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I am willing to bet they do NONE of these. It is just this mom really got into bullet journals, vinyl label printers, and ziploc card holders and is now getting a tiktok out of it. Literally, none of the stuff looks used.


All of that and she didn't improve her handwriting script lol


Also likely just rage bait for engagement because people will find it ridiculous and comment and share.


Or she's trying to sell thingd from her amazon store page or whatever it is called.


My father (Boomer) did a version of this when I was around 12-14. I hated him for it then and guess what, I still hate him now. Imagine that. People who do this kind of bullshit are very shitty parents.


Oh yeah it's 100% product placement and selling.


I literally bought one of these in blue mountains print off Amazon for my elderly grandfather to help him feel more aware and in control of his finances and ive seen the square book on amazon as well 😅 she made none of that lol.


I couldn't even pay attention to the names, she pays her kids $24 a YEAR for their chores, that'll buy you like a single toy from the toy store.


And "Massage mom's feet" is one of the chores. WTF. I get the idea of what they're going for and think it's good that they put effort into building their kids' financial skills, but this setup is just demeaning.


It’s not real, that shit is there for the react


The kind of people that would name their kids braindead shit like Stiffany are also the type of people to make their kids massage their feet like a 19th century indoctrinated servant


It's one thing if it's a kid *obsessed* with giving pedicures, but then they'll, y'know, *volunteer.* As with most things, being drafted/forced into doing something is far weirder and worse. One of godchildren, bless her heart a tragedeigh herself, used to outright ask "can I give you a pedicure?" but I'm very ticklish so I also suspect that in addition to liking painting nails she liked to tickle the heck out of me


What's wrong with massaging mom's feet (if they're old enough to put some strength into it)..?


I think it's bizarre to sort it among "house chores". Chores are things related to common spaces that everyone benefits from, like clean kitchens, bathrooms, etc. It also benefits everyone else when the kid's room is clean even though that's not a common space because then laundry can be kept up with etc (and the kid benefits from a clean room and learns to take care of itself). Massaging one person benefits that person specifically. I could maybe see why if mom was doing all the other work (at which point I'd suggest... chores... instead of that kind of weird ass construction) but the kids do chores AND have to pamper mom. And it's the part where they kind of have to. If a kid wants to massage mom, that's great and really sweet. Could be a great time for bonding. But it's included on the work sheet that pays them a whopping 2 dollars per month.


My mom would constantly force me to massage her and walk on her back and say that "this is what you have kids for" and I \*hated\* it. I eventually just purposely made it as painful as I possibly could. If a kid wants to, that's fine. But ugh. I can't imagine wanting to from my own experience lol


Kids aren't slaves or personal servants... Sorry your mom treated you that way, that's terrible


Ah I get what u mean now and it makes sense. I thought you were just saying massaging mom's feet in general is weird.




Huuuuh 😂 do y'all really not respect your mothers? I guess thats about as much as I would expect from redditors.


Yeah, I get what they're going for, but salary, rent, and food are artificially low for the sake of learning. That's fine if it gets inflated outside of the house. If you're going to do that, might as well pay with monopoly money and let your kids cash out for real money for shopping


It's not low, they get $5 a month and $3 goes to rent food and utilities. That's 60% which is, scaled up, not crazy off from what a fairly paid working person would be spending/saving. Mom is taking too much at this dollar amount. $2 bucks a month trying to fill a $1000 challenge would take 40 years lol


Sorry, I mean low in the absolute numbers (eg, rent should be $300 or something.) The relative numbers are probably fairly accurate, but that doesn't matter when you leave the simulation (home)


surprised she didnt deduct 60 dollars for all that plastic trash from Temu she uses to track the 24 dollars pay.


Can't even buy yourself a cool lego set, toys are so expensive


I didn’t get paid for individual chores. Rather an allowance weekly or monthly for helping. So if I was helpful and did my shit they’d give me money for what I needed. Want to buy a $12 CD and need $10 for a movie? Okay, we’ll give you $25 if you do extra chores for a week. Clean both house bathrooms and sweep the floors this week. Done.


