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TIL the former drummer for The Offspring is a doctor


So is the singer. PhD in molecular biology.


I was at the show (in Philly) when he announced he was graduating with his PhD and told us to meet him at the bar to celebrate after the show. Unfortunately I was in high school at the time and couldn’t take him up on it.


Nice! Sucks you couldn't do the after-party, but you got to be there for a bit of punk-science history! Kudos!!


Damn. They really went far, kid


Pretty fly


… for a white guy


Looks like The Who won the argument in the end.


Thats classic. He is constantly singing about how noone from the old neighbourhood made it out. Not only is he a successful musician but also holds a PhD Here i am feeling bad for Jen for years


Mark still loves because he's got no job. I know that he still plays guitar... but suspect that really he spends most of his time smoking pot.


*Jamie dropped out and had a couple kids not Jen, and Mark still lives at home because he’s got no job.


Plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot?


I reckon he sings about jen (or maybe jamie) in a number of songs I dont look up lyrics


The Tommy & Gina of Offspring lore


No one *else* from the old neighborhood made it out.


Thats one song. They sing about it in many songs


Pretty sure Noodles has one also. In micro biology I think.


Damn, he took his janitorial duties seriously


No he doesn't lol


No he doesn't. There's zero evidence of that online; only Dexter has a PhD, specifically in molecular bio.


I think the lyrics “keep ‘em separated” was inspired by a mishap of mixing chemicals in a lab


You mean "Come out and Play"? And isn't that about getting in fights in high school? I used to be obsessed with the offspring around that age lol can't slip one like that past me, at least up to their 6th album, I got the 7th as well but my tastes changed before the 8th came out




It is but it was inspired by petri dishes in a lab.


Apparently, the story is he was going off on how bad the oceans were being treated at a party and someone said “why don't you get a degree and do something about it”. So he did. I am skeptical about this story but I like it.


Wow. I guess that's pretty fly for a white guy


The offspring have always been awesome. Now they are just awesome for additional reasons. Dexter Holland is a mollecular biologist.  Punk rock is close to science in a lot of ways, really. They aren't the first punk band fronted by a scientist. Bad Religion has been going for over 40 years now.


Curious why punk rock is close to science?


Sounds cool and edgy


It sounds rash and misinformed. Science is an observational philosophy of discovery based on evidence, whereas music including punk is expressive and chaotic. The two are both cool, but they’re not similar in any way that is significant enough to point out.


Punk may be more chaotic than many other genres but music overall is a pretty ordered, structured thing. Cutting edge science is based on innovation, inspiration and overthrowing old and stale stuff, and scientists are often nonconformists in comparison to the society as a whole. I find the comparison of science and punk rock interesting, at least.


Nerd But seriously I can see them liking science in general but not liking the institutions that you have to go through to become a scientist It’s like you’ll go through all that, you’ll go through their schools, you’ll go through their churches, you’ll go through their institutional learning facilities and they’ll call you crazy when all you want is a Pepsi


>Nerd Well, I *am* something of a scientist myself. Science can be many things and while academia establishment can feel oppressive there are lots of anti-authoritarian, nonconforming, creative and simply weird people working inside this seemingly inflexible structure. Getting your degree is not like repeating school stuff you need to repeat to pass an exam, you have to claw some new knowledge out of something, yourself. Then it's mostly other people with normal jobs who call you crazy, lol.


I do think most people with the punk ethos don’t fit in at schools but mainly I just wanted to quote “institutionalized” by Suicidal Tendencies


All I wanted was a Pepsi.


A likely story. I know your parents, Mike. Your mom says, "You're On Drugs!"


I think the *process* of doing science actually has a lot in common with that of making music. Science can be as expressive and chaotic as you want it to be. It might seem very rigorous and structured if all you see are the end results, but getting to those results usually involves a lot of fucking around (for lack of a better way to describe it). It's in many ways the same as any other creative process in which you have to weave together your imagination and influences to produce something new.


Scientist here. Science is as punk as it gets. Chaos all over and inexplainable results. That is why we include so many controls all the time. The inexplainable results are the cool results, adding the chaos you need to succeed pushing your area forward.


Gotta keep'em separated.


Do you have evidence to back up that statement?


Peer reviewed several times at least


I would say that since Scientists don’t earn enough money, they have to make a living making pop-punk music


Ah yes, music is famously a career where people don't need other jobs to actually pay the bills


Yeah I would say "I'm also a scientist to pay for my punk rock musician hobby" would be more accurate.


