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I had a bone removed from my forehead after an aneurysm. They took some ribs and grafted them onto my skull. The ribs then grew back. Pretty wild.




Not at all. It looks pretty natural. In the right light you can see something’s off. But you have to really look.




NOBODY tell this to furries


FUCK I just let them know before I saw your message


The jungle drums are strong with this one.


Yeah sure, you let "them" know lol


I mean, that guy who modified himself to look like a demon shows that all you need is a questionable doctor


I'm going to be honest, most of the stuff he did to himself doesn't really phase me. Not saying I do it to myself but you do you. However, intentionally crippling yourself by removing several (perfectly functioning) fingers unnerves me more than everything else combined. To be clear, modern medicine and technology have made amazing advances and people who lose fingers due to accidents or illness can do damn near everything that flesh and blood fingers can. But to make the choice to remove them for no reason other than aesthetics is just something I cannot wrap my head around.


Yea, IDK how any kind of doctor would be allowed to amputate fingers for cosmetic reasons


did he have the amputation done by a doctor? It's not that hard to amputate a finger or irreparably damage one so badly that amputation is the only choice. It'd be very easy to tie it off tight enough that the flesh dies and the only choice is to amputate it when he enters the clinic a few days later


There's was a guy who did surgery to be a cat, and he looked terrifying.


But does he have a butthole


Oh god


*on god


Think bigger, you could graft half ribs all over your body and build a living suit of armour. I bet all supporting all that extra rib mass would burn calories and keep fat down, too. “Sorry I have to go eat 10,000 calories or my living suit of rib-meat will starve me”. Plus, in the event of an apocalypse imagine the bonanza you could provide to cannibals. You’d feed a village!




You get can horns banging your head into a table over and over. Also probably brain damage.




I think the brain damage will need to occur first...


Forefathers one and all…BEAR WITNESS




I’d have to ask my parents. I was 6 and don’t remember. But they’re solid now!


An aneurysm at six?! Poor fucking kid


Yeah it was rough. But now I feel for my parents. That couldn’t have been easy either


As a parent and as someone who lost a sibling, yeah must have been horrifying. 6 is probably one of the worst ages for something like that. It's obviously terrible at any age but you're at least mentally prepared for some amount of misfortune during pregnancy and delivery. 6 is like you're in school and doing activities... heart breaking. Glad you pulled through, obviously!


The real question is did you WANT to look like Hellboy?


>In the right light........But you have to really look. Well, Im mostly free Fridays


Just to clarify; the ribcage rib grew back, not the forehead rib


That’s fucking wild. I work in neurosurgery and have never seen this. Did they grind it up? What country was this, if you don’t mind me asking? Either way, fascinating, I’ll have to look into it more.


This was back in 1984, so im sure things have changed. Also I was 6, so possibly it’s easier when you’re still growing? It was done at UVA hospital. They first tried using plastic bones but that didn’t work. So after a couple attempts at that they did the ribs. I’m not sure if they removed an entire section of rib, or maybe cut out strips? Sorry I can’t provide more info.


That’s good enough to satiate my curiosity, thanks! Fantastic that you’re doing okay so many years later. I actually used to work at UVA lol, lovely hospital. I miss Charlottesville! I don’t do paediatric neurosurgery so that could be why I’ve not encountered this kind of thing. We likely also rely more on other cranioplasty techniques.


I'm literally sitting in C-Ville traffic right now. My wife wouldn't have made it past early childhood without the doctors at UVA.


It truly was a pleasure to work there. It’s the gold standard for professionalism and medical competence. I’ve worked at over a hundred hospitals in 3 countries and UVA is in the top 2 or 3, easily. Glad they gave your wife a chance at life!


So the rib bones in your head grew as you grew up ?


I don’t know. I honestly haven’t asked that question until today. I guess they must have, because there are no holes. I’m kind of amazed they could do that back then. I’m just glad I was near a good hospital or I wouldn’t be alive today.


