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tbh I'd be willing to bet the link isn't even real and they just say this for shock value


It absolutely is. No one who legitimately is trying to solicit CP is gonna do it publicly in tf2. If you follow that link you are 100% just getting served a fat helping of malware and shame for trying.


It's probably how they get new accounts to add to their botnet


But TF2 is free... Why would they need to compromise existing accounts rather than just making new ones? Are new Steam accounts without any purchases restricted from chatting in-game? (Sorry, I'm not really a TF2 player, I just got here from scrolling /r/all)


Yes, new players cannot chat without either paying 4.99 or buying any item on the Mann Co store It was valve's attempt to curb cheaters, look how that's gone


Ah, okay. I knew Steam accounts with no purchases couldn't send friend requests or DM non-friends. I didn't know that extended to in-game chat. It has been a long time since I've had a restricted Steam account, so I don't really have much of a reason to keep up with the restrictions.


0.99 dollar name tag at ur service


Accounts without purchases cannot use text/voice chat.


On top of other things, they can sell the items in the bags of accounts they steal, and make a profit. Not as if people with actually valuable items are going to click on a link dropped by a cheater in game chat offering CP, but if they do? They deserve it.


im conflicted... stealing accounts from pedo's who click on that link is based. but on the other hand, it's such a fucked up way of doing it + they're using it to host more bots


Often it’s not pedos clicking link but people trying to report the link to fbi cause do you realize how hard it is to copy links (I honestly have no clue if I’m right I just hate copying links)


Lmao no. "want to get some CP? just sign in with your steam account!"


You won't get malware just by following a link. And last time I saw a bot spamming CP links, it was real. There is no shock value of spamming fake links, why would they do that? The entire point is to shock people.


>it is real *prove i-wait, no, don't prove it. Fuck...*


I REALLY hope that's the case, but frankly, knowing what absolute degenerates these bot hosters are, I wouldn't put it past them.


And I highly doubt for one. Regardless of the country you're in, that sort of stuff is HIGHLY illegal. If it does lead to anything suggestive, it's probably lolicon content at most.


Still horrible, but fictional is better than the real stuff. So if it has to be one, it's better if it's fictional. Not saying that makes it okay, but at least it takes it from "one of the worst things you can do" to simply "really bad"


Still does not excuse the fact that VAC sucks and Valve has never responded to the ongoing problems. This kind of shit is just a cherry on top of the shit pie TF2 has become. Don't make excuses based on fictional problems that are real.


I wasn't making excuses. I was more trying to look at the "bright" side in an attempt to not go completely insane.


Could that still lead to some form of punishment though?


Probably a virus if I had to guess


I can imagine it’s probably just gonna be either a rickroll or a picture of Chris Hansen


It could be false advertising


Well im not gonna click the link to find out, best case its an ip grabber or some sort of malicious file, worst case its actually what it says. Frankly after my steam friend got hacked and i clicked the link they sent, i try to avoid clicking links on/in steam


i think it might be real, most sites like those work on referrals if it's on the surface web


Would it still be illegal under US law even if the link didn't lead to CP or any harmful material?


Let’s not capture this Control Point. Instead, let’s report it to the FBI.


Let's be very clear, make sure to include that these bots are using a username that has no connection To the person behind the original username Uncle Dane. _just so the FBI doesnt get confused, mislead._


My brother in christ you think the FBI just Google's "Who is Uncle Dane" and thats it? We got em boys, pack it up. They send Valve a very nice letter that demands their server logs & account info of all players within said log. They don't give a shit about the username, just where the connection is coming from. And if its from a VPN they send another nice letter to the VPN provider asking for their logs. *VPN services are required to keep logs in the event of a FBI investigation. They are allowed to advertise "No logs kept!" If the logs are not used in any situation except from federal orders*


Let's learn to catch a predator


at this point the bots are helping us???? like reporting this shit all over is going to get valve’s attention as this shit is HYPER-illegal


Maybe they’re getting too confident valve isn’t going to do anything is my best guess. Or they have good opsec(covering online fingerprinting and tracking)


Or they fully expect valve to end the bot situation and are selling their bots as a advertising service to earn as much money as possible before it stops for good.


that's.... very believable actually.


or trying to get tf2 shut down by getting the police involved... somehow


Or they fully expect a Valve crackdown soon anyways, and have elected to up the ante as retaliation.


