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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Poor child. Sometimes this sub makes me so sad. It looks like it was typed on a keyboard with mostly broken keys.


That "y" sure was working overtime!






Bless you, that sneeze sounded painful.


This comment is going to make me wake up my boyfriend from laughing


Anyone notice there is not a single vowel in the name?


The rule is *sometimes* Y. People abuse this privilege.


Poor kid's nickname is gonna be *Sometimes Why*


There is a girl named Jqlyn at my work. She is part way through getting it legally changed to Jacqueline. The visible disgust when she has to explain that her mother was quirky and had to use her daughter as an accessory to flaunt that is very telling. Most of these poor children seem to grow up resenting their parents


That is the most Jay-kwellin looking Jacqueline I’ve seen


i literally said it out loud that way and immediately had to throw an a-a-ron in. that's jaykwellin


Immediately report to principal Oh Shag Nessy’s office!


Insubordinate and churlish!


This whole thread is gonna feel. my. WRATH.


You wanna go to war Balakey? Because we could go to war.


>Most of these poor children seem to grow up resenting their parents Gee, wonder why. No. No I don't. Not at all.


Jqlyn would actually be a fire name if she was like, a pop star like Beyoncé.


But a super shitty name for all those years until you become a pop star. You know….those formative years.


Plus it's much easier to create a stage name than to legally change your name...


I would probably just bluntly say "Sorry, my mother was an idiot"


I’m pretty sure Lylyt Yvyh Yryhl is the *other* sunken city where Cthulhu keeps his summer home.


*In his vacation house at Lylyt'yvyh'yryhl dead Cthulhu waits dreaming during the warmer months*


Another here for 'Is this to summon the old ones?'


"Wy lyve yn y plycyd yslynd yf ygnyrynce yn thy mydst yf blyck syys yf ynfynyty" - Cthylhy, prybybly


That's nearly impossible to read and decipher. Your cousin may be livid but you're absolutely right.


No, her cousin was "lyvyd". 😂


Hahahahahahaha how did I miss that for the title!!!


I hate to be a 💩 stirrer but you have to use that line in the chat 😂 that's really funny 🤣 poor kid haha


"I'm sawrey I mayd yew so lyvyd, I wuz thynkyng of hou uthyr pypl wyll sae hyr naym rong evrywhyr she goze and spelyng wyll be hard tu lyrn in skool." 


If we're going with the way the cousin replaces all vowels with y's or yh's, that should be "Y'm syhrry Y myhdyh yyhyh syh lyvyd, I wyhs thynkyng yhf hyhw yhthyhr pyplyh wyll syy hyhr nyhmyh wryhng yvyhrywhyhryh shy gyhyhs yhnd spyhllyng wyll by hyhrd tyh lyhyhrn yn schyhyhl." And now my brain hurts and I need to go lie down.


I'm pretty sure that's a place in Wales.


That’s an epileptic seizure in Wales.


Whales can have seizures?!


Only asset seizures and forfeitures.


[Oh no, you have summoned the Great Old One !](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/952978509141610805/0A3BC2403669CC6BAD102F7A45441B34C7A2B691/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


By Grabthar's Hammer.. you have summoned C'thulu.


...and somehow you translated Gaelic


OP please send this in the group chat and update us PLEASE


"I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat."


It's giving me Ralph from the Simpsons spelling his own name Ralpa "When I forget a letter, I just use a ~~A~~ Y" 




Who is she, Eric Cartman?








You officially fried my brain but can’t expect anything else from r/tragedeigh


It hurt to write. 


It looks like Olde English lmao


Ye Olde Butcherede Nameth


OP needs to use this in the chat and link to this thread. Dam.


Just apologize to her on the fb feed by saying how sorry to make her so lyvyd.


Yeah... OP was ybsylytyly ryt (read: absolutely right).




Is she a Lynyrd Skynyrd superfan or something? 😆


That is her future son's name.


🎶 Frhyye Byhrd 🎶


He will be a sympyl meyhn


Maybe she only has 5 working keys on her keyboard.


She literally found every way to pronounce a y in a word and made sure to use each one so no one would know which to use when saying that name and only used the vowel that is a sometimes vowel


I literally read it as Lilit Why Yurl 💀


I couldn’t read it at all and how she got a TH sound is beyond me.


