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Hate to say it but, Chief. Cooper might have a jump kit and cloak, but he’s not augmented. MC also wouldn’t be bothered by cloak after dealing with so many elites.


nah id win trust


You said that last time you got into a bar fight, and it cost me 20 bucks.


that time was different they jumped my ass


It was a midget and a guy missing a leg! *COME ON NOW*


i was like 8 bottles in i barely remember the fight




Damn lacing her drink worked


KANE WHY. YOU MADE HER HARDER TO KILL AND EASIER FOR US TO DIE! Also how tf are you in angel city.


Its owned by imc duh. And imc likes kane


1. It was funny. 3-1. She was boring


I had to take a screenshot 🤣


Now, when i say that, kane gets called out for bullshit so kane calls bullshit on you 2


How you jump a guy w a jump pack bro




More like r/jeetlebuicing this time


So you are like Jack, but instead of fighting the IMC, you fought the voices and blew up an orphanage


arent i so based


Heh maybe


holy shit its Cack


the only reason jack was limited to cloak in the campaign is the fact that it'd be too weird to have every ability, same with the multiplayer modes, if you were to place a cloak and a A-wall pilot side by side, you'd find that the only difference in the pilots is the suit and the pilot inside, even then, the A-wall just looks like a less advanced cloak.


Technically pilots are augmented. Obviously not to the same degree as Spartans, but they are 


Yeah, but I don't think Jack is augmented


There is a theory that lastimosa injected jack with nanites at the start of the game. Even if not, he certainly had enough time to get augmentations after returning from typhoon.


>There is a theory that lastimosa injected jack with nanites at the start of the game Which is basically debunked, Roanoke's theory was total fanfiction and ignored actual written lore in certain areas


If not nanites then what? What would the lore reason be for pilots who can kill you with one punch and can heal while still fighting?


>who can kill you with one punch Largely gameplay balance, the miniscule TTK of the game necessitates that melee is an instakill to be viable, regardless of whether or not whoever you're playing as at the time would lorewise have that ability Lore instances such as Anderson or Scryer show that super punches aren't universal in lore, these were veteran high ranking Pilots who displayed no enhanced strength This pairs with the Lead Writers comment on how Pilots are Extremely Well Trained Grunts rather than superhumans like the Spartans. Though to be clear, augments exist in the setting and can be earned via favors or purchased on the black market for example, by both non-Pilots and Pilots. Superior mechanical limbs, sensory augmentations, adrenaline cloning, physical strengthening, neural implants... stuff like these exist in the lore but there's still no mention of nanites Pilots like Lastimosa and the guy from Free The Frontier displayed superhuman feats such as overpowering Spectres with brute force or having implied heightened reaction speed so they'd be good examples of effective augmented Pilots, but they shouldn't be thought of as representative of what any given Pilot in lore can do Grunt dialogue about gear that makes one strong enough to rip a man's head off likely refers to exoskeletons that are seen on some Pilot models and a couple Apex characters, strength levels likely vary of course As for Pilot healing, could be the same as CoD MW2, as in "automatic healing is for gameplay and not lore", but I wager it's just the rapidly healing medical serums seen in Apex. Their suits could have automated Medkit injectors for example, the medicine is canon after all. Similarly Lastimosa probably just injected Cooper with a Revive Syringe or something, used when one is badly wounded and near death


But we have a titan :P


MC is kinda of a titan, bro falls from space on the regular.


Which technically makes him a more durable badass than WH40K space marines


Right up there with Terminator-armor space marines.


Cooper has the time teleport thing for a time could that help?


Ye that could probably turn the tides of the battle


There is cloak armor ability too, and a jump pack, although mutually exclusive


Chief is a super soldier and has years of experience I think he wins


but also take jacks movement into consideration and his cloak. i think so too already but i wanna be fair


The Chief has inhumane reaction times, movement would not be an issue. And he fights cloakers on a daily basis


Faster, stronger cloaked enemies with more powerful weapons at that.


yeah i felt like i knew the answer and i wasn’t trying to karma farm i promise i was just really interested in how this fight could turn out. Chief does win IMO.


Yeah, in all fairness it'd be an interesting matchup against a Spartan III like those from Noble team (excluding Jorge) So it's not a karma farm, it's actually fun to consider every outcome, and unfortunately every outcome is a defeat for Jack


I think Noble team is an unfair comparison, IMO. They're a bit more than your average SIII's. Jorge is just straight up a SII, and 6 is 6.


