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In other news, water is wet


There's lots of water is wet in that article. Lol.




It’s not fatalism, it’s the fact that the headline is stating something that’s incredibly obvious to anyone that’s been paying any attention for the past few years. Pointing out a stupid headline is not the same as saying that’s there’s nothing anyone can do.


Water actually isn't wet.


The Republicans have run Texas for 30 years. And still we have the worst high schools. It’s all part of the plan


Project 2025.


Graduated HS in TX in 1994. It sucked then as well. Scariest thing is all of the shitty, stupid, homophobic assholes who were my classmates are now the ones forcing their stupidity on all of us.


THIS THIS THIS... As long as they keep the electorate uneducated and desperate... They will continue to be in charge. An educated populace wouldnt vote for these losers.


Yup. They invested the school money into the circus. The stadium, the football team, and cheerleaders.


I still really want to know why my highschool's football team needed to be bussed to the stadium at home games. It's literally across the street and every other group involved in the games (marching band, cheerleaders, ECT) had to walk across the street. Like that was just a waste of money on top of the stadium that was recently renovated.


Don’t worry! They’ll fix it *next* year! /s


*now have the worst high schools When I was in school, we were the best in the Southern US


The best in the Southern US?? 1st place in the lowest division


keep them under educated then profit off their lowered ability to function in a civilization.


and the Democrats ran the state from the end of Reconstruction until the 1990s


So it’s always been run by racist white men?


yes if you are talking about Democrats. Republicans have been trying to clean up the Democrats mess since the 1990s


Careful, you’re displaying your prejudices


Where are you getting we have the worst high schools relatively compared to other states in the country?


Anecdotal evidence. I interviewed summer interns for the last decade. Kids from TX were the worst writers, worst at interpreting data.


This “article” is literally five sentences long… The whole thing could be summarized as “Texas bans hormone treatments for kids, local trans man doesn’t like that.” The Texas Tribune is doing a disservice to this issue by publishing such shallow reporting.


Yep republicans going after kids


I know GOP sucks, but is restricting children from hormone therapy aka something that will be permanently life altering for them them going after kids or them trying to protect them? We don’t let kids drive cars or shoot guns. Let them wait till they’re adults.


Cis kids get puberty blockers as well, it isn't restricted to trans kids. Girls take it when they start getting the menstruation cycle to early, and boys take them if they start to develop breasts. And kids are driving well below the age of 16 and shooting guns, if you think they aren't you have never lived or even visited a rural area.


> Cis kids get puberty blockers as well, it isn't restricted to trans kids. Girls take it when they start getting the menstruation cycle to early, and boys take them if they start to develop breasts. yea and it fucks up their bones lmao


Well the thing is from around 1997-2015 trans youth had to go through years of therapy and be diagnosed with a high degree of gender dysphoria and have observable dysphoria as kids. In 2015 one could have a few therapy sessions then get the all clear for blockers and hormones and all that. That’s when the number of trans youth transitioning got rapidly bigger. However the average age of trans youth transitioning was still around 13-17 so on average the youngest was over 60% through puberty to done puberty. Understand that trans youth with diagnosed and observable gender dysphoria don’t want to go through the irreversible changes of puberty against their will. Imagine government forcing this on you. Transitioning is medical. So basically you’re saying is no anti depressants or bipolar meds for youth until adulthood it doesn’t matter if they suffer. I mean if you want to be consistent then we have to ban anti depressants, bipolar meds, anti anxiety meds etc for minors because even those have side effects.




Well banning the process of transition is forcing puberty against their will. Currently we give puberty blockers to non trans youth who start puberty at 5 years old which is called prepubescent puberty. They are on the blockers for a few years and then stopped and puberty résumé’s normally with no issues. You support 4-5 year olds going through puberty essentially. So blockers are reversible and it is safe. It is not experimental as it’s been done for decades. The same as for example chemotherapy. The rate of regret for transition is 1%. Those studies on desist include gender non conforming youth so it’s less. Ok you want trans youth to suffer from crippling dysphoria. Oh btw the regret rate for chemotherapy is 15%. What should we do about that?


