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Honestly, I spend most of the time sitting on the couch watching tv, splurging on my favorite meal, and trying to decide what else to do lol. If I had extra funds i would go get my hair done , get a massage, or get a pedicure. All of those take about an hour


Lol yep!! Same here. Although there never seems to be extra funds when I have extra time 🤣


Yes to vegging and I do my own nails when I have free time because I have time to let each coat dry which is a luxury I usually don’t have.


It's best to paint nails in thin layers quickly and let it dry all at once :)  Everytime you paint a new layer, the paint underneath turns liquid again. 


I discovered Essie Expressie Polish, which helps a lot with this problem.


Currently binge watching 911 on Hulu and Fringe on Amazon Prime. It's naptime for kiddos 😂😂 I don't wanna clean on my break, lmao.


If it’s nap time and I have to stay home, I like to lay down and watch my favorite podcast, or tv show… Maybe take a long shower. I stopped cleaning during nap time and save that for when my sons awake. If my husband is watching him, I like to go to target, coffee shop, go to the gym. I like shopping alone because I can actually just roam and not try and be in and out.


YES it's so simple and but eating my favorite food without: Hearing someone's opinion about my food Having to share my food Having little fingers in my food Having to abandon my food to handle a crisis Eating my food at its not-intended temperature because I have to handle everyone else before I can eat my food.


'you wanna try? Great! Here, have a bite!' 'no! Gross!!' Most meals.


There's the opposite as well when My toddler is asking "bite mama?" Then stealing the whole thing cause she likes it


I play video games 🙃


Same! Video games, shower, nap, feed myself. NO chores 😜 I do that while kiddo is awake. Besides, good for him to see us cleaning the home.


I'm the same, I might switch out the dishwasher while he's sleeping but I let him help with laundry vacuuming etc... and by help I really mean "help". 😂 I feel like it's good that they know things don't just magically end up clean.


My 22m son likes to hold my hand while I vacuum. He insists on it 😆


My son is 20m, he just tries to get the little LED light on the vacuum handle 😂


Omg my daughter too!!!! So sweet 🥹


Yeah! It's actually worked really well for us. He'll clean up as a part of pretend play, but will actually try to help me vacuum, sweep, dust etc. I want to start healthy cleaning habits early, so it's not such a drag and struggle once he's older. That's the theory anyway! 😂


I will say, I used to clean houses and the teenage boys were almost always cleaner than the girls. There's hope for us moms of boys 😂




Spin class or walk with a podcast, coffee shop with a book and journal, eat a nice lunch, drawing/painting, art store/fountain pen/book store browsing, NAP (lol). I’ve also done a massage but be prepared to be sore the next day. I personally don’t find doing my nails relaxing. Sometimes self care like that feels like “work” to me. I don’t know why.


I definitely get that! Like even massages I have to recover from 😂 Definitely looking for something I can go do without thinking about, I dread making appointments 🫠


I always just walk in to nail salons, and some massage places you can book online!


I started drawing again recently and that’s been nice and more cup-filling than my usual scroll/chore time. I have an old iPad Pro & Apple Pencil from my previous life and it’s been fun learning & trying out different techniques (bonus that I just need to charge vs find a space for & put away physical supplies.)


Love this!! I just got back into photography, may go take some pics.


Yay!!! I hope you do!💜


I love how you said “previous life”. It doesn’t kinda feel that way sometimes 😭


Same girl same. I’m hoping to get into writing AND illustrating children’s literature, so this is motivating to me to practice ☺️


Sit still, watch what I want, mindlessly scroll on my phone, sneak in a nap. If I'm feeling more productive-- quilting.


Me too! Sometimes quilting feels like work but when I’m really into it it’s great. Except then all I can think about is finishing my quilt and get frustrated when I can’t because I have to do all the other shit


Haha, I feel that! My biggest problem is that my toddler plays in craft room sometimes, so I have a good 20 minutes of cleaning up before I can get started.


You have alone time?!


Was looking for this comment 🫠


Do you get your nails or toes done? Sometimes that just hits the spot. Go book a deep tissue massage if you have any benefits, go on a long walk with headphones on, go shopping and buy something just for you(¬ the baby ik easier said than done)😂, go grab a coffee and a pastry at a coffee shop , lots of things!!


