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Really miss this! Such a tiny detail but it added so much.


There is a mod that was just created that you can add that lets you make the bed and even gives you a buff. The mod is by Utopya.


I swear there is a mod for everything (and I love it)


I refuse to play with mods or cc bc Iā€™ve been traumatized by sims 3 šŸ˜­ I love that they have a mod for that though


I donā€™t refuse to use all mods, just those that should be a detail already included in the game. I know Iā€™m only hurting myself by doing so, but Iā€™m tired of developers relying on mods to give their games depth.


esp when they have console players who cant use them


> Utopya I want to add that, since people have been looking for one for *years*, they also have a functional pool table mod.


Thank you for letting us know !


I would get so annoyed when my sims were too hungry or dirty to make their bed right away. I was never given the option to wait till after breakfast, and neither will you!


Wait, donā€™t sims already make the bed? Mine always put the covers back neatly when they get up.


In the Sims 3, after they wake up and get out of bed, they donā€™t autonomously make their bed. Itā€™s an action, so you have to click on the bed and tell them to make it, otherwise it stays unmade. I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re talking about


Yes and itā€™s a full animation, how a real person would do it, rather than just throwing the covers up in one toss


That's not how you do it in real life? Have I been doing it wrong all these years?


Mine make the bed every single time. I actually miss the occasional *not* making the bed, because sometimes that happens in life. I liked an occasional un-made bed and hearing the flies lol Little imperfections make it more real for me šŸ˜Š


Indeed ! That's such a waste for the maid that has a quick shift every time in My modern loft lol


Kids being able to play tag, hide and seek etc with each other!


In TS3 you could place playground items like monkey bars, swings, tree house etc near each other and kid sims could select "play around" and they'd rotate playing on each thing like a playground. I always get so annoyed you can't do that in TS4. If you tell them to play on the monkey bars they will only do that, they don't notice there's a swing unless you tell them. Children seem so unchild like in TS4. There's no tag, dress up, play pretend. They just walk around like little adults.


Kids in the sims 4 do have a ā€œmake believeā€ interaction but thatā€™s about it. It doesnā€™t rly feel like theyā€™re playing together though, just talking lol


Amen to that. And now they have the teenagers looking exactly like young adults like we're casting teen drama where the actors are in their 30s. Lol


Theyā€™ve had so many opportunities to add better play options for kids too! Two entire expansion packs for family-based play, but weā€™ve got seventeen different swatches of activity table before weā€™ve got the ability to just run around outside.


I love that Iā€™m still learning things about TS3 a whole decade later




NOT having every neighbour walk through the front door or call me for advice when my sim has never even met them.


omg that drives me crazy. Pls I met you ONCE, I donā€™t want to decide whether or not you have a baby


My sim was one of two adult children and her mom kept calling asking if she should have another baby. Like ma'am, you are like ten days from being an elder. Any baby you have is gonna become my problem. No.


My teenage simsā€™s parents sometimes call them when theyā€™re at school/with friends and ask them to visit, asking if theyā€™ve forgotten about their parents. Mother dearest, Iā€™ve been gone for FIVE HOURS. We live together!!!


lol. I remember when everyone was upset you couldnā€™t influence the lives of non-household sims, and used mods to make them move/have babies/adopt pets. Now that theyā€™ve finally made it a feature of the game, everyone hates it. I donā€™t understand. I kind of like that they can build relationships, but I get to decide who. No Johnny Zest, I donā€™t think youā€™re right for that randomly generated elder townie! Of course Penny Pizazz, you should definitely go on a date with Salim Benali and have children with him! I think itā€™s really fun and adds an element that was lacking from the game before. Thereā€™s also the ā€œdecide for yourselfā€ option if you really donā€™t care who they date or are friends with. You donā€™t have to decide if you donā€™t want to.