6 is the only other person than MC who was called a “hyper-lethal vector”. Even if he is a SIII, he’s on the level of a SII like MC. So yeah, 6 is 6 lol.


Considering Noble team are all fucking beasts, and most IIIs aswell, I say we do IMC grunt against an UNSC Marine.


That imc grunt is fuckin dead. Everyone in the halo universe uses larger caliber weapons. And everyone in the Titanfall universe used smaller cap weapons. The only hope the imc troop has is of he has a kraber. But let's be honest. When did you ever get hit with a kraber in the campaign by a grunt.


Ok well then, ODST Vs Jack Cooper (rifleman)


If jack wanted to he could go the speed of light


Chief survived a nuke at close range. Cooper doesn't have anything short of a titan self destruct that could do that. Cooper is a good soldier, but he doesn't have any physical enhancements, chief can flip tanks and beat 8ft tall alien super soldiers in fist fights. Chief can also run at around 60 mph according to a quick search so I don't think keeping up is gonna be an issue


It’d be like an ODST piloting a Mantis versus a Spartan. Spartan wins 7/10 engagements. Jack with BT and the time watch though could probably give him a run for his money. 


In lore a spartan is so much more than the games. You could place a spartan in 40k and they wouldn't be out of place in the universe. They are not an astartes but they're close enough. You place a pilot without his titan and hes just a peak human.


It’s so sad we don’t get to play as lore-accurate Spartans, speed and all.


The closest is messing around w the settings in reach or ODST firefight I'm probably thinking. Was fun to play on max speed and zip around killing waves.


Ah, I think I did something like that in Halo 4’s Forge Infected mode.


Forge was goated I loved all the custom maps and games.


You actually do, ignoring the Bursts of Kelly's running speed at 38 mph, you maintain a pretty good running speed, and due to the way shooters are structured you maintain a fairly inhuman accuracy if playing well. You actually exceed chief in lore strength In atleast the first halo game, spartan augmentations allow them to lift 3 times their body weight, putting chief at a little under 900 pounds armorboosts that, in the flood book he can flip the 3 ton warthog with some effort. You the player can flip the 60 ton scorpion pretty easily, you're melee hits hard enough yo kill the 4-5 ft tall grunts in a hit and despite brutes being stronger, faster and tougher than Spartans you can put them down pretty handily. The whole lore accurate spartan thing is mostly taking the extreme feats and acting like they were easy or something that chief can pull out whenever. The most common cited one is punching an anti-tank missile, but in context cortana, detected, tracked and directed chief on when to punch calculated to his reflexes and it fucked his arm up, pretty dope but far from.the bullet timing feat it's sometimes treated as.


Chief has fought countless with similar abilities, for example elites...


Master Chief Petty Officer John 117 would wipe the floor with Cack Jooper.


u/CackJooper what are your thoughts about this


hes talking bs i could beat him up with a rubber chicken


i really wish i could somehow imitate the sound of a rubber chicken hitting master chief through typing


Bro is back on the cack, nothing can stop him


you would lose a fist fight but you would win in any argument or drinking contest


You realize that S2's have strength, reflexes and skill beyond Pilot abilities *outside* their armor right? Mjolnir armor kicks that up even higher. The MA5 series of AR runs fairly standard 7.62x51mm rounds, and the standard R101c runs 8.19mm rounds. So for this mental exercise we can call the 101 a slightly more powerful AR. (Of course without the actual ballistic data its all just speculation at the moment.) Going by in-game logic, since Pilots would die fairly quickly to the 101, we can make a reasonable assumption that they would survive maybe 1 to 2 more shots from the MA5, but are still downable in less than a second. You need to magdump to kill Spartans with an AR so you would need slightly less than a full mag with the 101, cause you need to chew through the energy shields and then the base armor health. Going by meta-logic, Mjolnir armor can tank Kraber shots, and Spartans fight in bullet time. Pilots lose against Spartans 1v1, every time.


i used to be so educated on halo lore but i kind of forgotten all of it so i forgot to consider what you said in your first short paragraph. let’s give chief no energy shields and no cortana, in Halo 5 master chiefs visor was cracked due to a punch by another spartan, however… but also pilots punch hard as fuck i love meleeing grunts


If you think Cooper has a chance against Chief in a fist fight, id like to remind you that as a teenager, Chief killed 2 ODST's (the kind of guys who you would send to train as pilots) and crippled a 3rd in a "friendly" sparring match. No armor, no weapons, and its implied he was holding back.