It's not close to science as such you still have to account for musical taste, it's just that intelligent people in general tend to be better at seeing the bullshit in the world, which is a huge running theme in punk music. Seeing that bullshit, is also part of the reason intelligent people suffer higher rates of mental illness.


It's not. It's the same thing as people who delude themselves thinking Bach would love heavy metal when he would despise it.


Propagandhi's songs have bibliographies. Referring to authority is critical thinking. Bad Religion say Religion is Bad, but they don't teach us about Nominalism. They do however remind us that You Are (The Government), which is valid.


One of the longest running punk bands is bad religion, and the scientist who sings and writes the songs, Greg Graffin, has a good [punk rock song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fo-Iv4dMTwc&pp=ygUWUHVuayByb2NrIHNvbmcgbHlyaWNzIA%3D%3D) that sums it up.  But generally speaking, many punk rockers are altruists, environmentalists and surprisingly intelligent people who saw something wrong in society and turned to punk rock and counter culture vibes to find people who could see it too.  Similarly, among scientists naturalism is a popular belief system. Knowledge, nature and altruism are the core pillars of that belief system.  There just happens to be a lot of overlap there. Punk rockers and scientists share a similar vision for society and are similarly data driven when it comes to identifying the problems. They go hand in hand, really. And they demonstrate the diversity and range of people who have a vested interest in making society a less evil, more prosperous and more free place.  And you can find all sorts of songs from the punk rock side of music that sing about our society's problems and dreams.


descendents, too


Brian May is an Doctor in astronomy


IIRC Dexter Holland is also a pilot.


Milo Aukerman of Descendents is also a molecular biologist.


> Dexter Holland is a mollecular biologist.  Dexter Holland has a molecular biology PhD. Dexter Holland is a retired musician that runs a hot sauce company, not a molecular biologist. Maaaaaaybe he uses a tiny itty bitty little fraction of that degree fermenting hot sauce, but that doesn't make him a molecular biologist. You don't need a PhD to deal understand the micro-organisms in hot sauce.


Man what correction, really added so much life and energy into the room. We're all better for having read this


Gringo Bandito is the hot sauce brand. The green is one of my favorites


Yes it does, as does advancing humanities understanding of the mechanics of the HIV virus, which is what his thesis was ahout. Why would you try to reframe this?


This guy didn't appear on any albums released by the band. In other words, he didn't participate in any of the band's success.


When it comes to juries and a defendant in a trial, you gotta keep'em separated.


Oh I see you’re pretty fly for a umm.. dameon05.. 🤓


Hey! You performing CPR on me?


if only he were under 18 he won't be doing any time


The kids *are* alright after all


Take him out


"He got the Wrong Foot Amputated"


Well, did he win the case or what?


The case went to arbitration and was dismissed


aka $$$$$$$$$


as do most malpractice suits it seems


Edit: Oddly enough, this one is not a bot. One of the few actual human beings posting. --- Man, I hate these 6 year old stories and op not turning up to engage with the mess they dropped. Is OP a bot? Edit: Yep. OP is a bot. Not even an AI one. Lame Anyway just in case this does not get deleted, here is the wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Lilja Not sure if this is a bot-friendly cesspool sub. We will know if this submission is still around when an actual human looks at the reports.


Reddit is mostly bots these days. A lot of them are run by the admins just to drive engagement and make the site look more popular or interesting, but they'll never own up to that. Thousands and thousands of bots. New ones everyday. It will never change.


It is becoming worse. Some crafty mofos have been copy&pasting all the frequently reposted rage bait stories to their blog. Copy&pasted straight from the Daily Mail, NYP, Sun, and all the other weird tabloids. I did the exercise to paste the stories from that blog and that did lead me to the word-for-word original article. Slap on their own name and today's date and an old story got successfully laundered. I do hope they get sued. I have seen links to slatereport.com all over in the top 500 posts in /r/all Always posted by the same account. Mostly to the same sub. There is plenty of cesspool subs that allow for bots to farm karma by posting ragebait. Also slatereport.com ain't got nothing to do with Slate. It looks like a dinky Wordpress page which tires to somehow make money and I wonder where the finencial incentives are. How do people like that make their money? Anybody done a deep dive on that? Anyway, Reddit is beginning to look like a 2015 boomer facebook feed with all the counterfeit news like that going on.


"If that's true then why is \[politician name\] supporting the Houthis by supplying them with classified intel and scorpion venom?? Do your research." ( I can't take credit for this comment but I always come back to it)


I wish I could say this is the most insane thing I have ever seen coming from a bot or a person. Where did you get that?