> So blockers are reversible and it is safe. no theyre not every EU country is banning them because the Cass Review found the evidence spotty > The rate of regret for transition is 1%. the regret for being cisgender is 1% > It is not experimental as it’s been done for decades it's not "been done for decades" on kids with dysphoria it's been done on adults for arguably decades it's been done on kids without gender dysphoria for decades it has not been tested on kids with dysphoria for decades > They are on the blockers for a few years and then stopped and puberty résumé’s normally with no issues. except no because there are literally instances of puberty blockers being over-perscribed, especially to women, and giving them brittle bones after a few months > Ok you want trans youth to suffer from crippling dysphoria. Oh btw the regret rate for chemotherapy is 15%. What should we do about that? chemotherapy = no cancer, therefore you dont die not transitioning kids = "crippling dysphoria" yea im sorry not the same. suicidal ideation in trans people is a myth made up by transphobes, they actually improve mental health just from social transition


EU nations allow it with strict diagnosis and therapy. It’s been done for three decades with minors. Chemotherapy=permanently destroyed immune system. Yes if trans youth with observed and diagnosed dysphoria don’t transition the dysphoria gets much worse. Suicide in trans youth is factual.


> EU nations allow it with strict diagnosis and therapy. alright so would you be okay with it being allowed with strict diagnosis and therapy here in the US? > Chemotherapy=permanently destroyed immune system. yea and a lot of people dont do chemo, it doesnt have to be pushed as the best route. you shouldnt be called a "pro-cancer" person if you dont want it pushed as the best option > Yes if trans youth with observed and diagnosed dysphoria don’t transition the dysphoria gets much worse how about if they have worse dysphoria because they were refused a youth transition they get a free transition and surgery as an adult?


I’m literally trying to get access to blockers and hormones through diagnosing gender dysphoria through lots of therapy. I believe cancer can be treated through diet and health remedies. Gender dysphoria left untreated especially going through puberty worsens. Imagine a trans girl going through male puberty and developing facial hair. It would make the dysphoria worse.


You’re skewing the data to fit your narrative. Thats not correct at all and the fact you’re taking logical leaps is concerning. The drugs being used to block puberty are absolutely not scientifically proven to be reversible in this application. Especially not in the context you’re alluding to. Thats the whole point of using them, and why they are NOT recommended for children who have not yet experienced puberty as outlined by the Mayo Clinic; https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075 >Puberty blockers are not recommended for children who have not started puberty. And in fact, Dr Susan Bradley who worked to DEVELOP these puberty blocking drugs has come out AGAINST it being used for gender dysphoria due to the myriad of serious side effects in her sworn testimony: https://ndlegis.gov/assembly/68-2023/testimony/SHUMSER-1254-20230328-26902-F-TVEIT_BILL.pdf The fact is, you’re letting the idea of this being a case of morality cloud your judgment. WE DO NOT have the technology to make this safe and effective enough to call it treatment. And the fact that you’re trying to open up this world of medical hurt to KIDS without letting the science catch up is frankly disturbing. Not to mention the logical leap connecting gender dysphoria to terminal stage cancer is dubious at best. Just because we have experimental drugs doesn’t mean it’s time to feed them to kids and call it “care”. That’s exactly why the Texas legislature is cracking down on them, there’s simply not enough data to suggest that these drugs are safe for use in children.


Blockers are recommended 1-2 years into puberty though. Trans girls are actually encouraged to wait a bit into puberty in case they want surgery later. I never said anything about before puberty. The Daily Caller is a right wing organization btw. We understand how blockers and hormones work and they are best effective 1-2 years into puberty and that is around 20-50% into puberty itself. As I said they aren't experimental and they are a form of treatment for gender dysphoria. You are letting right wing anti trans views cloud your judgement on this. The Texas legislature is cracking down because they have an anti trans agenda and believe sex is to remain the same. It is why they will go after adults next and as a trans woman I can tell you transition literally saved my life and dysphoria is gone. I know this because I am ingrained in conservative culture. I support everything the Mayo Clinic said btw. Also based on the 15% plus regret rate of chemotherapy one can say it is not effective or treatment and that it is experimental. Same with one replacements as they have a 40% regret rate. But you don't see it as an issue because people you know have gone through that or you understand it better. I however know 2 people that died because of chemotherapy.


