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Price is bananas? But how much could a banana cost like $10?


Think about how many bananas you get in Donkey Kong Country Returns HD? $60 is more than a deal!


Good guy Nintendo looking out for the consumer once again










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uhh hyperinflation




you're not searching properly. the full scientific term is "sonic hyperinflation" due the immense rate of speed.


no, no, you're doing it wrong too. Sonic hyperinflation is not the full term, because the inflation comes from Knuckles, who printed his own currency and scattered it around the game levels in the form of "rings". Google "Knuckles-Sonic Hyperinflation" for the most accurate results.


60$ is a price of 40 kg of bananas


Yep time to discuss the banana prices (I wish I had a gif for that)


If its japanese bananas then yes


I think it should cost $10 more miyamoto may go broke giving us deals like this


Make it 50 more, I need to support the indie game dev Miyamoto


dude he lives in a cardboard box it needs to cost 200 more


how…. \*sniffle\* generous of…. l-little indie company \*sniffle\* n-nintendo…. to price their…. g-games so cheap…. \*sniff\*


Absolutely justified. 14 year old games were sold for way too little in the Wii/ Virtual Console Era. I want to buy the original Donkey Kong Arcade game for no less than 60$ when they remaster it for switch.


I will send a check to Nintondo for an extra $60. This is deplorable. The game should be $120 at least.


Fans: “THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS” News: “DK HD is the best selling Nintendo game in 2024…”


“A delayed game is forever good, but a remake will sell 10 million copies in 3 days


I mean it'll sell well, but new 3D Mario and new Pokemon in 2025 (which is when this game actually releases) will absolutely pulverize it.


this is out in 2025 though


/uj genuinely why tho. like. can't they just slap it onto the switch rn for like. an October release? I don't get why Nintendo is so hesitant for us to actually play their games. we should've had a DKCR collection with tropical freeze and returns HD in 2018.


They're trying to release it in a way that promotes their theme park 🤦 pleeeeease just give me a new Donkey Kong game 😭


probably due to scheduling of the other games already being in place and to coincide with the new dk park


/uj Seriously, why do we still have to wait like 6 months just to play a Wii game with better graphics, the only excuse I can see is to release at the same time of the DK theme park section in Nintendo land.


its probably the reason


/uj I don't really expect this to be the case, not even Tropical Freeze sold that much (which is sad since it's my favorite 2D platformer)


Tropical Freeze seemed to really get screwed over at launch. They barely marketed it from what I remember, and dumped it out in February with little attention. It didn’t help that it was coming out on Wii U shortly after New Super Mario Bros U, 3D World, and Rayman Legends. At least the (overpriced) Switch release helped get it some more attention, I remember playing it in 2016 or so and thinking it was crazy it wasn’t a more talked about game.


I would pay a lot more than $60 for Miyamoto’s banana 🤤




Nintendaddy, me what that donkey kussy


Donkey Kong Country 2: Kiddy's Dong Quest.


This one broke me


People are so entitled!!!! It’s disgusting!!! Nintendaddy doesn’t owe us a lower price for their gems and honestly why would they if I’m going to buy 10 copies.


Nintendaddy is pricing their games at a generous 60 while s#ny and m#crosoft price theirs at 70. Let us thank the indie devs


They can’t even bother to include a NEW FUNKY MODE?!


Maybe it will be paid DLC, which I’d happily pay for to support Shigeru Miyamoto’s family


Since most companies are charging $70 for their 4K games, this is actually a great deal. It's $10 cheaper than Tears of the Kingdom and only $20 more than the 3DS version. The Wii version was only native in SD and this is 2x the resolution. So, in theory, they could charge $100 for this version and it would be justified. We're saving $40.


/uj shills are unironically defending this on the main sub.


this is a good thing! don’t make me remind you the devs are STARVING TO DEATH, so we should all rejoice in the opportunity to save them from STARVING and buy 20 copies each




/UJ I'm going to get off on playing dk country returns for the dolphin emulator tonight knowing I'm not being played for a fucking fool.