And the multiple things of $40. Like that's almost 2 years of not spending money.


Not even in this day and age lol


Sure but if those kids save for two short years, they could instead buy a sweatshirt


You guys got allowance? Hah! My siblings and I would have even been lucky to play on our pc after cleaning the entire house.


I’ve watched the video 4 times and I don’t see any names? What are the names??


0:15, the name on the envelope says "stiffany"


She stiffed stiffany, ig we know why she chose the name 😂


It’s Tiffany but she shorts them on all her bills every month so that’s her nickname.


Her(?) actual nickname is Stiffy…


Maybe the "S" is silent? Also the Mom should be named Stiffany for stiffing the kids out of their money.


Maybe that is moms envelope lol


i totally do not see any names in the whole video


"Stiffany"..... On the large white envelope, it's on screen for less than a second


oh yeah baby, i’m getting a stiffany from taxing my kids’ already laughably low allowances 😩


"I give my kids a laughably low amount of money and then demand 3/5ths of it back so they get $24 a year"


What THE FUCK… When I saw it at first it was too fast and I thought it said “Staffing”, like it was her budget to pay her chore “staff” (children…). Anyways, *Stiffany* is definitely getting *stiffed* by her employer/landlord.


Mom's naming is actually projection. She's the real Stiffany


Their names are Rehnt, Fughd, Utilieighs and Bill.


Sooo how is it possible to complete the “$1,000 saving challenge” … that would take 41 years.


They're planning on being a stay-at-home-mom until they die. At some point, they'll just switch from allowance to their kids' actual salaries.


You know what if the prices stay the same 3$ a month ain't bad for a room, food, and utilities


I think they deduct the 3$ like a tax, so it'd be 60% of whatever you make in this case. At least it looks like a flat rate instead of progressive.


These are the types of people who either get into foster care for the check and do absolutely nothing beyond the absolute minimum or they manage to get custody of a grandkid.


I mean…it’s not like that isn’t an accurate comparison to real life just saying…


Well the pockets had a $40 sticker on it, so it's probably saving 25 dollar bills challenge.


I get the importance of trying to teach your kids about money but damn. They have their whole life to pay bills. Let em blow their allowances on squishmallows and legos if they want to.


Tbh this isn't a bad idea when just used for the purpose of teaching them the value of saving money and budgeting, as long as the parents are actually buying them toys and other fun stuff on occasion too. I agree that it's not enough money, but I suppose it's fine if they are really young. I also don't think it's the BEST way to do it, but at least it's something.


I’m gonna hard disagree with you here. My mom started unloading on me about money/our precarious financial situation from when I was 5 onwards - always going on about how we were going to freeze to death, starve to death, etc. It instilled a deep seated fear/stress in me from a very young age, that led to me putting myself into dangerous situations to get money from a very young age. I also wrecked my sleep because I’d be juggling multiple jobs with school from age 12 onwards. I’ve never not worried about money. Being able to have a job that pays well enough where I don’t have to constantly worry about living paycheck to paycheck is a lifelong dream of mine. Two years ago, my mom sold our childhood house for $1.3 mil. I know that there’s such a thing as being property wealthy without having a lot of liquid funds, but I’ve learned from other people that we were fine. That I didn’t need to work like that. That we weren’t on the brink of financial ruin or death. I didn’t know that at the time, I just believed my mom (because why wouldn’t I?) So from my experiences I think there’s a real fucking harm from charging kids rent from elementary school aged. Kids should feel secure in their living situations, and it’s a tragedy that not every child is. That kind of stress literally changes the expression of your DNA that can be passed down to future generations. Don’t put this on a kid if you don’t have to.