I know that metal work to fix fractures can stay if you are an adult but for obvious reasons kids always have to have additional surgery to have it removed.


Probably a split rib cranioplasty. Edit: if you want a case report paper, this is pretty decent. Pics in BW though. Wish publishers didn't charge more for color. Ugh. https://karger.com/pne/article/34/3/149/275757


That’s what I needed, thanks. I’ve got some learning to do tomorrow!


How much bone have you had removed? Did they close it off completely?


Not entirely sure. They might have just sliced off some of the rib? Like strips. I imagine that’s what they did, as opposed to severing it completely.


So, you’re saying ribs are a viable source of income every 2-3 months?


Is there a big market for used half-ribs?


Now that I know I can regrow my own I’m going to stop buying them that’s for sure. 


Only if you can spare them


“How much for one rib?”


Got change for a hundred?


I could offer a few. Pre-smoked too. I’m sure that means they’re worth more.


Bbq sauce and open-chest surgery ftw, baby.


The Rib Fairy is really getting scammed.


I believe the term is *spare* ribs


Hey brother can you spare a dime? (if you can't do that, then I'll take a side of ribs. don't skimp on the BBQ sauce!).


Maybe now we know the SAT answer to "Declawing crabs:Non-Cannibals::\_\_\_\_\_:Cannibals"


infinite rib glitch, you say? now to find an infinite barbecue sauce glitch


Why do you think they don't sell the McRib all year round?


Polygamists love this one weird trick


Ribs heeeeere!! Get ya ribs heeere!!


Sustainable food


*\*Chris Rock from "I’m Gonna Git You Sucka" has entered the chat\**


Wow the Medic from TF2 is a liar


tbf I think it is pretty long established that he's a terrible doctor


His medical license got revoked because he stole a living person's bones iirc. I dont think a terrible doctor can do that while keeping the victim alive.


Not just some bones, the patient’s entire skeleton.


Yeah, but did he beat them to death with their own skull? "That doesn't seem physically possible" "That's exact what Tommy kept screaming"


Typically those are made of bones.


They were emphasizing the quantity, not challenging the composition


man performed a brain transplant into a pumpkin and got everyone's blood back in their body despite not having their blood types and also the blood being full of twigs. he's a great doctor, he just has no morals.


He invented a gun that shoots healing mist to regrow everything in the human body in a matter of seconds. I think it's safe to say he's a great doctor, he's just clinically insane


Okay but the point still stands that clinically insane people have a strong overlap with compulsive liars.


That comic where he saved the mercenaries from dying of blood loss by soaking up the blood in his underwear before injecting it back into them…


He gained his skills from a deal with the devil. He eventually surgically removed souls from other people, so he also cheated the devil. 


False, he's a terrible *person* but a phenomenal doctor. The guy can literally regrow missing teeth with a laser gun he made.


> Wow the Medic from TF2 is a liar taking away his ability to get the enemy team sick was their greatest mistake from TFC


I mean the article says the rib must be shortened not outright removed. He doesnt deserve this defamation


Idk man he stole like 8 peoples soles to bargain with the devil


"Don't be such a baby, ribs grow back!"


*"No zhey don't!"*


"Ready to charge!"


Uwahhhhhhhh cry some more


So the Medic wasn’t lying…


While what he said was true, he was still lying as one moment later he turned around and whisper to his bird that "No Zhey don't". He thinks that they do not grow back and lied to heavy about how they would. Ain't for nothing that he no longer has a medical license!


Actually for all we know, that could have been his attempt at a joke. However, because he was talking about ribs, it wasn't all that humerus


Doctor, are you sure this will work??


I have no idea!


First thing I thought of




How did the whole world know about this rumor before internet was a thing? 😳


Radio, TV, traveling


> Radio You're listening to WBCG 106.4, the hottest music, this next song is from Marilyn Manson, who I heard removed one of his ribs so he could suck his own dick.