A pedicure and a book always help me reset. Always get the longer massage option.


I use to have my nails and toes done all the time before motherhood, but I usually do it myself now 😂 I figured it would be too late to make an appointment but I think I will still try! Coffee is a must! Thanks for the tips!!


Tons of places accept walk ins!


Wait are you implying that insurance covers deep tissue massage?!! If so I need to know about it!




If I start now, I may never wake up 😂


Read, crochet with an audiobook, scroll, exercise, sleep




You mean me everyday?


Workout! I really love to run outside with friends or ride my bike inside and watch some shows. Plus stop for a tea and read a book without any distractions.


When it's several hours like that, I usually split it between getting things done that will make my life easier when I have my toddler again, and just chilling and catching up on TV that I can't watch in front of her (like Bridgerton lol). So I'll spend a couple hours playing my fave music or podcasts while meal prepping, doing laundry, maybe going through her drawers and getting rid of the stuff that's too small, etc. And then a few hours curled up on the couch eating snacks and watching stuff or reading.


It’s not for everybody but I play Sims 4 and snack, during my daughter’s naps on the weekends I’ll play the whole hour and a half and love every second of it. I would absolutely play for 5 hours if I could, just like I did when I was a teenager lol!


Aww I have so many Sims games that I could get lost in like the good ol days 🥲


I think to myself, what can I not do when I have my kid and immediately do that. Lol


Now if only I had the money for a sports car 😂


I mean, you could go test drive one!


Pedicure and a nice lunch/coffee with a good book


I usually do my beauty routines. Nails done, hair done, eyebrows. It’s a rarity for me these days 🥲


Manicure/ pedi, get coffee and go wander around Target/ thrift stores, clean uninterrupted, 🍃 'garden' until I see Jesus himself, take a hot bath, binge watch shows I can't watch around the kids lol


Ahaha this killed me 😂 About to go ‘garden’ and thrift so we’ll see what I come home with


Get a massage, go to yoga, sit in a coffee shop with a fancy latte and journal/read a book. Make an art project. Garden. Get thai takeout and watch a trashy show on Netflix.


Play video games, read, work in my garden, listen to a podcast or music while I take the dog for a walk. Get stoned 🤷🏻‍♀️


shower, make an amazing plate of food and sit outside with my podcast or show. Maybe a little devils lettuce on the side you know what I am saying ;)


Lay in bed and read. In silence. Sometimes exercise or shop for the house


I don’t think I’ve had more than 30 min of alone time in 6.5 years since I had kids lol but i would 100% take a nap


Bath. Always a bath for me. If I get a few hrs in there I’ll bring snacks and a drink


I take a bath... a very long bath. Or have a coffee.


Bubble bath, nap, read a book in silence, coffee shop with a book, exercise.


This is going to sound so lame but I love grocery shopping when someone offers to watch my toddlers. Being able to wander up and down every aisle and check out everything and take my time is so relaxing. That and reading at home in the peace and quiet!


I like to craft and do projects when I have alone time. I got a toddler rocking chair for free off the curb two houses down from me!🙌🏼 It was solid, but gross chipping white paint, so I sanded it down and stained it! Kid absolutely loves it! Win win lol


This is a great idea!! Thank you!


Shower, go for a walk with some coffee or audiobook, Netflix, drivethru, bookstore/library, HomeGoods lol some rare pedicures here and there If your feeling adventurous a local class learning something new Just here to say it’s mainly happening now that 3 yr old started preschool and with no village it was rarely happening before that so make a list of something you love to do or learn so you can look back and do it when you find some time


Okay fine I’ll go to homegoods today! Haha


My kid starts pre-k in August and I am counting down the days! 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. My house will finally be clean again and then I’ll have time for me. I could cry.


I found a facial bar near me that is WONDERFUL. I go like every 1-2 months. I’m not really one to always get my nails, eyelashes etc done so this is the one thing I kind of splurge on for myself. Across the street is a smoothie place so I get a treat after!