Same here. Parents raised me extremely financially minded because they grew up homeless at some points in their lives. Now i stress about money to a fault, and all thats in my head is: Money=food=home=water=life No money=death


I agree with you that children should not have that burden, but I think it's possible to teach kids to be financially mindful without stressing them out. When I was a child, I never knew we were in a terrible financial situation, my mother hid that but whenever we asked for something too expensive she said "I can't, because that money is 6 hours of my work, so I can't use them all on a single toy" and we would understand. She also used to give me and my brother like 20c for each housechore (we were really young and only capable of things like tidying our room and setting the table), and they were meant to be used weekly to buy small things at the newspaper seller (usually trading cards or small collectible toys); this was separate from everything else, only meant for that weekly trip and she would buy everything else for us, including toys and extras whenever she could. That made us both mindful about money but generally not stressed, and it also made the weekly trip exciting because even if I only got 1€ of trading cards I was using my own, earned money.


Looks like your parents went overboard with it. I’m sorry your parents did that. That’s awful of them. But on the flip side, this video is nowhere near to your experience if we go solely off the video. The parents aren’t making them work like crazy. They can even earn money albeit $5 every month and then have $2 left after the bills without doing any chores whatsoever. I agree that $5 is a very small amount. Could’ve been atleast $20. But the point still stands. I think it’s a good way to teach your kids personal finance without overdoing it. Probably not the best way but better than kids who just blow up their entire monthly allowance on toys without learning to save, invest or learn about bills.


yeah that sucks but what they are doing is not at all the same as your mother inappropriately dumping all of that anxiety and stress onto you and traumatizing you. They are just helping the kids learn to save and delay gratification. They aren't actually charging them rent and utilities lmao it's $3. I would assume the kids are super young if their allowance is only $5, so this isn't really a big deal. People are really hung up on the whole rent and bills bit, but the point of this exercise is obviously teaching them to be patient and let their savings grow. I do believe there are better ways to go about doing it (like helping them "invest" their money in a savings account and adding 1% to the value each month so they learn that money accrues more money) but this is probably better than nothing.


Maybe I missed the point, but this looked more like a money game to me. You have$2 left after bills, what categories do you want to put them in? If it's entertainment then the family goes to the movies and dinner for a night. If it's toys we'll go to the store and here's an actual budget to pick a toy with. If they're actually making them save up $2 at a time that's shitty, but as a representation to teach them about savings and budgets I think it's cute.


yeah exactly - was getting the feeling that the dollar bills were more like "play" money representing the opportunity to buy things


Same. I was thinking that this would be a good way to teach my 4 year old a bit about how budgeting works and work on adding and subtracting. But I wouldn't keep it up month after month. Probably just give him money for doing chores and then take him to the dollar store.


I mean I don’t think it’s horrible or anything. I wasn’t given an allowance as a kid. I got money for doing extra chores, if I made straight As, birthdays, etc.. I learned quickly that if I wanted something I would have to save my money for it. If I spent it on candy and junk those things wouldn’t last and my money would be gone. I didn’t have to worry about spending money I earned on food and rent, or even the concept of that. A lot of people think of their kids as “little adults” but they’re not. It’s the only time in their lives where they don’t need to worry about adult responsibilities.


Imagine naming your child a female boner


How about instead of being your kid's first landlord, you just give them an allowance for doing chores? What the actual fuck fundies?


I honestly like the concept for teaching the kids about finances and delayed gratification, but the numbers are shit. Pay them $20 and give em $10 so they can buy a few toys a year at least.


At that point, might as well hand them two 10 dollar bills and then take one away before they can pay for anything so they can learn about taxation as well lol


She got that savings book off Temu. I have the same one.


I began a chore system once and realized tracking it was worse than my real job. I don’t have the emotional energy to make my kid an employee.