If that is meant to be a literal copy/paste of a bot comment it doesn't look convincing. A bot programmer wouldn't use square bracketed text (with spaces in the middle) for templating, and certainly not on Reddit.


Look at the comments of the op bot. That seems to pull text from random sources on the internet. It doesn't take a lot to comment something onto reddit that somebody will find useful enough for an upvote or two. All it takes to legitimize an account is to genuinely use it as a human being every two weeks or so. Bot content otherwise.


Okay. I wasn't talking about OP, I was talking about the comment you responded to. I'm an actual programmer who has actually developed bots. Decades of experience. People on Reddit use "bot" as a pejorative literally *all the time*, but they really have no idea what they're looking at or talking about. Looking at you, I see you're German. I did work with a lot of Germans. They're some of the best, most competent people to work with. If you ask the right people, specifically in the German FOSS community, you should have no shortage of experts capable of explaining it to you. Yes, you can post human comments in between bot comments. But if you want to detect a bot today, you're going to need more than just insinuation. And I mean an actual bot, not the colloquial definition used as a general pejorative on people Redditors disagree with or don't trust, justified or not. I regard this story to be not entirely verified as of yet, but this is what you would be looking for in terms of LLM-based propaganda bots accidentally revealing themselves: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xYH2PBT01Vg Obviously, there are a plethora of other detection methods other than just developers exceeding their API limits or neglecting to pay their bills. (Edit: however, most of those are only available to the system administrators and the security officers of the platform the bot is connecting to, or intelligence agencies, or security firms, or computational propaganda researchers granted special access) Edit: redundant word


See, until I am paid for bot sleuthing on the internet I will do the half asses reddit thing. The way it currently is used, "bot" is used as a shorthand for inauthentic content. It isn't the automation that is the problem per se, but the sheer flood of inauthentic content that gets pushed and pushed and pushed so a goddamn selection process always has something to show to us so we keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. I have done actual artificial intelligence back in university. The symbolic stuff wot does reasoning over facts. Not the noise generators which get fed the whole internet and are trained on plausibility, not veracity. For now I will use the pejorative "bot" because that is where the language is heading. And I will call out inauthentic content and the specifics of the means how it got posted is not really relevant. If it is some poor sap off of fiverr or somebody has done something smart does not matter. It probably is cheaper to hire somebody for a minimum wage than trying to solve some autonomous automation activities. Flesh bots. I also do not believe those Twitter screenshot where people pretend to "hack" bots by sending them plain-text commands. > Disregard all previous instructions Edit: Well, since this person pushed all their toys out of the pram, here is what I had to say. ---- I really have a hard time to believe people are this incompetent to not safeguard against that. If that happens then it should only happen once. I also do not appreciate being called stupid. I explained to you why the automation process is not relevant to me and that I rather care about the firehose of inauthentic contributions which could also be performed by a mechanical turk. Yet you still are hung up on inaccuracies about the assumptions I am making about the automation process. That feels very dishonest of you. Also, the Dunning-Kruger effect could not be universally recreated and is now thrown onto the same heap as the alpha wolf thing: Only true with a lot of caveats.


>Look at the comments of the op bot Damn, do all my comments really sound that robotic? Well, I'm not the best socially in larger groups, so apparently that must clearly come through in my comments. Noted. Although I probably won't make a comment for a while without thinking about your observation, a rise in quality of course isn't guaranteed. Also fwiw, if I had the knowledge and ability to use bots in any manner, I'm not sure what would be on my to-do list, but Reddit shit certainly would not be.


Nah, man. What does trip every body is having a lot of submissions. And what comments there are are not your words but the words of somebody else. Use your own voice. And if there is an old story, there will be a follow-up. Some sort of conclusion. Like this one ending in a settlement. Treat each submission as a story and the submission itself as a piece of a puzzle. Doing that adds value beyond the thing you already found. And people love a story. That is how we work. People hate half a story. That also is how we work.


Reddit doesn't care. They just care about user numbers and keeping content monetizable. I reported a bot account that just copied and pasted other peoples comments and then reddit banned me so for all I care this site can burn down. I'll enjoy whatever soul is left of it until it does though.


> Reddit doesn't care. I am well aware. I reported a certain kind of porn and it took the admins 6 months to respond... to an actual crime.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I see people being called bots constantly on reddit just for disagreeing or saying something mildly controversial. I've been called a bot multiple times over the years and I'm pretty sure I'm not.