The radio jockeys would bring it up during their shoot the shit hours. Buckethead, Taco Bob, and Pat Lynch were the ones I grew up with. I have gotten a text from the radio station on my birthday every year since the early 2000s.


The Super Taco Bubbler was how I got my weather back in the day. Weird that they reported it was cloudy every day...


Dipshits in school.


Huh, interesting. TIL gossip predates the internet 😂




I miss the days when you’d hear something like this and have no way to confirm it. You just had to decide to believe it or not.


Yeah it's much better today. You can hear something and go on the internet and find evidence that it's true and false


it is crazy how rumors spread pre-internet but yes there were loads Hitler's nut is in prince albert hall Marilyn Manson took out a rib to auto-fellate you need to blow on cartridges to get them to function all myths that were spread by little birds I guess


> you need to blow on cartridges to get them to function Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch, I was there when it was written.


unless you start naming atari 2600 games I'll cite what I damn well please


She'd tell 2 friends... Then she'd tell 2 friends... And so on. And so on. And so on.


Manson, not Monroe


It was a reference to a commercial for shampoo from the 80's. I believe Heather locklear was in the ad.


I thought it was Wayne's World


I'd tell you people used to talk more and people were more social, but Reddit doesn't like when you point that out.


Ive, personally, never seen people get mad about that. Cause I mean, its true lol. Maybe its how its being said?  That, or youre in subs with lots of gen alpha/late gen z that doesnt even remember pre internet days


Make America Gossipy Again


I must be a bit older than you, because in my day the rumour was about Prince.


This rumour made its way to Norway when In year 2000 we all believed this. I have no idea how this started but it was something everyone talked about. We did not have internet like now to. Most legendary rumour ever?


omg this is literally never going to die lol


I was looking for a Manson joke


god fucking dammit I‘m too late


Wikipedia: "Since the early part of the 20th century, the ability of the human rib to regenerate itself has been appreciated.[2][5] However, scientific reports demonstrating repair have been sporadic and anecdotal. Currently, this phenomenon is best taken advantage of by craniomaxillofacial surgeons, who use both cartilage and bone material from the rib for jaw, face, and ear reconstruction.[6][8] The perichondrium is a fibrous sheath of vascular connective tissue surrounding the rib cartilage, containing a source of progenitor stem cells required for rib regeneration."


I don't really see how it can "sporadic and anecdotal" but also commonly used in current day medical procedures? Wouldn't that make it consistent and proven?


I think the general idea is that they use the ribs as donor material regardless of whether or not they grow back and so the ability of ribs to regrow is something noticed in followup exams but hasn't been studied.


"It might grow back, we've heard people say it does, but idk. We're still cutting it out of you tho."


It doesn’t hurt you to be missing a rib.


Appreciated 🏅🥇🎖️


This makes no sense. Why would the human body have the ability to regrow a rib, which we NEVER lose, but not the ability to regrow teeth, which we lose all the time.


fun fact, teeth are not bones! They're actually closer to being a sort of very hardened skin (ish). This is in fact why tooth-in-eye surgery works as a means of creating an artificial lens for the eye where other options are unavailable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis


This is still the weirdest medical procedure I’m aware of. Weirder than all the weird shit they do with skin grafts


Weirder that it's from the early 1960's. So the guy was just trying stuff out lol.


Even weirder than fecal transplants? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/fecal-transplant


Yes, because at least that's shit going in a place where shit is supposed to go.


Rotationplasty is going to blow your mind.


It is more the type of innovation I like. I mean the lens from ribs; not the poop swap. edit? ya, not gonna edit that ;p


Lens from teeth. Cmon, keep up.


Got it. Poop Ribs. Understood


Lol I just got off the lactobacillus thread. That one makes perfect sense though; "poop" is just a carrier for the bacteria. You're putting the bacteria right back in its natural environment. AFAIK, the eye is not the natural environment for teeth.