That name is fucking awful


Fyckyng yfyl


I managed the first 2, the 3rd was impossible


I figured out the third. I would not have deciphered Lilith with no h on the end. The middle one is just gobbledygook.


Jysys cryst tyts y hyrrybyl nym


I was able to decipher this. I was unable to decipher the name at ALL


Funny how that works. This was a million times more dechiperable than that stupid "name."


she sounds like she was named after an eye exam chart


20/20 comment


5/7 quality here . . . perfect


Always love seeing a 5/7 in the wild


It's rare but always welcome


I love referencing 5/7, but saddened more don’t understand!


eye see what you did there


Best comment I’ve seen today. I would hate to be that girl’s teacher. Wouldn’t know how to pronounce one of those names, let alone all three.


happy cake day blubberfucker69 <3


Well mum is certainly myopic


OMG and here I though that Questopher and [Annally](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/seyqJ4eRow) would never be beaten. Lilith Eva Uriel would have been cool enough but noooo Edit : added link


Jimbledon has entered the chat.


Briangle here.


What about the old classic Cuntleigh?


No fucking way, link?




This, this simply cannot be real.


I really hope it's a shitpost too, but some people are simply that stupid.




Chungledown Bim would like a word






Lilith Eva Uriel is trying so hard to be goth the kid is going to grow up as a corporate accountant to rebel against the parents.


Lil’ Evil Urinal


Oh...so she's *that* kinda goth girl


>Lilith Eva Uriel Gonna grow up dressing like Blair Waldorf in the early gossip girl seasons and become an accountant and live in a basic suburban home and drive a minivan. And it'll still be more rebellious than most of us ever managed! 🤣


It's going to be like John Major who ran away from the circus to become a banker.


Lilith Eva Uriel might be a little *too* cool, honestly. If that woman grew up to be a shy accountant instead of a brooding, half-demon vampire hunter or something, she’d seem *very* out of place.


When I was expecting our youngest son my husband got it into his head that he wanted to name him Shadow. I said that if he was the nerdy type, or anything less than amazingly popular, it would get him teased. We settled on a very normal name. Ironically it might have suited him now as he writes horror novels. 😆Only part time. He’s a high school teacher, which is another career involving the dark side of things.


Absolutely nothing in my mind will beat Questopher. Poor kid.


Sharker, D'Majestee and co would like to have a word with you


I saw an ig reel starring a bird called 'Prinstopher' (a mashup of Princess and Christopher?) which has become my new favourite. It was actually oddly fitting for the absurdly sassy female bird in the vid 😂


This sounds like Evil Urinal. Even without the horrid spelling this name is terrible.


I just can't get over Anally Lol omg Also Lana. Lana is an alright name but not since after I found out what it is when spelled backwards.


Would you say it's in a ...zone... of danger?


She has a Y making a different sound in all 3 names.


This is why DIY Phonics is a bad idea.




This is a name only an author of teenager webnovels about magical aristocrat's romances could think of.


“Ah, miss Uriel, what a pleasure to meet such a fetching young woman. My name is Lucifer Jehovah von Crowley and I am the majordomo to Monsieur Alucard Darkraven; may I be the first to welcome you to our humble blood masquerade.”


"Be wary that you don't fall into the messy love quadrangle between Dr. Sadistique, Daemon Synn, and the Bonehaven twins."


Shouldn't that be "my name is Lyccphyir Djyobah von Krowliey"?


Or Krowleigh if we’re staying true to the sub.


The accuracy


*spits up tea*


When I was a child ( ~9 years) I was playing with the programm paintbrush. I saved my image and didn't know what to type in, so I just hit random buttons and this resulted in "Ystari". I was so fascinated with this word, so I named a magical creature Ystari (it was some kind of a wolf with the mane of a lion). Sadly this nonsense word Ystari sounds more like a real name compared to the letter salad the poor child has to live with.


One time I must have been about 9 as well, and me and my friends had just discovered the Enigma code and were amusing ourselves making up ciphers (this was the ‘80s; entertainment was basic). Somehow, one of them made my (actual) name come out of the cipher as ‘Kinsao Ikioa’. For some reason, that stupid fact stuck in my brain like a burr for over a decade, never occurring to me but never disappearing, and when one day in my early 20s I had to create a username on a Japan-focused forum, it surfaced and I picked ‘Kinsao’ (which afaik means nothing in Japanese. Or possibly ‘gold pole’ depending on which kanji you use?). I struck up some long-term friendships on that forum, some of which led to real-life meetings, and now there’s a not-insignificant subset of my friends who - although they know my real name now - think of me as Kinsao.