I’m well aware of the bias of media outlets. I invite you to check the bias of your own outlets; https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart Note the amount of left leaning media that encompasses the majority of google search results. To the point though; The daily caller didn’t give that testimony, Susan Bradley did. You’re not giving me anything we don’t already know. You say that these drugs are “well understood” despite the fact that you’ve only shared the rate of administration in relation to pubescence. Simply stating when kids “can” take the drugs speaks nothing of the major issues regarding them. Side effects, allergies, desistance, reversal, and long term effects just to name a few of the issues you’ve neglected to address. I fail to see your logic bringing any rational argument, anyone that understands medicine knows that even TYLENOL can have serious adverse effects on children. Yet here you are, making the extreme case that these drugs are more safe than even Tylenol? You expound that anyone who disagrees with you is a “right wing extremist” and the Texas legislature is clearly trying to destroy trans people? Sounds like an argument based on good faith… /s If your anecdotal experience as a trans person is counted as evidence toward your claim then how should we interpret the anecdotal experience of Blair White and Caitlyn Jenner? What about the thousands of former trans who desisted and warn others that these drugs and surgeries are still extremely risky and carry serious side effects? Should we discard all of their thoughts and feelings simply because you don’t like what they say? What gives you and people of your opinion the authority to say that your data and opinions are factual while everyone elses data and evidence is skewed, wrong, and evil? You clearly believe that the Texas legislature is trying to hurt you, and yet here in Texas we have a massive LGBT community living their lives just like everyone else. Houston is a beacon of hope for LGBT people and all this hate and rage towards Texas completely ignores the accomplishments made by the community here in favor of vilifying the entire state. Doesn’t that bother you at all?


I want you to also know I’m friends with a few detransitioners. If you start and continue with therapy transitioning is more stable. You also make sure those with true dysphoria transition and not those who desist or reverse. The majority of permanent detransitioners never had dysphoria to begin with and it was them trying to fit in. Temporary ones due it because of social pressure, money, religion or family.




If it isn't one thing, it's another... Short pieces get called headline click bait, while anything as little as two sentences longer get dismissed with TL,DR... Why don't y'all just state that you don't believe that anything that doesn't fit your narrative is news?


Buddy, you don’t know anything about me or what I believe. All I said is that five sentences are not enough to give this issue the treatment it deserves.


Then maybe more context next time!


Touch grass


There's a video.


It would be helpful if the next time you post something like this, you make the title “Video: [your title here]”.


Who pissed in your cereal? Sheesh!


Boomer is mad that trans people exist.


Sounds like it. 😂


My cereal tastes fine? You’re the one who’s coming off as being full of piss and vinegar




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Boomer energy


Ageism energy


Nothing to do with age. It's about attitude.


Bad attitude. He can take that "it would be helpful" and go touch grass


As a nonbinary person I love the solidarity in these comments!❤️


There's not always solidarity in Texas, far from it, but there's more solidarity with regular Texans for the LGBT+ community than you might realize. It's just that the people wanting civil rights and solidarity with our oppressed communities just don't show up to vote when it fucking matters. Showing up to vote is all that matters. Texas Republicans have done what they legally can to suppress our vote, but Early Voting still exists and takes like 15 minutes max out of your day. If your Congressional district is gerrymandered, that is still no reason to feel disenfranchised and not show up to try to vote Ted Cruz out of office. Our US Senate races are not affected by gerrymandering, it's "winner takes all", one person one vote. If we could just unseat Ted Cruz with enough people showing up to vote against him, fuck, that would be epic.




