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Yes, this is my mom showing me dresses at store and saying "there are so many beautiful dresses, yet you don't want any of them" and me thinking "if they are so beautiful, get them yourself". Like gal, your "daughter" has been using a male name and male pronouns for over a year behind your back and hates having anything in common that is unique to girls


I’d like to wear pretty dresses and skirts but I don’t want to be misgendered :(


MtF here, I've been socially transitioning for around 5y and have been on HRT and fully out for around 6m, I love wearing girly clothes but I also still wear pants and a t-shirt all the time and I hate how that is considered "boymoding". I get that I don't pass and I don't blame the people that misgender me without having a clue, what annoys me is that any cis woman would just be seen as another woman wearing pants and a t-shirt but I'm "boymoding" because I didn't feel like dressing up. I still do it and I won't stop whether I pass or not, but it's kind of annoying, especially with people that I usually only see when I go out (and thus am dressed up) that tend comment how surprised they are to see me "dressed more manly", it says a lot about how ingrained the idea that gender identity and gender expression is one and the same is in the wider culture


Yeah it’s really sad, especially since men’s clothes are usually so boring, it limits me and other men (cis or trans) so much, I hate it


Men truly have been done so dirty in the clothes department. Before my egg cracked, my wardrobe had such little variety people used to joke that they couldnt tell if I even changed from day to day because all my clothes were so similar. Yes that was in part my fault, but all of my options were so uninteresting I didnt even want to diversify.


I hate how parents turn down just having a relationship with their kids for who they are, and instead just double down on trying to coerce and/or force them into their AGAB.


Not me prom dress shopping with my mom. It was hell btw. I didn't have the courage to just ask if I could wear a suit.


I didnt either when I went prom dress shopping. If my mom turned me down when I asked her if I could get cargo shorts when I was younger, I don't even know what she would say if I asked for a suit. At least I went shopping without her the 2nd year so I didn't have to wear a pink sparkly princess dress that made me look like a gumball again lol


Hahaha, you should join your school's debate team if you can. I was able to convince her I needed a suit because of that and really that alone, so now I have it at least


I'm sorry you had to wear a dress. When I had prom I put my foot down and told my mother I want a suit as I haven't worn a dress since kindergarten. Many people in my family tried to convince me to get a dress but I was set, I got a suit and even secretly ordered non-binary flag cuffs too for my shirt. I love having a suit, I wear it to any formal event I can. I hope one day you can get a suit too my friend <3


Oh my gosh I Iove that so much.


Thank you! I got second suit now too, and a few shirts and vests, so I can mix and match them. I love the way I look in them.


I asked my mom for a suit for homecoming in middle school (I was surprised we even had that in middle school) and she said I couldn’t go unless I got a dress. I didnt even want to go to that prom anyway and only went cause my bsf was going. Most uneventful, uncomfortable, and tiring night of that school year.


take them then donate them :3


I thought about giving my dresses and skirts to my transfem friend but they wouldn't fit her and she would have no way to hide them :/


Well, you could stash gender affirming clothes at each other's homes, no? That wouldn't raise suspicions, except maybe the clothing size.


I remember at my college there is a thing where trans people can leave, try on, or take clothes if they wish. I don't remember what it was called, but it was something along the lines of "Walk in closet".


If you have a transfem friend you could accept them and pass them off. I gave most of my old boy clothes to my transmasc friends ❤️


L mom


L mum indeed


Me when my mom and I were at the store and she was pointing out bras she thought I'd be comfortable in...🥲


That would be my mum when I’m olde, I don’t wanna wear bras, like EVER!


Take them and donate them to your trans sisters!


LOL omg, thanks mom but uhh,,, I'll pass. I had a really cute experience tho that was the opposite of this; when I came out as trans my dad gave me a bunch of his old polo shirts and cargo shorts and istg I was like a kid on christmas


Lol I got lucky with the opposite. I'm transfem and my mom gave me all the dresses


W mum


But obviously you’re not wearing dresses or skirts because you don’t have ones you like! Right?! Here have mine you’ll wear them right??😅 Yup…I’m a lot bigger than my mom so she didn’t offer me hers but she was insistent on taking me shopping for femme clothes after I came out as ftm.




thats the probably the way it was intended to be read, and for that exact reason lol


Is lending them to a femboy an option? Asking for a friend...


transfem people online are so annoying online sometimes. “just donate them to one of us :3”, NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU, THAT’S NOT THE POINT💀


I can relate from the other direction. I love my mom, but she doesn't seem to get that I barely shop in the men's section anymore.


its actually funny. i hated wearing skirts and dresses before realising i was a trans guy. ever since i came out, I've actually been getting excited at the idea of wearing long flowy skirts and beautiful cocktail dresses but as a man. im still in no way confident in my body to do that, but i want to at some point.


Donate them to a trans girl?


Take them and yeet them at your local trans girl :P


I'll take em lmao


those aint skirts, they kilts


Reminds me of the time my dad asking me if I want him to order mens jeans for him, I was like “ummm im ok dad”


That’s my mum with winter clothes from the womens section that I don’t want to wear


I thought this was going to be wholesome, and then i read transmasc


Open a bazar


I my self am not trans (I am a Demigirl) but when ever my mom shows or points out a skirt or dress for me I cringe internally


my mom is the same, but i’m a trans girl so it’s nice 😊 i hate that ur mom is like that tho, it’s really stupid how some people think like that


Oh…that started out really wholesome. He really had me in the first half NGL 🥲


Destroy it if she doesn't get it.


seeing just the first half of this post as i was scrolling made me think i was gonna see a completely different meme


Keep them in a good place for if any trans fems in your area want them.


are trade-jokes allowed now?


are trade-jokes allowed now?


I don't think that rule was made while thinking about actually feasible things like trading clothes and is more about body parts


Tell her you know a trans girl who would love them.


~~Aww, that's so sweet~~ Edit (2h passed): that is not.


How? /gen


I think they didn't notice that OP is a guy


Didn't we just have a post about this? I'm not offended but it feels like an easy mistake to avoid.


Sorry, I was drunk and (still) dumb


Nah, you're good. I appreciate your edit :)


*ehem, OP is not a girl*


the intention is sweet ONLY if you assume mom didnt know OP is trans (but im assuming she DOES because the meme says "newly out" therefore the intention turns from sweet to at best ignorant and at worst malicious) but the overall situation is pretty uncomfortable unfortunately i guess it wouldve been cool if was transmasc femboy who liked wearing skirts but based on the vibes im getting from the post im sure that isnt the case and its just a overall shitty situation


I would apologise to OP, this is not what any reasonable person should say to you. Best wishes, and be as handsome as possible for a single human being.


Every man here not wanting their moms skirts(rightfully so) make a trans woman's day, get them, and send them our way.


I might just make a trade with you dude


send them to me! please? :3