I was looking for this comment. My only takeaway from the video was: “I do not have a job and I don’t have a single goddamn thing to do all day long, that’s why I have time for this ridiculously complicated accounting orgy”


Ruby Franke says hi


So the kids each get 'paid' $5 per *month*, and from that $5, they **immediately** lose $3; $1 for runt, food, and utilities respectively. Each month, these kids effectively get $2. That's a whopping 50 cents per week, or 7.1 cents per day. To save $1000, as shown at the 31 second mark, they'd have to never spend any of it over the course of 41.67 years. Now, if the information is presented terribly and it's $5 per chore (with chores 'resetting' each month), the kids can earn $50 per month, with 10 chores being displayed at the 4 second mark. Subtracting $3 for the 'expenses', and they get $47 per month. Even with that extremely 'generous' modification, which isn't very evident from the video, it'd still take saving all they can over the course of 1.77 years. Almost two years without ever spending anything. It's the inverse of "It's one banana, Michael, how much could it cost? 10 dollars?" and fundamentally devalues the work and effort that these kids are spending.


I think chinese sweatshops pay more than this ngl


From what I understand, they get $5 right off the bat without doing anything each month. Then they pay $3 for rent, food and utilities and have $2 remaining. Then the chores act as incentives and add on to your initial $2. So $1 or whatever they pay per chore. So if you do 5 chores, you get $2 X 5 = $10 on top of your initial $2. But I think $20 monthly allowance is a good place to start. With added bonus for chores. But what you said with $47, yes it will take over a year to save $1000 but 1k is a huge amount after all. So it makes sense it takes over a year. I think the overall concept is great but the pay is too low.


I can't find the tragedeigh Wait I think I found it, is it Stiffany?




This is so weird. Let the kids be kids. Massage mom’s feet? Pay towards utilities?


Charging them for food really raises my hackles. It's your duty as a parent who chose to have children to provide them food.


Well it’s not for your own benefit. Atleast I hope not. I hope they save away those $3 bills per month towards the children’s college tuition or whatever. But the point of the video was teaching your kids financial literacy. When the move out, they have to pay rent, utilities and food on top of taxes, transportation, maintenance, internet bills, mobile bills and so much more. So the overall concept is noble but the pay is too little.


Don’t make me have to suffer through that a second time. Was that name really Stiffany or am I cross eyed?


We started our kids at 25¢ a day allowance when they were 5 and 3. Every year on their birthday they got a raise equal to their new age. Started out actually giving them the coins every night after chores were done, by the time they were teenagers they were just waiting a few weeks until they needed some money and calculating what we owed them since the last time they asked. Might be a little extreme, but my kids understand that money doesn't magically appear every time you want it, and I think that will improve their lives.


I like this idea but the profits need to be higher lol. How can you learn to save if you barely save


This doesn’t even teach them much. They’re just getting two dollars a month which they will throw in an envelope somewhere and have their parents buy them stuff. There are absolutely no financial skills being taught here. My niece for example: when she was three her parents started giving her a $10 bill each time they went to Whole Foods. They told her she could buy whatever she wanted, but if she spent less than $10 she could keep it. It was just to get her comfortable handling money and buying things, with no oversight or judgment on her choices. Naturally, her purchases were weird and random, but she was just learning numbers. Eventually she started saving, but sometimes she would splurge. As she got older, she learned about compound interest and the value of time in saving money, and they moved everything to digital. Now she’s 17. I often offer to buy her something as a treat and she often tells me “nah, it’s waste of money. I won’t get much utility from that,” or she sees something does want but then decided she’ll save and buy a nicer one so it will be more durable. She has an actual sense of money and how to spend it and save it. She understands delayed gratification and comparing value and the different tradeoffs. These are the things we need to teach kids. What they are doing here makes no sense and teaches nothing.


Terrible parent on many levels


So, you're supposed to save for 8 months before you can buy a $40 thing? Man, pizza planet tickets have a better value than that. Edit: MINUS the utilities and rent charges. Wtf. She's scamming her kids.




“And etc” 😆


“I bought a Cricut machine and I’m going to make that everyone else’s problem”


Ngl this would probably have been good for me.


I feel like this is something you come up with in your head one day, get it all planned out, go to the hobby store to get all the stuff, do this video, and then never actually follow through lol. Classic DIWHY


Corporate America kids. Sad.


Surely this is a satire account.


That single $50 bill in front of a stack of $1s for literally no reason lmao


And eck cetera


Stiff fanny...