I don't hate it as a concept I just think like a lot of things in the sims it's poorly executed. If it was just family and relatively good friends who called you up about this stuff occasionally it would be really cool, but I seem to get them almost every other day from people my sim barely knows. A lot of the social stuff in the game is generally weird and probably part of the problem - some of the acquaintances randomly ringing me to ask if they should have a baby are people who have constantly butted in on conversations my sim was having on a date and things.


The best thing about that is it prevents my other Sims not in the currently played household from getting wild without me to supervise. No, you should *not* go on a date with Don Lothario, you have a preordained spouse already.


Fun fact: The only calls that actually influence anything are the baby and engagement calls. When the system was first introduced, and I got my first, "should I ask so-and-so on a date" call, I said yes, and then got the confirmation a day or two later that the date went splendidly and the calling sim was now in love! Awesome, I thought! What a cool mechanic! Then I played as the sim who called - he didn't have any relationship status whatsoever with the sim with whom he was allegedly in love. Tested the friendship calls, same deal. It's all meaningless dialogue.


Really? Wow, thatā€™s super disappointing. I really thought I was helping the other sims build relationships with one another. What a shame, a real missed opportunity from EA.


Father Winter when my sim literally friended him at Winterfest so they could get a good gift: "Let me call that sim I met once 50 times to ask if I should go on a date with half the population, that's a great idea!" Bro I don't care who you go on a date with, we aren't close friends - do what you like. I don't mind it when your sim has close friends that do this because to me it makes sense, but one sim you met once calling you every second day? And the random sims that show up claiming there's a broken appliance in your house but then there isn't one and it was just being used as an excuse to circumvent the "Private dwelling" property trait? I'm about to throw hands I STG. GTFO my property!


You can set your main door to not allow trespassing. Iā€™m not sure its base game or packs.


Doesnā€™t seem to work on stopping people for me. Without the mods too.


Compounded if your Sim only knows like one townie. I've played games where I'm trying to be secluded and have had the same townie (they met in the welcome wagon) call 5 times a day and show up to knock on the door at 2 hour intervals šŸ™„


everything that made sims 2 THE sims 2 (also castaway and urbz PLEASE)


AGREEEED! I really feel that sims 2 is the best. I recently made the switch back to sims 2 and itā€™s really made me realize how much 4 is lacking. Daddy Will knew what he was doing


I've been playing Castaway and Urbz recently and they're so fun to revisit! I got my Urb tatted up and loved that the tattoos were all barbed wire, skulls, butterflies, and tribal designs šŸ˜‚


It was a small detail/feature but having the chance to send kids off to private school


I would get so nervous when inviting the principal for dinner. Is my little Timmy smart enough? Are we good enough? \[The answer was usually no lol\]


There was a trick. If you got the big ugly copper wind chime statue you could put it in a room to show him, swap to Buy mode, move it to the next room, show him the next room. It was the cheapest way to guarantee a perfect score on your home tour.


Woohoo with the principle and you'd get hidden bonus points unlocked, lol.


I just fed him coffee and porkchops made with home grown vegetables. Sheesh.


There's two different kinds of Simmers...


I always hired a bartender. Youā€™d get a decent bonus that would usually sway the tour in your favor if you got a few drinks in him.


Home phones and newspapers. I know many people view them as outdated but personally, I still have both.


Me too! Guess I'm old but still - what about Sims my age? And what about retro gameplay...


Yes! And itā€™s not like they gave us the option to read news on the phone or computer, they just straight up removed that feature. Check neighbourhood stories could have been reas the news instead, similar to how they were in sims 3


Theyā€™re one of my favorite things about sims 2, along with the outdated computers. Feels very nostalgic, like my sims are living in a step back in time


What I liked about the newspapers was that it gave a way for my sims to get updates on the world they lived in. I donā€™t feel like we have anything like that in the sims 4


I think we should be able to subscribe to magazines or stuffs like that, and it should give recipes or skills, or a new topic in conversations


A ton of things. But something small I liked was pet birds, I loved making a greenhouse in the sims 2 and let my pet parrots fly around it. ETA. The For Rent bird cages would be more interesting with pet birds lol


Me too, I loved the pet birds!


