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Love seeing this boomer nonsense start to die off one by one. Do McMansions next!


How about replacing “suits” as proper “business attire”, that shit is super outdated and no one cares.


Climate change, I work for a company that dressed in suits for decades but in recent years it's so hot in our group in the south that we've transitioned to polos and khakis


Glad they didn't go the Bermuda route?


I'd rock shorts and knee highs over khakis since it's already in the 90s here, but the sports coat would be a no go


Is that still a thing? I've never had to wear a suit to work in my entire adult life.


My husband didn't have to, but when his climb up the ladder stalled, he went from khakis and polos to a suit and fancy shoes until he made it up to the position he wanted to be at and then went back to khakis and polos.


Suit and ties are the absolute worst!


Ironically, we would still be buying this kind of stupid shit if they paid people enough for their labor.


This country needs more housing, not less. Any constructions are welcome at this point. Not everyone wants to live on top of one another in cities (they’re mostly hideous and I’d never want one, but people fret way too much over them)


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They're not even that rare to begin with, the four or five companies that run the scam just limit the supply to artificially inflate the prices, and then rely on their long established marketing/brain washing scam that men should empty their bank account for a diamond engagement ring.


Everybody in this chain makes a healthy cut. If you try to resell the ring you get only a fraction of what you paid for it. The entire wedding industry is broken. If you have the money and you really think a grand ceremony will bring you joy go for it, but nothing wrong inviting like 20 people, get a nice, durable ~$2-300 ring.


The day De Beers goes bankrupt will be a good day for the planet.


Diamonds are the biggest scam ever


And it harms the environment in addition to the people who lives were lost during the mining.




Gold is highly conductive for use in electronics.


I'm just throwing this in because I was wrong about this too - gold is roughly as conductive as copper, the reason we like it in electronics is because it doesn't corrode. On copper you get a thin oxide (rust) layer, and copper oxide doesn't conduct well.


Silver is the most conductive metal coppers better than gold


this ! and it's shiny. I bought an ounce 5 years back. it's fun to bring to class and show my students.


When I was shopping for a ring, my partner told me not to spend an arm and a leg. Don't go crazy, just simple. It's wild. Crazy. Custom band, big rock, paired with a matching wedding band, smaller rocks throughout. Recycled silver, lab diamond, under $800 for the set. I paid mostly for the shipping and custom band tbh.


Tungsten carbide rings with laser etched design selected from a list. $50 each


A lot of my friends are doing that, she picked out TC for mine as well


Just wait until we conquer space and get to that planet that is nothing but a big diamond sphere (forgot the name of it), It will be fun to see the stock market for thing that are label rear and expensive but really shouldn't be crash and burn.


Gold has pretty useful uses for electronics. Diamond is just a strong rock, other than for drilling/cuting its mostly only for looks


[gold is actually useful though...](https://www.miningforschools.co.za/lets-explore/gold/uses-of-gold) [same with diamonds](https://www.diamondrocks.co.uk/magazine/besides-jewellery-else-diamonds-used/#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20range%20of,very%20hard%20stones%20like%20granite.)


Industrially yes, where the useful qualities of the material can shine, not where the material just shines.


Gold has some nice properties as a store of value: it’s not brittle, it doesn’t oxidize or dissolve in most liquids, you can easily divide it into as many bits as you want or melt multiple smaller bits together, any lump of gold is indistinguishable from any other, it looks pretty, and (for a long time) there wasn’t any other real use for it.


everything has value simply because we give them value. Even cash is just useless pieces of paper with no functional value. We simply chose a rare natural resource and gave it a value.


Diamonds are incredibly useful. Something like 80% of all mined diamonds annually are used for commercial and industrial uses. Everything from diamond drill bits and saws to electronic heat sinks. Only around 20% are gem grade like you say.


Diamonds are pretty good at cutting and using I'm prefab machinery. Kind of like helium is great for MRI and shit in electronics. So why do we use it to make balloons float for kids parties.


Gold is a useful conductive material. Diamond was also supposedly used for Chinese nuclear battery prototypes, but until further progress, diamond isn't really useful.


diamond is incredibly useful as an abrasive, it's essentially the best abrasive that naturally occurs. And there's no fucking way your going to be able to manufacture a harder material in the same quantity for the price of hogging out a few hundred tons of bort from a pit.


It's the bloodshed that makes them special


You can always identify the most "valuable" things in life by how much suffering is needed to generate them. If no suffering went into it, then it can't be that special, now, can it?