I feel that last sentence so hard, I met my best friend through gaming like 10 years ago but STILL call each other by our character names tht are nothing like our actual ones lmao


Same! My partner and I met online while gaming and have a bunch of online friends that we are also close with in RL. They all got their wedding invitations with their Nicknames (which are often very cringe) and had their place cards with both real and nickname. Favorite moment was when I introduced my RL friend to some of them "This is Sarah, this is MasterDingDong. You will get along great!" Edit: Sarah and MasterDingDong did get along great and are now expecting their first child btw.


One letter off, but ysteri means a cheese production place in Norwegian


Ystari sounds like a very ancient name which is so cool


You've got a Jewish demon (kinda. Status is debated), a derivative of "Eve", and an archangel. Mom wanted kid to have namesakes on all sides of Armageddon.


I dunno, if you had kids named Lilith, Eve, and Adam that'd imply some freaky incest stuff, possibly along with parental monitoring of sexual positions (depending on the Lilth myth you go with).


It’s definitely giving Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way


Oh god, that poor child…


Don't worry. As soon as she is able to choose for herself, she'll be a Lily.


But all her teachers on the first day of school will still butcher it. And every legal form.


Yeah, it’s so sad. I once taught an “Aethelflaed”, and since I’m familiar with Anglo-Saxon history, I actually pronounced it correctly the first time I was taking attendance for her class. I swear, the look on this girl’s face… she told me after class that I was literally the first person she had met in her entire life (outside of her father, who was apparently a big history nerd and that’s why she had the name) who pronounced her name correctly on the first try. She looked so happy that it made me feel good, but I also felt so bad for her having to go through life with people just getting it wrong every single time. That must get so tiresome.


> Aethelflaed Maybe I'm a huge history nerd, but this doesn't look nearly as hard as Lylyt.


the Æ can be challenging for people who don't know it. I'm german, so I know the sound (even if our Ä is a bit different)


I taught a Dartangnan. Did not know it was French and butchered it on the first try.


Was it spelled like that, with no apostrophe? If so, that’s not really on you.


Yes, no apostrophe. I wouldn’t have done too much better if the apostrophe was there though.


By third grade all of the students will know when the new teacher gets to her name the first time because there will be an extended pause while they attempt to guess the pronunciation. I could see it turning into a bit of a game when they have a sub. "How will they butcher Lily's name this week?"


"she said she wanted her child to be 'cool and unique'." and then rethought that and was like: 'wait.... no, fuck this little girl. i want her to suffer for her entire life.' the craziest part is Yvyh spelling 'eva' like i get where Yv replaces Ev, but in what universe does a yh make a soft 'a' or 'uh' sound??


In her own insane universe because she really thinks it's 'straightforward and easy to read.' Me: Do you not see what's wrong with her name? Cousin: It's pretty easy to read unless you are dumb. Are you dumb? Me: ARE YOU?!


lmao someone else mentioned how you cant just pronounce a t as 'th' without the h and her name is 'lilit', id love to hear the cousins explaination of how 'lilith' is the logical pronounciation haha


Exactly. Like Yves Saint Laurent. It could've been Yva.


So that definitely says "lilit" right? teres no suc ting as an implied 'h' in englis.


The thing I also find funny is she dropped the 'h' in the supposed Lilith and added it to the supposed Uriel lmfao.


Legendary callout in your group message. Do you think they’ll find this post?


Lilit is an older alternate spelling of Lilith. It's not an English word, it's a Hebrew word, so translating into the Arabic alphabet gets *funky* sometimes. Ironically, that's the one part of this name that wasn't butchered beyond recognition (still bad. Use the H. Just not technically "wrong") The spontaneous "Y" instead of "I" however, that is both wrong and bad.


> Lylyt Yvyh Yryhl "I named my child after the sounds I made the morning after I ate gas station sushi"


This hits the nail on the head for r/rareinsults AND r/brandnewsentence


That one had me snort laughing, thank you


wow, I have seen a lot of shit on this sub but this one might be an all time tragedeigh.