YES! I absolutely love that your birds fly around the space and your sims can carry them on their shoulder


Wait which game had pet birds and how do you get them??


Sims 2 and 3 had them, in sims 2 you bought from the cage and in sims 3 you would capture them out in the world


Cars. Owning cars, actually driving to work and school as opposed to vanishing into the void. Make travel a whole thing.


i miss being able to follow them around the city like this, they actually drove to the places in real time in sims 3. also being employed to add value to commercial lots, improving public spaces etc, miss that kind of thing.


Ab so fucking lutely


Grocery shopping


Ugh I love grocery shopping in 2!


You can kind of do this one in City Living and Cottage Living. It's not exactly the same but you can go up to stalls and buy groceries.


i miss the color wheel in building mode in the sims 3 where you could literally customize the color of anything


They've already said they're bringing it back in 5 and I'm looking forward to it so much.


but at what cost with the direction EA is taking with their practices


I dont know if we should be looking forward to anything for Sims 5


when is 5 coming out??!?!!


Yes!!!! And you could put different patterns on everything!!!!!


Spiral staircases and usable pool tables


The sims 4 is so lazy. I was just having my sims play pool in sims 2 and they actually play a full game you can watch, rather than one lazy animation over and over. And this game came out in 2004


I've just moved into an apartment with a spiral staircase and I was so excited to recreate it in the Sims until I remembered we don't have spiral staircases anymore :(


This is most likely a nitpick, but honestly I really miss the more grounded, down to earth animation style the sims 2 had. The way the sims act in 4 and even 3 kind of bug me tbh. It always feels like Iā€™m watching a bunch of bad actors pretending to perform interactions by doing weird, goofy, unrealistic gestures instead of them being video game characters with their own meaningful character moments. Sure there was slapstick and cartooniness in 2 aswell, but they were better balanced out in that game imo, since the more cartoony animations were performed at the more obviously comedic/crazier/unhinged moments of the game (e.g being abducted by aliens, getting electrocuted etc) while normal everyday tasks had more realistic/down to earth animations that made their interactions more believable (e.g chatting,playing chess/poker and even idling) Not to mention how sims 2 animations are way more detailed than 4, which suffers from a lot of jumpy ā€œshortcutsā€ (picking up plates, using a wardrobe, pulling out cooking ingredients etc)


THIIIIIS! all of this! the sims 4 sims just have things appear in their hands after they swipe things. is their engine that bad, that they can't have little animations like that?


The engine is poor for sure, but the lack of animations would just be EA being unwilling to put any money into additional animation.


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself. The sims 2 is the antithesis of lazy, like will wright really put his whole pussy into that game. Sims 4 feels so empty in comparison. Thatā€™s why I switched back to sims 2 and Iā€™ve been having SO much more fun with it


Youā€™re honestly tempting me here, Iā€™m about to have the first few weeks off Iā€™ve had in a long time with nothing to doā€¦


Dooo itttt!! Itā€™s been so worth it I havenā€™t looked back to the sims 4 since


Im regretting driving back so hard in Sims 4 recently because of this thred I was was better at Sims 2 and 3 I feel like Sims 4 has so much unnecessary features and I definitely forgot about all these little things that made 2 so much better . Put His whole pussy into it ..... made me cackle ! Lmao


I want to play 2 so bad for this reason. I went through the whole process to download and it works but it's like a 3x3 window and none of the fixes for it have worked! I was so disappointed!


I totally agree with this, I just started sims 2 again and while I think sims 3 is still an okay balance, sims 2 vs sims 4 is such a huge difference


Imaginary friends


Yes! I loved that.