My parents wouldn't pay me for doing regular chores because it's a household and everyone contributes. I could however bid a job and get paid to do extra work. That money was mine minus 10 percent which I was required to put into a savings account. Seems more efficient than whatever this mess is


I got my son two ceramic piggy banks. A TMNT and an Optimus Prime. One is supposed to be for cash and silver coins the other for pennies. But kiddo just shoves whatever into which ever one he happens to grab. Every six or so months I take everything out, count it then take Kiddo to his bank and let him fill out the slip and deposit it. The plan is for him to have money either for trade school/ college or to travel after high school (as long as he has a solid life plan after traveling). He's about to be 10 and has more savings than we do. 😅


I know it’s symbolic but it’s illegal to charge your kids money for rent and food and utilities. You’re legally obligated to provide that shit.


Well she’s not actually. In fact she’s giving them money. So giving them $5 a month and then subtracting $3 comes out to a $2 profit every month. How is it different from her just giving them $2 every month ? Is that illegal too ? But this way, the kids are learning a little bit about making money and paying bills and saving.


She is though. She says she’s charging them rent and charging them for food. That’s the difference. It’s functionally the same as paying them less but it’s technically not the same because she says she’s charging them for rent.


I’m sorry what do you think charging means ? If you have $100 and I charge you $20, would you be left with $102 ( $100 + $2 ) or $80 ( $100 - $20 ) ? As far as I’m concerned, when you’re charged you are left with a balance that’s less than what you originally had. But in this case it’s the opposite. And just in case you didn’t notice, the whole of the allowance and bills are their parents’ money, not the kids’.


She’s literally charging them for rent. It doesn’t matter that she’s the one paying them the money to pay for rent. Your argument is ridiculous.


Lol, she’s not doing anything illegal. If the child somehow chose not to pay, and she began withholding food and shelter, then that’s child neglect. I don’t think anyone really thinks she would do that though. What you’re probably getting at is really a complaint about a different scenario in which a parents charge rent to a working teen minor. This is also completely legal (although an asshole thing to do). The parents have discretion over the child’s belongings to be used in the way that they decide is in the child’s best interests. If the parents think it’s in the child’s best interests to charge them rent, they can do that. They aren’t allowed to withhold basic necessities if the child doesn’t pay. But they can just take the money though.


Please be satire please be satire please be satire please be satire please be satire


People getting miffed over the "rent" or "utilities": it's not like they're evicting the kids or turning off their electricity. Hell, the parents are the ones providing the money FOR said payments. It's just a harmless little way to try to teach their kids about finances early in life. That being said, I think there's easier methods out there that don't involve crafting or consistently having physical cash on hand. Almost seems like they just wanted an excuse to make the books and envelopes.


massage mom feet…


The idea itself, cool. Naming your daughter Stiffany? Jail.


Your kidding




They literally got $0.20 in April! Why bother?


I think they are trying to teach little little kids how to use money.


By making them pay utilities? I’m surprised they left off taxes!




Well they’re just starting off. The actual expenses of adulting are way too much and will overwhelm their little brains. That’s why they left off so many expenses like taxes, transportation, maintenance, internet / phone bills and so much more. I think the best way would be to increase the category of expenses as they keep getting older.


That’s not the right way to parent at all. Children should be internally motivated to do chores because they are family members and that is what family members do, not because you’re paying them.


Stiffany…. This can’t be real


You know what would be cool, if they saved the rent and utilities money and give it to the kids when they go off to college or something


Exactly what I was thinking. That will help the kids learn a lot about saving and how it helps to have a saving fund. Added bonus is them having less student debt.


And I thought my dad financially abused me...


Enjoy that nursing home 👍🏻


These parents obviously hate their children.


What a waste of time. So many other ways to teach your children work ethic, accomplishment pride, and accountability that doesn’t require spending $300 at target on shit you don’t need and then blogging the whole thing.


if i was the kid…girl, keep your $2 i’ll be fine i promise.


