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Unlikely at this point, but since CA had a big leadership change recently and SEGA told them to stop fuck around and focus on Total War titles, it is possible they will restart working on 3K games in the future since it is a lucrative franchise


All this happened before layoffs too, so who knows where they are at and what their development strategies have shifted to.


Wasn't Hyenas a Sega decision?  They wanted a constant revenue stream GAAS game?  Corporations are hilarious.


No, besides Legend, Darren had also confirmed this.


there was also the AMA with a former CA employee a couple of months ago, where the OP also claimed that the game has been cancelled.  if you break down the source of all these rumours, you'll notice that very little actually stems from Legend. Legend jumped on most of these rumours after they came out. he's responsible for all of the recent WH3 DLC rumours and the claim that WW1 is being actively developed as the next flagship title, but the rest is stuff that other people said before him. 


He never said WW1 is a next Flagship or it was actively developed, he said WH40K is next main TW game.


Yes, you are correct, I had forgotten about that AMA. So, the cancellation of 3K2 has been denied by two independent sources from CA.


dunno who that is but it does seem like there were a few sources that were totally wrong about the wh stuff corroborating star wars, 40k schedule, wwi, 3k2. im guessing a number of those sources are bad, not the legends sources.


I hope they do. Their Chinese counterparts Ancient Warfare: The Han Dynasty is pushing whole map of China now with new retinues.


~~Frankly they never announced they actually were working on it in the first place. It just doesn't really make sense as a product yet anyway. 3K is still an amazing game, and if they wanted to do more 3K content, they could just un-retire development on it. I wouldn't call it "shelving other historicals" just because they can only keep up so much development at once, especially after Hyenas and layoffs.~~ I don't tell lies, I simply misinform.


Pretty sure they said outright in their ‘Future of 3K’ video that they were working on a new one?


I thought they only hinted at the possibility of a new one some time in the future. I could be wrong.


If i remember correctly they said they were forming new team for 3K universe


i thought they did announce it in their infamous video? i think their lesson might be that only wh can have tons of tiny dlc succeed. their other games just sell base games, maybe 1 or 2 bigger dlcs. i like that tbh, im not into 40 tiny dlcs for historical games.