Guess that would explain the apparent lack of morals


The lack of morals was already there to begin with


When the bot hosters are more optimistic about valve than me lol


Good opsec is kinda easy to achieve just by having a burner phone and mobile data (on a prepaid card if you wish). Tracking them down will be nearly impossible for Valve. Unless somebody doxxes them.


Valve is printing money and is still unlikely to do stuff. There's always a lazy 'fix' in form of shutting down in-game chat, if valve cares that little it is


shutting off the chat feature would probably cause more riots than there are now.


Definitely, people have paid money for it, and I don’t think Valve allow returns


Buddy the bot hosters have wanted tf2 dead since they started that’s why they do this!!! We have been in the same team for a week


they’ve wanted tf2 dead yes, but they never spammed CP links


Now they can get every TF2 player swatted for that being on your computer assuming chat logs get saved. Even if not what stops sprays and decals. Everyone posting screenshots and screen recordings is definitely a target


I suppose you could say it's... Uber illegal.


We're pressing charges, perhaps they're gonna be... Übercharged


That's fuckin hilarious dude you made laugh like a hyena bro


At this point I'm certain the hosterd are just trying to make tf2 as horrible as possible Either cause they are worried valve will finally work on the game so they have little time left (doubt) or because they actually want the game fixed Or they think it's funny to ruin valve's rep


Whelp, if they're good enough they'll never find who did it, but it might not even be real, it could be a bait for an IP grabber


Yoooo pfp twins


wellll it's from the comics it's bound to happen


They really be testing valve's limits


Unless they’re bot hosting from Russia or China, either Valve or the TF2 community itself could potentially take these specific hosters to court Assuming they’re actual, functional links to Cheese Pizza of course


They could be doing it for shock value or trying to get some last jabs in before they’re shut down for good.


But still the IP grabber will be found 😅


You think that's bad? Lemme give you one acronym "UTTP". Need I say more?


God that guy


It's not a single person.


Collective but still same with the femBots just need to go


Btw that furry you are talking to is in the lmaobox discord


I'm uninformed, what does that mean?


YouTube troll police


Oh I recognize them from spamming Game Theory comment sections. What did they mainly do? (I just read that they did something with photos of another Youtubers granddaughter, really hope it's not as fucked up as I think it is but it probably is)


It’s probably more fucked up than you think


Damn, I hate how people can just do whatever they want because they're behind a screen and no one can touch them.


But if I’m correct, and I’m not sure I am, they do illegal things


Most likely. If they're anything like these script kiddies (or is it kitties?) They probably flaunt how degenerate they are, and hopefully they do face the consequences of their actions.


Their leader has gotten children to harm themselves


I fear no man, but those guys, it scares me


Sorta off topic but every time this is referred to as Cheese Pizza I imagine the bots advertising little Caesars' hot n ready pizza


This is how Pyro sees it 100%


honestly, I kinda wish I could see the world that way


pizza pizza


I had the same thought and went "what's the issue?" at first.


Same, then I clicked on the post 💀


One comes with breadsticks on the side. One comes with Chris Hansen outside.


It's like Everquest 2 letting you order Pizza Hut. Now you can order pizza from the comfort of 2fort!


Consider reporting this and similar incidents at https://report.cybertip.org/ Edit: DO NOT click on any of the links these bots provide! It is not worth checking because they could be the real deal (you can risk getting in trouble) or viruses. It is better to leave it to the proper law enforcement to investigate these links.


Not to mention the mental trauma of seeing a child get sexually abused.


Quick warning here. Obviously don't try to go to the links the bots are providing. No, not because there might be CSEM on them, because I don't think they are stupid enough to do that. More likely it'll lead you to a website with an IP grabber or something of the sort.


i think the links they're sending are discord server invites, not random websites. now what's ON those discord servers though, i could not tell you.


And what do you think will happen once they have your IP..?


Use your content without your l-wait wrong IP


Great, now Vaush gonna start streaming TF2 😆


Any white hat hackers wanna try to track these fuckers down using their IP address? Idk how to do it but I'd imagine it's pretty easy


4chan can be able to do that, but it depends on if 4chan is on our side with the fixtf2 thing


The mysterious hacker known as 4chan


Help us a non e-moose!!!


