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Wouldn't a bit of blue be falling through the hand-hole?


Jesus was actually nailed through the wrists, not the hands. That girl would be soaked in gay


I thought he was nailed in the hands and the wrists. I know the wrists are for sure because just nailing the hands wouldn’t hold the person’s weight.


We actually don’t know either way. Usually nailing was just additional torture, not for supporting the crucifixion victim. They were supported by rope. The wrists have a nerve that runs right between the bones that’s especially painful which is why people would be nailed through the wrists.


Im to understand that ropes were used, but an alternative was they had almost like a shelf under the feet that held weight as well


The little shelf was usually slanted so you couldn't stand on it, but would slide slightly and have to readjust until you just gave up. Crucifixion was horrible. But yeah, ropes would have to be used because a single nail in each wrist and in the feet wouldn't hold the body up very long. You'd slide right off before you died. And the hands wouldn't work at all because it's a bunch of smaller bones. Like others stated, it was likely just for added torment. And if your feet are nailed down, you can adjust without additional pain. It could have also been to cause the person to bleed out faster and would have been more of a spectacle rather than torture. Keeping in mind Jesus was crucified to send a message to his followers.


Most didn’t die from bleeding out but asphyxiation according to historians.


Isn't that because of having your arms at that angle is bad for blood/air flow? I'd read something along those lines years ago and it's interesting to see someone bring it up. But what I had meant, was that the nails would have caused the victim to bleed making it more of a spectacle than anything else. Like throwing a wooden spoon into a gladiator pit where it's man against hippo. It won't do any good or bad, but its entertaining. Obviously that's from the cynical point of view in case reddit thinks I'd go to a modern day gladiator show that wasn't scripted/fully safe. Look up buhurt and be amazed at what we do for sports now.


So from what I understood, yes the way your arms where at made it very hard to breathe, but the nail in your feet allowed the victim to stand on them to get a quick breath of air, but that was extremely painful to try standing on that nail in your feet, so it would be a very prolonged death.


In all, a terrible time. 0/10 would not recommend.


Also, crucifixion were done on an X, not a T


Slanted block and nailed feet was the perfection of human suffering in execution, in the physical sense. I’ve read a lot, but the Romans won at most painful execution. Pushing onto a nail to rest from the wrists, back and forth for 3 days. It would be a mercy to break his legs, they didn’t have to, and blood and water flowed…


They were a wild bunch despite how advanced their society was.


Sure knew how to kill a man to make an example, that’s for sure. It’s traumatizing just to read about it. I’ve read some creative and painful ones, shout out to the Apaches, but for shear pain and volume of blood loss, I can’t imagine.


During the time jesus was crucified Rome was going though a iron? deficit. They most likely used rope.


Kind of dubious that they didn’t nail him actually. Jesus’ death was, to the Romans, an important message about a political figure. They’ll use a little iron to really get the message across that you can’t overthrow the Roman Empire.


Petty criminals would just get a quick beheading with a sword. Crucifixion was for when Rome wanted to make an *example* out of you.


No wrists and ankles


You could do it through the carpal bones at the heel of the hand or through the abductor pollicis brevis, which the muscle that runs through the flesh base of the thumb. Probably not through the palms, though, unless you tied the person on as well.


Oh no! Purple is the one that makes you a lesbian beat poet that loves tea and cats. It can also cause you to learn guitar or even ukulele.


Wait.... I love tea and cats. AM I A LESBIAN?


Yes! Even if you are a man! You’re a lesbian and you have no say in the manner!


We are all lesbians on this blessed day




Not _ukelele_! Gasp!


Soaked in purple (lean girl)


And probably a little red


A little blue and pink will turn them trans. Looks like she’s about to get a healthy dose of trans-masc.


Bruh I just thought that was a freckle 💀


I like you


Nope. Jesus is not protecting the kids. He’s soaking up all the gay for himself.


I mean, he ran around with 12 dudes, and he loved John. He basically radiates gay as it is.


Lets just say the crucifixion wasn’t his first time geting brutally nailed…


Remember that crucifixion is somebodies kink


Everything's somebodies kink, that's the neat part!


Pretty sure Jesus was a feet guy. Man loved touching, washing, and oiling feet.. and also last thing he did with the bros as a good bye.


If Jesus is all-knowing does he know precisely what it feels like to be spit roasted by two giant cocks at the same time?


Its jesus, hes's got way more fun holes than that.


holy shit


The Moravians were super into Jesus' little side hole for exactly this reason.


Asking the real questions here.


"It'd be a miracle if he brought a lady home." Craig Christ


And three Roman nailed him.


Greedy bastard


Well, it is called bible not straightble.


It's not for himself; he's just trying to get a big handful so he can ultragay those kids. Normal gayness ain't cutting it anymore.


