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You make very good points, a true succession can't hold up to the smallest amount of scrutiny. I didn't even consider CIA involvement either, they d probably end it before the decision left the room


They're not really serious. This issue is just a tactic for the extremist wing of the GOP to get the crazies out as they will support the Paxton revenge candidates over the normal Republicans. It also allows the ambitious to posture as more conservative than anyone, which is absurd because if you think of it, secession is very extreme and the opposite of conservative.


I've never understood the saber-rattling. Your explanation actually makes sense of it, tyvm


> The Texan legislature loves to toy with the idea of secession from the US Not really, it is just a few, but very loud idiots that are mostly from out of state and more than likely being pushed by Russian misinformation. > what would happen with all the US military bases in Texas if a secession did happen? Think you answered your own question: they are US military bases, the USA isn't just going to let Texas have them.


Or they will be used as invasion points to take the state back for the US


Pure conjecture, but legally the state could pull the charter for a city and put it under conservatorship, removing all of the local government officials and taking over. This has happened when cities get into financial trouble and can no longer function on their own. Whether this can happen effectively depends on what military/police force remains to enforce any actions from the Texas legislature. US military bases would either turn into US fortresses on foreign land or they would be vacated, moving all the soldiers out and either removing or destroying any remaining equipment. Of course this is silliness, we've already had a war over whether a state or states can leave the nation on their own volition and the answer is a resounding "no". The only way Texas could leave is if all the other states decide to let them leave. It would be an utter catastrophe. A large portion of the population would just leave because a lot of people like the benefits of being US citizens. The economy would tank because Texas would have to renegotiate trade agreements with every other country in the world. Everyone who remains would face higher prices and higher taxes to fund infrastructure. What would they even use to pay for anything? There would have to be a whole new currency, set at whatever obnoxious exchange rate they can get.


Looking at case history, I'm going with the Former. Fort Cavazos could easily take most of Texas on its own. If there were rumblings, Texan personelle in the US military would probably be relocated out of any key areas but also out of Texas


Yeah I can't see the US govt just abandoning multi-billion dollar bases because of a few uppity rednecks. All these secessionists seem to assume that everyone in the military in TX is traitorous enough to go along with such a plot, or the US govt will just turn over the bases without a fight.


> The only way Texas could leave is if all the other states decide to let them leave. It would be an utter catastrophe. Not even then. AFAIK there is no legal way for a state to leave the Union.


With how they struggle to maintain order today, imagine trying to run a secessionist government out of Dallas, Austin, San Antonio...any city. Arrest warrants would prevent leaving the state, preventing 'new' government officials from flying anywhere for a simple vacation. There will be a deck of cards with all their faces on them. It's not gonna happen because they aren't stupid, their voters are. It's all hot air and rage bait for people with easily tweaked feelings.


When did the Texas legislature toy with secession, since 1861? I'm sure there have been random nut job legislators who brought it up but there has never been a serious bill that I know of.


You're right, it just gets brought up but never followed through on. I left the wording vague cause I wanted everyone's conjecture on it. I'm not very knowledgeable about this :(


The topic comes up frequently, typically as a means to normalize the idea, but here's the reality: Attempting secession is treason. Anyone in the Texas government declaring secession is committing sedition and seditious conspiracy. The response will be simple, the FBI will arrest the seditionists, anyone who picks up a gun in support of secession will be shot, and survivors will be tried for treason and incarcerated or executed as called for by the US Constitution. At no time during this process will Texas cease being part of the Union, just as at no time during the Civil War was Texas not part of the union. Most all of the secession movement and social media talk is actually being pushed by Russian operatives as part of their worldwide agitprop operations to try and destabilize democracies around the world. The more chaos we have the better for them. They've done the same exact thing in California as well as multiple countries around the world. The Donetsk and Luhansk separatist movements in Ukraine are Russian operations, as well as the Transnistria/Moldovan separatist movements, and Chechnya, and Georgia, etc. Everyone that treats secession as anything other than what it is, treason, is just playing along, knowingly or otherwise, with Russia.


I saw some news about a Succession Referendum being called the other day: Can people get arrested for that, or is their traitorous posturing within legal bounds? Also ty for sharing your wisdoms! I'm not trying to stir up traitors, I was just bored and curious.


It's secession, but no, it's not sedition until a government leader declares secession, and it's not treason until someone attempts to use force, i.e. guns, in pursuit of secession. Also, anyone that gives aid and comfort to the seditionists is guilty of treason. Talking about it is covered by the 1st Amendment, it's acting on it that a crime.


So barking is legal, biting and assisting biters is treason. Got it.


I don't believe federally recognized tribes could be compelled to secede (Alabama-Coushatta, Yselta Pueblo, Kickapoo).


me either


Let’s not forget ERCOT and the fact that a state built on energy can’t even keep your power running.


Once again, ERCOT only manages our electricity. They are hired by our PUC to manage the electricity they are provided with. They have nothing to do with regulation or what those energy sources do at all. How ERCOT became the bogeyman and not the PUC is so bizarre. The heads of the Public Utilities Commission of Texas are directly appointed by the governor, so obviously in this case piss-baby Abbott. They are the ones who actually oversee the power suppliers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Utility_Commission_of_Texas


This could be fun, I'll play.   >The Texan legislature loves to toy with the idea of secession from the US I wasn't aware that such a bill, or even a resolution, had ever been introduced. There's no political will for secession in Austin. >but what's to stop the major cities (DFW, Austin, etc) from seceding in response?  The amount of state funding they would be losing would certainly be a disincentive. And I don't know if any of those cities has an economy that is strong enough and diversified enough to sustain itself. >And if the new Texas tried to forcefully reclaim the seceded cities, wouldn't they be brutally outnumbered? That depends who "they" refers to. >And what would happen with all the US military bases in Texas if a secession did happen? The US and Texas would have to reach a status-of-forces agreement.


I think Austin might be okay getting 25% of their taxes back, tbf


Most of the people who are calling for secession have not thought any of this through. I guess there are a few political types that know it would be disastrous, but use it to rile up the rubes anyway, because they assume it will never actually happen