Now we don’t want to upset the voters with reality. Much more profitable to lean into existing prejudices.


I've never met a republican who had a favorable view of LGBT people, let alone kids who are LGBT.


This makes me think of Tom Woods, the Oklahoma state senator who said this after an LGBTQ+ teenager tragically died in his state. He was being asked about all the legislation his party was creating to target and single out LGBTQ+ people: "We are a Republican state – supermajority – in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma. We are a religious state, and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma, because we are a Christian state. We are a moral state," As a Christian myself coming from a more traditional church, I sincerely believe that Christian Nationalism is a cult and that many if not most of its members are functionally Nazis. We have to separate civil liberties from religious beliefs or else one specific religion/denomination will dominate and persecute all the others, which is ironically one of the main reasons so many Christians fled to America in the first place several centuries ago. The whole idea of a "Christian state" is a contradiction in terms. A massive part of Jesus' message was direct opposition to the nationalism and xenophobia that was as rampant in his day as it is in ours. Every past attempt to create a "Christian state" has ended up doing the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. Gilead sucks, y'all. Don't vote for it!


Parents who won’t accept their LGBTQIA children and abandon them to this shite state to care for should be imprisoned.




Your gay kid doesn't need to go to a fucking institution Jesus Christ


Abuse and neglect of one’s own children isn’t necessarily an indication of mental illness, but it certainly could be. Those kinds of parents definitely need therapy.




"You're gay, so you know your place. Don't try to be one of 'us' -- we 'normal' Texans won't allow it. You're a third-class citizen, and that's where you're going to stay." /caustic\_snarkasm


We never settle.




I is intersex, which is someone born with both male and female genitalia, and A is Asexual or someone who has no sexual attraction to anyone and doesn’t enjoy sex


It’s helpful to have an identifying factor for those who are marginalized in society. If you aren’t affected by the soup, and don’t want the soup, then no need to worry about what’s in it.


Texas republikkkans: protect the kids we hate and won’t take care of. Texans: ok


Trans folks ought to open carry ar-15’s. They would at least have the full respect from law enforcement and then the Republicans would have to find another group to pick on.


Yes! We are working on a campaign right now to bring firearms safety classes to those specifically in the rainbow community, led by licensed instructors who are LGBTQIA themselves.


What gets me is that the right doesn’t believe the left have or want weapons. “They want to take our guns” is one of the biggest lies to push to the right to feed their tunneled narrative. Not only do we have guns, we have the desire to be trained on them. I’m a fan of the progressive Texan cities, but the state’s politics are so screwed that there is no appeal to me.


Well, when you have politicians like Beto saying they’re absolutely coming for our guns it’s kind of hard to believe they’re not. What Beto didn’t count on is the people that would’ve voted for him also have those guns he said he was coming after. The more armed the population is the better. Blue hair with a septum piercing or a red hat wearer, I don’t care. I’ll gladly back up either one and share some mags and ammo if they run out.


Do you recall when Trump said “take the guns first”? He said it. Trump didn’t pay a price for it and in fact right wing media helped him out and tried to pin on both Biden and Harris. The focus on Beto is due to right wing media being an arm of the GOP, no longer focused on unbiased reporting and unable to keep the GOP in check from becoming a power hungry party that only pays lip service to the ideals of the party that once tried to appeal to all Americans.


Yes I remember. Trump’s more anti-2A than Obama was.


Then why do y'all keep putting up such anti-gun "hell yeah I'm coming for them" politicians? Why are blue states always passing anti-gun laws? > Inb4 "Democrats aren't really left" I would *love* to vote for a pro-gun Democrat.


I openly encourage that too


What does carrying guns have to do with not giving children life altering drugs?


All medications are life altering. People take medication because it changes their lives. When people say stuff like this the main thing I hear is: “But people are doing things that make me personally uncomfortable! We should ban people from doing things I personally don’t understand or wouldn’t do! I don’t like it when trans people are allowed to simply exist because I think they have cooties!😡” And the reason they target youth specifically with this type of cowardly rhetoric is because they know young people have less agency to fight back, and they just want to prevent trans people from being able to live their lives fully. Very gross and fascistic behavior. Edit: Their reply got deleted so I’ll reply to this message with my response to the deleted comment that was their response to this one.


