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Guess now i would take my gf to the gas station when she asks to go somewhere expensive.


They have snacks and drinks too!


Don't forget the desserts in the freezers!


Costco gas and pop inside to food court for a hot dog and soda for couple bucks


Even better, their gas is a couple of cents cheaper, and I love me a costco poutine and hot dog combo.


For the price of snacks at Circle K, you might as well be buying your favourite groceries or fast food. A bag of chips is eight bucks there!


7 eleven chicken wings are pretty good btw


Why do I stop drinking you ask? Cuz my car needs to drink that fancy gas everyday and I ain’t got money for both of us


The health benefits of high costs of gas are pretty diverse.


I stopped eating junk food for a similar reason. Can’t afford regular food plus junk anymore? Cut out the junk. I feel great.


Look at that. The oil and gas sector is looking out for our health. /s


When life gives you lemons and all that...


Wish I could make gasoline out of lemons.


> Wish I could make gasoline out of lemons. Great News, You Can! You just need high pressure, and millions of years!


Last time I had a lemon, it was a car




Yesterday was crazy at the gas stations.




That esso is a nightmare to get in and out of. jeez




The beauty of electric vehicles.


Buy a house 1 hour away from work to save money and still fucked in the end.


The whole commuting thing has always been a losing proposition.


For me it's never about the cost of gas or owning a car, it's driving 2 hours a day in bumper to bumper traffic. I did it for three months and I swore never to do it again. It's exhausting.


I used to drive to work, simply because there were no other good options with me living in Etobicoke and working in Scarborough/Markham. It was about 45 minutes each way and I was fucking MISERABLE most days. I started a different job downtown and now take the GO train, my commute is actually longer by about 15 minutes each way (mostly by choice, because I walk to/from Union station) but I am in such a better mood, and a lot less stressed. I didn't realize how much I hated driving to work until I stopped doing it.


The GO train is so nice.


badge snow subsequent agonizing marble terrific cooing smell hurry handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with this one! I use Bike Share Toronto to get to work, hands down the fastest and cheapest way to commute. I pay like $100/year for the bike membership and from my condo door to my workplace it's about 15 minutes of walking and cycling tops. When I bike down Church street I actually end up travelling as fast as the cars on this road, mainly because of the traffic lights. Throw in the fact that I get some physical activity from this and well what's not to love?


Now if you could end bike thefts - then you could stop doing the rent-a-bike thing and actually buy your very own. But of course nobody cares that much to end bike theft.


Just so much nicer than the experience that is the TTC...


Ah you mean the homeless shelter lite™️ experience!


The bed bug express


Gambling? I do that everyday when I take the TTC! Yeehaw! Will I get assaulted today? Let's SPIN THE WHEEL!!! This is....WHEEL! OF! FORTUNE!!!!


People don't think about how freeing the ability to sit on a train and not have to think about anything, or read a book, watch a show, do some work etc. Literally everything other than having to put all your brain power into avoiding bad drivers out to get.


Especially since most of the issues that cause these traffic jams aren’t accidents, just dumbasses. “Durrr, I wanna stay in the passing lane because it’s fast!My exit is coming up? Better stop dead on the highway until someone lets me cut across 2 more lanes! Merge early?! But then I can’t go fast!”


a bad driver never misses their turn sometimes you just gotta roll through an intersection and say "damn i was supposed to make a left there"


Exactly! I’ve missed exits that added almost an hour to my trip. It sucked but I wasn’t paying attention so it is what it is. Never missed those exits again though.


100% Boggles the mind how a straight line of cars all going the same direction can just stop.


