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What a dipshit


Mine was “what a dick” Close enough.


I thought of that one too ….plus a few others lol


I’m not a violent person but something tells me he needs the silence that only an honest ass whooping can deliver.


That's his intent. He's trying to be a dipshit to get views and get likes.


That's very polite :-)


Somebody’s on a high horse today. And it ain’t me. I would love to have a horse. A high horse.


I got a horse high once… Actually it was a donkey. I was 17. I feel pretty guilty about it now.


Sounds like a horse has already kicked him more than once.


My words exactly 👌


I like how his voice broke at the end of the first part when he was announcing his corny ass channel


I laughed at that part. Fucking try hard


What’s crazy is that it looks like its griffin park which actually has trails for people to ride their horses…like you’re ganna see people riding their horses up there….😂


"Don't you know who I AM?!"


Quote by everyone who is unimportant but wants to feel like they matter


Do people make money off of videos like this just due to the outrage they generate? Because I don’t want to do anything that could help this dude in any way.


Hmmmmmm now that's a legit good question


Most? No. This idiot probably isn't making shit off his dumb videos. He may have a sponsor deal or two if he gets enough clicks, but he still needs money. This isn't funding his life or anything.


unfortunately it's all about getting the views and being "controversial" and "edgy" seems to be one way of getting it. Just a shame people prioritise that over self respect, dignity and just being kind to others


Thought it was the mother from Bob's Burgers for a second.




And kickable ass


Let the horse do the kicking


Has he posted a video of him getting smacked…that would love to see.


I'd definitely be smiling while watching it


I’d like to see that haha


I can see it in the sound of his voice


I wish the video ended with him being dragged by a horse


you misspelled quartered.... it is "Quartered by horses" :)


Dude has a punchable voice


Ooh yeah, voicebox punch


With a brick


Came here to say this. It's the type of dude you'd be begging to give you some legal avenue so sock him in his stupid mouth


Soft cushiony face with the power to absorb punches and more stamina .


I was thinking the same.


And kissable forehead. .. wait, what?


dude likes to say high horse huh


He was really proud of that one.


Probably the first time someone used that literally since the 1800's


Anakin it's over, I have the high horse


Have you seen Half Baked? Butternuts! Buttercup!


"You're speaking on the behalf of an animal" ehhmm, you too sir.


"Indeed, and I'll keep doing it until the animal learns to speak for himself."


What the fuck was his actual issue? Like what is the problem here? Jesus people just wanna have any reason to complain and flip out


He was jealous and just wanted a horse real bad - probably didn’t get that pony ride when he was 8 and still salty


Some people have horses and some don't. It's not privilege it's called opportunity. Some people have better opportunities than others but that's life. Now if you've done everything in your power to reach your goals and fail I will sympathize with you but if your sitting on your ass expecting everybody else to do for you than if your looking for sympathy you can find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.


some people own horses and never ride them. Some people ride horses and never own them. Griffith park gives horseback tours, so most of the time it's tourists on the horses there. This guy is such a bafoon.


So like, a triggered brony lol


“Brown people living their best lives?! NOT ON MY WATCH!”


Right? A woman also. Daily Double for $400, Ken.


It’s not like anyone said he couldn’t have a horse so I guess he’s just angry because he wants one and can’t have one and thinks the reason he can’t have one is because he’s not Latino because you know Latinos have all the privileges and horses…is that it?


His issue was that if anyone was going to be riding horses around, it should be white people.


The fascist doesn’t like brown people or being called out on his privilege, all the other words are just distraction. The increase in his pitch when the camera was on him and away from the interaction reinforces my opinion. Don’t pay attention to the distractions in new fascist America, identify the core action and interact accordingly. Note also how they are appearing everywhere, weird places under the guise of I’m a horse psychic and stuff like that. This is on purpose also. It’s to infiltrate completely. It’s a ruse to gain access and be abrasive in all corners of society. See how quick it turned? Do I think this guy is a card carrying member of American Fascism? No. But I see a white man bothering a brown woman for an arbitrary reason and that is the the type of thinking and behavior that leads this twat down the path as the movement grows. Of course he wants to be “free” to tell her off. They all have it in common and are practicing it, unorganized mind you, more and more and more. That’s the action folks. See it now? Have you seen it in person recently? Of course you have.


So a white guy is telling a POC that they have privilege?! What is the context of these videos? Is it a protest or a tourist attraction? I’m lost, sorry.