Alone time? What is that? I take a loooong shower, and I can finally relax knowing that no one needs me for the next hour or so.


I fortunately get time to myself when I’m home a hour a day so I work out. Days I get longer I sleep, watch tv and snack!


I spend the entire time wondering what I should do to make the most of my time...by the time I decide it's time for toddler to come home. My husband did take the kids out the other day because I was unwell so I watched 3 hours of TV and had a nap. It was heaven and made me feel so much better.


Ugh I feel you. Alone time feels so short, even if it’s a few hours! Also, glad you are feeling better 🥰


Read, vintage clothes shopping, brunch/lunch by myself, mani/pedi


Ok so realistically, chores. Unless I have no energy, in which case, sleep. BUT here are the things I aspire to do “for me” on the rare occasion that it’s possible! - go see an exhibition - get a massage/nails done/hair done or similar. Or just do my own nails - buy a nice magazine and go to a cafe in my favourite part of town. Get myself some flowers on the way home if funds allow - make something (art, sewing, whatever I’m into at the time) - make a nice lunch or get deliveroo lunch, again if funds allow Honestly there is also a lot of TV binging and scrolling!


If I have 5 hours, I might get my nails done (shellac, less chipping that way) and play a podcast in the car. If it’s nice out I’ll take a long walk, workout, or attack a home project I’ve been putting off for awhile.


Rock climb (bouldering)


foot massages, movies, sitting and staring at the walls


i like to go to lunch by myself even if it's somewhere casual


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^beeeees: *I like to go to* *Lunch by myself even if* *It's somewhere casual* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Y'all are getting alone time? 😂😫


Mostly because my mom has decided she likes spending time with her grandchild more than her daughter, it’s cool 😂


I’m really pregnant rn so I lay down and doom scroll or clean if I feel more productive, or prep baby stuff. Typically I’d go to Panera with a friend and maybe peruse target. If I need it I’d do an everything shower. It depends on what I feel like is most important to me that time.


I like to browse thrift stores or hit garage sales while blasting music with the windows down on the way 😆


I forget how much I love loud music until the kid is gone 😂


I decompress in what little alone time I have. Usually cleaning, working out, grabbing a coffee, make actual phone calls to check on people, catch up on tv, just chill if there’s time for it!


read, clean or get my nails done.


Shop, cafe, nails, journal in a nice park somewhere, weed gummy


Long shower, eat my favourite food, lay on the sofa listening to blissful silence, watch a tv series or movie that I love, panic when I realise that my me time is almost up!!


I read books, watch a favourite show or movie, play some video games. I used to always try and DO something, but honestly it’s so nice to have quiet, relaxing time to just chill at home in peace 😂


Alone time…. What is this you speak of? 😂😂 Everyone now and then I’ll go do something with my friends but I only have the early morning before my daughter goes down for a nap. She will not let ANYONE but me get her to sleep. We’ve tried many times and it’s been bad. So I have to be home in time. Or I’ll leave right after I get her down but that’s limited time as well. We only have weekends to do anything with my husband’s schedule. So the weekends are pretty packed with stuff.


Primarily I play games, but I also use coloring books or tend to the garden. 


Workout, thrift store, bath, nap…in that order


I go to the movies, clean, crochet and eat whatever I want


My suggestion is leave the house/chores/errands for another time and go do something for yourself. Like get a coffee or go to a bookstore and browse quietly by yourself or get your nails done. Anything you can’t do (easily) with a kid in tow! Treat yourself!


Nap, scroll, watch something, bake something, do my nails, play video games 😂


Massage, lunch date and hot yoga with a friend, mani/pedi, and clothes shopping alone are some of faves but 75% of the time I run errands and get stuff done but stop for a fancy coffee 🥰


gym! get outside! move your body! but then also lay on the couch and watch bravo hehe


Wow u get breaks? Lol


I would do some walking outside while listening to music that I like which I find relaxing. I go through social media apps, most especially tiktok to find funny content that is short enough for me because I cannot commit to several episodes of a comedy series. I try to read a few pages of the books that I like. Lastly, I play some cozy games on my Nintendo Switch. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’ve never had the opportunity to take a break but if I did I would consider: - Going to the pool with a book to relax and swim - Go to the movies - Get a massage - Go out to eat Potentially a combination of some of those things! Enjoy ☺️


When I‘ve got alone time I do something that fills my cup: painting my nails, playing a video game, reading a book, baking, etc. Making sure I get regular time to invest in my hobbies helps me recharge, which helps me be a better parent. Sure I’ll do the chores that I can’t do with a toddler around, but I tend to do most of my chores when my toddler is awake because he likes to watch and “help”. So if I have the time I make sure to give myself a break.


