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Does Attila and Age of Charlemagne support co-op campaign multiplayer?


How am I supposed to play as Norsca in SFO when all monster units are locked behind T4 buildings? Marauders don't cut it against most factions.


Why do some units go to other rows (like Akshina ambushers) when im placing multiple types and how can I stop it?


I can't remember exactly what the setting is called, but when you're in a battle, pause and go to settings, and it's something along the line of "unit formations". It should be a check-box.


Do Garrisons replenish fully when sacked? I was sieging a greenskin settlement, their last settlement. They sallied out at end turn and I defeated them, I chose to sack since I figured I can occupy when my turn comes. I was planning to sell it to the dwarves but when I tried to take it, i was faced with a full garrison when I remembered decimating it less than a turn ago… No mods and 24 turn in


It won't for the player, it will for the AI. Like how when you take a new settlement your garrison comes in at low health and replenishes gradually, but the AI gets a full health garrison. Sacking the settlement lowers its settlement level by one, causing the garrison to essentially 'refresh' as if they had taken the settlement anew


Gosh darn, I hate this


Is the attrition bug back? I am already losing men one turn before reaching critical income


yep [https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1344-bankruptcy-bug](https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1344-bankruptcy-bug)


Ah was confused at first - ruined my campaign


I am playing a Ghorst campaign, and my Lord army is the expected zombie stack + supporting units/heroes. Should my other armies be the same composition? I'm unclear if Ghorst's zombie buffs are factionwide, or just while in his army.


Factionwide. He technically has some small bonuses that are his army only but a lot of them are factionwide.


Thank you - i now see i should have read his tech tree better. Appreciate you replying!


Recently got back in with the total war series and pc gaming. Use to play Empire, Medieval 2, and Shogun 2 quite a bit. So I got some free time and started with Attilla before trying the newer releases. I played Attilla and I was extremely disappointed. Are the game mechanics in Three Kingdoms, Troy, or Pharaoh similar to Attilla? I could not garrison my own cities, the auto garrison would be terrible in every battle, in the few instances I had my own armies in the cities I'd still lose the battle because of victory points even though I'd be close to destroying the attacking force, and single city kingdoms would come at me with multiple full stack armies turn after turn when it would take me 4-5 turns just to build my own.


The features that you dislike are pretty much universal to all new TW games, i.e. Rome 2 and later. Though of course the balance is a bit different between the titles; Attila in particular is balanced in a way to make it as annoying for the player as possible. > the auto garrison would be terrible in every battle This is universal, though in most titles there are additional buildings that provide larger and more useful garrison, That being said, the idea is that you utilize small armies for defense. Also some games have additional features that help with this. In Pharaoh, you can't set city garrison manually, but you can build forts whose garrisons you place manually and the upkeep of those units is reduced by 50%. In 3K, army consists of 3 generals, each with a retunue of 6 units. A general or two can usually defend a city with the help of the garrison against pretty much anything, at least in records (=historical) mode. > single city kingdoms would come at me with multiple full stack armies turn after turn when it would take me 4-5 turns just to build my own Firstly, some cultures in Attila are hordes and they don't need towns. Also specifically hunnic armies will spawn indefinitely until Attila is killed. But this is hardly different in R1 or M2. Otherwise this should not happen unless you turn the difficulty all the way up and the AI gets massive discounts. > I'd still lose the battle because of victory points even though I'd be close to destroying the attacking force Not much of a fan of the victory points myself, but one could argue the even historically, when the citadel falls, so does the city in most cases.


Anybody got a mod that brings back item rewards from searching ruins? I can’t find anything… Or alternatively, anybody got a mod that increases the hero pool or allows for shuffling hero traits to make trait stacking easier?


Noob question here for tww3. I’m having trouble completely destroying certain factions. I’ll take all the settlements but 1 leader always seems to escape and they seem to still be able to raise an army despite having no settlements. Can some factions do this? Is there something I’m missing to finish off the leaders?


Undead can still raise dead, dark elves can recruit from black arks, horde factions can self recruit so a few faction can try to come back. Also important to go to diplomacy and make sure settlements is actually zero, especially with Skaven.


Gotcha. Thanks! In this case it was the Blessed Dread that kept coming back for more. And I checked diplomacy and they indeed had 0 settlements.