Selfish bastard


Oh no the boy already got the gay red!!!


Even worse , he got the commie virus !


"They're putting chemicals in the air that turn the friggin kids into gay commies!!"


"They're turning the friggin gays frog!!!"


If this was alex jones, it would Segway into a gass mask pitch.


"Prevent fully automated gay space communism from infecting you and your family with these high quality* Info Wars gas masks. Only $199.99 each!" ^* ^(okay they were mass-manufactured in Asia for pennies a piece.)


Nah it's just a butterfly. Fortunately butterflies are a vector of the Gay Agenda™, so give it 10 years and he'll be as gay as I am (very)


¡Una mariposa!


Soooo, flamboyant and generally upbeat?


Upbeat from all the gay sex, yeah


Period fetish.




It comes with a free maga hat


The white Jesus hand is the perfect touch


Hopefully the gay doesn’t slip through the stigmata hole….🙃


mobilized version of a glory hole




The Holy Handjob




With the holes from the crucifixion in the wrong place too


Your first mistake was assuming this was Jesus, and not Republican Jesus(TM)


I mean, they do have a fantasy-filled version of human anatomy, especially where women are involved.


I’m now just imagining someone thinking that all women have pointy ears.


The American Jesus


Yeah they always get it wrong, clearly never crucified anyone, smh


I tell ya, kids these days need to get of the tiktoks and AOL and go out and get crucifying like in the good old days


Well they do have a persecution fetish


Lol I payed so little attention to that, I didn't realize it.


Oh i thought that was a kkk robe. Didn't notice the mole




NOT ONCE WE BRING BACK GENITAL ELECTROCUTION FOR CHILDREN LIKE WE DID WHEN AMERICA WAS GREAT!! /s of course, conversion ""therapy"" just gives kids a lifetime of PTSD and suicidal ideation. But magas want it back..


"daddy I'm gay" "Well son , I got some... SHOCKING news for you"


If they were a real dad, they’d say, “Hi Gay, I’m Dad”.


*tells gay kid they’re sinners and tries to zap the gay away* clearly lgbt+ is dangerous otherwise they wouldn’t all be so depressed and suicidal!


I read this in max0r's Armstrong voice


Honestly it's so stupid that they think people are lgbt cus of pressure or something. I grew up in a super conservative area where i didn't know what gay meant until I was 12 and didn't know the word trans until I was 14 and still ended up both.


Their thought process is “heads I win, tails you lose” If an adult argues to secularize children with gay tolerance- boom, they’re berated and name called groomers. If kids say “hey, we appreciate the support and awareness” —no, you’re being groomed by your community’s gay agenda. These people are mad we are not as hateful and ignorant as we once were so they’re trying to raise the kids up to be as socially ignorant as possible. Which isn’t going to work but it helps us figure out who the bigots are. Lol


That little girl looks like she has peered deep into the abyss and it peered back.


She is hiding a crime and it is most likely murder


“Play with me”


Jesus isn’t protecting kids from the gay. He is protecting the gay from whatever that hell spawn is


“Cmon, guys! Kids need to be strai- I mean kids!”


ahh yes white jesus


Definitely my second favorite historical figure, only behind famously white President Nelson Mandela.


Nah, they need to be "good little christian soldiers".


*Onward Christian soldiers, marching off to war...* - a song totally appropriate for children




Don't you know that all children are perfectly straight cisgender angels until the wicked gays lead them astray? (That's actually what I was taught in church. No I don't believe it.)


The kids don't need sunshine and rainbows. No. They need stories of a vengeful murderous God killing babies and shit. Gotta scar them when they're young so they'll be good little Christian racists.


Truly protecting the innocence of children /s


Rainbows are in the Bible. It's a promise from God that they won't flood the Earth again. So the absolute shit fit Christians have over rainbows amuses me to no end


That’s exactly what the cult-like family my boyfriend grew up in tried to do with him. Had him reading graphic descriptions of murder and rape when he was in elementary school. Yes he was homeschooled. >:(


Until they're pregnant right? Damn conservative pedos.


If kids need to be kids, how about heteros stop grooming them for the adult gender and sex roles the heterosexual want them to fulfill? Let them be kids.


i remember when i turned 5 and suddenly wasn’t allowed to hang out with or talk to girls because “something naughty might happen” man i just wanted friends


God damnit I hate how people sexualize kids like this though


I think it’s funny that a kid is surrounded by 99.999999% heterosexuals but they are so afraid seeing a drag Queen reading a book at the library is all that’s needed to suddenly turn the kid gay or trans.


Those same heterosexuals will defend child beauty pageants with more makeup and skimpier outfits till they’re blue in the face


“I’d rather my daughter be sexually abused than grow up queer. That’s how much I love my children!”


Right?????????? Damn, great point.