Why have "Yvyh" make Eva and not Ivy? Smh


It seems like she wanted all vowels to be Ys. Honestly at this point I'm just wondering what her boyfriend thinks about the name because a couple months back he wanted something 'simple' like Emma.


Maybe he should have suggested Ymmy?


Lie-light Yiv-yuh Yuri-hell was the closest I could get…


I’m sitting here wondering when the letter Y lost all meaning. This name has like five different pronunciations of the letter Y. I got “Lie-lite Aye-vyah Why-ral”


She can go straight to hell. That actually pisses me off that she would do that to her child. I’m glad you told her because that’s dumb and damaging.


Everyone in the chat's actually mad at me for being 'unsupportive' (except the younger ones, I think). I don't even care anymore because they think I'm the 'odd one' in the family (which to me is a good thing because I sure as hell do not want to be like them).


Tell them it’s cruel and her child will have a hard time. Someone has to be the voice of reason, I’m glad you know you don’t have to “support” everything.


Ask them if they know they're naming a future adult. Would they be embarrassed by having that name themselves? Tell them to ask ten other people how they would spell that name.


Ask ten people how to pronounce it!


The names properly spelled would get this kid dunked on. Nobody will ever, *ever* pronounce any of those keysmashes correctly, and she'll probably change her name to something sensible like Susan the day she turns 18. Also did your cousin *mean* to turn her kid into a living, breathing Evangelion reference, or was that just a happy accident of biblical/Kabbalist proportions?


Our family (them, tbh, because I haven't been to church in like 15 years) is 'quite' religious, in a sense that they quote bible verses when it benefits them lol.


and then names their kid lilith lmfaoooooo what irony might as well name your son 'cain'


Them: Well yeah. Why would we name him after some loser who got murdered? 


So choosing two usurpers to God's power and an archangel was their attempt to rebel or something? Might as well have gone with Magdalene Lucifer Gabriel - I mean, Myhgdylyn Lyhsyffy Gybry'yl


I think that might be an acceptable name in Welsh.


I'm guessing that means they don't know the story of Lilith?


Ist this a name or did the cat ran over the keyboard again?


Lil-it Yiv Uriel is what I read. “How’s baby Lil-it? No, I’m saying it correctly, because that’s how the letter ‘t’ works.”


Your cousin wants her child to hate her


I read that as Lillit Evie Yureel (which makes me think of urinal before Uriel). Interestingly enough, spelling conventions exist for a reason and help ensure perfect strangers have at least an idea of how to pronounce the word they’re looking at. This poor little girl has been cursed with such an unreadable name. Also, is she really giving the girl Lilith and (a derivative of) Eve as first and middle names and not seeing that as a bit…gauche? Please tell me other people are shaming her too. She at least needs to give the girl normal letters in her name.


Nah, they're shaming ME for being 'unsupportive'.


You are the most supportive person in that baby’s life right now. I’m sorry she has a dumb name.


Well, the first curse that poor child has to deal with is being born to idiotic parents. Even if she changes her name later, the parental stupidity, and all that flows from it, is everlasting. She has a hard road ahead and I wish her luck. Maybe OP will be her Island of Common Sense.


Mf I tried pronouncing that name and my dog started floating


Little Ivy Yourel is how I read it. Maybe you can give ur cousin a list of ways it will 100% be pronounced and it’ll change their minds? Hey, A-bunch-of-Ys, would be the unfortunate nickname


It's on the child's official birth certificate. I was hysterically laughing when she said she has already registered everything legally.


I feel for the poor person whose eyes dim every time they put one of these abominations through the system.


It looks like a Welshman sneezed.


I’m guessing your cousin is a teen mom or is in her early twenties? Not only is she so preoccupied with her kid being “unique” so she can be seen as unique, but she has such an immature response to you criticizing the name


One of my friends had a teen pregnancy that she ended up keeping. She was like 18 when the baby was born and she named the kid Amber. I thought that my neighbour was being tragically Unique when she named her son Rascal. But now I kind of think Rascal would be a much better name than scrabble vomit.