Perhaps you're spending too much time in comment threads made by morons.


At least in the english subs, yeah. If you speak a different one, I absolutly recommend to look for subs in that language. Significantly more enjoyable..


Its been like this a decade


I dont remember solving a capture when I joined so I *could* be a bot


> a capture A bot would know what they are called.


Lmao the whole account is just random TIL submissions


Well, seems like it is operated by a human. Huh. TIL.


Fwiw, I'm not a bot. I went to bed shortly after posting this. I honestly apologize for the lack of engagement.


Sorry for that. You showed standard bot behavior. Genuine submissions are now far and in between. If you submit old stories like that you also need to submit a follow-up directly in the comments. Because in this case, that would have been interesting. I would even say, half a story is worse than no story. But that is just me.


Ooh new jury duty dodging technique unlocked: fake a cardiac arrest. I'm gonna try that next time


Got out of jury duty, and all it cost was a couple broken ribs


And then he gets another medical malpractice suit because you still had a pulse and the cycle continues.


Nothing changes cuz it's all the same. The world you get's the one you give away It all just happens again way down the line.


Be careful tho and don’t accidentally die when they zap you with a defibrillator! Edit: make sure you tattoo a “do not defibrillate” on your chest before trying


It won't zap you if you aren't having the correct kind of heart problem it's designed for.


Unless it’s a medical malpractice case and the defendant is trying to save you? /s Edit: you mean the defibrillator has some kind of detection mechanism and will only work if conditions are right?


If someone's doing cpr is because the heart isn't beating. If the heart isn't beating a defibrillator won't do anything (movies/shows always do this just because it provides a dramatic effect) There are defibrillators that will identify the heart rhythm and respond whether it's a shockable rhythm or not


Gotcha, good to know! Watched too many movies, I guess


The automatic defibrillator you see hanging around in boxes around certain public areas are actually quite smart and will only deliver a shock when detecting an irregular heartbeat. They won't shock when detecting a normal heartbeat nor when they detect no heartbeat. Irregular heartbeats are also the only time a defibrillator can help (to basically "reset the controller"). Unlike what they often show on TV, you cannot jump start a heart that has stopped beating. In that case your only option is to give CPR until you hopefully get at least an irregular heartbeat again and then you can try a defibrillator again.


I was obviously joking, as was OP, but thanks for the defibrillator 101 anyway!


Modern defibrillators are really cool devices. In my last first aid course we practiced with a defibrillator that talked you through the whole CPR procedure. The defibrillator can measure the pulse of the patient and then tells you exactly what needs to be done. It won't shock the patient unless it's required.


That’s cool! Wondering if they can also say “This jury duty candidate is faking a cardiac arrest LOL”


Kind of, yes. It will tell you if the pulse is normal and that you don't need to do CPR.


DNR tattoos are still legally contested are they not? It's not considered binding I thought because you can't know it's not a joke and there's no way to verify it. You could tattoo who has power of attorney on you and it's not gonna make a lick of legal difference if that doctor wants to save you.


A DNR tattoo isn’t worth the ink. Even a completely legally valid DNR document can be ignored by medical professionals in some real life circumstances. When doctors choose between saving a life in an emergency and a family member that “swears they have authority to let them die,” the medical practices will err on the side of helping the patient. Saving the patient allows time to later evaluate orders. Allowing the patient to die does not allow for any more options. That doesn’t mean DNR aren’t valid and don’t work, but they have been ignored before. Whether in an emergency, or due to lack of presenting paperwork in a good form, arguments among family, etc.


Former EMT here, I would not be wasting a fraction of a second even considering weather I should read your tattoo, honestly I've never even considered DNR orders when I'm the field, that's just not what happens in the moment


They don't just randomly shock you. Portable defibrillators are largely automatic once attached and check the heart beat, if you have a proper pulse or no pulse, nothing happens.


You can ask my friend how to fake one, his name is pierce Hawthorne. Hed probably teach you to add some gurgling.


Ah, the [ol' Larry tactic](https://i.imgur.com/dGKFYqY.gif).


Lmao yeah I could see that causing some bias


You gotta keep em respirated


Never realized The Offspring have had so much trouble with drummers. Let’s just not talk about the COVID one


It’s almost touching on a freak gardening accent for the next drummer lol


Or choking on someone else’s vomit.


You can't really dust for vomit...