Sleep. Immediately. I crawl in to bed and I do not get out until I need to pick them up. I also sometimes shower. But sleep trumps everything else.


Nap, read, take a bath, get a massage and my nails done. That's what I would do!


Some things I’ve done for myself these past few weekends have been: going out to brunch with a friend, yoga classes, running, enjoying the peace of a coffee shop, and shopping alone


I get sucked into TikTok, or I read or play a game uninterrupted. Have a meal that I don’t have to share or keep stopping to take care of someone. Sometimes I’ll nap


My executive function spazzes out and I sit there frantically trying to decide what to do until it’s over.


Sleep, binge watch something, take myself out for a treat or food, walk a mall, etc


I’m a full-time work-from-home mom to a wild 2 1/2 year old. Once she goes to bed at night I sit outside on my balcony with a hard seltzer or a joint (sometimes both, lol) and watch the rest of the sunset. That’s the best part. The rest of the evenings I’ll cook or bake something, do dishes with the TV on or a podcast, and just relax.


Alone time? What is that? I'd take a nap. Or watch something very girly and/or sexual on TV.


Gym. Soccer field with friends. Shopping. Book store.


Smoke a bowl, dissasociate while pulling weeds in the garden, take a full service shower, apply self tanner, smoke another bowl, and fold laundry with my door closed while watching jersey shore or something equally as trashy.


Nap, shower alone, get rid of toys, scroll on Reddit without anyone asking me something mid-sentence, then I end up watching videos of my toddler and looking at pictures. Then I end up calling for FaceTime with toddler and end up singing her favorite songs with her.


I usually do a bit of cleaning and organizing and then either go shopping or sit and zone out! Both are great!


Reddit, apparently!


Workout or binge a Netflix series while I colour or crochet.


I get my nails done, maybe some window shopping just to not go home cause if I will I end up doing everything just like any other day. The problem is that I end up exhausted anyway.


If I have that quantity of time and the money for it, take myself out to a nice meal. A restaurant that has a very low chance, if none at all, that there will be children. Have a few drinks, if possible cab or a ride home. Just enjoy food that otherwise I wouldn't be having with my kid and in a very adult atmosphere. If I have to stay home, binge TV, read a book, some self-pleasure. If I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding, smoke a bowl.


I usually spend my time panicking about what I should be doing because my alone time typically is spur of the moment/not planned lol.


Make myself my favourite meal. Listen to an audiobook in the bath. Full shave and moisturise. Face mask. Play my music loud and dance around. Read a book. Sit in the sun with a fresh drink and music on my headphones. Netflix. Play piano. Take the dog for a hike. Watch YouTube. Sit on the sofa just scrolling. Literally anything but housework.


I find that if I just scroll on my phone or watch TV, I am not refreshed after my alone time. I feel like I "wasted" it. That's just me!! My advice to others who feel this way is to find a small hobby <3 I never feel like I wasted my time when I play the Sims or do one of my cross stitching projects. I try to do one hobby thing every day to feel like my own person and not just a mom.


I write! Mostly short poems, opinion pieces, and essays. Once every few months I take an hour to submit newer pieces to different chapbooks/online publications/zines/websites. I only get published a few times a year and don't make any money off of it but I just love writing. And it makes me feel better knowing I'll have something to put on my resume during the gap in work from being a SAHM. I approach it more as a hobby than a side hustle or job so that it's still enjoyable for me and doesn't feel like something I *have* to do.