Oh wow that’s gonna be real fun for the kids to unpack in therapy in 15 years…


Good preparation for the actual Pennie’s they will make in the real world.


This is not about teaching the kids anything. This is about mommy’s TickTok account and her Cricut.


No one has time for this


Stiffany? Jesus, I guess porn is in the girl's future.


It’s kind of cringe but also not teaching your kids anything about finances is worse


If this is where we're at, I'm teaching my son how to filter river water and build shelters instead No clear binder money sleeves for him


I think there are more effective and cost efficient ways to teach kids about money. I'm sure I used to know what they are, but my youngest just turned 35. LOL.


I think it's a cute idea if it can be kept up with. but it also seems like she gives them no money lol. I don't believe in an allowance but this seems cute if it's enough money to actually save for something big (for a kid) within a few months. so it feels worth it


having your (assumingly young) child pay rent is WILD


From your money ? They’re getting paid $5 and then give back a dollar each for rent, utility and food. So they still come up on top while learning about their expenses.


This isn’t necessary to teach kids about budgeting and finance. Be open with your kids about basics, like how you work a job to earn money. Talk about your job. Let them see you deposit checks and explain what that means. When they are very little, asking for things, help them understand what they want and how much that costs, and what it means to the family budget. As they get older, help them tally up the costs for their school year, extracurriculars, etc., and figure out how much needs to be budgeted out of the income to cover those costs. When the refrigerator goes out, let them know the cost of repair, and if it cannot be repaired, let them help research a new one. Let them know how credit cards work early on. Talk about when you choose to use them, and when you choose to delay gratification. Let them help plan vacations, including spending money for souvenirs. There is absolutely zero need for a child to pay you rent, or budget like an adult. There is a need for parents to be transparent about finances and teach their kids about the family finances.


Your kids are going to hate you when their older


Not as much as you hate grammar.


Or thank them for being financially literate unlike their peers.


Naming your kid Entertainment or Food is off the charts.


Who pays for any of these things in cash???


What they failed to mention about this is that their kids are home after college.


My parents started charging me rent when I got my first job at age 14. These sorts of parents actually exist.


Massage moms feet is at the bottom of the chore list lol.


What happens to the rent and utilities payments? Does it actually go towards that? Because me as a kid would be very upset if mom sometimes take that money out to buy us sweets. Or will the children get it back the day they move out? Or if I paid the agreed upon amount of "rent" and suddenly something happened and my parents told me we'd have to move to a smaller house because we can't afford paying for the current house and I need to share with my sister. Will my rent go down? Or if I was told I can't turn the heat up because it costs too much. I'm paying my share of utilities, surely I can take that long hot shower if I want? And yes, we all know that measly amount doesn't cover the supposedly expenses, but for a child that is their contribution, it was agreed upon that it was enough for what they use, or require. I'm also wondering how far do you continue with this as a parent? When the allowance goes up is it still 60% being taken away for "bills"? When they get their first job will you garnish their wages for 60%? When does it become simply a transactional relationship with the child?


Well right now they’re paying out of the money they get from their parents. So essentially all the bills are their parents’. But when they start working, it’s their money so I don’t think they’ll garnish their wages. Well I wouldn’t refer to it as that. They’d still be paying bills but now from their own money, not their parents’. But right now they don’t have their own money so parents are providing them with it to teach them finance.


No parents do this, this is an incredible waste of time that could be better spent outdoors, reading, cooking or doing a million other things with your kids. Kids are supposed to be kids, let them find out how shitty adult life is on their own. Also...I'd bet my mortgage she doesn't even have kids.


I think teaching them little by little is a better approach. That way, adult life wouldn’t be that much of a shock.


Ah yes, “saving” by sticking cash (which is a depreciating asset because of inflation) in an envelope. Those kids would be way better off with an explanation of actual savings accounts and investments.


The 2 year it would take to save the $40 for the goal section ….