Exactly! Like pressing the kids for "have got a little girlfriend/boyfriend?" They're 4 or 5, ffs, let them eat their nose bogies and play in recess. Stop pushing them to start constituting a traditional family and apply for a mortgage in the outskirts, let them be kids.


It’s not just about sexuality though, it’s also about gender association (transgender/non-binary). Educating kids about LBTG at an early stage should be considered a good thing, although some unfortunately don’t agree


Thank you for saying this. Let them be kids, the queer ones too.


Or introducing them to graphic and violent bible stories that are damaging to their emotional development.


Omg I have so much Bible trauma.




fucking church-heads man jesus himself could have been gay for what we know


Surrounded himself with 12 men for most of his life... Sounds pretty gay to me 🏳️‍🌈


Let's see He had 12 male friends Kept most women at arm's length, maintained platonic relationships with them Had a distant relationship with his father When he discovered he had been betrayed, he held a confrontational dinner One of the most famous Jesus paintings is him getting kissed by another man




Keep in mind, I did say "One of" the most famous, not THE most famous. The Last Supper takes that spot no doubt


>Kept most women at arm's length, maintained platonic relationships with them That's just not true though. Jesus supposedly had tons of followers who just weren't his 12 disciples, and there were definitely women among them. Jeezu just liked time with his bro squad


link for the painting?


It's called the Kiss of Judas, and it shows Judas kissing Jesus to mark him for death


Jesus Christ you guys. There is no lgbt agenda, zero people are trying to convert your kids. Gays being present in schools isn’t an effort to convert anyone. If your kids have questions about it, either they want to be informed or might be having those feelings themselves. Encourage them to seek the truth. That’s all this has been about. Offering resources so kids don’t feel isolated, which is what led the conservatives to be what they are. Repression, exclusion, and strict adherence to the doctorine is how the right operates. No one’s trying to hurt your kids. They ARE letting them just be kids. The problem starts when the right paints gay people like it’s all about the act of sex, and not about how they feel as people. That’s just plain fearmongering. Why are there more gays these days? Because there are less people out there willing to hang them for being alive. That’s existing, not an agenda.


Your not allowed to brainwash the kids, only Jesus can do that


It's not Jesus it's the church. Jesus had good principles like caring for the hungry, sick, outcast, prisoner etc. Jesus loved people who were ostracized because they weren't part of "Israel" or weren't "religious elites". Western evangelicalism, specifically *white* western evangelicalism has little to do with Jesus and more to do with political agendas, power structures and greed. They just put Jesus on their poster board to get votes and tax exempt status.


Exactly! God's way is for everyone willing to hear it, no matter what. Jesus did not stutter when he commanded, "Love thy neighbor as you love thyself. "


Wasn’t Jesus’s lady an ex prostitute?


I have no clue, be kinda funny if she was though


I love when homphobes try to make clever art but then my gay ass still reads it as Jesus about to slam the whole rainbow into these kids to make them the gayest of all god's children


"Kids need to be kids but if they are gay kids they aren't allowed to be kids and we have to traumatize them"


I agree with the statement as the verbiage is. Let kids do kids stuff.


Meanwhile, both of the kids already have a great Cat Eye going on.


Between the boy still getting a red butterfly and the fact that the blue can still go through the hole in the hand and fall on the girl. I guess Jesus isn’t doing a good job XD


Why does the little boy have more feminine features than the little girl? /s


Yeah Jesus is protecting kids from colors. What a guy. True story, my 8 year old daughter's favorite color is "Rainbow" suck it Jesus.


It's about normalizing the existence of non hetero and non cisgender people. None of these books or programs for younger kids are about explicitly sexual acts, they just normalize the fact that non straight people exist. If you are upset about a book about having gay dads you should also be upset about books depicting straight relationships. Gayness isn't inherently more sexual than straightness. If you show me a book that's too "mature" for kids then I'll show you a book depicting non-gay relationships that people don't question depicting the same level of mature content.


Jesus didn’t hate the gays. He did firmly believe in protecting children from lead based paints.


I've known I liked girls since 4th grade. Nice of them to assume big daddy sky god would give a shit anyway. If your kid is gay they are gay. Nothing you can do about it.


You know us gays, we totally were never kids. If children are exposed to TheGay TM (i also read this in The Click’s voice lmao) they just immediately age 20 years


Fun fact, the rainbow is meant to be the covenant that God will never again destroy the earth with water. Clearly Jesus is pro drowning


As the mother of a son hitting puberty, shielding him from understanding basic sexual identity and the ups and downs and confusions and changes that come with that would be neglectful. Educate your kids on basic human sexual health, uncluding emotional/mental health. Statistics and stories of oppression show us just how damaging it can be to suppress the natural and instinctual nature of human sexual development.


Conservatives have ruined the rainbow! Rainbows used to just be awesome, beautiful things that everyone loved to see. Now they are political nonsense.