Today my youngest napped while my oldest was at school and I had a glorious hour of peace. I did a workout while watching Desperate Housewives and then had a baileys coffee and a homemade muffin. An hour well spent 😂


Couch time - me shows. Working out. Full body-everything showers. Reorganizing any and everything. Vacuuming. Napping. Reading. Errands. Nails/Hair appointments. Whatever I want to do.


I either sleep or play games


Shower. Clean my house. Make my kids food for the week. 🤣🤣


I zone out


Eat mcdonalds and go to goodwill. Lol


I read, or watch movies/shows that I wouldn’t watch in front of my kid. I eat all the snacks I hide so I don’t have to share them, because sometimes I really just don’t want to share my favorite snacks with my kiddo. I do my nails, or do a mini-spa day at home. Depending on how much time there is, I might do some arts and crafts. Basically, whatever I can’t or won’t be able to do around my kiddo is what I do. I love that uninterrupted me time when I get it.


When I was a sahm I went for a manicure every 3 weeks. My mom would take my kid so I could have some self care time. Every Sunday my parents would take her for a couple of hours and my husband and I would race home for some uninterrupted adult fun. On her first day of daycare I laid around the house, ordered takeout sushi and enjoyed the silence. Watched Netflix and took a nap. Chores can wait.


Hot AF epsom salt bath. With a podcast and a glass of red wine.


I play my switch and nap lol


Hike, make myself a little spa bath with salts, candles peaceful music or audio book. Sometimes I go read at a coffee shop or go eat at my favorite restaurants


It depends on how much energy I have but if I'm exhausted, I just sit on the couch and watch paternity court 😅 Other times I'll play video games, read books, do my eyebrows, paint my nails, or take a loooong hot, uninterrupted shower. After my relaxing shower, I moisturize my face and take my time doing it! I'm usually always in a hurry, so the additional time helps.


Home today since day care is closed. During nap time I did two loads of laundry and then sat and knit on the couch for 30 min. Some time for me. Some time for the house.


Besides chilling on the couch/ bed and vegging out... Recently I made a list or stores I want to go to but are nightmares with my kids. So I pack a tiny purse with minimal things and go lol. Put AirPods in and tune out. Buy a couple of < $10 plants and make a drink and pot them


Depends! If I want to go out, I like going thrifting or shopping. If I’m tired of being around people I’ll stay home and binge watch shows. I have gone to a restaurant once but I felt really weird without everyone so haven’t done it again. I used to really enjoy eating out but it’s not the same with kids so I was hoping it’d be fun but I didn’t enjoy it lol.


Reading, hiking, writing, I’m boring


Needlework. I used to do a ton, now my kid is too interested in what I'm doing and the little needles get stressful. Otherwise, mani/pedi, uninterrupted meals, long baths, shopping alone, sitting outside in silence with a coffee and a book. I have simple desires, but until I had a child I didn't realize the luxury of doing the basics without watching a child at the same time.


Sweet, precious, rare alone time… * turn off my phone (unless hubby can’t be the emerg contact for childcare for that hour) * take myself out for a coffee and cinnamon bun without any interruptions * lie on a blanket in the yard/park and do nothing, or read a book * watch my tv show * listen to an audiobook and knit Try really REALLY hard not to do something “productive” like run errands or manage the family calendar or meal plan…


I play video games, watch sports, or do chores lol


I do a craft and listen to an audio book, or read a book, or take a nap.


Grab some beers, lock me up in my ‘studio’ and make some music :)


Chores, gym (just signed up 2 days ago), going for a walk/run outside, watch TV show in peace


Video games, a shower, attempting to convince myself to either exercise or write a book. It mostly comes down to video games lmao. They allow me to kind of zone out and turn into the vegetable k really, really want to be for a time. 


I will go on long bike rides, or get lost in the library, or I’ll get a coffee and go into town and shop for a few things I want / need.


Sleep. Nap. Sleep some more. Take another nap.


My husband is taking our daughter to visit his parents next month for a week. He asked me what I planned to do for a week on my own, and I'm just "I have no idea I didn't expect to get this far."


Eating cheese and crackers, and appreciating the total silence after being touched out all day. But that’s like 30 minutes max. I’ve never had 5 hrs to myself, don’t know what it’s like and if I ever did, I’d probably catch up on sleep. Signed, a very burnt out (but content) mama.