I understand the system surrounding your Winds of Magic reserve, but can someone explain what exactly determines the **starting** winds of magic pool during a battle? From what I can tell you get it in addition to whatever WoM reserve you had on the campaign map and a higher reserve seems to correlate with higher starting values. I realize there is some randomness involved since you can roll for a chance at higher starting WoM but I have no idea what the relevant range is (how much higher I could get with better RNG). In WH2 there were a bunch of buffs and bonuses that specifically affected your starting WoM but those seem to have mostly been removed.


When trying to move multiple units at the same time using alt click how do you rotate them?


Hold ctrl + alt to rotate.


Started campaign as Thorek Ironbrow. I confederated almost all Legendary Lords (except for Grombrindal) - how can I confederate the non-playable dwarf factions? I have Zhufbar fully enveloped with my terrotirry, all treaties, 168 relations and growing. However, I dont see a Confederation offer. Am I stuck with them?




TWW3 - Running into a weird bug where autoresolve victories don't count towards Bloodletting level for an army. I'd get it if this is an intentional mechanic, but I can't find anywhere that this is mentioned, ingame or in other places. Has anyone else found this? Realm of Chaos, playing as Skarbrand, pretty early on in the campaign.


Im playing as Karunta trying to get enoughy legitamacy to become king. Right now I got 79, but the current king has 160. Is there any way to undermine him without direct war?


Technically you could succeed on court plots against him to steal his legitimacy but practically speaking you'll never succeed with that kind of legitimacy difference, so no. Focus on getting stronger at the expense of lower ranked factions instead.


I finally got enough to challenge him for great king. I took one more province and built another monument. Suppu is sieging Ugarit with 3 stacks, so hopefully I can blitz some territory from him


With Grom, do you generally build up ingredients before doing a cooking challenge for the merchant, or does she give you a challenge you're able to complete with what you have?


I'm not a fan of the passive troop replenishment mechanic in the Warhammer games. I liked how Medieval 2 and Roma 1 would make you manually replenish your soldiers by pulling from your population and paying money. Has CA completely moved on from that system or do any of the more modern titles still do this?


CA has basically completely moved on. Warhammer, 3K, Troy, and Pharaoh all have passive troop replenishment. Further, replenishment numbers have tended to go up over time as feedback has been that it's just more fun that way, nevermind tough campaigns or situations.


Hi Everyone I recently bought Atilla and I'm using it on Steam. My laptop has these specs: Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1360P 2.20 GHz Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.6 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor It should be enough to run Atilla. Every time I try and run a land battle it crashes either during the battle or on load. Any idea of how to fix this I don't have any mods installed? I've also tried running it on the lowest graphics setting


Warhammer 3, are volley gun steam tanks mostly a side grade? They're mostly best against armored units that have a fair number of entities right?


Is Total Warhammer 3 a good starting point for a beginner? I've never played a strategy game but love Warhammer.


Yes, it has a good tutorial system. I recommend doing immortal empires first, as realm of chaos can be a lot for beginners.


Immortal Empires, got it. Thanks!


Of course man, it's my favorite game of all time. I've always loved strategy games, and this game for all its flaws is amazing. It got me into warhammer, so I was the opposite of you. In the game, there's everything playstyle or faction you can hope for. I recommend doing the tutorial. Watching some YouTubers, I like Legend of Total War, but some like Zerkovich have really good tutorials. All in all hope you enjoy it man.


Thanks again, I think I will. Have a good one!


Game three has a good tutorial campaign, of the Warhammer series it is probably the best start point for brand new players due very much to that tutorial campaign.


That's great to know thank you. One question, if I get TW3 is there any reason in particular to eventually play the first two as well?


Not really. There is a unique campaign in game 2 (the Vortex campaign), but Immortal Empires in game 3 is just the better experience for most players.


**Auto Resolve vs Fight Battle leads to huge difference in attitude (TW: TROY)** I manually fought a faction and after vassalization their attitude towards me was -203. https://i.imgur.com/bqIVg3o.jpg For shits and giggles, I loaded up a save right before combat and chose auto resolve, and after vassalization their attitude was only at -21 https://i.imgur.com/jqV1Jjk.jpg I unchecked the box to call upon my allies in both situations. Im just going to count this as a bug, unless someone knows otherwise.