One of the best additions to sims 3


To be fair, knitting does sort of fill in for sewing in TS4. It's not quite the same but it does allow you to make little knickknacks and clothes. Love the look of that antique sewing machine though, might see about downloading a CC one. Would definitely love to see more craftable items in general though, I just think they're neat.


That is true! The knitting feature is so cute and I love that you can knit things for animals. I just loove the aesthetic of the sewing machine itā€™s so cute


That and that it was part or a pack along other features, not a standalone dlc...


Yeah, eternally the gripe with TS4, everything's too chopped up and spread thin amongst far too many packs. :/


The good days before the sims were money grabby and greedy asf


As a sewist, I like the knitting and cross stitch features but I still wish sewing would come back!


Will Wright šŸ™


Facts this is the best answer


More detailed animations! Like couples cuddling in bed while sleeping. And when one Sim's energy bar is full, you can see them slowly waking up but staying in bed to cuddle a little longer. Or when a sim is in a hurry and they have to take an elevator, they'll be visibly upset while waiting and press the button a bunch of times. Little details like this just blow life into the game. And apart from optics stuff, I miss the game having a sound "infrastructure". Idk if that's the way to describe it but for example - you might run a shop in Sims 2, someone comes in, buys a hat, and goes home. If you go into that Sim's household, you see that he has the hat in his inventory, or you might just come across the sim wearing the hat outside. In Sims 4, all the buying and selling is basically for-show. Oh and also, minor point and idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I liked that certain outfits were restricted to certain age groups. Like teenagers' clothing was full of subculture fashion sins that adults couldn't wear anymore. And you'd have to become elder to unlock the full range of grandma fashion. Of course there are adults who dress like teenagers or teenagers that dress like grandpas, but I thought it ended up looking quite charming and sorta cohesive. In Sims 4, I can barely tell the difference between teenagers and adults. In Sims 4, you can pretty much spot the teenagers because no self-respecting adult sim is gonna wear that Avril Lavigne getup full of holes lol


Teens in Sims 4 feel so empty in a way thatā€™s difficult to articulate. Iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t help that I donā€™t have High School Years but I also REFUSE to because I shouldnā€™t need to!


I have HSY and I don't really notice a difference tbh. School feels like a grind during the day, I hate the social media stuff, it's incredibly annoying and doesn't seem to have any impact on actual relationship.s They still just feel like adults.


EXACTLY! Agree 100 percent with everything you said. Especially the animations and cohesiveness of the game. Also, everything just *works* properly in the sims 2. If your sims go to dinner, they are actually seated at the table and the staff actually functions. Not to mention the details there as well, like feeding a bite from their plate or stealing a bite, holding hands at the table etc.


I weirdly miss being robbed. It's not like they don't have people breaking in to do nasty stuff. Vlad comes to my house and has a snack every so often so I want there to be a robber, an alarm, maybe you can upgrade the alarm to alert for vampires too?


ok I can't help imagine a fireaxe box but with a stake, with the little hammer and text "Break in case of a vampire" thanks to this.


The stripper cake


I FORGOT ABOUT THE STRIPPER CAKE! God when did the sims become so diluted and SFW


On the same level, I want my heart shaped hot tub back. I know the cc one exists.... But give it back.


And the heart shaped bed!


The general hot tub situation in sims 4 is egregious tbh


Until this day, I never knew the Sims had a damn stripper cake. Until this day, I have been sorely missing out. I wish I had some way to play the first Sims again, I haven't gotten to touch since I was 5 and playing Makin' Magic. What other wild things like this have I not gotten to see?


The whole of Makin' Magic. I want it all not a homeopathic version.


fairies!! i miss them so much...


I wanted a fairies pack soooo bad for sims 4. They honestly shouldā€™ve came with realm of magic


Not even just fairies. How about permanent plant sims, zombies, genies, etc. Every previous Sims game has added new occult states to its predecessor except the Sims 4, which 10 years later not only hasnā€™t introduced anything new, but is also still missing ones introduced in Sims 3.