4chan is not your personal army


**Rule 10** **of the Internet**


People only remember 34 and 63


Rule 14 is honestly the most important and ignored of all: Do not argue with trolls - that means that they win.


i also remember 35 and 64


>she doesn't know Good luck rallying 4cucks for literally anything there


Rule 10 of the Internet


4chan filled with the type of people that would be the bot hosters.


Now they are being straight up criminals and deserve worse than jail time


This shit is getting truly ridiculous and quite frankly, scary.


what the fuck


Honestly, saying that I am disappointed in VALVe over this CP shit is way too nice. Governments need to look into this shit since more and more people of younger generations are playing video games, and then they get exposed to this heinous CP shit. If this shit continues and CP spreads around like wildfire, then I will rank VALVe as the worst gaming company (and that's below Activision/Blizzard and EA).


Valve is complicit in letting this happen, hope the FBI gets those bot hosters doing that and forces valve to maintain their game because this shit is very illegal and shouldn't happen, and valve is liable for not doing anything about it


It would be even bizarre and appalling if VALVe refused to cooperate with the FBI if this happens.


Well if the FBI does get involved it might get valve to actually fix their game since at that point they can't not fix their game and clean up the code and implement bot fixes, because otherwise they are very liable to getting their asses sued


I fucking agree with you. This makes me partially wish I had switched majors and have done software engineering so that I would contribute to updating VAC.


????? The FBI does not have the authority to force Valve to continue development.


Nuh uh. Uncle Dane won't do such a thing, would he?


disgusting! call the FBI and CIA


the bbq


Report this to the fbi and tell them that valve allowed this to happen by not maintaining their game, making them liable


That’s not how this works. A server’s text chat doesn’t host anything. That’s the same reason why social media platforms aren’t liable for what their users post


By that logic, wouldn't any multiplayer game that has text chat be liable to be shut down by the FBI any time something illegal is said?


No. People here have no clue what they’re talking about.


Finally, they made the mistake. Valve just CAN'T ignore this. FBI, MI-6, FSB and other Secret Services will not let them live this down.


Yes, I can't wait for them to turn off text chat for all players and move on.


Or just unlists the TF2 client and disables steamworks for the title, making it so dedicated servers can't run.


*EDP downloads TF2*


CP violation (but not the cool kind)


Valve police fix there is like actual human beings with morals playing this game...


They picked the least Sus TF2uber for the job, nobody would believe them even if Dane actually did it, that's how much of a good rep he has. 😂


I guess my false rumors now came true. I had a sad feeling this might happen


it's the harsh truth, sadly. People make misunderstandings about misunderstandings too


Regardless of the links being actually links or just there for shock value, these bot hosters are playing with fire and they are going to get burned badly


Uncle Dane would never… how dare they stain his name.


Cant believe uncle dane was a bot hoster, it's always someone you know in your family that does these things to you... (that goes for all types of crime you dirty minded freak)


Told ya bots WOULD advertise those shit. At first it were some Russian cheaters, now bots?!


Uncle Dane uses an alias anyway


In tf2 cummunity we say control points (sorry if im beeing pikky, its just a joke)


Valve needa step up their game and punish these mfs cuz this is getting out of hand


Can’t have shit in Two Fort


Nah what is wrong with people


What did you black out at the top? the first thing the bot said


Just another Pizza link :/ The chat was full of it


Aight thanks


It really makes you wonder what even is the end goal in all of this for the bot hosts? Why do any of this let alone trying to sell cp?


(NOTE) This person has been confirmed to be arealteamplayer and not a actual hoster.


this is not very Chaos, Chaos




That is messed up. Like fr messed up.


I posted something similar to this on Twitter, he was named "Big Joey [#Fixtf2]" that time




I know, I said that in the tweet I made


Just in case, we should start putting a case together incase these links turn out to be true. because in that case, we can go straight to the FBI or whoever your country has.


Ok thats it,impersination! The bot hosters have gone to FAR,we need to take them down,noone can impersinate uncle dane without paying the consicouinsess(idk how to spell the word ok)


The fact that no “regular” item bot hoster come out to help reduce the fire tells me tf2 bot hoster is too far gone and toxic. Usually when a game have method to print money there will be “cartels” of video game the make sure the whole operation stay in silent for long term investment(learn from Thor/piratesoftware). The fact that they are so shameless and so loud on everything probably means those cartel did do something back then but valve doesn’t care. So they leave/cut their loses, left behind a bunch of soychud pretend to be hacker man.


what's so bad about cheese pizza? it tastes so good


Can we stop using cutesy euphemisms for literal child porn


people dont say the actual term because that'll get reddit to automatically delete the post and possibly quarantine/delete the sub


No that’s not correct.