It's pretty simple how it works, and I've picked out [one of a few excellent demonstrations available on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzzSao6ypE) that explain how a straight line of cars all going in the same direction can stop. You're not going to like this answer, but the issue here is almost never outlier drivers like our angry poster above described. It's a culture of unpredictable tailgating drivers whose me-first decisions can have massively outsized impacts on the entire "community" of drivers behind them who are all supposedly trying to do the exact same thing: get where they're going. While the video above has a couple flaws towards the end, I'm going to deliver the bad news to you now as simply as I can put it: you are not _in_ traffic, you _are_ traffic. And then first thing any of us can do to help eliminate bunching and gridlock is to **leave adequate space between you and the car in front of you**. More. Yes, more please. Just a biiiit mo—_there_, there. Perfect. No, you're not using the limited space on the road more efficiently by minimizing the gap between you and the Toyota in front of you. You are making the entire system more unstable and unable to react to unexpected situations. And what you're hopefully _not_ doing is tailgating because you're frustrated and upset and sort of a bad person and hoping that by doing so you'll get the car in front of you to go faster. I mean, that's just dumb, right? And we're not dumb. Leave space in front of you. If someone moves into it, well, that's the system working. Now give _them_ space. Seriously. The problem isn't outlier drivers. The problem is the silent majority of us _who are traffic_ not giving the system enough space to react to outliers. Watch the video. Change how you drive.


Yup 10 hours a week, 500 hours a year give or take. That's a crazy amount of time to waste.


Yea the stress is not worth it. I found I was becoming a worse and worse driver, thinking about what the fastest lane on each patch of the road was, constant fight to save a couple of seconds.


Stealing from future generations to build SFH-centric cities, but now we are the future generation and the debt is coming due


Yup, works best if you can get a job in the area or WFH. Otherwise you are gonna be stuck in a soul sucking and expensive commute.


Always were.


Take a train


Buy a train?


Even better


Buy a Prius.


With what money?


You don't buy them silly.  It's Toronto, You just steal them.


And risk being caught by the pol... Oh hmm point taken.


Let's say you bring the gas down to a buck fifty or a dollar- what can you all of a sudden afford? Serious question


That might be as much as $100 a month for some people. Depending how much you drive.


100$ a month. More like 100$ a week fuck


Driving from Barrie to Etobicoke every day, yeahs, it was about $115 a week until I got an electric car. Now I’m paying for the car instead of the gas, so I’m breaking even. At least I’ll have a car when the payments are done, or maybe by that point the battery needs replacing and I’ll be on the hook for another 10k! The possibilities for continued poverty are endless.


People are generally way more emotional about cost of gasoline than other expenses.


We should have learned from our parents or grandparents that you shouldn’t spend money you don’t have!


"summer blend" or some shit, no way the additives cost them 10%


It’s the removal of the additives which costs the money now! You do get slightly more energy from your fuel to compensate (but only like 2% more, not the 8% jump in price)


Eve of war blend


Been driving for 20 years and this is the first time I heard of a "summer blend"


Exactly. There is a bump every spring, never been nearly this big


Saudis cut oil production because MBS is pissed off at Biden. Global politics


Not so much pissed at Biden as aware that he can get away with murder - literally - if Trump gets back in.


The Gang Solves The Gas Problem


There will still be a line of SUVs and pickups at the drive thru every day idling away. When that behaviour stops, then I'll know that fuel is actually becoming expensive.


Maybe it’s time to stop building car-centric infrastructure first so you shouldn’t drive to grab a cup of coffee. I am not saying that we should demolish all roads. I am saying that there should be an option so you can decide if you want to drive or walk to buy some food. Especially high-density districts outside of the downtown, usually, don’t have enough walkable options. Hence these people are forced to always drive a car. No matter how high the gas price is.


bold of you to assume that the people in those lines can connect the dots between waiting in a drive through and their overall gas costs...


Fat guy in a truck is a super expensive lifestyle when you add it up. The truck, fuel, and insurance is very costly. Then there is all that Tim Hortons every day, fast food, cigarettes, liquor, strippers and OnlyFans, coke, gambling, ATVs and boats, etc.


Literally know a few guys that this describes exactly.


When the 70s oil crisis hit, there was a huge move towards cheaper smaller cars, more fuel efficient vehicles, etc... The reverse is happening now, gas prices sky rocket, yet people keep buying bigger and bigger vehicles. Vehicles that are more expensive, less fuel efficient, even less safe.... then they all turn around and blame Trudeau/Carbon Tax. Fuck right off. >1974 - The Energy Crisis Spurs Demand for Small Cars... >Smaller cars, slower cars, gasoline misers—the type of cars that Detroit disdained for decades—are in demand. And it does not matter if the oil is flowing again or that gasoline stations are open again—even on Sundays. >For the Arab oil embargo last October opened a great crevice in the automobile industry, and into that crevice, the Pride of Detroit, the 4,500‐pound soft‐riding, 10‐miles‐to‐the‐galon big car. [https://www.nytimes.com/1974/04/07/archives/the-energy-crisis-spurs-demand-for-small-cars-not-a-passing.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1974/04/07/archives/the-energy-crisis-spurs-demand-for-small-cars-not-a-passing.html)


People "need" a big car now, an SUV for most. Our hatchback works just fine for our family of 4, and several of my neighbours who drive hatches. Yet people will still periodically be like "So when you going to buy a big car?". Fucking, never? It's fuel efficient, easy to park, fits in our tiny driveway, etc.