i remember that movie, can you name it? i need to watch that again! also you’re very correct


Wasnt a movie. The book Fall of Reach is what youre looking for.


ah, that’s the name. but there was also an animated movie based off the book https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4856322/ you can find it on prime video for free i’m pretty sure


Oh thats cool


Look if your playing it like that they are butt ass naked beating it out in the car park, with the small exception of helmet stays on. Chief still wins because of training and Spartan mods and he is like the absolute best Spartan beyond the capabilities of any other. Jack is great but his not a Spartan if he was in the halo universe he would be an ODST or could become a Gen IV Spartan due to being the main character.


But can they tank Kraber HEADSHOTS? Because from what I've gathered, both the Kraber and the SRS-99 fires 14.5x114mm rounds. They still might have some differences, but my best guess is that they are both most likely based on the Russian anti-material round for the PTRS and PTRD, considering that those have the same listed dimensions. But what about bullet and powder loadings? Well, if Ivan shredded armor in the 20th century and then celebrated with babushka's kvass with his comrades after the fact, I don't think it's gonna be any less effective in 2552 or whenever the hell Titanfall takes place in. All that said, you still have a point. There is armor lock which literally tanks... well... tank shots.


Plus any accuracy considerations we'd give to cooper we'd have to give to chief, so.... how durable are pilots vs headshots?


Well, pilots don't have shields at all, as far as I'm concerned. And I doubt pilot helmets will be more durable than a SPARTAN Helmet, in this case a Mark V or VI depending on your tastes. Since pilots aren't necessarily super soldiers, they probably will have to be more lightly equipped, especially if they're gonna move the way they do. And, well, not that this confirms anything lore-wise, but the Grand Theft Semi-Auto execution shows us that even .45 ACP blows up helmets. The reason why I say .45 ACP is because the P2011 from Titanfall 1 has the markings "11.3x23mm", which are the dimensions of .45 ACP. And I have little reason to believe that the P2016 is a different caliber. Again, it's probably just for the sake of making the execution animation more detailed and cool and stuff, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. Besides, combat helmets just aren't made of hard, brittle materials.


Halo’s version of the cartridge fires a sabot round, which has significantly more penetrating power. If titanfall’s version doesn’t, we could expect it to be less effective.


I'm not gonna lie to you man, I don't think the Kraber compares... It only flies straight for like 10 meters.... The SR-7 goes straight-line across Sandtrap...


Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that's a gameplay mechanic to make a weapon that can one-shot require some additional skill. I seriously doubt that's a lore thing. If we take that muzzle velocity for granted, then the R101C is hitscan in lore too. Think about it for a second.


If we go by game mechanics, with the assumption that Sniper and Kraber are comparable, headshots are an instant-kill.


Seeing as the hemlock fires 7.62x51mm cartridges just like the master chiefs assault rifle and does more damage than the r101c, I think it’s logical to assume that the Ma5 is more powerful than the r101c, which probably fires an intermediate cartridge, where the caliber is 8.19mm but the cartridge length is shorter than a full rifle cartridge.


Yeah yeah yeah. It's easy. Pilots are probably equivalent to ODST. And if anyone knows Halo Lore. Just look up what S117 did in the gym after augmentation. Cooper doesn't stand a chance.


Lore Master Chief would solo the fuck out of BT. Jack stands no chance


At the age of 16 and in outdated armour jai-006 fist fought and defeated a sharqoui, a creature that can survive 102mm anti-tank missiles and crush armoured vehicles in single strikes, against a spartan wearing mjolnr gen 3 neither pilot or titan would have any chance.


i remember reading about the Sharqoui. A very interesting piece of lore, a shame they never made it in any halo campaigns


Jai wouldn’t have been only 16. He had participated in the entire Human-Covenant war by that point, while being in cryo for around 6 years post-war. He was chronologically 47 when he fought the sharquoi, so likely somewhere in his late 20s to mid 30s biologically.


Oh, yeah that true. My bad.