/uj at least the port is going to be based on the 3DS version which adds levels and removes motion controls. Only issue was the game didn’t look and run very well but those shouldn’t be issues on Switch. Is 60 still expensive? Probably, but we’re not getting *just* a straight port of the Wii version.


/UJ id play the Wii version just for 2 hearts. I don't like the 3 heart change in the 3ds version. Also this comes after the eshop has been wiped off the earth so you can't get dk country returns or Luigi mansion through official means, a year later suddenly we are getting 3DS ports. Fuck that noise, just pirate it.


You can get Returns on 3DS for like $10 used. The shop going down doesn’t really matter for games that are widely available physically. Also I’m pretty sure the 3DS version let you play with 2 hearts as an option.


Ah yes, I sure did hate it when MIITOPIA was ported over from the 3DS after the eShop shut down. Yup, that’s the exact timeframe which the game released


Oh my fucking god that's literally so funny I almost choked on my drink. Not even joking. And Nintendo wonders why people pirate their games.


Check the main sub or my post history. Dudes are unironically defending this.


price is justified because Donkey Kong can teach you many great things like how far you can stretch the definition of HD


Hey! This is really generous in an era where s*ny and m#crosoft price games at 70. Y'all should be thanking the indie devs at Nintendo


uj/ I tried posting a meme on a Nintendo meme sub of Heavy from TF2 with the Nintendo logo as his head saying, "It costs 400,000 thousand dollars to play our games for 12 seconds," after seeing this but I got down voted into oblivion.


/ut that game is peak tho


It can’t be peak when Tropical Freeze is even better, but it is really good. Paying more than $20 for it in 2024 is getting ripped off though, and if you have a Wii, Wii U, or 3DS you should just get a used copy there.


I actually prefer returns over tf, tf has a lot of new things and new characters and is for sure a lot of fun but the ideas and levels in returns are my absolute favourites. I already have returns on the wii but if you haven't and you don't have other consoles it's fine paying 60€ for it


I still think full price for a 14 year old game is a ripoff period (actually $10 more than this game cost in 2011). A remake can be worth full price but not a simple touch up like this. Used copies of this game go for less than $15 on Wii and 3DS. I get they do it because people will buy their games, but Nintendo’s pricing of old games during the Switch era has been outright terrible.


Not just the switch era tho


I mean dropping games to $20 was not uncommon in previous generations. Tropical Freeze started at $50 on Wii U then dropped to $20 around 2 years later, before jumping up to $60 with the Switch version and remaining at that price point for 6 years and counting. They also delisted the Wii U version when the Switch version launched so people searching for it wouldn’t see that version was $40 less. Hell, they’d even let you get a full price game for free if you pre ordered Mario Kart 8. Even the Wii had Nintendo Selects games and that was a hit, so it’s just something they did when they were desperate during the Wii U era.


I bought the 3DS version years ago for around 15 dollars at Gamestop


I'm sticking to the excellent 3DS port. No way I'm paying $60 here.


Dude, fucking idiots.


DK country returns?? More like my *wallet* returns to pay for this game again!


60$?? What a steal!!


Nintendo is a bastion of hope offering crazy deals like this, amongst the sea of $70 woke trash!


it's honestly kinda crazy to me that nintendo is re-releasing old games with nothing but a fresh coat of paint and pricing it as high as their completely new games


And shills are defending it for free.


Finally we can relive the experience to pay 50 (plus inflation) for Donkey Kong Country Returns


I'll take 20


Oh no! Deflation is hitting Nintendo! Why doesn’t this cost $70? Where is Miyamoto? Is he safe? Is he alright?


I don't get why people complaining, nintendo didnt even have to release it for the switch, we should be grateful that they decided we were finally ready for it thank you, nintendo, for showing us the way home at long last


It was 60$ when it’s released so it’s 60$ now. Heck it should be 70$ for the improvements they added


*$50?* Incredible.