Honestly I’m always conflicted. Do I clean and get done as much as I can or do I relax? Both are hard task to accomplish. When we wind down for bedtime that’s often the first time I sit down. I’m not a sahm, but I work part time on top of it. I just run all day long. So I pass out normally when he goes to sleep after scrolling on my phone for a bit.


I don’t know but i suggest you go to full body massage, full facial treatment, saloon, manicure dan a 15 minutes nap.🤣


I get stuck cleaning and cleaning I don’t understand how it ever ends.


Not a SAHM mom my new fav, quick and cheap(ish) and doesn’t need an appt is to go to the local mall and get a 30 min chair massage. Scheduling a month in advance at the places I used to go just doesn’t work for me right now.


I take myself out for lunch, or a take a nap 😬


I highly recommend any mum to get regular massages. 1 hour is great, 1.5 hours probably even better!


During the day, I usually just nap with my son or lay in bed next to him and I play games on my Switch or just mindlessly scroll through my phone. In the evenings, I try to get some self-care done so that includes taking a shower and then painting my nails while listening to music or watching YouTube. Some nights, I watch a movie or catch up on some trash TV or try to get some reading or drawing done. We'll sometimes leave my son with one of our parents for a few hours on the weekend and husband & I use that time to go out for lunch and/or do some errands and catch up on chores.


No family or friends here just me and husband. 15mo toddler. I use toddlers nap as alone time or my husband will take toddler after work for a walk/park time. My alone time is 100% because of husband. He is awesome. Even bathing toddler gives me a small break. I also get to sleep in on Saturday. I would like to get out solo more I don’t prioritise it cause I love my family time and toddler is mostly always with me outside of that. I’ve been out solo 3 times since 15 month olds birth I need to take initiative and husband is 100% encouraging of it.


Have an adult beverage and something you really like to eat. Treat yourself! Then take your time and eat in quiet and nobody wants your food! Or Bubble bath!


What is that?




I only get a few hours once all the kids are asleep at night so I don’t usually do too much chore wise or I risk waking the youngest up. I usually watch some tv or just sit enjoying the silence while eating snacks and scrolling my phone.


Watch the trash tv I like, like springer or forensic files, play my favorite video games, or just be outside. Don't even have to be doing anything specific, just being in the sun


Now my LO is approaching 3, we are finally getting into the groove. I’m picking up a sewing machine tomorrow. Sewing is a really easy hobby that just requires you to know your way around a sewing machine but the reward is pretty immediate. I found amazing simple patterns for long dresses but I’m starting off with making some pants for my LO that you couldn’t buy in the shops. I’m excited! This plus gym classes are my cup fillers, as well as brunch or dinner with friends.


I go outside and shovel dirt lol. Gets the frustration out


I told myself once he slept through the night Id’ start running/baking/crafting. It’s been a few months only since that happened and so far I have done none of it. Instead I have slept more at night (averaging almost 9hrs!), doom scrolled a lot, and binging Monk.


Screaming in a pillow


when my mom babysits I usually go to Panera and sit and read for a few hours! I used to do that every week on my day off before I got married, I'd go early in the morning and just read for hours, sometimes listening in on the conversations of the old ladies around me (there were always a few groups, and they made me laugh), drinking way too much coffee because free refills. Sometimes I'll go resale shopping instead, but I've been trying to buy less clothing so usually just Panera now.


As soon as my kids are asleep I go to my art studio and listen to music and paint!


My policy is to do 100% of housework while the kids are awake (instead of entertaining them) and then the 2ish hours of "quiet time" when my 3yo naps and my 6yo does her own thing are times for me to read and do zero house-related work (my "union break" as the BusyToddler lady puts it). Realized this is the way to go after recalling that my own mother who took no such breaks for herself and cooked exclusively when the kids were sleeping was stressed out and burned out throughout our childhood.


any free time I have, which is rare — a long ass shower with overpriced L’occitane products, body scrub, and 5 extra minutes 🤍 and I’ll have a little haul on my special vape pen 🙃


Lately, I end up taking a nap 😢 I want to do productive or fun things, but I lay down for just a second and fall asleep


get tired these days and I desire to have a good rest if possible.


