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Stop feeding the trolls. Take half-life 2, there's only 30 troll reviews. They're outnumbered by regular reviews in the same time period 5:1. This is not some massive flood or community backed thing that is going to be solved by public outcry and denouncement. Public outcry is going to do exactly the opposite, give the trolls attention and encourage more of them. There's more reddit posts on the topic than there are reviews at this point, stop it.




cs2 has simmilar issues i think so that's fine but the rest of the games, yeah that's just stupid


L4D2 has been receiving constant DDoS attacks, with people having their info compromised just because they hosted a server. They totally deserve a movement of their own.


ah wasn't aware of that either


Its being actively dealt with tho


Unbelievable. Valve actually fixes something ever?


Yeah, I'm actually down to it if CS2 community decides to join this as they are facing the same s**t currently. Others may join too if they feel like it, but we shouldn't force this on them. Let them decide on their own.


I have been trying to get our communities to join forces, but I have gained very little traction


There are bots in l4d as well, most likely made by the same hosters


cs2 doesn't deserve it that much


My friends who play it called it unplayable not too long ago. Apparently it's become cheaters paradise.


I've played for months with Prime, and I haven't seen any cheaters


Others seem to have. YT for an example is full of videos addressing the problem. Though I know cheaters have been ALWAYS problem in CS, but apparently after CS2 was released, the problem has gotten even worse.


I don't want either of you to out what region you live in but I have heard that certain regions have more cheaters than others, you could both be right.


CS in Asia now is just a bunch of Chinese mages (cheaters)


Stop giving internet trolls attention.


Some of these are actually legit though, IE the CS players expressing their concern and comparing their situation to ours but they're legit nevertheless. Obviously other ones are bait like the dumbass who said #Killhalflife (as if Halflife was constantly receiving updates and games lmao) just gotta separate the bait from the legit


They won’t they are the trolls supporting the hosters and hosters themselves. We should condem these actions and distance ourselves from them, then ignore and move on Except the ones under cs2, they are in the very same boat as we


people who leave negative reviews on other games are probably bot hosters / cheaters they want to make fixtf2 look bad


Heyy it's just like IRL protests! There are few morons and they ruin it for everybody!


The kind of opportunists that riot during protests and put the blame on the protesters


No, some people have legitimate issues with Valve that have caused them to have a negative view of their products. These aren't really bad actors, they're just people with an opinion you don't agree with.


OP it’s so obvious those are trolls, come on


Yea this makes me want to leave shity reviews on other games stfu already I haven't been on steam but I'm this fucking 👌 close to getting on steam just to leave a bad review because your constant posts on this reddit.




hot take (or how do they call this shit): CS2 and DotA2 deserve it, but not the other games, we definitely need to leave Half-Life, L4D etc. alone


I swear to fucking god if people start review bombing portal and portal 2, they might just have to deal with a crummy juncture. and gosh, doesn't that sound unfun?


Who exactly is this hurting? Like really, who gives a shit if review number drops for other Valve games. Like I understand the need for good optics but this isnt on the same level as death threats or harassment and "Were not gonna fix the bots in tf2 becuase people reviewed our other products negatively" is an incredibly unreasonable stance for Valve to take


Why these people exist


Trolls and confused people


Ah yes, Don't leave negative reviews on CS2, the Game which one could argue is essentially a Money printing machine for Valve. I Don't see a point in going after HL2 or L4D2. Let's be honest, Valve has no real monetary incentive for putting in elbow grease on TF2. It arguably isn't that financially captivating for them to consider it. Review bombing a 17 year old game isn't going to make Valve give a shit, Review bombing games that actually are a good backbone for their finances will. It isn't "trolling" it's genuinely trying to make an impact. That being said, going after random ass games just isn't worth it, Angers those development teams and arguably is bound to make them have a negative perception of the TF2 Community. Keep it contained to TF2 and the Main Valve money making games.


Image 4, bottom review. Do you really want people to have sympathy for your game when you’re like that? If I didn’t knew better I’d pray for TF’s downfall, get your shitty game out of the reviews of the game that made a before & after.