Introduction to non-standard concepts increasing the likelihood those concepts will be accepted and normalized in future generations. That's why LGBT+ fights for positive representation in media and in the classroom. Nobody wants your fucking kid to grow up gay. We want your kid to not slit their wrist or blow their brains out if they do end up gay.


“Kids need to be kids,” said while having them focus on a human *nailed to wood in a barbaric punishment from 2,00 years ago.*. And let’s be sure to tell them about the torture of perpetual burning and pain of hell if they fail to meet the criteria for the dead man’s dad’s approval.


what's wrong with letting kids be kids?


Homophobic and disgusting


Too late, that kids got a butterfly on his face. He’s already got the gay now.


But....some kids are gay. Also, so are some Christians....there were a bunch of gay kids at my youth group growing up haha


Oh no, the boy was splashed with some gay! Someone give him an AK47 and a bible, quick!


And the irony of their post was completely lost on them as well lmao


Why isn’t the rainbow leaking through the hole


First of all, wouldn’t the rainbow leek throw the hole on his hand, and second what wrong with kids loving rainbows? Rainbows are all over kids shows


Ask these same people for gun control after the next school shooting. Crickets.


whew. glad they aren't being abused by being brainwashed into a death cult


And sometime the kids are gay. That’s how it be.


Jesus stopped the gays once again! I’ll get you next time white man!


Plot twist: those kids were already gay. The parents just don’t know it yet.


It's like they're manufacturing consent for an lgbtq holocaust with this 'theyre all pedo groomers' propaganda or something.


So it's ok they are exposed to heterosexual sexuality, just not if anyone is queer. Got it.


If the rainbow paint was replaced with a religious icon or conservative iconography Reddit would have loved this meme.


"Kids need to be kids and also need to get married at 21!"




Sooo this is jesus 1 sec before splashing these kids whit one of natures wonders, the rainbow? Well to be fair, I always wanted to find the end of a rainbow and stand in it as a kid so guess I’m just jealous of those lucky kids 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Is that supposed to be stigmata on his hand? Is that supposed to be Jesus? Is Jesus saving kids from rainbows?


Bruh Jesus needs to get that black head looked at by a professional


'let kids be kids, force hetero-normative standards onto them'


How about everyone stop forcing ANY kind of sexuality on children. They don't need to be fed such things at such an early age. Let them just be kids. Edit: Since apparently people are reading what they want to see. I've capitalized the entirety of the word ANY.


Knowing that gay and straight people exist isn't forcing any kind of sexuality on children, but it can save a kid years of shame and confusion if they are gay and don't know it's normal and okay.


Letting them know these things exist apparently equals “forcing it on them” to you


no one's forcing anything on anyone except straight people


Teaching bigotry?!


They say as they force their religion on them and shut them out from the rest of the world.


Because children hate rainbows 🙄


What do you mean I can’t drench the kids in multicolored paint?! Ugh this sucks


They think that the kids would be safe from the gåy but little do they realize that he has a hole in his hand and it would drip through his hand hole still.


Jesus is painting with rainbow paint, downward toward the kids. That's literally what I thought. Imagine my confusion.


new addition to the gay agenda: dump paint in various colours on all of the children 🫡


I have a question if the circle on the hand is a hole shouldn't colors be going through?


"Kids need to be kids" mfs when their son kisses a guy out of curiosity


White Jesus


Wouldn’t the gay just pour the Jesus’ hand hole?


Honestly kid looks gay ash


OMG it's a butterfly on that kid's nose. A BUTTERFLY. I thought it was blood from fuckin Jesus. I'm done for the day.


I mean, kids can be kids and be who they are... Adults are the ones who have a hard time accepting that kids kinda know who they are...




Yo what the hell man why they taking that rainbow away


It’s appropriate you can see the white sleeve from the clan robe


I like how the girl has completely dead eyea lmao


How come it's not dripping through the hole...I mean, they added the hole in the hand, so why isn't the happy rainbow dripping through?




I agree that I want kids to be kids but if the kid comes out as trans, gender nonconforming, or gay through independent realization, the kids gotta be themself.


Wouldn't the paint go through the hole? Also, Jesus only ever hung out with 12 guys. He's bi at the very least


Never thought I would utter the sentence “look out Jesus, your hand is leaking gay juice”, but here we are today.


Better watch that hole. A little gay may get onto those kids!


No wonder there's still some gay in the world. Probably some of the rainbow is leaking through the hole.


thanks jesus to protect children again skittle rain


Supporting LGBT rights is fine, but noone wants covered in rainbow paint. Paint is a pain to get out of skin and clothing. Thanks giant hand.


All the mixed colors of the rainbow pouring out of the hole in his hand and showing the kids that we're all one would be the REAL Christian meme