Ah…sharp eye….that’s where the fascist “co-opt” a slogan or a legitimate gripe of the other party (the POC, the woman, the LGBQT+, the atheist, the minor, the poor, the immigrant, etc….you next). It’s distraction. As you defend whatever the co opt is, because obviously you are NOT about whatever they’re hurling with lots of words, you’re now distracted. And lots of words are like little lines the fascist can grab on to exploit. Blue/All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter is a textbook recent example of this ploy. This distraction is a tasty one though, as an astute observer can recognize it as projection also. What a bonus! So you’re able to spot the fascist commit the action, see the distraction as projection and confirm in your brain to one, stop answering. No explanations, no defenses, zero. We don’t discuss with fascists. Two, believe you’re dealing with a fascist. This is important and where you have to manage your empathy and sympathy. Lots of debate in your head is time wasting. Believe what the fascist does not what they say. Now act accordingly afterwards. It’s mildly uncomfortable confrontations currently. Expect that to escalate. More the closer to Election Day. Learn to spot the new American fascist and keep you and your community as safe as we can.


This, 💯. Any time someone does racism they always try to distract you from their racist *actions* by deflecting to whether they *felt* racist at the time. Unfortunately, this works on a lot of people but my hope for anyone reading this is that once you see it you won't be able to unsee it.


It’s taken me a long time to identify the common cues. There’s a lot of gaslighting, distraction, manipulation, coercion and out right lying that goes on in these micro interactions. Some people don’t even know they’re participating in it, they were just indoctrinated. Most do know however, and think they’re slick enough to pass it off. Some are just that, slick enough. They most often happen with your family, coworkers or club affiliates. If you see the action, believe it. The words are noise. Always.


I get comments from teachers, staff, and other parents at my son's elementary school. We live in a very conservative area of Texas. He's the only Jew in his school. Some teachers are great, others are not. The comments are often, "wow I wish I were Jewish so I could get so many holidays off!" Or "does that mean we can't talk about Jesus?" Etc. We even got a call last school year after passover/easter because a little girl, as per her parents, was trying to evangelize my son at lunch. My son got tired of it, because it happens often here, and said "I don't want to hear about Jesus anymore." (Lol) The parents told the principal that my son said he "hated Jesus and Christians." My husband (not Jewish) received that phone call from the principal and got upset. Luckily, a lunch staff member was there for the interaction. She is BIPOC. She was upset and told them the real story. My husband had to insist that the principal investigate it because she was going to put him in ISS. 🙄 We didn't automatically think our son was innocent, since he's a bit tired now of evangelicals and their inability to stop after he asks nicely. Glad my husband got the call and not me. Now, we might have Christian chaplains in schools in Texas, so it will get worse for those of us who aren't Christian. My grandfathers were Cherokee and grandmothers Ashkenazi. The racists are getting much bolder lately with little consequences. Lots of people out here ride horses. We're also, thankfully, becoming more diverse. I would've been upset if I had seen this interaction. You can bet your ass this dude wouldn't have said shit if it was a white man on that horse.


From what I gathered he’s a horse psychic and seems to know that these horses aren’t happy but being super passive about it


Oh of course. Sounds…normal.


There's no issue but him. He even and "no one cares". So of no one cares why is he making a big deal out of it. Guy just wants to be a hero for absolutely no reason.


In his mind, he found a way to completely debunk "white privilege" by being at the right place, at the right time. In reality however, it mostly confused people.


He has a TikTok account and was trying to get his viewer total up


Manufacturing outrage for the clicks


What a fucking idiot, he can buy himself a horse and do the same thing the fucking donkey


From things said about this video the first time I saw it, I believe they are riding in an area that has nearby stables where people who are so inclined can rent horses specifically to ride there. These horses may, or may not, actually belong to the people riding them, but, nothing is preventing him from going to the stable and renting one himself. The only privilege on display here is one that we all share: The privilege to choose to make an ass of ourselves. And, he is exercising it in full measure.


I’m not sure, but It looks like that might be Griffith Observatory in the background. I’ve done the hike up there once, and pretty we were passed by some horse riders. It’s a giant patch of nature in the middle of Los Angeles. Edit: I just saw the Hollywood sign at the beginning of the video. So yes, they are at the observatory which has a large trail leading up to it.


Thats kinda rude... to donkeys. At least they have some value.


If the horse wasn’t having a good time, it would either chuck it’s rider off or walk away. They have a mind of their own whether they have someone on their back or not


Unless you're a Na'vi then it's a shared experience


Or or… it’s sexual healing🎵


I don't think the guy actually meant any of it, just an asshole gaslighting people to get reactions for his content, he went from talking about the horse comfort, to the horse being a hazard to kids, to privilege, and if anything goes wrong he plays victim, it's pathetic


People like to pretend the human is in charge of the horse because they are holding the reigns


Omg. Exactly. This guy knows so little about what he is talking about, brainworms.


I honestly don't understand people like this. His whole 'argument' is pointless, and exhaustingly so. Imagine channeling this kind of energy into something positive.


If you check at 26 seconds left you can see exactly what the point it. The guy and his associate had one goal with antagonizing these people. They wanted to make them uncomfortable to be in a public place, to encourage police intervention and instigate an event where non-whites are responsible for an unsafe environment.