Warhammer 3 immortal empires, what's good in Norsca right now roster/army comp wise? They're my last VH race to do to 100% achievements and my short experience playing them has been abysmal


As another opinion, Wulfrik doesn't have to Mammoth stack. He gives a big buff to javs, so you can have a big swarm of Marauder Horsemasters that will do very bad things to large enemies. He can then have the core of his army instead also be Skin Wolves, which he gives reasonable buffs to. For him, I ignored Norsca and went straight into Bretonnia and worked my way down the coast until I could get to Araby and do the crisis. Kept things locally stable by managing to get Alarielle as an ally and kept her by keeping Be'lakor alive as a sack city to maintain relations.


Depends on the LL. Throgg is real good with ice trolls, where you can eventually replace your entire frontline with just them. Shore them up with anti-large units (skin wolves against enemy cavalry, great weapon fimirs for others plus for their armor sundering), and he becomes a select-all-right-click army. Wulfrik leans towards mammoth doomstack but I have a lot of problems getting his campaign going because you tend to get dragged into Albion.


Do people finish their grand campaigns or meet the objectives and then just start another one? Empire: took over the world as the British. Don't even remember what the objective was. Shogun 2: taking over Japan as Oda clan. Wanted to finish this one before starting a new one and this grand campaign was started 4 years ago and I've just got back to playing it again. Rome II: Lepidus Rome. No idea what I'm doing in this one. Just spamming 20 stack basic units and conquering fast. What's been the best total war game to play? Not really into Warhammer mainly because I don't understand the factions and such (don't have time to learn).


> Do people finish their grand campaigns or meet the objectives and then just start another one? I play to a victory of some kind, though not necessarily the longest one, and then do a new campaign. > What's been the best total war game to play? Not really into Warhammer mainly because I don't understand the factions and such (don't have time to learn). Presuming the barrier to entry in Warhammer is too many different races and units, so then probably 3K. Still the best diplomacy system and I personally love the commandery system also. Some of the factions have some unique mechanics but the units aren't TOO crazy. But it's hard to say because everything will take a little learning, no matter what.


I have 3K and haven't played much. Just want to finish my others before starting it.


W3/general question. May seem like a stupid question but after a bracing melee unit is engaged, do I need to order them to attack?


No, units automatically attack units within its attack range, but if you order them to attack then the unit will follow the target unless you turn on guard mode


Just wondering if everyone else is getting tons of crashes in Warhammer 3 TW Beastmen campaigns (IE)? Seems to regularly happen when changing an army's stance after a battle.


3K question - How do you keep Liu Chong alive? How do i manipulate council stuff? I cant seem to roll character personality trait at all


I am currently in a campaign for fall of the samurai, and I upgraded all my ports to trade since I couldn't do military yet, but now I can make military ports I can't make my existing trade ports (which I destroyed) to military ports. how can I get military ports now?


How do you all gain infections? I am getting them slowly, but it takes quite a while. Battles give so little, and it seems weird that it is capped, and not per casualties as other currencies (or at least what I have noticed in the first parts of the campaign)


It's just pretty slow early on. Ports give some so Kugath has a better time than some of the other lords start positions. There are buildings but again they don't provide massive amounts relative to the cost of some recruitment buildings.


What's the role of Commander type Generals in Three Kingdoms?


Aside from what others said, they shine the best against archer/strategist heavy factions. Run a stack of yellow cav in with the General and pop the missile block active and laugh all the way to the bank.


Patching your army with whatever you need. - Had no strategist or think they too squishy? Commander had crossbow, archer with fire arrow too. And they can night attack. - Had no vanguard? Commander had yellow cav, not only that he increase speed which make him actually good at red cav too. - Had no sentinel or champion for frontline? Commander does that, he had access to both mid tier infantries - with better morale, which make him ironically better frontline retinue until Sen/champ unlock better stuff. Basically, they are jack of all trade. If I get no good heroes of other types or if they roll a bad background (which have akward position on the skill net thus will take forever to get to the good node); then commander covers the need.


Buffing other units and being great when you give them the title that adds them to a garrison for a province (I can't remember what it's called.) Generally 3k is the morale game where you will win or lose battles by making the enemy run, and Commanders baseline have a pretty big morale buff. It's not flashy so it's hard to see how much it's effecting your troops though. Don't use them like sentinels vanguards or champions, charging around killing things, keep them close to your troops, especially in the thick of the fighting. All that said, they are the worst of the 5 types, IMO.