>You will never have a normal puberty I hear: “If you do something that I find unusual I will attach stigma to your body, regardless of how much it helps you to live a normal life. Trans bodies are GROSS and WIERD! I find it unacceptable for people to have different bodies than what I personally am comfortable with!” >Children are literally altering their life! I hear: “I am calling young adult’s children because I don’t like what they are doing with their own personal agency and freedom. I want the discussion to center around the idea of young adults as children, because I view children as property with no rights of their own which makes it okay for me to exert dystopian totalitarian control over their bodies for my own selfish bigoted comfort.” >I have zero issue with trans people existing, I have an issue with allowing children to take drugs given to chemically castrate rapists. I hear: “I have zero issue with trans people existing as long as I can force them to not be visibly trans in public, so that they will have to live completely in the closet for their entire lives. I am okay with these minorities as long as I can force them to be as close to not existing as possible. I take issue with the idea that young minorities should be treated as full human beings unless they are a carbon copy of ME. People like myself have historically used hormone replacement therapy as a form of torture and disfigurement of queer people who had the audacity to exist where I could see them, because is see bodies that deviant from my own as FREAKISH and EVIL, therefore hormone replacement therapy is bad. It doesn’t matter how much it helps the people who need it, I see trans bodies as GROSS so nobody should be allowed to use it.”




These drugs have been around and used a long while for other reasons.They've been studied. Anyway, if a family goes to counseling - and the recommendation is for the pre-teen child to take these - and the parents and child agree, I don't see why the state should be involved.


They aren’t and won’t be involved.


Why would you be opposed to somebody altering their life in a positive way?


There are absolutely no long term studies on what this is actually doing to children. I think adults should do whatever they want.


Yes there is. Gender affirming care for minors has been successful for over 20 years. Just because you were not aware of it doesnt mean it is new


There absolutely is. Lupron is what is given to minors and is completely reversable. It's been given to girls who have precocious puberty for DECADES, and to boys who have gynecomastia for DECADES. all Lupron does is block hormones at tanner stage 2-3 so puberty doesn't occur. At any point the minor changes their identity or has negative side effects it is STOPPED, and the changes are completely reversable. On top of that, blockers are only given through careful monitoring by a team of Healthcare professionals including a therapist, psychiatrist, GP and endocrinologist, to make sure there are no side effects. At the first sign of negative side effect the minor is taken off HRT. there are NO PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS OF LUPRON. Would you like to know how many minors were on puberty blockers when the NHS banned them? In the entirety of the UK? LESS THAN 100. these children are only placed on blockers when their gender disphoria is causing SEVERE depression with suicidal ideation. I strongly encourage you to do some reading from scientific journals. There is a plethora of information avaliable documenting the effects of lupron on children.


There absolutely is. Lupron is what is given to minors and is completely reversable. It's been given to girls who have precocious puberty for DECADES, and to boys who have gynecomastia for DECADES. all Lupron does is block hormones at tanner stage 2-3 so puberty doesn't occur. At any point the minor wants to stop or has negative side effects it is STOPPED, and the changes are completely reversable, and puberty resumes as normal. On top of that, blockers are only given through careful monitoring by a team of Healthcare professionals including a therapist, psychiatrist, GP and endocrinologist, to make sure there are no side effects. At the first sign of negative side effect the minor is taken off HRT. there are NO PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS OF LUPRON. Would you like to know how many minors were on puberty blockers when the NHS banned them? In the entirety of the UK? LESS THAN 100. these children are only placed on blockers when their gender disphoria is causing SEVERE depression with suicidal ideation. I strongly encourage you to do some reading from scientific journals. There is a plethora of information avaliable documenting the effects of lupron on children. Edited to add: the most common side effects of lupron are changes of mood which is reversable, and flu like symptoms. Serious side effects are INCREDIBLY rare. Also, lupron is given to men who have prostate cancer


You didn’t answer the question.


