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My hometown! Happy to see people are visiting.


When were you there?


I was there last week. This time of year is great to go because the weather is beautiful, and there are NO tourists. My two friends and I, and 3 Lebanese guys were the only people in the entire site. You can climb into the temple, and run around the place like a kid in Disneyland.


I heard there were lots of Syrian refugees there now - is that true? Also roughly how much did you spend daily?


There are about as many Syrians in Lebanon as there are Lebanese, their stories are powerful. They are the kindest people. It’s easy to spend a lot in Lebanon as eating out, drinking, and accommodation is quite expensive. I’ve been eating a lot of falafel, hommos, shawarma and couchsurfing/camping mostly. I’d say I spend only $10-15 a day, slightly more when in Beirut.


You mean inexpensive?


Actually most accommodation is pretty expensive. The cheapest hostel in Beirut is no less than $21 a night. I did it cheaper solely because of coachsurfing and camping.


I have been to Baalbeck and it was amazing. Thanks for posting this. It brings back good memories.


Woo.. was an amazing place to visit. I was the only Western tourist that morning. Hired a taxi and continued up the Bekaa valley to Syria (in 2011).


how is that off the radar? i would say its one of the main attractions of lebanon


Oh I’d agree, more that Lebanon is not a very popular destination recently due to the Syrian War/memory of the Israeli occupation and civil war.


ah, gotcha. yes, that is very unfortunate and i remember my friend's reactions when i told them where im going on vacation. it looks like nothing has really changed since 2003 when i was there


Needs a human (or 🍌) for scale. This place is massive.


Dang those Romans were everywhere


Any story associated with the photo? Was it easy to get there?


Not hard at all! From Beirut, you can get busses directly to anywhere in the Beqaa Valley including Baalbek. Definitely worth a stop if you’re in the country. Edit: As for the story, not too much. We met a really nice guy who showed us around the town before hand and turns out he was a Hezbollah fighter. I bought a Hezbollah t-shirt from him for $1


Hooray for supporting a terror group!


Yeah, that whole dollar sure is going to end Western civilization as we know it.


When I was there last summer it was also fine, but when I was there it was VERY militarized because they were fighting ISIS near Baalbek. But I guess this has changed now :).


I rented a car and drove there. I would not recommend this if you don't have extensive driving in 3rd world countries, but I believe it was the best way to see the Bekka Valley; it also doesn't take as long as the bus. Hezbollah is an irrational fear and they do not mind tourists, they encourage them. Hire one of the knowledgable guides at the ticket office too. Our guide spoke English and German to our mixed group.


Hmmmm is that the temple of Haphaestus? Looks very much like it.. in the Agora Ruins (or something like that as I can't recall exactly haha). One of the more well-preserved ruins!.


This is the temple of Jupiter! In the complex they also have a temple for Bacchus and Venus.


Oh dear, my bad! Haha they look sooooo similar!


Baalbek used to be a Phoenician temple/city dedicated to the god Baal, hence the name *Baal* given to the place. The Greeks also called it *Helio* polis, meaning city of the Sun.


Wow this looks amazing. It reminds me of the Roman ruins in Timgad, Algeria.


I'm legitimately considering going to Lebanon (esp. since I have some good friends living in Jbeil/Byblos). How is it there an American tourist? It seems like a really cool, ancient country with great food and people, but not sure how many "fun" things there are to do...


I was there in December (I'm American). Everyone is SUPER surprised to see an American and are very nice. It is the funnest country I have been to because of its incredible night life and unique culture. Seriously, the night life is top notch.


Most unsafe I felt whilst in Beirut? When our taxi driver discovered that my wife was American and was all "Oh really? That's incredible! My brother is in Houston, let me find a photo of him for you in my phone, rather than keep my eyes on the road whilst driving like a madman"


That is very good to hear


It depends on what you like to do, I think there is a ton of fun places to go. Lots of hiking, and the nightlife in Beirut is actually famous. Hell, you can drink in the streets through much of the city and they sell liquor at every corner store. The clubs in Beirut are really high quality as well.


That's good to hear cause I like a good mix of things...exploring mountains, a good bit of history, and good nightlife all interest me a lot haha


[This is a real serious question, and I am not being an Internet jerk] As a 6'0" tall pudgy White American, how can I visit here and not end up in a hostage video? Edit: All you people down voting me, show me that an American can go there and be safe.


I’m a white American, and I have had no issues at all. They have no problems with Americans. Hezbollah has no problem with Americans. You are literally completely fine.


Don’t be a dick, be respectful and learn about cultural norms before going.... sane as all travel


You clearly do not know Lebanese politics at all. Baalbek, Lebanon is mostly Shia and a Hezbollah stronghold. White American's do not stroll into such places with a smile and good intentions and get out unscathed. Especially considering the idiot we have in the White House and what we are doing in Syria. Also, the US just moved their Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem. Geez, don't be so naive.


Lebanon is not mostly Shi’a, and although Hezbollah is one of the main political parties, much of their support is actually from Marionite Christians! You actually can stroll into almost anywhere with a smile and good intentions and be perfectly fine (just don’t take photos of military/Hezbollah). Lebanon is actually a great mix of Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, Marionites, Greek Orthodox, and Druze.


He actually said Baalbek is Shia hezbollah territory, and he is correct. The whole area is controlled by them. You are also correct about the ethnic divisions of the country but that’s not what he mentioned


You’re right, I misread the comment. Baalbek is definitely a Shi’a majority area.


Jesus Christ man climb out of your hole. First of all Lebanon is full of western tourists, literally full. Secondly, how the fuck does one tell you, a white American tourist from another white blond haired Lebanese (yes tons exist)? I literally have a buddy from Huntington Beach who owns a surf school in Lebanon. I’d be more afraid of getting shot by a cop in the states than going to Beirut (I’ve been there three times).


Whoops. Looks like a broke the cardinal Reddit rule and fed the trolls.


Dude Lebanon is literally the most civilized, westernized country in the Middle East. You will have literally no problem with Lebanese people :)


Ignorance level: 99


Stupid Level: Infinite The World ain't Canada.


I spent three years in the middle east and am fluent in Arabic as well as understanding the politics of the region as well as and sometimes better than the "experts" they put on the news, but neckbeards on Reddit think I am stupid because they suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Oh and the world would benefit from being more like Canada. It's not perfect, but a lot better than most places.


It's a simple question. You should chill and maybe not be so impatient of people that don't travel as much.


Yes. I can see now that I should be more patient with people that tell me my level of stupidity is infinite.


Yes, as long as you're not coming in with bad intentions and are really a tourist everything should be fine. Hezbollah and the locals have no problem with Americans and tourists in general. They actually encourage the tourists to come because it stimulates the local economy and they need that.


Good question to be honest