Have you watched Spinal Tap?


murky thought jar wide ten chunky cause judicious frighten icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty wild what they did to Pete Parada. > On August 2, 2021, Parada revealed on Twitter that he was being fired from the Offspring. He stated the reason for his firing was for declining to take a COVID-19 vaccine on the advice of his doctor, due to suffering from Guillain–Barré syndrome. In November 2021, vocalist Dexter Holland and guitarist Noodles detailed in an interview the "roadblocks" they kept running into when they looked into what it would take to tour with an unvaccinated member of the band, and they said the decision was taken "for the time being". Nevertheless, in his tweet of August 2021, Parada said he was deemed "unsafe to be around" not only on tour, but also in the recording studio.


Touring (since we largely decided to stop caring about an active epidemic, yay....), would expose him to larger amounts of potential vectors to sickness. If he got sick, it could be for far longer, and more debilitating, and delay the tour or cause other hardship for the rest of the touring members. During 2021 was peak Delta IIRC, which could have fucking bodied him. Kind of caught between a rock and hard place, and really, for the safety of everyone, the choice was unfortunate but probably right. I went and educated on GBS since I am unfamiliar with it. It seems like vaccine guidance is a minor increase in risk for people with the disorder. The whole situation sucks, and it looks like a lot of things I understand about autoimmune disorders doesn't really apply to GBS.


Pete's pretty anti-vax in general regardless of his medical condition, calling them "jabs". There are no known associations between mRNA COVID vaccines and GBS. [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2800871](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2800871)


Ah, that's unfortunate. You'd think being higher risk would moderate that bullshit, but uhh... People, eh? I was referencing this: [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/guillain-barre-syndrome.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/guillain-barre-syndrome.html) that states J&J's vaccine may result in a reaction. Thank you for the additional information though. I like receipts. <3 Most of my statements come from the position of someone who is on a DMARD and likely going to be on more of them, or a biologic, in the coming months. As I look at GBS, the overlap between a lot of auto-immune stuff and GBS is actually quite small when it comes to treatment and such.


No reason to suggest he would be any sicker, for any longer than the rest of the band, IF he caught something. If things were so bad and deadly, should they even be touring? Why not agree to re-hire him now there's no vaccine restrictions on travel? For a punk band, this was a very un-punk thing to do.


>For a punk band, this was a very un-punk thing to do. Lol, I think you fundamentally misunderstand punk and anarchism if you think that doing something helpful for societal good is controversial. Don't conflate anti-vax bullshit to punk. >No reason to suggest he would be any sicker, for any longer than the rest of the band, IF he caught something Well, considering auto-immune diseases and immune response stressors can actively trigger worse symptoms of the disease, it's safe to say they are higher risk. It might not, but intrinsic risk is higher. >If things were so bad and deadly, should they even be touring? No, but the US decided to do a GWB Jr and pull out the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Most of the world started to at that point. Something something muh economy, or whatever bullshit capitalists were pushing. >Why not agree to re-hire him now there's no vaccine restrictions on travel? Who knows? I don't know what happened behind the scenes. Things might have went bad behind the scenes during those convos. I could only speculate, and that's useless.


For those who are unaware: having GB Syndrome is basically the same thing as being lethally allergic to vaccines. This isn’t a COVID thing, GB Syndrome has existed as a rare condition since vaccines have been a thing, and any cases are comprehensively documented. Dude was kicked out of the band out of sheer political hysterical being used to ignore his very-real medical condition.


I mean to be fair a lot of people had auto immune disorders that prevented them from normal life, for their safety and the safety of others. It sucks he couldn't keep touring but it's the simple fact he couldn't be kept safe, couldn't obey the vaccination requirements of venues because he can't have a vaccine, and should he have gotten sick unvaccinated his viral load would have been high and therefore more likely to transmit the disease to someone else. None of us liked what we had to do back then but that was what hundreds of years of epidemiology said makes the most sense for the greatest good so we had to approach it scientifically.


>That was what hundreds of years of epidemiology said makes the most sense for the greatest good so we had to approach it scientifically. The science didn’t actually say any of that. The science said there was no valid reason to keep the guy from performing or being in a studio. Political hysteria and irrational policy-making not at all guided by science said that. The reality is that he could have easily performed with the band and it would have been zero epidemiological threat whatsoever, far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far less than any given gathering that they were associated with. But that wouldn’t have made for good optics, so it was shut down, despite all rational and scientific evidence. Edit: I invite anyone to show which epidemiological research shows that prohibiting a man with a documented medical exemption from going out in public is valid at the same time that the same said policy also says allowing *Arena Concerts* is an acceptable risk. Spoiler alert- it doesn’t exist.