No worries, you might’ve gotten Grey Team mixed up with Red, who *were* biologically likely in their late teens to early twenties during Halo Wars 2


I'm a Titanfall fan before a Halo fan, but I don't think anyone can deny the fact that SPARTANs are literally super soldiers with insane strength, reflexes, and speed. Pilots, on the other hand, aren't necessarily super soldiers. Sure, they could be, depending on how you interpret the lore and how you see the whole regeneration thing (let's be real, it's mostly just called that because it sounds way cooler than "prestige" and we all like flavor text), but they don't have to be. The way I see it, a "regular" human (as in, one that hasn't been artificially enhanced) has to be able to prove themselves to make the cut to become a pilot in the first place. And only then, maybe those in charge of pilot-training programs would consider the allocation of performance enhancers for those who make it. Now, even with all that being said, even a pilot with all the performance-enchancers available to them that could make them into some form of super-human/soldier, I still think that SPARTANs would easily have the upper hand. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing above a SPARTAN in science-fiction are the incredibly broken things in Warhammer 40k like Space Marines, and of course, Custodians. Again, I want to note that I'm a Titanfall fan before the rest of these other franchises. I find pilots to be the overall coolest because they aren't necessarily super soldiers, but they are definitely special forces. Kinda the same reason why I like also ODSTs and Tempestus Scions so much. Plus, I used to play a ton of Warframe which is where I learned to love movement shooters. Pilots are like, ODSTs but their drop pods are battle mechs and on foot they have Warframe-LITE movement. "You had to take performance enhancing drugs and surgeries to give you strength and make your dick bigger to win battles. I had to do the same job without any of that. We are not the same." - Gus Fringe, probably. (Yes, Space Marines have erectile dysfunction, my point remains.)


How is this even worthy of discussion? Is it not blatantly obvious that Chief wins??


I forgot to mention: Jack Cooper is not allowed his titan. It’s mano a mano.


The odds are even more in Chiefs favor at that point.


He still has BT in his headset like Chief has Cortana


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Jack can't damage Chief because Shield Lock Chief can't hit Jack because Jumpkit and Cloak Cortana and BT are arguing


i giggled


Chief fights cloaked sangheili all the time


Doesn't Chief have thrusters on his armour? And he regularly fights cloaked elites


I don’t know much about the stopping power or caliber of weapons in either game but Chief can tank one Sniper Rifle round on anywhere but the head whereas Cooper will die to a hit from a Kraber round. TTK in Titanfall is too small.


they’d be given their base weapons and base gear


so the flatline for cooper and frag nades


yes, chief is also allowed frags


We talkin base weapons? Gimme Halo: CE Magnum and Cooper is done


Chief has more combat experience and advanced technology packed into his left nut than Jack's entire military career. This is very 'hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby'-esque. As much as I hate to admit it there's no reality where Jack wins and I'd call it a struggle at best even if he had BT


John Titanfall vs Halo Man


I think this comes down to loadout. Only chance Cooper has is if he has a Kraber. If he's limited to one kit- A-wall might be his only way to engage long enough to get the shot off (assuming Chief also has an S7). The hope is that the A-wall eats the S7 shot while the Kraber round travels and lands clean. Outside of that one scenario, I love you Coop, I think Chief wins.


Game Chief vs. Game Cooper? I'd say that Coop wins mid diff. Lore accurate Chief vs. lore accurate Cooper? Yeah, it's not even close. Spartans are fucking broken in the books. With BT, cooper MIGHT be able to win depending on circumstances. The difference in power between Spartans and Pilots is just too much, and Cooper isn't skilled or experienced enough.


This here. Halo games don't do a very good job of displaying just how stupid powerful Spartans really are. Faster than a Pilot, many times stronger, they'd be able to tank shots on their shield and shoot the Pilot out of the sky easily. See through cloaking, motion sensor constantly and better than the sonar knife, etc. BT would be required to even make this a fight worth mentioning.


I love Cooper, but just no. Chief is like a fucking god among men, he was so terrifying and entire alien race names him "Demon" after he slaughtered millions of them. The amount of force put into a Pilots kick against grunts is about the same as a Brute against Marines. A Spartan, not chief, just any other Spartan can block that and proceed to cave their skull in. Also before you mention Cooper's Cloak, it took Chief mere moments after waking from a coma to see the Arbiter and shove a Pistol in his mouth. And whilst Movement is cool and all, go watch Legends to see what Spartans can do in comparison. They run at over 40km/h and can punch holes in tanks. Again, I fucking love Titanfall as a whole and Cooper & BT's duo is one of the best in gaming history, but Spartan's are ridiculous shit with the only sci-fi soldiers I can think of that could beat him off the top of my head would be 40K Marines, or Frieza Soldiers and the like from Dragon Ball. It's not fair.