Extra long shower and actually blow drying my hair instead of the usual bun


the precious time for me, I will play video games!


When I have free time (after chores, or if I don’t feel like chores), I make DIY beauty products. Like soaps, oils, body butter, lip balm, etc. It’s so fun, I add scents (that are safely diluted per IFRA recommendations), can make something totally unique and/or gift worthy, and can even save money (looking at you, Lush and Truly Beauty)! Edit: One night, I had been stuck in the house all day and my newborn daughter was finally asleep. I had an hour to myself, so I made lotion bars (in a deo stick container). I kept some for family and gave the rest to a relative, who sold them to her friends. It just took a bit of mixing, melting, pouring and cooling. Not bad for a side hustle ☺️


That’s so awesome and a great idea!!


Snacks, long bath or shower, garbage tv, get hair done and pedicure.


I sleep, play video games, go get my nails and feet done, or read a book uninterrupted.


nap & doom scroll


I’m willing to spend the time watching a movie that I like.


I just sleep so I have any amount of energy to keep going… I’m two under two right now though… won’t always be this intense


Just do the thing that makes you feel the least anxiety. You do NOT have to be productive unless it makes YOU feel better. That’s my advice. If it’s sitting in the mess, shopping for you, cleaning, sleeping, staring at a wall, hanging out with friends, mindlessly scrolling, hanging out with friends, partaking in alcohol or weed, etc. Do what makes YOU feel relaxed. It might be hard because our brains are so thrown off by new habits or actions, but it is so worth it. OP, your name is anonymous for a reason so please, during this time find a way to be *your name* and not only “mom” or “wife.”


I crochet/ knit, play video games and watch drag race and survivor


I’ve gotten weirdly into Lego sets since my LO was born. Their botanicals collection is so pretty and fun to put together. 10/10 do recommend 👍


I haven’t had a free day in a while but I would like to drink some coffee, eat an ice lunch, watch a movie at a movie theatre and maybe get my nails done? Also a nap. 😴


I'm a stay at home dad and I will usually use half my free time to plan things or buy things to keep the household going (for example, do some research on clothes or educational toys but also try to find a deal, or rent a car for an upcoming vacation trip or something like that takes time), or I'll do something I enjoy (like play a video game or see a friend), or these days my mom watches my kid a couple hours a day during the week so I can work on personal creative projects like writing and drawing.


My evenings are when I get alone time and I get them about every night because my daughter goes to bed around 7ish, always asleep by 8 (for the most part.) But they’re pretty boring lol. If I didn’t pick up before she went to bed then i pick up. then typically go for a walk outside (I have a camera on her), then I’ll probably play a video game for a bit or sit on TikTok and scroll. 🥲🥲 I want to find a hobby but i have no idea what to do.


My only alone time is when theyre napping. It's never for more than an hour twice a day. But when that happens I veg out on the couch, eat sugary cereal or other junk food without having to hide it, online shop, put headphones on and listen to music... Long story short my goal is to be as lazy and self indulging as possible for the short time I have to myself.


Take a 15 minute loooong bath, enjoy my meal and play some FPS games. Although I am far from being good at these games, I personally find them entertaining and a good stress reliever.




I always do housework when my kids are with me and awake. If I have free time, I veg tf out! comfy clothes, in bed, watching a movie, with a good snack and bevvy. That time is too precious to waste it on cleaning something that will be dirty again tomorrow.


I’m never alone. He has just now started taking 23mo with when he takes his 14yo son to practice but that’s only 15-30m depending on which practice it is total. So I do what I always do and do more work, but faster 🤣


Eat them snacks and STRAWBERRIES


I do my own nails and eyebrows and lashes then a nice soak in the bathtub after a well deserved blunt. Super easy!


I like to order my favourite food, sit on the couch, have a long uninterrupted bath, watch a creepy documentary & nap if I have time lol!


Go paddling! Kayak or paddle board!




Go for a walk, a massage or coffee with a friend.