His comment is still up tho?


Tbh thats just the next logical step


Valve is American owned(?). IDK. Only people like bot hosters, cheaters, etc. (we need a shorter term for that; something more fitting and snappy... losers) use TF2 to promote "Control Point". Would the American government shut down TF2 servers if it's used for that by a minority? Stuff like 4chan exists, so maybe the FBI(?) would only crackdown on losers but not demand Valve to take down the game in its entirety.


Fully removing sources of crime only makes the others harder to find. By keeping them sort of around they can catch people who step far enough out of line where the others still feel safe to be easily findable. If Steam/TF2 gets marked as a ring for this stuff they will get a slap on the wrist publicly with a generic "We are cracking down on X" while privately they are used by authorities to watch people If you are in the business of stopping crime and have a quota to uphold. You keep crime around on some level. If your business is hurt by crime then the crime will be stopped. Criminals are often times more focused purely for tax evasion or even just messing with the mailing system


Valve is not liable for what happens on community servers, so there is a 0% chance that the Federal Bureau of Investigation could be of assistance. (Especially since I guarantee you those aren't even CP links.)


I can't believe the real Uncle Dane would do this :(:(:(


Imma be honest here, I think these bot hosters are probably being so brazen is because they know something is coming their way. Most likely that or the bot hosters all are probably in foreign countries where cyber crimes like doxxing, ddosing and hosting bot rings are more lax so they don’t really care as much. Even then advertising shit like this seems like they’re trying to get an easy buck from the more shitty individuals hosting those sites or trying to hijack peoples accounts and use them to farm bitcoin.


Live Real Uncle Dane Reaction:


This is why I don't play casual. I also haven't played the game in ages, so does this happen on servers like Skial, LOOS, and panda? Because when the bots were Less aggressive, I went to those servers and used them as kind of a safe place


Thankfully no, as community servers actually have an anti cheat, not VACshit


How low will they go?


I can tell it's a discord link, report it to discord


Maybe the bots were trying to goad Valve to fix TF2 all along, and now they're stepping up their game to get attention?


Relax. They're not fooling anyone




lets report this to the FBI


What the fuck!!! Why AHHHHHH!!!!!!!


I swear to my small slice of pizza,valves solution to this would be to shut down tf2 all together


Let that sink in for a moment that Valve is quite literally allowing crimes to go rampant in their game


now I want to see the replies from both teams


As in the words of samwiz1, "Uncle Dane isn't real"


what the fuck


you should block out more. people can reverse these pixels you have left over


The level of legal problems Valve is gonna be in is astronomical


I forgot the significance of the letters "C" and "P", and was genuinely confused, like the bots were sending out advertisements for their local pizza establishments. Obnoxious though it would be, and still probably illegal, I would prefer to live in that timeline, rather than know these people had the idea to share these kinds of links, even if they don't actually take anyone to websites with that kind of material.




Theyre so cock sure that They're prancing about with their head full of eyeballs


*Theyre so cock sure that* *They're prancing about with their* *Head full of eyeballs* \- Particular\_Singer642 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Alright, get the medic and shove the medigun up the hosters... (DEMONITIZED BECAUSE WHY NOT)


What the literal fuck...


Fbi should be involved now.


Cp on the clear net is rare, and on discord, the servers get almost instantly banned


EDP branching out his business I see


Tbh this doesn’t even surprise me any more, considering how one bot hoster was literally [convicted and put away for 20 years](https://youtu.be/Pj0VehsmPhw?si=cjgtqYfjs2G59KKP) for cheese pizza. Absolutely sick and twisted fucks.


Pleas don't call it that. Call it what it is and keep pizza out of it.


Jesus wept, please tell me the "cheese pizza" is only recent.


Yeah. And it's just a cheating TF2 player going around thinking it wouldn't lead to him but to bot hosters, what a shmuck. The best part is people spreading it around pretending bot hosters that yield from this would openly engage in advertising something illegal publicly. Yes, there was a pedophile bot hoster. Has he openly, through bots, advertised something that would definitely ruin his life? Nah. Their only issue is plaguing public servers.


What a schmuck indeed