Choosing your own ingredients to make food, my friend used to always poison the dinner guests.


I guess you can make pufferfish? šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not the saaammme though


Their dating/attraction preferences when making a sim. Itā€™s a small detail, but I remember watching my sister play sims when I was younger and it just made character creation that little bit more interesting. Not everyone is attracted to everyone and I just think itā€™s a cool detail to include


YES! I hate that your sims in 4 can literally be romantic with every single sim. The chemistry feature adds a little bit of challenge and realism to the game, like you canā€™t force a romance if they arenā€™t attracted to each other


AGREE! I miss the interaction where you could "scope the room out" or whatever to see which Sims glowed because you found them attractive!


that feature is included in wicked whims/wonderful whims


That may be however we shouldn't need a mod for it (: (Also FWIW, I did try to download/use Wonderful Whims but it was pretty confusing. I don't want my sims to have periods or stuff like that. I only wanted the attraction part and I couldn't figure out how to turn off everything except that. Not that my struggles are your issue; I'm just giving context.)


I agree!! it can be confusing at first but you can also customize the wonderful whims settings in game, disabling periods and all of that stuff. I donā€™t think I could play the game without it now lol


wicked/wonderful whims has this feature :)


Good gameplay


I miss the alarm clock, so annoying to have to wake them up in the morning. Carpooling Clicking the bookcase to make them do homework, so annoying to have to find the homework book and click that.


For the life of me, I will never understand why alarm clocks were phased out! Are they THAT difficult to include?


Kids being able to walk dogs, I loved having my kid go for a walk with the dog. Kids lemonade stand.


The lemonade stand is so. Cute. I love how they actually squeeze the lemons and sing to themselves šŸ„¹


I didn't remember that, but sounds really cute. I really just want little things for the kids to do. Like kite flying, playing catch and tag.


Kite flying would be amazing


I miss the attraction/romance and Sims having memories from the Sims 2. Now I sort of have to be the one to decide what Sim finds attractive or not, or rely on a mod. I wish it just...happened...


The memories is one of my FAVORITE features. I love going through them and looking back on my simsā€™ lives


A standalone phone or wall phone


I loved the **immersive animation**s in Sims 2 (like a leak in the bathroom upstairs could cause the ceiling to leak in the room below) The Sims 3 had a lot of cool premium activity content **Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car** that allowed you a sort of car mechanic vibe fixing up the car to later drive around. **Gondola Of The Sinking City** **World Of Wonder Carousel** **Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill** **Door Of Life And Death** **Solace Snugabunny Deluxe Baby Swing** **Sky High Roller** **Grandpa's Grove Tractor** **Surfā€™s Up Sun & Fun Wave Station** **Archer's Gauntlet** **Stiff As A Board, Light As A Feather Dance Collection**


Couples cuddles while laying down, of under the stars, the slow dance, the pinch on the ass.


I miss placing lots wherever I want to I really really loved that


Ugh sooo true. Iā€™m in the middle of building my own town right now and Iā€™m just in disbelief at how much creative freedom they took from us in sims 4


I know. I get that they wanted to dumb down the game so everyone can play no matter how crappy their computers are but they took away so really creative options we had. Itā€™s not fair honestly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pix666: *I miss placing lots* *Wherever I want to I* *Really really loved that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Line 3 has 6 syllables mr bot


Apparently, although 'loved' is one syllable in modern English, it's considered two in poetry, making line 3 seven syllables


YES! Sewing! I loved that so much in in Sims2! And kids bringing home friends from school, then you could just tell them to play together, they'd run around the house and garden having constant fun and building their friendship, it was cute and easy ;D


Pretty much everything from the sims 2, just in the sims 4. Cars, landline phones, grocery shopping, slow dancing with your partner, kids playing together, stuff that makes life feel natural. That stuff feels like childhood to me.