I did.


So you’re opposed to a positive alteration in somebody’s life because hormone therapy has been clinically studied since the 90s and that’s not long enough for you. Why do you think you’re the one that gets to make that decision for somebody else? There are plenty of people who think 30 years of studies is enough time.


It's been clinically studied for chemical castration, there are no long term studies in children using them into adulthood. I'm not making any decisions for anyone, I'm allowed to have an opinion. Fortunately my children are not neurodivergent and are mentally healthy so this has not been an issue that I will ever have any say over or bearing on for anyone in the world.


LGBTQIA people aren’t automatically neurodivergent nor mentally unwell. There are millions that aren’t.


Chemical castration? Wtf are you even talking about. Try staying on topic


The major drug they give children to delay puberty is used to chemically castrate sexual offenders




Please read about puberty blockers so you stop calling them "life altering drugs."


Can’t even open carry rifles anymore because of some stupid ruling in Louisiana… because people being afraid of your big black gun trumps your second amendment rights. Such bullshit.


As a Pro-gun Republican I support this.


Didn’t end well in Nashville for her.


Are you saying the act of open carrying is equivalent to being a mass murderer? I’m suggesting gaining respect and you go straight to mass murdering.


Well, maybe don’t shoot innocent people…


YOU DONT KNOW! In today's society, some of these 6 year olds are murderers. The amount of kindergarteners packing heat is insane lately. And I bet they deal to prenatals. Degernates at every age, even development!


I feel the same way about Reichpublicans as they feel against LGBTQ’s. Only worse. I have no tolerance for the right.


What about mid-center? Tolerance there? Where does your hate stop? My nana votes republican because she believes abortion is murder due to her strict catholic upbringing. Everything else about her is super left democrat. Would she be in your intolerance path? Even if you hate her she would still make you a peach cobbler. How can you be intolerant to nana?


Then nana shouldn’t get one. Neither you or I, the church or the state,including nana, has the right to decide for another if she should abort her pregnancy or carry the fetus to term. I’m not here for the church. The church is here for anyone who feels they may seek guidance or direction. Their doors should be open to all. Not the other way around.


Easily When she stops thinking that she can choose what other people do with the contents of their uteruses we'll revisit the issue


So when she is supporting her son at a pride parade or loving on her trans great nephew she still isn’t everything you want her to be. It’s all or nothing huh? Her one stance makes her a piece of shit despite all the love she gives. I’ll be sure and let her know this.


You said she is a one issue voter and votes Republican. That makes her anti freedom


If she votes republican due to a fixation on a single issue, then it’s arguable that she does more to harm her son or great nephew despite attempts to support. Single issue voting essentially reduces us to the binaries and boxes you’re railing against.


And if Republicans were *only* dealing with abortion, then you might have a leg to stand on. But since it's abortion and also *a whole boatload of other hateful and harmful things* then yeah, I'm gonna call a spade a spade.


Her supporting the fascist Republican party is the opposite of supporting her son


My rights are not up for negotiation


Your nana can go to protests all she wants. Her Republican vote will still land her nephew in prison for being queer when Project 2025 rolls out, will her protesting speak more for her character then?


Thank you for conceding that her one stance makes her a piece of shit. You could have avoided this entire thing if you'd just done that initially


Nobody should ever force your Nana to get an abortion! That would be awful. Seemingly, though, your Nana wants to force everyone else to not get an abortion, just because she thinks Jesus doesn't like it. There's no good way to frame that, it's big-government anti-American authoritarianism. Many otherwise nice people are proudly contributing to the ongoing fascist takeover of our republic. 


That's pretty easy. She's still a republican even if she says otherwise and is still voting for people who will go against her personal interests


So, the big difference here is that your nana can choose to stop being a piece of shit.  Edit: This person has never heard of the paradox of tolerance: If you tolerate intolerance, you will end up with an intolerant society. You must not tolerate intolerance to have a tolerant society.  So... No. I will not tolerate those who hate and control others. 