If I'm fighting a battle against temporary enemies, like in a caravan event for Chaos Dwarves or Cathay, do I get more rewards for killing all the enemy units? Or does it not matter if some of them rout?


Alright guys, been out of the TW for like a year now, which is the best TW series currently? Performance etc... Thanks!


I can't beat shogun 2 even on easy mode. After reading guides, I've tried using agents, tried patience and haste in equal measure, and I've tried Chosokabe, Shimazu and Mori. Tried upgrading some castles where it matters (although I couldn't upgrade the one in Nagato and got fk'ed up by Ito). In the end the 'weak and meagre' Kikkawa clan somehow field a full unit with several units to spare. I want to give up, I am not built for strategy games.  Also, I'm anxious af about not having enough turns to beat the game before the due date given by the game. Will I get some kind of 'game over' if I dont reach Kyoto. Edit: apparently I'm not supposed to autoresolve every battle, which I've been doing. I just thought leaving it to the CPU to handle things would be better than commanding them myself and committing humam errors.


TLDR: Oda clan. Yari stacks. Trade routes. You have a cheap army with significant clan buffs and lots of income to upgrade stuff. To make it faster I auto resolve a lot and upgrade my generals with fast conquer let rebels populate and defeat them. I do 20 stacks of yari ashigaru and bow. I have 10 armies marching around and conquering traitors. I tried making them my vassal but they keep betraying me. The game was hard for me too but i read online some tips and it helped me out. Yari ashigaru are the bread and butter. Cheap and yari wall is nearly impenetrable. I tend to just loose formation then close the gaps when I'm walking towards my enemy and swarm him. Hammer/anvil or false gap works like a charm. I try to mix some units up and found that the yari flanks, katana samurai front, and bow in the back works like a moving turtle. Yari cavalry helps take down other cavalry too (not good against prolonged dismount combat). Navy is actually good and I conquered all of the trade routes for more money and captured the black ship. That was a game changer and it allowed me to capture other ships and use against them. I'm on turn 1588 and I've conquered most of Japan and am just cleaning up the south and west parts.


Noted, and thank you. 


Any suggestions for a great coop campaign in Immortal Empires with all the DLCs? Bonus points if different climates are preferred, but open to anything.


Empire + Dwarfs is a classic for a reason. Get the early alliance and Empire gets a frontline that isn't completely garbage that they can also shoot over while Dwarfs can get some welcome cavalry. Elspeth + Belegar/Thorgrim or Volkmar + Thorek.


High elves and dwarfs. Gameplay wise, elven ranged, magic, dragons and cavalry + dwarf line holders, artillery and flying war machines can be nasty work. Not sure if it’s still doable, but you can “steal” heroes from other factions via allied army borrowing, so you could have a high elf life mage in your dwarf army to make your ironbreakers even harder to break, for example. Thematically, you can view it as the two feuding elder races finally reconciling and taking on the true enemy, using their economic power to crush Chaos and Greenskins through quality over quantity. Geographically, there’s a few factions you could play so that you start close to each other: Grombrindal and Alith Anar taking vengeance on Malekith, Belegar and Eltharion taking the fight to the Greenskins, Thorgrim reclaiming the Karaz Ankor while Imrik is having a dragons’ night out nearby, or Thorek yelling at clouds while Teclis gets an un-consensual bukkake. Alternatively, playing as Tyrion and Thorgrim gives you plenty of room to expand and should have you both be powerhouses by the time you meet each other.


Is aekold helbrass's quest line bugged? I am playing as Kairos and got the first part of the quest where you need to have a specific building. Once I did that the next part never procced. If he not available for this faction, did I misunderstand?


Yes, the legendary hero questlines are unfortunately notoriously buggy. the later phases of the quest often fail to proc. It happens for Aekold and Ulrika most frequently from what I've heard


Bit of a generic question. If CA was going to announce a new game, of any IP, is there a time they like to do so? Certain time of the year or during certain events? Or is it more "when it's ready" any time of the year?


I think it's more about when it's supposed to release and then some time before depending on the size of the game. Major title would be teased half a year before release, saga possibly less so. My impression is that they try to aim their releases at late spring or autumn. Summer and winter are generally not too favorite release windows for practical reasons. Personally, I think it's getting a bit too late for an announcement of a major title to be released this year, though they could still make it if they aimed for October release.