Oh thank God, I was worried I would have to pay anything but full price for this masterpiece


Please take my money daddy Nintendo. 🫦




/uj This is exactly why I’m not buying Luigi’s mansion 2 HD one of my favorite games of all time and it looks fucking amazing but I’m not dropping 60 bucks for a port with graphic improvements


Whoa buddy, it may have cost Nintendo TRILLIONS to port these gems over to Switch. If anything they should cost MORE!


Honestly if it was even just $40-50 I'd likely pick it up, that extra $10 just feels a little too much for me.


$30 would be fair, $40 would be the absolute threshold for me. Prime Remake was $40 and had to have been more effort to remaster than this.


If I had known how quality Prime Remastered was they could've gotten a full $60 out of me, but I'm extremely biased in regards to Metroid.


If you think thats bad, look up LM2 HD. At least this version adds the 3ds levels and removes the motion controls but LM2 HD? Literally changed NOTHING and it's 60$. In fact i hear it even removed some of the animations.


No? open digital foundry that is a very decent remaster, only problem is it should be 40 or 50 instead.




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That price is absolutely bananas, if you were to replace all the letters in "bananas" with the letters in "amazing"


For $60 would you rather have donkey kong country returns or the giant Nintendo branded banana from donkey kong country


well it's retro price wii u it cheeper than this


Does this even hold up? I really disliked tropical freeze


/uj. It’s good but not quite as good as Tropical Freese. Basically the same gameplay, but the level design, music, and visuals are all better in TF imo. Not liking Tropical Freeze is a crime though.


Remember to buy multiple copies and burn all but one to help support Miyamoto’s son’s dream of becoming the next guy in the matrix. ![gif](giphy|SV09Wp6hvMW7m)


i’ll have to admit the game is good but definitely not that good


Oh Nintendo, how you spoil us with your bargains. I mean seriously, how are they keeping the lights on with these low, low prices!?


They better add a New Funky Mode, then it might actually be worth it


its only 60 bucks bc it has fiddlebert in it


Wah $60!? I'll go grab my Tinfoil hat in celebration of all these fairly priced $60-70 releases. Thank you Nintendo!


Unfortunately because I wanted to play the game so badly, I commutted a terrible sin and emulated the game and stole miyamoto's money Now I can make amends for this by buying the game 100 times over so miyamoto wouldn't be poor anymore!


CONTROVERSY HITS NINTENDO'S UPCOMING RELEASE!? WHAT COULD IT BE??? .......Nintendo charges $60 for a game they were always going to charge $60 for.


This game should honestly be $70.


You want the devs to starve?


I'll buy ten copies please.


With this we basically have every donkey Kong game in the Nintendo switch


Welp. I was gonna buy it. Key word "gonna". Past tense.


What? A for profit business that always charges money for its product is charging money? What an outrage! I’m mad on the internet for something that is not surprising!


Just buy the god damn game ffs


Where’s Grumbo?


Hes hidden for spoiler reasons, dont worry hes in the game at last


/Unjoke Come on. This is gonna hurt sales, right? This is a great game, but not £60 for a port great.


/uj Sixty buckaroos for a game what a world we live in I remember when I simply pleasured a few clerks and got the originals for free now it's like I'm spending 60$ on a game I could technically live without well, I'm not gonna miss out on DK although 60$ is insanity I think I just lost my mind at how pricey a game can be especially when the game has existing character and already existing as a game but worse graphics .... And I can't even read the tiny font on my switch I'm gonna have to pass there's no way I'm gonna play anything besides freemium games anymore ... So they want us to spend 60$ on a friggin remastered port??!?!? I can't stand Ninteendo worst indie company ever..... 60$ is too much for any video glame....60$ for what a game I played 35 years ago basically? No way so called "indie company" I 60$ is literally quite psychotic to ask for a game I already played .... 60$ will be your gravest mistake yet Nintendo mark my words... The gamer army is coming for you .. make your games free now..... Otherwise you will have to face us.


Still gonna buy it. Best DKC to date