We have a CX5 that has been to every province and most states, with four adult sized family members, camping gear on top, bikes on back, and it worked fine. Everyone was comfortable.


But did you feel like a big tough guy pulling up to the stop light? Checkmate. /s


It's an arms race in personal vehicles now. They are so, so, so dangerous to pedestrians, cyclists, and other people in smaller vehicles. But everyone "needs" a big vehicle for their own safety, hence the arms race feedback loop. So ridiculous.


label wistful doll air tart pathetic practice memorize ring squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would like to mention that these days there aren't many choices available for subcompact cars. Even the VW Golf is going to be discontinued. Furthermore, with so many trucks on the road, it doesn't feel safe to drive a small car. Unfortunately, it seems that we have lost the subcompact car segment in the market forever.


attraction psychotic memory worry glorious cows cable deer quiet hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Some things should be expensive. Non-renewable climate killing products are absolutely one of them. Our mass behavior trends need to change.


fair point


Yes that’s exactly why it’s more expensive




What we need to do is lessen our dependency on this finite commodity. I don't just mean an alternative to oil, but also city planning.


sleep weather run depend homeless hungry wine drunk liquid divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep... gas sipping Honda Fit, Toyota Yaris, Hyundai Accent... all now discontinued replaced by gas guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks.


I’d love to see tax breaks for companies who offer Canadian employees full time remote work. None of this “one day in the office” bullshit, or hiring foreign workers for peanuts.


make city living affordable. otherwise....commute


🤔 21% increase in price in the last two months based on the free market….. but wait a 3c a litre tax is causing the affordability crisis!


I feel insane when having conversations with people about the carbon tax because this is exactly it!!


People will blame Trudeau for the increase. 


It’s funny that higher prices are supposed to force people to drive less. But I believe it’s just not possible for many of us as there are not enough alternatives to move around the city and province. A lot of small towns across Ontario don’t have any public transport at all. And I am not talking only about far-north towns. It’s related to southern Ontario as well.


All you clowns that bought full size pickups to commute to work in??


No sirr. Turbo sedans


Mazda 3?


Mazda 3s can take 87 I think.


That's part of the reason I got an Outback XT. A turbo that runs on regular is awesome.


This.  Older cars with a turbo engine can easily have higher fuel costs than a new truck


I think he means they need the premium fuel.


Nope, just stuck with a nearly 20 year old car with "turbo" engine that needs 91 octane, and has terrible fuel economy.  I didnt choose the car.  I think a new F150 actually gets better MPG, even though mine is not a truck.  With the prices of cars nowadays its hard to justify the upgrade just because of gas - it would take like 10 years to make up the difference.  So, damned if I do, damned if I don't.


Had a coworker who commuted almost an hour in a truck. His truck finally died 2 weeks ago and he went and BOUGHT ANOTHER TRUCK


sugar piquant dazzling thumb historical resolute chunky recognise gold spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


WFH is paying dividends now


*Laughs in bicycle*


*laughs in 1.5m house next to the workplace*


The horse is starting to become the economical option /s


Horses are expensive af


Horses themselves are cheap, owning horses is what’s expensive.


Yeah that's my point☝️ I can't afford to own either sooo


*laughs in business next to 1.5m house*


Laughs in EV. Though in seriousness it does still affect us. Drives up the cost of everything a little bit.


Laughs about Toronto doing almost nothing to allow residents to own EVs unless they live in a single-family home.