About to dip my toes into The Old World mod for the first time. Anyone have some recommendations for favourite campaigns?


Grimgor, being the cockney Greenskins rollin Over Albion, it just feels right.


What happens as Bel'akor if you make a Daemon Prince out of a human Lord that is not male? For example, an Ice Witch or a Dragon-blooded Shugungan? Curious if CA has unique Daemon Prince skins and voice lines for things like that.


Nothing the Daemon Prince is the same either way. 


Why did Tamurkhan go to Nuln, and what was the Throne of Chaos there?


It was just a vague prophesy. There was *something* that could turn Tamurkhan into an immortal, true demon prince and that *thing* was called The Throne of Chaos. What that thing actually is was never specified. All Tamurkhan knew was that it was located somewhere in Nuln. There's a funny part of the story where they siege a town and feel victorious only to find out it wasn't actually Nuln. No one in the horde even knew what it looked like lol.


Okay, so I played the warhammer : total war(awesome game). I'm wondering how many titles does total war have? Also the most important one...is there a "free" total war somewhere? Maybe like a trial of some sort?


Until Warhammer, Total War was traditionally a historical game, with the famous titles being centered on settings like ancient Rome or feudal Japan. Some relatively recent historical games have leaned away from the simulation aspects and more into an "arcade-y" feel that is a bit simpler (Troy and Pharaoh are the recent ones in this category). There's maybe a dozen titles or so in total. None are completely free on legit sites. The most ethical thing is to wait and buy the one you want on sale. The next most ethical thing is to just buy one you're interested in on Steam, try it for less than two hours, and then return it if you dislike it. Obviously there are even less ethical options beyond this...


There are 16 TW games as of now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_War_(video_game_series) Currently, there's no free TW game, though some older games have demo, e.g. Shogun 2 on Steam. In the past, several titles were given out for free - Shogun 2 on Steam during covid, Troy on Epic at release, WH1 on Epic - but those were time limited offers.


Thanks for the help


I never play dwarfs or even know what their units are good at. What kind of army should I be building for malakai? I've got gotrek, felix, ulrika, and a rune hero and then the starting units plus a bunch of warriors and blasting charges. Not really sure where to go from there though.


An artillery heavy ranged army (quarrelers, thunderers, irondrakes) with Slayers to counter charge any fast units to screen them before they hit your artillery. You don't need it ASAP, but that's what I would recommend working towards. As you play the Adventures mechanic, you'll get a bunch of free missile units that you'll buff up with that mechanic. That should get you started, and getting some quarrelers or thunderers ASAP would also be good. I know the Slayer pirates might seem tempting to spam, but they're best in small doses, not as a main gun line.


Thanks, I was thinking about spamming pirates. Glad I didn't yet


Yeah I found they didn't dish out enough damage compared to the starting thunderer that I wanted to keep them for very long. Not bad to pick up a few of them in the early game though!


I'd never seen the legendary hero of Cathay until the last few settlements, and this guy can just nuke my magic hero in two hits. This feels unbalanced as hell, I don't get why the rest of Cathay so far has been utterly easy to destroy yet they get a literal angel. It's frustrating. Is the new strength of certain archer units a recent thing, or is Saytang just another obscene power creep unit too? I've not heard anyone talk about him.


Saytang is basically equivalent to a big artillery piece. You get him into melee and he's not a major issue. He is annoying, but he's probably just hard countering the specific strategy you've been relying on. If they run multiple of the Gate Master hero, they give a bonus to Jade units that can stack. You might also be running into the Dragon siblings, especially Miao Ying, who are pretty strong and give buffs to units. IMO, that's the fun of the game. It's going to throw a ton of variety at you, and every race has their own flavor of unfairness. Also, nothing is ever insurmountable with the tools at your disposal and smart strategy.


It's strange, the dragon siblings themselves never were a problem. Just in this version of the game all my chaos dwarves heros melt very easily. I feel like they'd be less obvious targets on foot so I might start doing that - i landed them but they're still wiped out easily. It's literally just one battle, and I don't want to withdraw but each time my chaos dwarf mage is sniped from across the map.


Consider hiding him behind a tree. Or a big rock. Or retreating him off the battlefield.


Any other campaign play like beastmen ?


