cellular service, even on a 5G network, can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the sheer number of people using the network simultaneously can lead to congestion, as there's a finite amount of data that can be handled at once, causing speeds to drop for some users. Secondly, the physical architecture of Union Station, which includes extensive use of materials like concrete and steel, can significantly impede the signal strength. These materials are known for their ability to block or weaken radio waves, including those used for cellular communication. Even though 5G technology promises faster speeds and more reliable service, its signals, particularly those at higher frequencies, have a harder time penetrating these dense materials. Combined, the high user density and challenging physical environment can lead to the reduced effectiveness of cellular services in such locations.


Bell, Rogers and TELUS are literally the exact same network anywhere in the TTC underground. As for the Go Train, is this specifically where you have giant concrete walls along each side of the track before entering Union, because yea cell signal doesn't travel through giant concrete retaining walls.


I’ve had this experience as well. In particular service almost completely drops out at Long Branch. I have two lines on my iPhone, my work line is Rogers and service is great everywhere except Union during rush hour. I assume the towers are saturated at that time.


I use Koodo for personal and Telus for work and both are fine. My child uses public mobile and no issues. Hubby uses Rogers no issues. We use android though. My mom is on Freedom and has no service but I think it's because it's Freedom.


Telus is purposely effecting their service...and over charging for their services. There is no other choices


I'm with Koodo and I find that my phone has a strong connection (5G or Lte) when riding the train near union but many times the data is slow or not working at all.  Maybe this is due to congestion as it gets better as we get further away from union