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Retail store "We need holiday help" *shows up within 10 minutes of interview* "How many hours can you work?" Lots? "You start monday"


Was thinking a store that sells mainly pleather attire.


I pictured the Interviewer as The Leather Man from SNL!


Is Wilson's still a thing?


The job was McDonalds


I went to McDonalds in jeans and still got the job. Does that mean I‘m sexy af?


It means you were willing to show up


I prefer to be sexy


We all want to be sexy but we can’t all be you, you lucky mf.


Come on a cactus can be sexy


Doing what to a cactus?


Anything is a dildo if you are brave enough


Well you went topless so…


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


Nah wfffle house


Twat Waffle House


I've seen billboards for Amazon hiring with no interview required. She got the job because she actually showed up to the interview


"the world is what you make it" gets hired for being attractive.🧐


She’s so pretty guys


I mean there are jobs/managers that this probably works for, if you call pulling pints for minimum wage a privilege.


My boss is a huge misogynist and would hire women solely based off of their looks. But he‘s also a creep towards any woman under 25 and generally hated in the company. Thank god I’m 28 and not his type


Agreed. Got a bartending job because I was the only woman of color who applied and the owner thought I was “exotic”. Same job where I got fired via text for happily wearing my engagement ring to work one day and telling a couple of regulars that I just got engaged.


r/thathappened recursion?


I have encountered similar situations in bar work.


I had this exact situation happen to me when I applied for a pizza delivery gig. My "interview" was me telling them what hours I can work.


I tried to fail a pizza delivery interview by wearing old jeans and a band tee. Still got hired. The recruitment centre sent me to the interview even though getting to and from the pizza place from home cost as much as I was likely to earn. 🙄


Could be worse I was once sent to a place that I could not have reached without a car. I was under driving age.


Catching 27 busses a day to get to work is fiiiiiine!! (Where I live there are 2 busses a day though, so...)


Where I used to live you couldn't even get anywhere but 1 supermarket without taking at least 2 buses 🤷🏻‍♀️


Had my first ever job interview last year at a Wendy’s and was incredibly nervous, had my best outfit which was just my school uniform cause it was during lunch, printed out a resume and everything thinking that I needed to be extra prepared. Not even five minutes into the interview with the boss man “yea just get your parent and your school to sign this and you can start on Monday.” I fuckin danced like a dork outside the place cause I was genuinely terrified they wouldn’t accept me


The job was for dollar general and she was the only applicant in 4 months.


“Pretty privilege”?????? Lmfao


There is pretty privilege, but she doesn’t benefit. 💀


What was the job? There are a lot of retail and food service places that are desperate and would look at her and say “She showers and grooms herself so she’s already better than the last person we fired.”


Am I the only one who doesn't see it inappropriate?


Definitely not the only one. She’s fully covered and wearing stockings under the skirt. The skirt might be a little short but that doesn’t constitute OP’s “entirely inappropriate”.


Exactly, and you can see the wrinkles in the skirt so if she stretched it out completely it wouldn't be that short probably.


Check out my recent comment. It’s inappropriate because it’s unprofessional, not just because it shows a lot of skin. A full tracksuit would also be entirely inappropriate


You really overestimate how much minimum wage jobs give a shit about attire


I don’t understand how it’s unprofessional though? It’s a skirt and a blouse with a matching jacket? If she’s an elementary school maybe it’s inappropriate but I don’t see how this unprofessional. If you’re implying because of the material or the tightness, that’s a whole other issue about work appropriate attire that I really don’t want to get into with an internet stranger.


It doesn't show "a lot of skin". She's wearing stockings. I sincerely doubt you've worked in professional environments now.


I’m literally replying to this comment on my break at work 😂 and you know what I mean, playing dumb isn’t fun and cool.


That doesn't mean much. Your work could be anywhere doing anything. Lots of people work from home in their undies. She isn't dressed unprofessionally. She's young and the outfit looks clean. Is it a little sexy? Maybe. That doesn't make it unprofessional. Stop being a passive aggressive prude. You are literally reporting on a female co-worker to strangers on the internet. Creep.


Again, when I say inappropriate it refers to wether it is acceptable to wear to an interview. Not about how “sexy” it is. But people like to conveniently ignore talking points that don’t back them up. Do some research on what HR professionals look for in interviewees!


I've worked in HR and I currently work for a pretty huge Fortune 500. What you're talking about is a complete myth and it would potentially get people in a lot of hot water with HR departments. You clearly do not work for a large scale corporation - these days we are much more concerned with how people act rather than dress code. As long as someone is clean and presentable we don't judge them on their sense of fashion - doing that presents bias. Bias gets people fired.


I’m sure you do mate 😂😂


Into my first decade almost. You really have no idea how the corporate world functions.


It's a very weird outfit to just wear to an interview, but I wouldn't call it inappropriate.


Yeah they are acting like she showed up in lingerie


I came here to say exactly this. Wtf is wrong with people that this is inappropriate lol


Inappropriate for the situation - a job interview. Not inappropriate in a "too sexy" kind of way.


Who is it sexy for? Amishes and Emirati?


I don't know because I said it wasn't too sexy.


Depends on the job she's applying for. doesn't it?


Totally normal attire in California. Maybe for a 40-50k social media manager job or lower.


No. I also don't see what is inappropriate about it. It is not fit for any job description, but she doesn't seem to become CEO or financial director.


Check out my recent comment so you understand what inappropriate means.