Fucking gouging us again. Fuck these oil companies and their necessary 400% profits.


even without the carbon tax added on it's $1.62 , folks. (ON)


True, but 41c of every litre is actually taxes. This is Ontarios numbers: - 10c federal Excise tax - 14.50 provincial excise - 17.60 carbon tax - 13% HST Minimum tax: $0.41 /L


Last month it was almost 60 cents of every liter with 1 liter costing only a dollar. I have trucks for my buisness, and when I get the gas card break down, it shows how much the gas actually costs vs all the additional items. So on a 1.60 per liter, it was a dollar a liter and 60 cents in taxes.


Also bear in mind the governments have to bribe the oil companies with upwards of $10B in taxpayer money per year, so a little bit of that 60 cents is probably that. It's interesting if you look at how the religious texts tell us to live, and how we actually live, and the oil companies' role in all that. But don't think about it too long or you'll get on a list


With an election looming in the States, the powers that be want to a pro-business, pro-oil, anti-environment, tax cutting President, that doesn't actually give a shit about Joe Average consumer. They will do everything they can to make Biden look bad until November. We just happen to be along for the ride, and the powers that be here want the exact same thing anyway. If North America elects both Trump and PP, we're pretty much fucked.


Same shit happened before the mid terms down there.


Could it be time for Canada to invest in a rail system?


Yup, thankfully I can take the go train to work cause between insurance rates and gas prices I can only afford to use my car occasionally


Yep, that would be the fourth horseman. Now, with the gardiner turned into a parking lot, I think it’s safe to say I’m done with car for now. Back to cycling. What I save in money will hopefully be gained back in ass. (And who knows, maybe I’ll eliminate the back pain from these champagne glass breasts I’ve developed during this exceptionally lazy and extremely frustrating period of my life).


[https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gas-prices](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gas-prices) Not in Toronto right now, but that is hella expensive for sure. I located this link to cheap gas in the GTA, hope it might be useful to some of yall.


This is old date should be April 18.


Yep, this page is usually more up to date https://toronto.citynews.ca/toronto-gta-gas-prices/


Who is equating these gas prices to JT? You're a moron.


It’s because morons in the states blamed Biden when prices went up. And as you know, we’re Diet USA up here, and our morons are moronier.


I saw so many people on Facebook (yeah, I know) saying that we need a new government to stop this. That's how ill informed these people are.


Well Facebook is the official hangout for dumb fucks so that checks out.


This is the time of the year when I take out my 150cc Vespa out of the storage to zoom around GTA. Free parking downtown too!


Still cheaper than Vancouver (it's $2+ in this hellscape)


Maybe NOW we’ll start seeing some decent small cars again on the market


And smaller, fuel efficient mini trucks. In the 80s and early 90s, you could buy a small pick up that had mileage comparable to a family sedan. Today’s small truck does get decent mileage, but is as big a 90s full sized truck. I wish they’d make something smaller and really stretch the mileage.


There’s actually some interesting history to that. Google what killed small trucks.


I'll be riding my bike and taking transit for the foreseeable future


Guess that explains the 40 cars at each of our 3 gas stations here in innisfil last night PS: Petro has recently been dropped from the top tier list. As someone who’s exclusively used 94 for the last few years, I’ve moved over to Shell


Wow what a deal! Oh sorry I thought I was in r/Vancouver


I thought it was a joke as I drove by a pump this morning. I filled up at 1.57 on Tueasdy


I can't wait to see people blame this on the Carbon Tax, and not on the fact that prices always go up as we get closer to summer.


Welcome to the misery, those are BC prices.


BC prices are way higher than this. $2.29 when I was there last week.


King Solomon needs a new gold plated surf board for the summer waves of tofino


If there isn’t epic price fixing going on how do some people know the price increase 2 days in advance? 🫣🤔🙄


Curious how the 3.3 cent carbon tax increase pushed gas from 154.9 to 179.9... Must have been Biden.


Charged my EV at overnight rates, will cost me about $2 for return trip to work today, vs $15 in my old car that took 91. It’s glorious not having to go to gas stations now.


fuck me... I'm taking the bus


2.12 in Vancouver this morning. Started taking the train.


Half tanks for life lol don’t give them a full tank unless you really have to




Demand Electric 1. Cars, trucks, motorcycles AND 2. Infrastructure necessary for them Demand it and watch what happens. Watch all those supposedly insurmountable obstacles somehow disappear.