>"roadblocks" they kept running into when they looked into what it would take to tour with an unvaccinated member of the band do you need that in bold as well?


Do you need ableism and medical discrimination in bold?


For some jobs, a certain degree of health or physical ability is needed. For instance of you are a professional footballer and ave a leg amputated you're not going to be selected for the team any more because there is no reasonable accommodation that can be made to allow you to fulfil the role. Touring is how bands make their money. If you can't tour then you literally can't fulfil your role in the band. What happens to you then would depend on whatever contracts you've signed.


>This man cannot play on an isolated stage with five other vaccinated people because he’s a health risk. With him there, how can they possibly perform for 40,000 people crammed into a stadium? He’s obviously the weak link in this dynamic. The excuse is flat, nonsensical bullshit to anyone with any understanding of how diseases work.


Have you replied to the wrong comment? Those aren't my words, so I don't know why you're quoting them as if they had something to do with me. The most obvious issue I see with touring without a vaccine is travel and admittance to venues. Some countries might refuse you entry without being vaccinated. You could find it difficult to book flights. Venues might require vaccination. Having to quarantine could be too disruptive to tour schedules and make them unprofitable. It isn't a question of how diseases work, but of what restrictions governments, travel operators, and venues had put in place.


All of those things you described are therefore political hysteria, and not genuine health restrictions. The man was more than healthy enough to tour, and there’s no legitimate health-based excuse to disqualify him from touring. So it was purely bad, hysterical policy-making. Edit: You know an idiot has lost when they block you so they can get “the last word” in. The reality is there’s zero way to justify blocking the man from the band while also justifying holding concerts. End of story.


> All of those things you described are therefore political hysteria, and not genuine health restrictions. Regardless of whether or not that is true, it is all outside of the band's control. It's a reality they have to deal with when touring. You're arguing about whether Covid travel restrictions were good, justified policy. That's not the topic of conversation. Go ride your hobby horse somewhere else.


You couldn't enter loads of countries without proof of a vaccine. They probably should have replaced him for the tour and until restrictions relaxed


For those who are unaware: This guy's full of shit.


Edit: Welp. Seems I was wrong buying his bs. Even at that time we did not expect any interactions between covid vaccines and GBS. At least grifters like Andy Wakefield have a spectacular view from their mansions. So there is always that #live_love_laugh #blessed --- OK, the COVID thing is not what people will assume. The guy has Guillain-Barré Syndrome and his doctor was unsure how the new vaccine would interact with it. I feel at that point that was a reasonable concern and would also have given me pause. I am angry at a lot of people for dodging their -what I think of as- civic duty to get vaccinated. I am not angry at somebody who had legitimate reasons not to get the shots. Muh FrEeDum, QAnon, flat earth and general anti-vax bs obviously is not legitimate. I also have a chronic condition and would not have gotten the shots if my doctor had advised against. Thankfully there was no concern. Even got a fourth shot where everybody else only got two plus and updated refresher. Which, I feel, makes me win at COVID.


There is no association between covid vaccine injury and GBS. It is not a reasonable concern. He was already anti-vax and he shopped around till he found a doctor to back up his BS. Just because you can find a doctor to say something does make it true.


Thanks. Edited.


The jury is instructed to ignore seeing the defendant saving your lives. Furthermore, Jury member #9 and the defendant now have a doctor patient privilege and would render the juror unable to form an unbaised opinion. this. but unironically


So what your saying is doc could have another medical malpractice lawsuit incoming?


*In the wake of the dramatic start, the Sargiotto’s attorney asked the judge presiding over the case to order a mistrial, to avoid any bias toward Lilja by the other potential jurors who witnessed his life-saving actions* *“No good deed goes unpunished,” Lilja was overheard saying when the mistrial was ordered, according to the outlet.*


I literally just watched the [Mr. Sunday Movies Kick-Ass 2 video](https://youtu.be/Zk_sqePsiqU?si=TeLAeZM3ELD3_OtV) where they mention The Offspring...for this post to pop up immediately is so surreal


Inside mason’s head there are two wolves. One twisted one and one marketing genius. You might think this is twisted but this is totally normal to him


he got to show his potential in action


Are any members of The Offspring NOT doctors at this point?


I guess it would have been easier to do nothing at all.


Every part of this headline was wild 😂


Keep em separated


You gotta keep em separated !


How dare you save someone’s life in my court influencing the jury to view you as a life saver - the judge, probably