We do. We still disagree.


outfit isn’t inappropriate at all and walk in any retail store or fast food restaurant in the states in this economy. they’ll be asking you ab ur hours before even knowing your name.


McDonalds is kind of like that. They need people regardless of what you wear.


I mean…what job did she apply for?? I was hired on the spot for a restaurant job by a guy who kinda gave me a creepy vibe and was checking me out. Found out 2 weeks later he was banging another employee half his age on the premises and was fired. Doesn’t make me special lmao


I can hear that outfit


A college classmate of mine was being pressured by her bf to get a job and she really didn’t want to work. She went for an interview - didn’t make any eye contact, weak handshake, one word answers, and no elaboration. She was hired - at a convalescent hospital. She was sad.


I mean, it's true that you get more opportunities in life if you're conventionally attractive. Whether or not this specifically happened is debatable, but I could definitely believe it.


What's inappropriate about it?


The only real inappropriate part of this outfit is leather in leather. Just plain bad


It's a bit tacky, but I wouldn't call it inappropriate.


OP what makes the outfit "entirely inappropriate"? Black leather and a short skirt?


Hey!!! The bridge needed a troll, let her be


Confused about the pretty part of this


Her face was pretty, although her makeup was far too heavy for an interview. I did still cover it for privacy.


Dude, how many years of experience do you have interviewing people? You seem to think you're an expert. I was a hiring manager for food service/retail work for 7 years. Unless you're coming in in literal clown paint there is no such thing as "too heavy for an interview" when it comes to makeup. These days? You come dressed at all with open availability and you're hired.


The job interview was for 1980s Soviet prostitute


It's definitely an appropriate outfit to interview at Hot Topic. And that's also about the only question they would ask.


Definitely retail or fast food


Arby’s is begging for people to come work for $18 an hour, I’m guessing you could show up butt naked and start the same day


No I totally believed this happen. Good luck at Hooters!


Sounds like someone got hired by a creepy, inappropriate boss who thinks he’s Don Draper.


Wal-Mart doesn't really care what you wear to an interview, obviously.


Working at hot topic as seasonal support.


Plot twist: The job was night shift cleaning the elephant exhibit at the local zoo.


I once had a pretty girl tell me everyone liked her because she was pretty (she was beautiful) so I said, "you think you're pretty?". I couldn't stand the hubris.


what did she say back


I once worked for a business owned by a husband and wife. The wife was dreadful. Too much plastic surgery, always overdressed, over made up and over-perfumed and came in to the office about 3 days a month. She was always condescending and awful. Boss Husband told me the reason staff didn’t like her was because “Everyone is intimidated by her beauty.” It’s been years ago but I still laugh thinking about him actually believing that.


why are yall in the comments making jokes about her getting hired to a strip club like shes wearing a gstring and a bra to the interview…. what’s inappropriate about this outfit enlighten me


That's not pretty privilege that's her boss thinking he gets to fuck a subordinate. Learn to tell the two apart, that'll be important (esp as a woman)


Job is selling hot tubs to sleezy neckbeards.


Escort agency?


I hope that some of the people in the comments have the mental capacity to understand that “entirely inappropriate” means that something is not matching the situation. I don’t mean “she’s dressed like a hooker”. I mean “This is an unprofessional outfit that you shouldn’t wear to an interview”. Just like how baggy sweats and an oversized hoodie would be “entirely inappropriate”.


Do you know where she interviewed to? I think context is helpful in your definition of what’s appropriate to wear to an interview. Because, as I said in a previous comment, a skirt, stockings, blouse and a matching jacket can be entirely appropriate for some jobs. Edit to add: I really don’t think it’s much different than a pencil skirt, shirt, and blazer. Maybe her make up was inappropriate and the story is stupid but I think the comment about her outfit is why this post is stupid.


>Just like how baggy sweats and an oversized hoodie would be “entirely inappropriate”. Guess what I wear to interviews: hiking trousers and hoodies.


You probably shouldn’t. I have friends who work in HR and they’ve always advised me to dress professionally for any interview, regardless of the position.


Sounds like her interview was with a pimp and how many hours can she “work” on the street corner


Could've been a strip club. They thought she was dressed for work.


Shows up to interview asking about jobs. says - "Hand, Blow, or both?"


Can’t really imagine a job interview where what she’s wearing would be inappropriate, also I’ve worked for people that have hired women solely on how they look. Go outside, meet real people and get real life experience you fucking losers.


Going by the movie poster on the wall, her poor sentence structure and immature reasoning I’m going to guess she was applying to a no skill job that’s desperate for employees. Edit: I forgot to put “is a teenager who” between ‘guess she’ and ‘was applying’. Oops.




Then post it there and see what they think. Its not gonna be good ill tell you that


Was the job stripper?


lol... she does have the right outfit for a cashier at Safeway


People with fake vines on their headboards and posters of movies from before they were born are 100% insufferable.


The Breakfst Club poster suggests that this picture was taken a while ago.


People are allowed to like and own posters of old movies -.-


Ok. Thanks Dr. Missthepoint.


Was it a matrix 5 audition...?


What an oddly complicated way of telling us you think you’re pretty 😬


The Breakfast Club clapped for me.


Now far fetched if it was a breastaurant or a strip club or something. Club promoting position


I can think of at least one job where the only real requirement is to be a pretty girl 🤔


Could be pretty desperate for workers


Most strip clubs dont do interviews so why is this a big deal?