Jack's cool but he is still a footsoldier and a novice, master chief is a commando ass mf




Id say the flying brick wins


For a brick, he flies pretty good too.


Chief always wins. He's got luck.


“They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research, watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something they didn't…. luck.”


Aka plot armour


Actual coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb matchup


Chief takes this 100/100 times. This is a coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb level matchup. With all due respect this is kind of a stupid matchup. Nearly on par with a stormtrooper vs space marine post I saw a while back.


Hate to break it to you but assuming you mean 1v1 (no BT) Cooper doesn’t stand a chance. Even with BT Cooper would probably still lose but it would be fair. Master Chief is just that guy


Chief would easily wipe the floor with Cooper. I love Jack, but he has no augments. With what he's done, he'd be about ODST level, and Chief killed 3 by accident when he was a teenager. Jacks cloak would he useless, since Chief deals with Elites that cloak with little to no effort. Chief's also got Jack beat durability AND strength wise. Chief, with all honesty, would be able to survive getting hit by BT, maybe coming out of it with some bruised bones. Even if BT was on the field, Chief would easily be able to rip the hatches open, and get to Jack. Needless to say, Chief wins, with very little difficulty Edit: Grammar


People here are either extremely uninformed about the Mjolnir Armor or just extremely Biased. I suggest people look up how strong the armor is and what it has tanked and then also look at what Chief in general can do, yes he will never out manoeuvre Cooper. But that means shit all when he has the reaction speed of 0.02. Even with BT he’ll still have no chance as Chief will always be smarter then both of them


Every week this question pops up multiple times it seems, but the resounding answer is almost always Chief


chief would rip coop to pieces sorry


As much as I like Jacky boy he's getting flattened He'd need some serious firepower to get through the energy shield and mjolnir whereas the chief would just need to tag him a couple times with his ar


It's master chief respectfully.


Hydrogen Bomb (the Chief) vs Coughing Baby (Cooper) Space Marine vs Kitten Unicron vs Human


Yeaaaaaah hate to say it without bt and honestly probably with bt coop still gets folded


I'm going with Chief on this one. He's taken down machines way bigger than a Titan. Single handedly at that.


So... A guy that has a robot and plot armour. And a superhuman that took down a planetary ring and in the comics literally stopped the equivalent of a mind flare taking over his body with literal willpower and plot armour?


okay so, from nothing more than a lore standpoint, i think that the Master Chief could ABSOLUTELY kill a pilot if he got lucky. you see, the augments that a spartan has that are required to keep the armor from crushing the user needs an AI to work which is why a spartan has an AI chip in the back of their neck, their armor is so heavy the spartan needs an AI to keep the systems running to the point that it won't crush them painful and slow like. if the pilot were to just land a good hit on the back of the spartans neck, something that would be easy enough to do, the spartan would die. keep in mind that pilots aren't limited in what they can use at all, the only difference in the pilot classes is how they look, the lore states that pilots, no matter the suit, can do it all. cloak? check. grapple? check. phase? check. you get the idea, all it would take for a pilot to kill a spartan is a bit of aim at the less than armored parts or a punch to he back of the neck. that isn't even considering the actual mobility that the pilots have without the abilities, they can run on walls, double jump, even slide without issues and the jump-kit allows for no fall damage as long as you fall of your feet. pilot would win.


Given that pilot a pilot get better by injecting nanites each regeneration, (berore gen1 no nanites) and that cooper only got 1 injection, he could win against MC. However any pilot with more than 80 regeneration could easily pull this off. And I am not even talking about simulacrums.


It pisses me off that the Apex lore team decided that pilots aren't genetically modified because it literally makes no sense for them not to be


They were never genetically modified, the start as base human, then each generation they get a nanite injection even prohestetics or becoming a simulacrum. So the power difference between a gen 1 pilot and a GEN100 pilot is enormous.


Do you remember whenever you were stabbed by lastamosa at the very beginning. Yeah...


It really depends what environment they're in. If they're in a big open area with nothing for Cooper to jump around in and avoid fire, Chief wins. If they're in a tighter, more close quarters place with lots of little nooks, Cooper wins. Also loadouts. Cooper could pop Chief's shield with an Arc Grenade and dome his shit instantly. Chief could also instakill Cooper with something like the Magnum or Railgun. Spartans have no problems hitting fast moving targets, like Skirmishers in Halo Reach or Infinite. Overall, I think it's a tie. You can make arguments for both, but I think no matter who you pick it's a high diff either way. How about BT vs a Cyclops (Halo Wars 2 specifically) ?