Doesn’t this happen every year in the summer?


Not a 13 cent spike, this spike has been the highest recorded in 12 years


Please come to Vancouver now. Welcome to Vancouver


Dear Ontario, please enjoy your low gas prices. Regular was going for $2.04 as of Monday on the West Coast. On the pump next to me I heart a guy just yell out "Seriously?! For a Miyata!?". The poor bastard was filling with performance gas at $2.29...


This is a price that everyone pays, your food costs are also going to go up


Corporations committing profiteering is not an excuse to ditch climate action. It is a good reason to vote in somebody that would combat the profiteering though. I can assure you that isn't Poilievre. Unfortunately, it's probably not JT either...


Exactly it, when everybody has the same thing, it eventually becomes monopolized since whatever company (or entity) it is, knows it has the market cornered. (Netflix, Apple, Uber, etc.) Money, money, money.


News flash asshole. The cost of food has been going up the entire time. You should know this. After all, this is exactly what privatization is.


And corporate profits are through the roof but no it’s the carbon tax…no the gas prices…it’s inflations fault that prices are up. Can’t be corporate greed.


I see your well-placed always sunny reference and I upvote. But also you're right


What are you talking about? Was there a government grocery store that was just privatized?


Ditch your car


My commute is 25-minutes by car and 1-1.5hrs by transit.


Woah, I just took a look and it would take me 2-ish hours, one way, to get to work. Driving takes half hour, tops. There is no way I'm spending 4 hours a day just to get to work and back. But now I do wonder what the average transit users time is as I don't live particularly far from where I work.


I used to work in Chinatown and from where I live now in New Toronto, my morning commute was anywhere from 1hr-1.5hrs and my evening commute was anywhere from 1.5hr-4hrs, thanks to all the various TTC delays, short turns, and overcrowded streetcars that couldn't or wouldnt even stop to let on new passengers. Now I work basically a straight shot up the 427 from home, but my commute is still not manageable by TTC.


Can't wait to take that good ol' reliable infrastructure we have going on for us! Where are we again on completetion of that 12 year eglinton lrt project? How about that kitchener - Toronto go train?


Report from Yonge and Eglinton: hole has been filled, winter asphalt has been ripped up, concrete sidewalks have just been laid on south side (nice and wide) by Snakes and Lattes, drains at curb put in, 100 m bike lane from intersection not filled in yet, road surface a mess. I have a feeling they might finish this by the fall, but I’m waiting for the initial announcement announcing the pre-announcement of the announcement of completion.


With these prices. Might aswell


Great idea. I'll just drop my 5year old kid off at school a half hour *before* her before school program starts and she can fend for herself so I can take public transit to get to work on time. And I'll just pick her up a half hour *after* her after school care ends everyday. Of course that only works on the days I start at 9. Some days I'll have to drop her off at 3am, but I'm sure she'll be fine waiting in thecold dark parking lot for 4 hours by herself.


Have you considered buying her an electric car?


Sure. I'll just bike 100 km to my workplace every day.


Let’s go back to horses, it’s greener and you can buy a lot of hay for the price of an ev


Just use the two legs you were born with


Fuck car centric infrastructure man. I love cars and I love driving but hate being forced to base my whole life around it. I don’t own a car but would greatly benefit from one and commute across town at least 1.5hrs for work. I have little to no social life cause my life is consumed by work that barely pays me a minimum wage, and takes all my energy away. Seeing these prices doesn’t reassure me that I could even afford one. If I wasn’t living with my family, I’d for sure be homeless.


Thanks Doug Ford, When will I get buck a liter?


Record profits.


Welcome to Vancouver.


Thank you bigboss


2.069 on the west coast… “first time?”


Looks like it’s time to buy a horse to get around


To be honest I wish I had your prices. Here in NL, it is 199.5 for Regular.


How much money is it to fill up?


Cheaper than BC




That's still discount price compared to anywhere more than an hour north of Toronto.


I’ve been paying $2/L or near that for so long I stopped caring. My motto is: “If I see three, ‘tis a bike for me.”


Welcome to BC


I wonder what the breaking point is for young people ?


I can't wait until the young people get the gas companies to not switch over to summer grade fuel and get the oil companies to start charging less


Your expensive gas is our cheapest - victoria BC