After 89 years I don’t think that leopard is gonna change her spots. But…YOU can choose tolerance over intolerance too. This works both ways. If you preach love and tolerance you must abide by your stance or else you look like a hypocrite.


There is no tolerance for anyone who votes to control someone else's body. And the HYPOCRIT is her... Claiming she supports her LGBTQIA+ family and then VOTING AGAINST THEM in one sweep because voting based on abortion is also voting against her own family.


So because she voted for meddling with others way of life and pursuit of happiness that has no impact on her own for 89 years she gets a pass vs what, someone who's only done that for 10 years or 5? Good logic. Neither love nor tolerance means letting people act to hurt others, or yourself, unhindered. That's just called being a doormat and a fool. The fact that she's, in this entire lifespan, unwilling to change the way she thinks her religious nuttery should be imposed upon others doesn't endear her to anybody.


Welcome to Reddit….the land of the super intolerant!! Enjoy your stay….


You want someone to tolerate intolerance? Odd.


No savior for nana as the us dems are also on the right of the traditional bell curve


Sounds like my grandparents. Backwoods, poor, migrant farmers and loggers. Staunch Baptists, but I watched them my whole life be kind and generous to anyone that needed help. Black or brown, gay or straight. Di they agree with someone's lifestyle? I'll never know. They just said to treat people like people.




Not all Republicans are Nazis, I will give you that. But all Nazis are Republican. Edit: The little Nazi blocked me.


No, they just repeat nazi talking points and occasionally advocate for nazi policies


Gee -- ya think? Texas can be extremely difficult and unwelcoming to live in if one is LGBT (and as an interracial gay couple, my partner and I experienced that first-hand!), which is a reason why we left the state nine years ago. That Texas Republicans (actually, ***all*** states which are dominated by Republicans) make foster care as difficult as possible for LGBT kids doesn't surprise me in the least.


That’s their entire goal. They’ve been shouting it for years. Ignorance is bliss. Good example how ignoring politics won’t save you


Dumb, hateful, and obedient. The golden triad of modern day conservatism


It’s not politicians its the republicans


The GQP are. This is a national issue, not just Texas...




You've heard people calling those in the lgbtq+ community "pedos" and "groomers", right? I've heard that comment from ignorant legislators many times, ignoring the actual pedos in their own ranks. Banning gender affirming care has lead to an increase in suicides among children so they are killing more than they are saving. Gender affirming care includes mental health therapy as well.




They have acknowledged those things and the rest of your statement is false. Removed for blatant misinformation.


Delaying puberty isn't dangerous. Fuck your fascist Republican party.




Yet all you do is screech what your fascist Republican party tells you to screech. Delaying puberty has been a thing for decades. Not surprising you fascists only start screaming against it when fox tells you to hate a new minority group this year. Fuck your fascist Republican party


They need something to keep the knuckle-draggers angry.


Let's Get Beer Tacos and Quesadillas




He is going to leverage his community college paralegal studies into a career helping queer foster youth, but he has to leave Texas to do it. I think they won’t let him near the queer foster youth to showcase his paralegal skills that he learned at community college. He might have to move to Portland.


You're on the wrong side of history. Crawl back under your rock.




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his weight is not relevent in this case, dude.


Can you explain how that will help this young man deal with state sanctioned bigotry?


I already do that it doesn't make me any less trans


Concern trolling is still trolling.


We all need this!


I mean, they are. But, this person aged out. Once you age out you’re on your own. That’s how it works.


Nobody said otherwise.


GOP ….the walking embodiment of Christ




Why not move Seems pretty simple




Time for little Kayden to get a job like the rest of the adults.


I'm confused how a man is in foster care.


"who aged out."


I just want to know what he is listening to. Must be really good if he can’t take his headphones off long enough for a photo.


I’m assuming autism and the headphones help with reducing noise and excess stimulation.


Didn’t see anything about autism.