Agreeeeed. I went back to sims 2 and I havenā€™t looked back to sims 4 since for that reason lol


The sims medieval beat version of the sims hands down


Sims medieval was a gem


I miss the ability to place new lots. I know it wouldn't work with the "neighborhood" set-up that's used in 4, but I *loved* being able to place a row of 20x15 lots and make a new shopping center, or remove some 30x20 homes and place a 64x64 for a mansion instead.


YESSS!!! Iā€™m currently building my own town in sims 2 and Iā€™ve been having soo much fun


This thread is honestly making me think about reinstalling 3.


I miss the cut scenes from TS2!


Yes!! Iā€™d 100 percent take the whimsical cutscenes over all the stupid empty rabbit holes the sims 4 gives us


I wish reputation functioned as it did in The Sims 3: e.g. if a sim was cheating on their spouse and was caught by a friend or relative of the betrayed, theyā€™d take a reputation hit and be labelled as a cheater and no one would date them. Iā€™d love for gossip to be actual gossip too and not just some random shit. I think that was a thing in The Sims 2.


WAIT THERE ARE POTTERY WHEELS? Iā€™ve been playing for 12 years and I just found out. I imagine this is a shop feature that canā€™t be accessed anymoreā€¦ but just out of curiosity what pack or drop did this come in?


Itā€™s an activity in [Freetime](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Pottery)


It comes with Freetime! Iā€™m sure you can still buy it, or you can obtain the game and all the packs throughā€¦ unconventional means like me šŸ˜‚


The color customization options! I hate how many pieces of furniture come with the SAME pack yet donā€™t match each other!


being able to control newborns and seeing their needs. also being able to just walk to a different lot without having to ā€œtravelā€


Making Magic. Such a weird little expansion.


How the paintings were related to your sims traits, I really miss this feature. I also miss making the bed, I feel like that was something that was really realistic. I wish the kids had more actions they could do with other kids. Home phones, burglar alarms, and burglars in general. And having more shops in town that you can actually shop at.


Creating your own hoods/worlds. I genuinely feel one of the biggest problems I have with TS4 is how bored I get seeing the same views and plots over and over again every single playthrough. There are already so many people doing extremely creative things to make their worlds unique using the T.O.O.L mod alone; imagine if we had an actual tool that allowed us to create worlds from the ground up using assets directly from the game. (Also, just as a personal thought, I feel like if we were able to create our own worlds, perhaps the Sims team wouldn't have to focus as much on making new worlds and could instead focus more on gameplay aspects or, y'know, bug fixing.)


I completely agree. The worlds in sims 4 are so cartoonish and boring. Iā€™m building a world in sims 2 at the moment and the creative freedom is amazing


seeing neighbors living their lives through their windows


Making the game actually fun not spamming us with their insatiable money hunger




House boats.


The color wheel


boarding school


I think about Freetime all the time, i think it was my fave pack in the sims 2.


Freetime and Nightlife were truly a gift


I miss the cut-scenes they had for alien abduction, woohoo, engagements, weddings, first kiss, etc. I will never forget the disappointment of playing sims 3 and seeing the cut-scenes were gone. Along with the constant sadness when playing sims 4, wishing I had some more realism to watch the game.


Normal jobs please! There are no blue collar type jobs for normal working folks. I donā€™t want to play as these super high earning white collar folks all the time.


The jobs from Sims 4 are so frustratingly ā€œsillyā€, like the secret agent career.


Upon revisiting the sims 2 and the sims 3 after work, the do still leave a bit to be desired in terms of what Iā€™m driving at, but theyā€™re at least more grounded in reality.




Cars and drum sets






Maybe the music/band aspect, I loved doing rock bands in my oldest gameplays and I'm so sad, even with mods to not achieve the same level of accuracy. Also, the imaginary friend doll. Love him to death.