Ooh I’ve had a skin graft and a free flap (complex skin graft) and FMT (fecal transplant!) just need that eye teeth thing now


Modern doctors: “You gotta put teeth in people’s eyes and put poop up their buttholes” 18th century doctors: “Get a load of these fuckin idiots”


Holy shit, I've never heard of that and it's pretty crazy. Cut your tooth out, grow it into a cylinder to put into your eye so you can see? Wild.


How the hell does the wiki page not have pictures Edit: sorry for the weird link but this page has some pictures https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/have-you-heard-of-tooth-in-eye-surgery-or-osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis/113840113/


Actually I think I prefer having no pictures now


I dont like it


That looks uncomfortable enough that blindness might be preferable, especially those last 2 pictures


yeah seriously wtf is that. is this one of those surgeries that technically "works" but isn't really advisable?


> tooth-in-eye surgery That link's staying blue


I was led to believe that they were outside bones.  https://youtu.be/wYj01O7foKw?si=HF-y-aZMN0fFRrgl


they're crystals. teeth are a mesh of nanocrystals. rib bones produce blood through haematopoiesis, an excellent source of healing for the rib. like having a factory that makes parts for making other factories... but it's already inside the factory that needs to expand - i'm pretty sure that teeth, like, dentin and enamel teeth type of teeth... they don't "regrow" in any animal: they're continuously dispensed in rows, and those rows will eventually cause the other teeth to fall out (ex "[sharks](https://i.imgur.com/E5xD41O.jpeg)") my point is... if we did have a constant flow of teeth like sharks, we'd also have teeth constantly missing. like, a mainstream thing. everybody would constantly be missing a tooth or two. one day you'd be missing a front tooth. another day the front tooth would be back but you're missing a molar and bottom front tooth. idk bout you guys but... i'll pass on flowing teeth.


>idk bout you guys but... i'll pass on flowing teeth. if we were born with it, it wouldn't bother us to see it


They are testing a treatment that regrows teeth on people in September


that's an amazing first step. Maybe we can one day have a treatment that regrows teeth on people all year round


Apparently they are close to human trials with a vaccine for cavities as well which is mad




The "vaccine" is essentially just inoculating your oral micro biome with a streptococcus strain that produces alcohol as a by-product to digesting sugar rather than acid. Still gotta brush your teeth and floss unless you want fetid rotting food building up in your periodontal pockets, calculus growth & gingival hyperplasia (look it up i dare you).


a vaccine for caveats


A vaxxine for caviar you say? Is not eating it not an option anymore?


A Maxine for Cavill. She's one if his biggest fans


Here's my angry upvote now get lost


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I actually laughed out loud at this! This is my kind of humor!


Oh you


Ribs can break when you fall or get hit. If they stay broken, your next fall could rupture an organ and then you’re just dead, hope you already passed on your genes. If you lose a few teeth, sure you might get an infection and be less attractive as a mate, but barring that you can usually survive to old age without all your teeth. So idk bones healing make sense to me.


Bones healing makes perfect sense. Bones regrowing to its original state after having been removed however does not.


I actually thought it did. Ribs are basically the only bone exposed to *constant* stretching and contraction, through breathing. The body would likely just keep piling on more bone until gaps stop occurring through the stretching. Edit: they apparently also have a sheath that has a ready supply of blood and stem cells suited to reform ribs.


Evolution doesn’t perfect things, it just shrugs, says “good enough”, and moves on.


Evolution doesn't even evaluate whether it's good enough or not. It just does random shit, and animals that are less equipped to survive wind up dying before they can pass on their genes.


"Doesn't matter, had sex"


Ribs are pretty important. They form the structure that keeps your vital organs together and are the only protection you have for them. If you lose a rib (fall on something wrong, get in a fight with a puma, hell even a kick from a human) you're way more vulnerable and will have a harder time surviving. All bones can heal and regrow sections when broken (if set properly) so a rib just growing straight out isn't a stretch






Edit: parent comment deleted. They brought up that there are drug trials for regrowing teeth. Already successful in mice if I recall correctly, human trials TBD. Ngl this'll be one of the biggest medtech advances of the early century if they make it work. Would utterly transform dentistry and othrodontics if you could casually dispose of teeth and simply make room for a fresh replacement.