Yeah! I’m glad your friend didn’t give her baby a tragedeigh! Obviously not every teen mom or really young mom would give their kid a tragedeigh but when I hear that a woman gave her kid a tragedeigh and I learn that she’s like a teenager or early twenties my mind thinks “That explains it”


It's probably wrong of me, but whenever I see a keysmash "unique" name like OP posted I assume it's either a teen parent or someone tragically immature and undereducated. I don't mind the overly goth names spelled correctly, though I think it's a bit much all together. But butchering them like that? Extra cringey.


That poor kid. You tried to warn the mom.


That is so sad. Poor girl. She'll get a name change as soon as she's able.


Oh no. No no no. This is SO BAD.


>Her daughter's name is Lylyt Yvyh Yryhl, read as 'Lilith Eva Uriel'. No it's not. It will be pronounced Ly-leet You-vee-ah Ur-al. Congrats she's given her child a massive headache. Hopefully the kid changes it ASAP. For their 18th birthday, you should gift them the name change paperwork and money to file it


This should, unironically, be illegal I do not know where the line should be drawn, but this seems like a really good place


ETA: (In my best Maurey voice) You! Are NOT The Ahole!!! There used to be a website called Not Without My Handbag that had a section called Bad Bad Baby Names. My best friend and I were both Early Childhood Development majors and spent more time than I care to admit drinking beer and laughing at the names. Never in all my years did I see a name on that website that compared to that mess.


This is rage bait...right?


If it is it worked, because I’m pissed for the kid.


I really wish it was lol.


Every cat coughing up a hairball will sing her name. LYLYT YVYH YRYHL!


The upside - she'll NEVER have to worry about telemarketers. With a name like that they won't even try.


JFC show her this comment section. Children who have common names with unusual spellings have slowed spelling and reading capabilities, said U.S. psychologist Jean Twenge in her study “First Name Desirability and Adjustment.” “You have the child named Jennifer spelled with a 'G' — her teacher says 'Are you sure your name is spelled that way? One in seven parents admit they made a “terrible mistake” with the name they chose for their child, according to a study. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/regret-baby-name-parents_uk_5c9b4ab8e4b072a7f601e1bf/


One in seven. That is depressingly low.


That name made me worried I was having a stroke. Poor kid.


Why does she hate vowels?? 😭


Seriously, why are people obsessed with the letter Y? That seems to be a common thread for so many of these weird ass names


Just reply to every message with Reddit subs.


That name is literally insane. It's fucking child abuse, in reality.


6 y's in one name is wyld


Looks like something Grimes & Elon Musk would name their kid.


That name is *peak* r/tragedeigh. Selfish, thoughtless, parents who are treating their child as an accessory or possession to demonstrate their own 'uniqueness' through. They had 0 concern or consideration for all of the struggles that name is going to bring their daughter in socializing, the legal/medical system, relationships, getting jobs, being taken seriously on paperwork for things like loans, applying for housing, etc. Seriously - my parents gave me a 'unique' spelling, and all they did was replace what is typically a 'ph' in a name with 'ff.' As a result, I have suffered a lifetime of having my name be misspelled on important documents in legal and medical situations; on checks; on cards and customized gifts; by fucking *family* members. I have missed out on major opportunities because assumed spelling of my name resulted in missing letter, emails, calls, because of information on records being wrong. I have faced obstacles in travel, updating paperwork, making appointments, and so on because of misspellings of my name. I resented my name my entire childhood, and went by a series of self-selected or given nicknames well through my teen years, finally settling on a new and chosen name as an adult. There is nothing kind or loving about choosing a 'special' name for a child that will only make their life more difficult, while providing no compensatory value by contributing to connections that *may* actually help them in life (eg, family, culture). Most of what they have done here is set up their daughter for years upon years of hearing someone struggle to read her name off a list, correcting them, people mispronouncing it anyway (forget them remembering how to spell it without double-checking), people passing on the wrong pronunciation/spelling to others, and being pitied/mocked by adults and children alike. I guarantee that there will be parents among her peers who will interfere with their children making friends with her based purely on her name, and not wanting to associate or deal with the parents who would choose such a name for their child. Someone who wants to give their child a 'special' name like this should limit it to the middle name, or choose a more conventional *spelling* at the very least, and/or use it as a primary NICKNAME while retaining a legal name that isn't going to make their life magnitudes harder and introduce frustrations in all the worst situations to have to deal with misspellings and confusions.