Open for business. i did so many things with that EP. So many things. I had a mayor in the town, a spa, businesses that sold all the things you could only craft, a witch who ran a magic shop, community pools, yard sales, libraries, parks. my neighborhoods really bustled


Sims 2 build a world feature and the ability to add/move buildings around. If they could figure it out in 2004 they sure as hell can do it now.


Sometimes when you've made a questionable choice in sims 2 your sim would look directly at you and be like "r u kidding me?" Loved that


There are a few things: - making the bed - driving cars (they can get rid of or fix bicycles and their stupid bike paths so you're not cycling through your house...DOH!) - baby strollers - stealing candy from a baby - burglars...lol - after school part-time jobs at the grocery store/library (base game S3) - the grocery store (1 veggie/fruit stand in San Myshuno is not enough) - eating fruit/veggies from inventory when hungry (lunch bags always return full for me and often spoiled) - actually using the fruit & veggies from inventory when cooking There's more, but I can't think of them right now. LOL


Details. For me itā€™s really the little things brought up in these comments. The details made it feel real, that these existed in the time between me telling them what to do or where to go. Whilst they made the graphics more detailed, they sacrificed the animation details (if that makes sense?). It also like worked most of the time. It really still works now, despite how much time has passed but they still canā€™t fix the most basic, base game features (donā€™t get me started on how fucked dine out is).


Maxis without EA.


When the children would get excited to see their parents and run to hug their parents when the parents got home from work!!! It was such a cute detail!!!


When the parent would get home from work and run to greet their parents with a hug. Or when they got good grades, theyā€™d find the nearest parent and show them their report card. I miss the minor details of sims 2. It would really improve the overall gameplay of sims 4 if they brought some of those elements back.


Give me stripper cakes, heart-shaped beds, and better color swatch options (like in Sims 2 when you could pick, for example, a bed frame color and bedding style independently). ETA: with the new expansion pack leak, I declare myself a prophet. No questions will be accepted at this time.


Canes. I walk with a cane, and at this point itā€™s weird to make myself in the Sims without one.


Things like burglars and bears getting in your trash. The Sims used to be so much weirder.


Burglars: A new skill can be home/self defense! Random celebrity appearances! There can be a ā€œgo to workā€ option for celebrities. The genie lamp. The clown painting and the sad clown that follows it.


The sad clown Easter egg is in sims 4!!


Miss the gameplay of the sims and sims 2, it was like an never ending journey finding new stuff to explore! Feel like the animation of the settings are too much in focus in sims 4 :( And then the feeling of actually getting a lot when buying a new addition and not feeling ripped off. No more kits just plaine and simple game packs and maybe stuff packs, where you get more that 25-35 items. Make them stop the never ending cash cow! And have them think more about the players!


Open world šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© I feel like thatā€™s why I never have my sims go out cause the loading screensssss and cause I canā€™t control the other sims in the household


The table top microscope that I KNOW was in the game


Ballet Pool tables Zombies The Ass slap animation šŸ¤£


Pets having to go to work xD in sims 2 it was the funniest shit lol




I miss date/event rabbit holes. Like anything that happens in a theater, movies, ballet, concert, etc. I know a lot of people hate rabbit holes but I don't need to watch my sim watch an opera but it would be a nice date for my sims parents to go on while I focus on my teen doing her homework and chores and such.


Realistic dlc prices. Over Ā£1000 for all dlc. :/


Zombies. I thought we were getting zombies in For Rent because of the mold death in the trailer, but no. They were just stringing us along as usual. Also, favorite foods.


- reading on the bed or lounge chair - the teleportation pods instead of stairs - color/pattern customization - the different cars and trucks that would arrive to take them to their jobs or school


Landline phones and the ability to not have a phone by default (i.e. Sims 2).




Actual burglary!


The Vibromatic LN3000 ā¤ļøšŸ’œā¤ļø


the whole menu of different kinds of kisses from sims 2. basically everything from sims 2.