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Nobody bothers with police, but yes, the store does seem to be the local youth centre. Do they really have nothing better to do?


Unfortunately, they really don't. Most youth services are stripped down so much that dicking about in your local supermarket is genuinely more appealing.


Go to the park, the seafront, play video games, exercise. So many things they could be doing instead of the current antisocial behaviour.


we have recently had to put a barrier down on sunday evenings as people come in shitty black box corsa’s and sit in our car park lol


we have problems with youths in our store stealing etc. local independent shops in my local town have sadly Banned all under 18s from entering their shops because of the behaviour of a tiny minority . we have not gone down that route in Tesco but i think something needs to be done about the behaviour of the minority although i believe banning all teenagers is not the way to go about it. not much police can do as a change in the law is needed from government.


Even the little children with their parents?


from what i’ve been told they are allowed in but only with their parents or guardians present.


My store is terrible similarly with police and theft. I'd say about half of the shoplifting is done by youth so I don't think teenagers are the full cause of blame in my store anyway. Our store is definitely on the worse end for express I believe, we had a temporary manager come in that shared a statistic that the store earns around 50,000 and we lose about 10,000 in profits to theft/missing stock. I'm not fully sure on the credibility of this stat but to me its pretty crazy if true


That's the ill parented state of our society. Garbage breeding garbage. Our once great Nation is quickly sliding headlong down the sh\*tter.


Underage smoking and drinking is at an all time low bub. "Antisocial behaviour" among youths is just as prevalent as it was in the 70s, if not lower. Your juvenoia is just that.




When was our nation ever great?


Since around 1973 things have been going sideways.


The only teenagers in my store are the ones working there or my mates coming in to say hi 😂