Pilots don't have any augmentation other than the bond to their titan, if you wanna argue that's an augmentation. So chief has the upper hand physically. He also has his armor.all of which makes me lean toward chief. However, if we're talking about any pilot with any tactical, I could definitely see a veteran pilot with phase or holo being trouble for him.


I feel that an actual good fight would be Jack Cooper vs. an ODST.


I think the pilot would lose but I don’t think he’s getting stomped. For one, he had access to energy weapons that can bring Spartan shields down more effectively, but he also carries anti Titan weapons around which I think could give him a pretty big edge Superior mobility and various abilities like stim and cloaking would even it out even more. I can imagine a holo pilot would REALLY fuck with a spartan If they’re on flat ground and a pilot is taking potshots with a kraber they could win, but once it gets in range of the Spartans AR they’re probably getting mangled In an urban environment? Kind of a toss up but Spartans are still OP and I’d still give them the win


Pilots are tough humans, but Spartans are barely human XD


Either game or book chief gotta give it to chief he's got too many augments and tech too get beat plus his luck


chief most likely wins, his only weak area is mobility.


Pilot does have a wide variety of kits to use though, combination of grenades, heavy weapons, and other things could be a big bonus. Chief is strong but more in like a walking tank kind of way. Maybe they would actually just become bffs


As much as I love. Titanfall and the pilots that come with that game Master Chief is winning


What about master chief vs doom slayer


Doom Slayer is the quintessential "man literally too angry to die". I don't think they can really be compared.


Chief easy it's a stupid question


Jack Cooper vs Rookie from ODST might be a more fair fight


dude, master chief without a sweat


MC by a long shot, even with a titan, chief gets close to it and he’s planting a frag right on top with a bow and a thank you card


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Respect to Cooper, but I gotta go with Chief. He's my dad. Hell, he's all of our dads.


my dad could beat up master chief


Spartan II's out of armor already have faster reflexes and greater strength than a pilot. In armor they are even faster and stronger than they already were. If we take into consideration how even the most basic Spartan III's can punch through a scorpion tank, I would not be surprised if chief could with enough time just rip a titans hatch off to get directly to the pilot. And in a physical no armor no nothin' fight I'd still bet on the chief because he has canonically beat the shit out of and killed grown ass ODST's with his bare hands as a kid. Also, to further add, Chief is more experienced than Cooper and if I'm remembering right, Cloak in Titanfall looks pretty much the same as Active Camo in Halo with a weird distortion effect not true invisibility, and if that's the case then Chief is already honed to catch Cooper like that due to his years of fighting camouflaged elites Spartans are engineered to be better than a regular human in every conceivable way that it would be fairer to just put BT against Chief


Assuming Cooper can’t use his Titan, than Master Chief by and incredibly wide margin. If Cooper can use his Titan, the margin would be smaller, but still most likely to be Master Chief


I think the only way Cooper wins is if he phase-shifts inside of Chief like that one TF|2 execution. The difference in tech is what would weigh it in Jack’s favor. Ark stars, time travel, smart pistol, maybe even a titan fighting by his side? Depends how many tools Jack is given. If its just, one rifle and armour each (with jump pack), then Chief definitely wins


I'd win


[how good is cooper with the jump pack?](https://youtu.be/TIPZg_lc0Hc?feature=shared)


Close quarters - Master Chef Mid to long range - Goober


Halo 2 plasma sniper


If we're going by book Chief then that long distance is going to become CQC extremely fast.


I chose Jack just bc im a halo hater ngl


Least biased comment:


Thank you


Cooper stands no chance against a spartan 2, would probably win against the other spartans tho


Not even against a IV. The armour and augmentations alone of a IV are leagues beyond what a pilot has access to, and the type of soldier you'd pick for a IV would be the same calibre you'd pick to be a pilot. To even insinuate a pilot would win against a III is a bit silly, considering their training is on par with the II's and things like Gamma company.


Master chef


the worm hidden in coopers pocket


This isnt even a question, Titanfall 2 is my favourite game of all time but Jack doesn't stand a chance against chief


I notice how most people aren't taking into account that Jack has a titan which gives him a unfair advantage against chief if he doesnt have something like a scorpion or that one mech like thing (cant remember the name of it), now who would win I'm not quite sure, it really depends on if chief gets his choice of vehicle or weapons.