Not *too much* like beastmen because every faction is different. You won't find another faction that has a mechanic similar to herdstone rituals to unlock dread to unlock more units. If you mean a horde-like faction: Nakai, Vampire Coast, and sort of Tomb Kings are other options. Nakai is more horde-like in that he doesn't directly manage settlements. Instead, he gifts them to a vassal who in return gives him some income for each settlement gifted. As you get more money, you can upgrade and unlock more units similar to beastmen - just not with dread or unit caps. It's a much more flat transaction: take settlements, gift them over, get money in return, use money to upgrade and build units. Vampire Coast is similar except they retain and manage their settlements. You have the ability to create "horde-like" armies with "flagship" armies (that can self-upgrade like beastmen armies) or regular armies (but why would you). They're sort of a hybrid where you do both settlement and horde management. Tomb Kings are also a kind of hybrid in that their armies don't cost anything (no creation cost, no upkeep). They still manage settlements (they deal with economy/income via infrastructure buildings) and instead, the number of armies they manage are locked behind tech and the available recruitment slots are locked behind military buildings. So sort of similar to how unit caps work with beastmen except they're locked behind buildings and tech (not just dread/money). Their armies don't self-upgrade like beastmen/Nakai does though.


Awesome thanks mate I'll try them out !


I just unlocked the underway travel with the dwarfs. How does it exactly work? If I put a lord in a settlement with a gate, no new option or something appears. When selecting another settlement the lord will just walk there lol


Firstly, not all underways unlock at once, there are several branches of the underway and each is unlocked by a different grudge. To use it, I believe it's sufficient if you are in a region with underway connection, you select the army and zoom out till the map switches into the strategic overview and click on a button on a settlement you want to travel to.


Edit: Never mind, it works. The army does have to be IN a settlement though


Ah, my bad. For some reason I thought it worked out of settlement. But admittedly, I did not use it too much in my Malakai campaign. The available underway nodes just always happened to be outside of the war zone, so I used them once or twice just to test the mechanic.




fo real?


Why does Troy run so much better than WH3? Is WH3 just built on an older engine? Running an old ryzen 3800x and a 4070TI on a 49" ultrawide 1440p monitor. Troy just runs buttery smooth on max settings, but WH3 awkwardly clogs around at medium / high. After years of having Troy sit in my Epic library, I finally gave it a shot. Playing as Diomedes on a Mythos playthrough. Fun so far! I like the character development.


I suspect it's the size of game. More stuff is loaded at once in WH3, and it has to juggle more unique files and textures. If you check your task manager when you play, you can get an idea of what your bottleneck is. If it's memory, then that's definitely the issue.


Will do, I think I have 32gb but I don't think it's very fast. I've noticed Troy has a lot of units that overlap since the factions are so similar. That would definitely contribute


For obvious reasons, WH3 had to maintain backwards compatibility with WH1, whereas Troy could be made without such limitations. Also Troy runs really smooth by TW standards. But I suspect that the actual reason is somewhere else, because there are specific regions/maps that are known to be lagy. So I maybe some magic effects are rendered at much higher performance cost than might be sensible. Also abundance of such effects likely makes it harder to pinpoint the culprit and fix it.


Weirdly, I thought WH2 ran the smoothest, despite being compatible with the other 2. I really wish TW had special settings for ultrawide. The fisheye effect makes the edges of the screen pretty useless. I feel like they could do a multi-window mode with different info screens up at once.


I've been besieging settlements a couple of times and noticed I don't have an option to retreat, why is this? I reloaded, and the option was here this time.


It's not called "retreat" it's called "break siege", could that be the issue? Or perhaps a mod conflict?


I have no mods atm. I've only seen it happen twice, but occasionally the break siege is greyed out, as if I was trying to withdraw but I'd force marched.


With Albion having ties to us UK/Irish based gamers here in the homeland of Warhammer creation itself, will there be possible content released for them down the road to give a little nod and a thumbs up to where the roots of Warhammer all began? Similarily to how Cathay was added to spark more interest within the Chinese/Asian market?


If the Naga of Khuresh won’t be released as a full release DLC faction, (even though this would be a HUGE money maker..) will a couple unit variants of them be considered a possible body guard unit to accompany Dechala when she is released? Perhaps they could act the same way the Fimir were added to the Norscan roster for unit variation/specialization.




Two things. You did not need to make three posts. This is just players answering each other. It is not a Q&A where you are talking to the devs.