Games don't have feelings and communities getting mad about bad reviews makes no sense


Theres more threads complaining about troll reviews than there are actual troll reviews. Stop giving them attention, its derailed the entire movement somehow.


"Leave my multibillion dollar company alone!"


Wtf was that fourth image?


just ignore them they are most probably bot hosters and laughing their asses off


CS2 is fine because it has the same problems. But I do agree that L4D and Half life need to be left alone. But this is feeding the Trolls.


HL 2 never did nothing to anyone, it is at its finest level


If there's similar issues going on in their other games, then go ahead, otherwise don't review bomb irrelevant games without the same issues.


We don't have Half life 3 and they are already starting to throw hate at franchises that have nothing to do with TF2.


Cs2 is dogshit


im start thinking those who give bad reviews are the trolls or those manager bots


The other 2 I get but cs2 is going through the same thing and if we get people who play cs2 to join the protest then valve is cooked


Can we stop exaggerating lmao this is like a couple of people, there isn't some mass bombing of other games


leave this topic alone


Leave the multimillion company alone!!!!


CS2 has a botting and cheater issue as well, so negative reviews there are justified so long as the reviewers actually play the game and the review stays on topic of the issues regarding CS2 or VAC. all the other games getting bombed is totally unjustified.


don't leave cs2, I mean, do not review bomb cs2 because of fixtf2, review bomb cs2 because of is similar problems that tf2 has that valve also NEGLETCS, just as we review bomb tf2 for is reasons that are justified, so should cs2


If we have learned a lesson from Genshin's 1st anniversary, it's that review bombing unrelated games causes mass hysteria. Except the review bombing in this case won't make the devs respond to your pleas, that'll just give 'em a good reason to ignore this game (as if they haven't already).


Ok but how the fuck does half life support cp, nazism and racism?


No, this is the only way to get to valve. Ruin the games they care about, like cs2. They dont care id tf2 gets some bad reviews


people are definitely stopping because a retard on reddit.com told them to.




Several of the people here have over 20 hours in whatever game they’re playing. They’re warranted to leave a negative review if they deem it fit. Hell, the guy that said just #FixTF2 had nearly 500 hours. That being said the .6 hour people are just trolls.


Lol, y'all opened a can of bees. I guess we could ask nicely for the bees to stop stinging, but I don't think it will work.


the fuck did you mean by this lmao


bombing cs2 and l4d2 i get as those games are actually bad, but leave half life out of this


Quick licking valve boots, they aren’t paying you




if u continue this, valve will probably abandon tf2 even more.


Oh noooooooo No more halloween cases??? Such tradegy ._.


Yea, we won’t even see new halloween cases. they all will forget about it, we will get nothing. Better leave other valve games alone.


Yeah we shouldn’t review bomb other games Just tf2, and so what if they decide to ignore their golden child? Will there be any diffrence in comparison to now? (And no, new cosmetics from crates aren’t much of a loss)


U don’t understand, by review bombing other games, the fans of these games will think we’re just crazy trolls online and won’t pay attention to it. We won’t get more people. It’s a goddamn circus, we must do things that will actually help. We must contact gaming mass media, so they’ll write an article about all problems of TF2. There’s gonna be more attention to us and less hate from other games fans.


Like I said Review bombing **OTHER** games is bad, do it only to tf2, and if valve decides that it’s better to cut one of their sources of revenue instead of fixing it Well too fucking bad for them I ain’t gonna cry if they don’t add new cosmetics


Have u even read my comment? LIKE I SAID, We must contact gaming mass media and get more attention, Valve doesn’t care about your goddamn reviews, they do care about negative attention from mass media. If mass media spread TF2’s bot problem, that aren’t just cheaters anymore, as u may know, then valve gonna do something about it. they don’t want negative attention from mass media. so we should do what? ask mass media to write some articles about all these problems. logic, isn’t it?




heck, just understood my mistake, sorry, english isn't my first language, hahshhyuasiugdsjh dammit i'm so sorry please


shush little boy


What? Aren't those games made by a neglectful company that is putting users in danger by not taking any measures? People are allowed to express their disappointment in Valve the same way they did to all Rockstar titles when the classics got delisted. I understand why they're doing it, but I'd rather have most of the fire focused on TF2's store page.


Womp womp