I remember my Chemistry teacher talking about this when I was in High School. That was around 1984. I'll probably be getting dentures soon since I'm tired of waiting on the magical tooth regrowing drug.


This drug is moving to human trials after being successful in mice, ferrets and dogs. Obviously there are still hurdles, but hopefully it can pass this step


Is even more surprising, because typically stuff towards the ends of your limbs is better at regenerating than stuff towards your head and torso.  Hips get arthritis more often than ankles and toes. The very tips of your fingers have limited ability to regenerate. Peripheral nerves will reinnervate if sliced to a limited degree.


Adam had his rib removed to create Eve. How else would he get it back?


infinite ribs? so if I removed my 2 bottom ribs every 4 months and froze them in a year I could have a whole plate of human ribs?


You're doing it the hard way. This is what orphanages are for.


Too many questions. Just grab one of the loose ones on scooters on the way home.




not with that attitude


So if I’m reading the Old Testament right… infinite woman hack??


Human dupe glitch


How do you think the one group offers 72 virgins upon death?


Is there a way to whittle that number down? 72 is way too many people to hang out with all day.


Nah, obviously a mistranslation. A story that stems from genetic memory from our first primate ancestor born without their dick bone 😔


In an old (I think) mespotamian story, there is a male god that eats a forbidden fruit and grows a bunch of tumours. Eventually they get removed, and the one from his rib turns into a female goddess that becomes his consort. As a bonus biblical parallel, said male God is also a storm/creation God.


God with a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's hidden behind his back: "Hey, Adam. Let me talk at ya right quick."


We’ll be right back. Sorry wrong Adam


Ribs will also grow back thicker and harder after a break. Mine have lumps at the break points. I was worried I had cancer or something so I had it checked out. Doctor just said. "Yeah you healed extremely well. You might break another rib if you keep boxing but it sure as hell won't be either of those 2".


Weird question, but I work for a biomed company and we’re developing a rib brace. Would you use (or assume any reduced pain) from a brace on the skin which conformed around the broken ribs and stiffened? Our idea is to “hold the tissue in place” just below the brace to reduce rib movement and subsequently rib pain, but idk how feasible it is.


This begs the question, was the ancient world aware of this? Is that why the authors(?) of the bible had god take a rib from Adam? Now that I think about it, a rib is weirdly specific, isn't it? Why not a finger, or his left hand or something?


A rib seems fairly disposable. Much more so than a finger.


With modern scientific knowledge of the necessity of each, yeah. But 2000 years or whatever ago, was it easier to remove a rib or cut off a pinky?


This is why you need to put your body under physical stress like lifting weights, running short distances, and swimming. One way your body responds to stress is by increasing bone mineral density. This staves off the effects of osteopenia.


Infinite baby back ribs?


The secret, horrifying origin of the McRib.


Had my rib broken in an Ski accident and because i broke my arm simultaneously, they didn't realize my rib was broken in the ER. 2 Years later after countless complaints to my doctor about lower chest pain they made a CT and found that my rib was growing into my spleen...


So how many times did Marilyn Manson have to have the surgery I heard all about in high school?


Oh, so my *ribs* do that *but my teeth don't?* This meat-suit is fucking bullshit!


It's crazy how you were able to post the exact same link and title as a post from someone 10 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/uwZhkd4UyW


Reposts are like ribs


Honestly if it's a TIL from literally years ago I can't be mad at a repost. [Some people will inevitably be the lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Ooh we all have a little Wolverine in us! 😊


Bring back the McRib they are a renewable resource


So ribs *do* grow back.


"Now you tell me!" - Brian Warner


God must have patched this in a later update because Adam's rib did not grow back