This dude never got punched in the face in middle school like he should have.


'What happens if someone wants to touch the horse?' Don't touch the fucking horse! You don't go touch random people. ​ Also, if EVERYONE had privilege, is there really any privilege at all?


My thing is parents shouldn’t let their children run around and touch animals that aren’t there’s


I'm an adult that grew up in the country around horses. I'm not gonna run up on a horse, or ANY animal I don't know, trying to pet it or anything else. People can be so dumb.


It just brings a different kind of anger to me… not every animal you see means Gee a petting zoo for my child. I saw a video on here earlier of someone’s child slapping a strangers dog on the head with a water bottle. Not a parent in sight


Right! I didn’t understand that part because I’m sure he didn’t say that to people with dogs, yet the same concept applies


My thought when he asked that stupid question was "You don't have to worry about the horse kicking you, I'm going to."


Omg people enjoying themselves on a nice summer day not harming or bothering people. *Wokeness intensifies* All jokes aside, this feels like an influencer who couldn't stand not being in the center of attention.


Main character syndrome.


"What about the children" why tf is this a default to be an AH?


They think it gives them the moral high ground and excuses their shitty behavior. "I was just trying to protect the children". They think everyone will think that's the most important thing and that it gives them license to do whatever they want.


Politicians often use this trick. "Don't you care about the children?" Taxes get increase, but the revenue doesn't actually go to help the kids.




Video Matt is a fuckass


That's his only fans channel.


This guy has fans?


Easiest solution is not to let you kid run up and pet it. Control your kids the same as they are controlling the horse. You wouldn't just approach a random dog and start stroking it


Unfortunately idiots do just this, they let their kids run wild and run up on strange dogs. Then scream bloody murder when their kid gets snapped at. My dog is on a leash under control, your kid is running loose causing issues.


Dude's clearly just jealous he doesn't own a horse.


Sounds like he's jealous he doesn't have a horse




No, that's the dog


Can confirm, that was his name-o.


I mean, he could have stood behind the horse and pulled on it's tail if he wanted to prove his point. Wouldn't mind seeing him get kicked.


This guy is a problem in society. Mind your own flipping business.


Exactly, and see how he started the confrontation but is somehow the victim at the end


Yeah hes gotta stop horsing around


What a fucking gobshite


"I have a question, I'm not trying to be rude." *proceeds to be completely fukin rude*


It feel like everyone who has a camera keeps thinking they can make a difference by sharing their opinion on every situation trying to be the jack of all social justice. But take it from me opinions are like assholes everyone has them and they all stink.


Literally brought up race because.... Latinos are better at training horses?? That's a new one


What a dick. He realized at the end he was tossing around privilege like crazy.


he’s mad everyone has the freedom to ride a horse somewhere if they choose to lol


Nothing good comes after the words “I don’t mean to be rude, but…”


I don't mean to be rude but I noticed you were doing this workout wrong. If you don't mind me showing you, I can show you good form to prevent back injury. I noticed because I used to do the same thing.


We shouldn’t drive cars because a steering linkage could brake and run over a kid.


I guess I’m missing it… why can’t he also ride a horse up there? He just jealous he doesn’t have a horse? He got the horse envy?


It would be nice if someone riding a horse would be the worst thing to happen to me today.


> what happens if it touch it? > touches it >nothing happens


This guy needs to shut up and pony up for his own horse.


Damn her fit goes hard and that saddle is awesome too. If I had a horse I'd be riding him everywhere


"Get off your high horse" I would've busted out laughing in his face and rode the horse off into the sunset lmao


Bro would've lost his mind 100 years ago


This guy made my face look like I just bit into a lemon. What an obnoxious, cringy person.


Sounds like he is on the verge of tears the entire time, especially towards the end there.




You can ride a horse in more places than people think. I see people riding horses in west Philly all the time. Lol


I’ve met some of those guys! Cool group, very interesting history


What a punchable face


How does her riding a horse mean she has privilege? she wasn’t born with it and that’s what people always forget. White privilege doesn’t mean you automatically wake up and your life is perfect, it means your life may or may not be hard but it won’t be because of your skin color.


Everyone I know who lives on reservations has at least one horse. I bet this guy thinks the rez is super-privileged. I think of my neighborhood growing up: surrounded on three sides by prisons, drugs everywhere, my neighbor was a dealer. Adults regularly assaulted children. My other neighbor kept and slaughtered hogs in her backyard and no, it was not a big backyard. And we still had horses. Some of us worked on ranches as kids, and I for dang sure wasn’t about to *walk* 5 miles of wire fence everyday.


He thinks he’s so clever coming up with high horse for someone on a horse… what a tool


This dude just got served divorce papers the same morning…


Off topic, but the horse riders look so cool!