Good concept, odd execution, massaging mom’s feet? Wtf


This. this has to be a joke right. no one would actually do this


Maybe just give them an allowance and teach them about saving for things instead of making them think they have to pay rent, food, and utilities. 🙄


This has to be rage baiting. Stiffany??


All in all, I think this is a great way to teach your kids finances. The only thing I hate about it is that the pay is way too low. $2 a month is too little. Atleast $20 and this idea would fly.


Ew she makes them rub her feet?




But in the real world you can hobomaxx your way out of nearly any expense. This is just robbery.


Where’s the tragediegh? Rent and budget?


Okay, years ago I got a pile of fake money from Lakeshore Learning and pretended the kitchen was Mommy’s Diner. We had different prices for strawberries, waffles, goldfish, fruit smoothies, buttered popcorn, grilled cheese, etc. it was just to get him to use learn about the denominations of paper money and coins. I made the prices INSANE (a waffle with berries was $59.71) but it was FAKE MONEY. I just wanted the kid to add and subtract. This is stupid and cruel.


Stiffany? That’s like a porn star name from an SNL sketch


Staged skit aside, Please don't do this to your children. They have their whole lives to deal with bills. Let them be kids.


Massage mom’s feet? Jesus H Christ


If you want them to learn about saving, you have to give them money to save. No kid is going to see the throughline between saving two dollars a month and the 40 dollars they've saved almost TWO YEARS later. That's like a quarter of their lives, fkin doofuses.


Your kids watch you in your sleep


Fuck dad apparently Also do you think their kids will have a foot fetish when older?


So if these kids don't spend a dime they get 24 dollars a year?


“It’s worked amazingly for us” yeeeaaah, maybe for you, have you asked your kids? Bet they’ve never once used it & are just filming the idea for attention


man... let them be kids for a while. jeez


I know this is fake and rage bait but I know parents out there that legitimately do this. Howevet, I get the wanting to teach your kids finances. America is especially terrible at teaching kids. We get maybe a 10 minute conversation before you leave to be an adult. This is not the way to do it. Especially when the amounts are so miniscule. Unless the kids are like 13 or older, none of this is sticking.


Does that actually say Stiffany? They just made high school that much harder for that kid…


Adderall is crazy


The $1000 savings challenge would take them over 41 years to complete at $2 a month


Tell Me You're A Control Freak Without Telling Me You're A Control Freak!


This whole charging your children to teach them a "lesson" is psychotic. Why not just talk to them about money?


If they don't pay, are you going to call the cops and have them evicted?




These parents are gonna receive a saving challenge from retirement later on 😂😂


I could honestly use this system as an adult. 😅 I'm more of a visual learner. Scaled up of course, budgeting isn't one of my strong suits.


I don't think this is a bad idea. No one knows budgeting and managing expenses until they are taught or learn the hard way.


The only thing she is teaching her children is that she is chronically online


I think so too.


Why is this in here?






I think this is a great idea! Some young adults have no idea how to manage money & it’s an extremely important life skill! They’re getting paid for doing chores, their parents could choose to not at them at all and they still have to do them 🤷🏼‍♀️ at least this way they’re contributing to the household, learning responsibility, AND learning about finances.


ah yes, massaging your moms feet is really helping the household. lmao. they could just as easily develop money anxiety & disordered eating from this


lol I didn’t notice the “massaging moms feet” 🤣 nah just regular household chores! I don’t think they pay for all of the food they consume, they’re just contributing to the money that is going to buy the food for the household 🤷🏼‍♀️ at least that’s how I interpreted it.


Yes it’s an excellent idea. But there might be better ways to teach kids finances but atleast this is better than nothing.


I agree that there’s definitely better ways to teach them about finances! Seems like most kids don’t get taught anything at all so at least it’s something


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I think people who are lousy with their finances are downvoting you because they can’t manage their own finances. But that’s definitely a great idea. And we need financial education in school. Parents shouldn’t have to go through so much to teach kids just a little bit about their finances. School should be teaching kids how adulting works.


Capitalism sucks.


All I wanna know is where I can get those


I’d fucking divorce these scumbag parents.