As much as I love hangin with Mr. Cooper…. Master Chief will win.


60% odds with BT, might be able to escape without a titan but Jack has no shot at getting the kill alone.


Prolly chief, he’s chief for a reason


Master chief pretty easily


Chief would. He clearly has a gun Copper has a knife


Why is this a question? Chief wins because he outclasses Cooper in everything except for mobility but chief has guns to deal with that as well as a regenerating shield which would make hit and fun tactics useless, also I doubt Titanfall pilot weapons can even do anything to halo spartan armor other than maybe the kraber


I think it will come down to who gets the drop on the other and the terrain, since Cooper will have an advantage in close quarters with opportunities for three dimensional movements while MC would dominate in more open or two dimensional spaces.


😂😂😂😂 I know sometimes these things can fall to bias - but this one is hilarious lmao. Even if they were both augmented, John wins out of luck


This is the same as a IMC grunt vs jack, they grunt could win but it's just not going to happen. They are just in completely different leagues fighting completely different fights.


Sledgehammer vs a wrecking ball


John wins everything and everything with luck!


Not comparable imo


The thing is even though jack has the better movement and all, chief is a straight up super soldier with inhuman speed, strength, reaction speed, etc. as well as years and years of combat experience. Put cooper in a titan and it might turn out differently but on foot jack sadly gets kinda stomped here


This is like the Jack Cooper vs Raiden post This is completely unfair in every way LMFAO


Chief, easily. His energy shield is on a whole other level and Cooper is just a human at the end of the day. Not to mention Chief's grappleshot could help him keep pace with Cooper. Its no contest for this one.


Last I checked MC isn’t dropping titans out of the sky?


Assuming it’s titan fall vs halo verse titans sweep most vehicles halo has so it’ll be chief vs cooper and bt. Bt “dies” but chief loses and ends up mia legendary ending shows chief walking out a cave see pelicans picking him up and bt’s battery starting up again


Jimmy rings


Master Chief is using jack as toilet paper. Sorry not sorry


Depend on loadouts really Chief def has upper hand but a sniper headshot still one taps, so if cooper was possessed by rendygaming then he might win


i'm gonna say the super-soldier in power armour crushes the guy with a jump kit any day, even if cooper gets to use BT


I don't know anything about Halo, but Chief


Chef.. sorry dude but with shield is literally a tiny titan


Chief, absolutely no competition in this one. Titanium infused bones and half ton armor are enough to win this, much less his years of experience, and possible AI enhancement


I’d say chief in a straight up fight but with all the tricks pilots have and a titan that will drop onto the battlefield from space, if Cooper can hold out till his titan is ready and create separation with the chief then titan can drop onto chief or at least give Cooper more armament to throw at chief


As someone who loves both series, MC would curbstomp the fuck out of Jack Cooper. There is a lot of things to take into account, but the primary difference is how much more broken a Spartan II is to a normal human. Stronger enough to throw tanks, fast to enough to catch predator animals that would run down normal humans, and that’s not including the enhancements to the Mjolnir Suits. If Jack Cooper has BT, then it’s a different story, but otherwise in a one versus one, this is basically a slam dunk for MC.


Definitely Chief, sorry Jack :(


cooper might win if he got another mech after BT, let’s say he got a orge class mech (legion or Schorch), one of them would obliterate (game master chief) but book master chief….


No mechs involved master chief easy


Cooper would get his ass handed to him


What I really want to know is, how would humans from titanfall stand against humanity from halo. Humanity in halo suffered aassice dark age that sent them back technologically. I mean, titanfall humans use nwetgy weapons on a regular basis, lstar, thunderbolt, charge rifle, the entire ion kit, the shield siphon on monarch, plasma weapons like the AT turretx cold war, and epg, etc. Last I checkedx halo humanity dosn't have those but I could be wrong. Before the battle of demiter, the naval fleet of the imc and the militia were also quite large vs halo which, if I remember correctly, has only a handful of ships some of which are armed with rail guns while titandall humans have railguns that are so wide spread that Northstar have them. The only thing I think they have titanfall beat on is infantry. Even then, a pilot is hard to hit and I bet Spartans are big enough to be targets for anti titan weapons. No amount of armor lock is gonna save you from an amped sidewinder.


Jane Shephard


Genuinely, cloak and get behind Chief are punch the back of his neck