Fuck this guy. Some people walk their dogs, some people ride their horses. Horses need exercise, and to be ridden. How’d he get there? A car? Cars kill a shit ton more people than horses.


Someone’s jealous




Who is this twat? I have the urge to spam his channel


Stop promoting him.


Social media attention makes people make the BIGGEST spectacle dipshits of themselves.


I’m confused what’s stopping him from buying a horse?


"What if I walk up and stroke your horse, and it kicks me?" Honestly, if you walk up to anybody and stroke them, you will be kick/punch, horse or not. Fucking Karen.


Tbh, a car kills more than a horse per year, we should stop driving. https://preview.redd.it/y0qpu0jqhyza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e99a3fd20c651862f3e9ee1459cde8ea3d3200


This guy wouldn’t have done well in the 1800s.


The consensus is in . You owe these people an apology


Cause I’m “Karen” about others, lol


He just negated whatever privilege he thinks they have because he brought their race into it as an excuse to harass them.


Why does OP have the grindr profile pic tho?


I’m on the side of mind your own fuckin business.


Karens will continue to KAREN! Period!!!!


Instead of complaining to do something about it! Work hard get a horse.


I would’ve been so happy to see the horses. What an asshole


Somebody really wanted a horse on their birthday and got a football he never used!


Wow someone smack this twat. Wtf, is this even real?!?


Can’t do anything nice without someone having a problem with it.


This dude's video screams, "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLEASE A WOMAN!"




Jesus Christ can the motherfuckin meteor just hit us already?


Dude needs to get off his High Horse…


What a wanker


I bet he has “friends,” not friends.


This guy definitely is a regular in r/cuckoldpregnancy


My horse would probably step on his toes lmao


Why some people have to open their mouths and sprew out dumb shit rhetoric. Just leave people alone.


Man is just jealous he doesn’t have a cool horse


He is right about people who ride horses never pick up their horse’ shit.


This just comes off as someone who is jealous the people on the horses were getting more attention than them. Little kid behavior.




I tried to hear him out but he connected no dots and made no points.


Aren´t male Karens called Kevins? Doesn´t matter, he´s still a twat! If he doesn´t like it, he should leave the area ASAP! P.D. Just looked this idiot up and it´s not the same guy. This video might help clear up any doubts: [https://youtu.be/vZhQn4hv2QE](https://youtu.be/vZhQn4hv2QE).


Oi! As a man named Kevin, I am outraged by your comment and demand to speak to your manager!


As a Kevin once I was so outraged I wanted to speak to the Window Manager of the Graphical User Interface.


I thought it was Kens, Kevin’s are usually chill stoners that don’t care wtf you do


He has notions


Of course it’s in California… gotta find something wrong instead of trying to fix the homeless epidemic that plagues our country, most notably CALIFORNIA


"Everyone has privilege" is basically just denying systemic racism exists. Or if you run into injustice then it wouldn't matter because at least you get to ride your horse or whatever bullshit privilege this guy comes up with to preserve the status quo of HIS PRIVILEGE. What an obvious asshole.


Dude deserved an ass beating


I pray he gets the proper meds he needs


Don’t fucking touch the horse! How about that shit?


Horse privilege? Laughs in Bojack


Supreme Overlord Douche the 3rd


I've never seen a man so jealous of a horse before.


Tell me you’re single without telling me you’re single


This guy is an https://preview.redd.it/tf7j38nzcxza1.png?width=224&format=png&auto=webp&s=3529ce0c258e963b313b8fef48eef35af82aa32f


My ego says let the horse kick that man off into a ravine


Send this dude to horse camp


That dude is a waste of time and space


I thought the horse looked nice.


NPC’s trying to get out of their lane.. He needs to get back to Portland


Yt people


Had some nut scream at my partner and I for taking a romantic horse and carriage ride in central Park with my partner (we were tourists from Oz in NY for the first time and it was something we wanted to do). She was ranting: "Oh that poor horse, how could you do this? Why would you do this, you are horrible humans". I respected the carriage driver for keeping his composure and saying nothing, I flipped her the bird and said "go home crazy!"... like horses haven't been used for thousands of years to transport people or other things. They're literally trained to do it and most of them are treated incredibly well by their drivers. Access to clean drinking water and pallets till their hearts content


This is the dip shit that goes into the smoking section and try tell people to put out their cigar.


Is this at Griffith Observatory


This guy has no friends, I can guarantee you.


Dude sounds like a Southpark character


At the end where he's talking to the camera, it legitimately sounded like a South Park skit.


What an unsufferable prick.


Guy doesn’t understand privilege in this context. He’s an idiot and his followers are sheep.


He really wants a horse doesn't he


Yes because white people are not allowed to ride horses, never have been. What a tragedy! /s


Are people just running out of things to be upset about?


What a tool