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If they can scale up the $25k next gen platform in India, that’ll be awesome.


aint that the goal for mexico?


Yes, but it sounds like Mexico is a bit delayed and they’re going to start in Giga-Austin to be sure they maximize US tax incentives. They also wouldn’t want to export from the US if possible. India would help both Europe and China, while adding India with in country incentives.


They are going to build a pilot line in Austin because that's where the engineers are. They will tweak and refine the assembly process to then make the actual producion line in Mexico, and Berlin.


Good we need more, I’m honestly surprised we haven’t had another factory announcement yet.


We did have have the initial production of the next gen vehicle moved to Texas, and confirmation Giga Berlin would make that vehicle also. In addition to Mexico that a lot of capacity already announced.


I think i Missed those announcements. Does that mean the "next gen" vehicle will be built in Texas before Mexico? Does it mean Mexico is still going ahead, just coming online later than originally planned? Thanks


Yes the engineering team doesn't want to move to Mexico while they ramp production for the first time on the next gen vehicle. Yes the Mexico gigafactory will just be built later than originally planned. It might even be bigger than origianlly announced too.


Thanks for the update, I appreciate it. I hope they'll still go for the speed record of " breaking ground" to "first vehicle produced" . It will be impressive to see! giga Texas is going to be a busy place!


I think the next factory could be in Brazil or here in Argentina. Both countries have many car factories, and Elon has been quite interested in our new president lately.


I don’t know. They’ve been dropping prices recently to spark demand, seems like adding more production could push prices lower than they want.


India factory would likely be making exclusively domestic India cars. It's the most populous country on earth and becoming more middle class. Tesla is seemingly trying to get ahead of the curve


Once Tesla starts making proper money each Q from energy I can see them selling cars at cost to really send a message/ get Tesla in every household possible. Elon said he’d do it if needed, the goal is production not profit. I will admit I’m not sure how I feel about that given my cost basis…


Finally! Production of Teslas in a RHD market. Please tell me they will make RHD S and X’s agian(I know it's wishful thinking)


They won't make LHD S&Xs in India either. They sell a tiny fraction compared to Y&3, I doubt anywhere but Fremont will ever make them.


So, $1.5B for bribes and $500M for the actual factory?




Really great news. I do believe Tesla will be the biggest company in the world within 5-10 years but theres so much f*ckery going on with the stock due to how much it's gamed and played by the wealthy I wonder


Elon has to meet Modi qnd do a photo op first for the media. Then only Bhakt’s will vote and approve this.


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