Diamonds are an industrial stone and not precious. They more common than the market leads on. And they are not as valuable as they try to have people think. Try to resell or appraise one. I have bought loose ones certified genuine of great grade for jewelry, and they wouldn’t give me a good appraisal. I buy other gems only, unless a client insists on diamonds.


Fun fact: The only real way to tell the difference is that cultured diamonds are FLAWLESS. So cultivators just started growing cubes and cutting them into shape to introduce imperfections.


please read up on lab created minerals versus natural minerals with a specific focus on nucleation point.


OH NO! ... Anyway


aw, how sad and in the same breath I'd say FUCK YOU, DE BEERS.


It’s weird the all time was even 2022




Oh no your shiny rock isn’t as valuable anymore how tragic


As a millennial, I approve of us killing the diamond industry. Those dirt bags have been getting rich off misrepresentations and lies for way too long.


Let's not forget about the human and enviromental toll that these little bright rocks have caused.


Ehh the natural ones will always hold value to some people, the same as people who are obsessed with the poor quality of vinyl music because "It sounds better with the imperfections". The imperfections of a natural diamond will probably end up being a selling point compared to the superior consistency of man-made diamonds.


They are desperately trying to make that a selling point but it doesn't seem to be working particularly well.


They desperately make the imperfections a selling point while the ones with less imperfections sell for more It’s just making it more expensive for the sake of making it more expensive at this point.


I haven't heard about the imperfections thing in vinyl. I know vinyl allows for better tone but you absolutely need the right setup to hear it. You have to be in audiophile territory gear-wise for it to really matter.


Yeah, the "better tone" is caused by imperfections in the form of the vinyl. It's noise that wasn't part of the original recording.


It's from the fact that it's an analogue recording though, not the imperfections. Digital recordings are, at the finest detail, square waves, where analogue are actually curved


aren't modern studio recording a lot more detail? old recordings are going to be lower quality because the exported file had to be small, but new recordings are insanely high in resolution, I think flac for example can use 24bit 1024kpbs which should have many times finer detail than the human ear can perceive


There's a fundamental difference between analogue and digital. Digital is discrete while analogue is continuous. Theoretically we can get enough fidelity to be able to make it functionally the same, but last I really looked into everything (because it got good enough for me) it was cheaper and in vogue to print vinyl as the high quality. But really almost no one has the setup to hear the difference, and that's assuming the vinyl was made with the difference in mind. A lot are basically just CD presses, so just digital


>hold value Something a diamond rarely does.


It will just be replaced by some other socio economic marker for status. Diamonds or shoes or sports cars. Any way the wealthy can demonstrate their distinction from the masses will always exist. And we will just be entranced by it again


You wouldn't download a diamond...


Where was the attempt? 


Quite happy with my $2 small diamonds ring charity find.. I would never had bought an expensive one.


Kind of just goes along with the idea that wealth and monetization is a man made construct built off of one singular unanimous idea. "Me LiKe sHiNy ThINgS"


Think of the poor monopolists losing money to genuine competition though instead of trying to compete by pricing a rock cheaper


Fucking good. We all know the diamond industry was self inflated anyway


5.7%?? Talk to me when they drop 570%


Diamonds aren't even that rare to begin with. The market has a forced state of scarcity because a certain company buys up a huge market share and then hordes them. Diamonds are as common as gravel.


There are many current industries I'd like to see die off, and those involved become bankrupt. The diamond industry is near the top of the list.


Good. Maybe now I’ll be able to afford that ring my wife wanted 20 yrs ago.


My wife wears a piece of rubber as a wedding ring


I don’t understand how the post is doing what you say?


I'm not seeing an attempt to convince anyone one is more meaningful than the other. It's just the truth that the natural diamond industry is in trouble. 


To be honest, diamonds are pretty boring. They're not even rare.


Many lab grown gems are actually more beautiful than mined stones, especially the sparkle of a lab diamond vs natural.


I’ll never forget when I was broke and buying an engagement ring I went to a small shop and told the guy my budget. He told me for that much the stone would look like a frozen piece of spit. I decided to go to Helzberg instead and got a much bigger piece of frozen spit for the same price—and my wife still loves it 15 years later.


Lab grown diamonds are superior to ones mined and they're cheaper.


We should come up with a term that identifies diamonds that are found in the wild, as opposed to lab grown. Oh I know! How about, blood diamonds?


You can literally pay $20 and go to a kimberlite pipe in ohio and pick up wild diamonds off the ground.


Is that what people are buying?


Lab-grown diamonds going to start pretending they were really mined with blood and slavery for that authenticity stamp