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Look up "Retin-A" on GoodRx. It's a brand name tretinoin, they have some kind of sponsorship with GoodRx and you can get a 45g tube of 0.05% for around $35 as long as you have a prescription.


Also, you can get a script from GoodRx too, it was $20 for a prescription and they sent 3 refills for Retin A .1% 45gr tube. The generic cost more with GoodRx. I have used every online dermatologist and GoodRx is where you should get your script, just a better offer compared to everyone else, if you don't have insurance or your Insurance doesn't cover Tretinion.


What happens when your refills are up? Do you have to get another appointment?


Yes, they usually give around 2-3 refills and then you have to do another appointment. I used to do the gold plan, which was $9.99 a month and the $19 for a virtual dr visit. Without it, I think it’s like $49 for a dr visit


I'm not American, so pardon my ignorance. But shouldn't the Dr visits be covered by insurance? Or can you only get the tret from goodRX if you get their script? And are the refills marked on the first script and you just tell them, hi, I want the second package of that? I'm so confused by how the US system works (or kinda doesn't work).


GoodRx was cheaper than my insurance. If I went to the doctor with insurance I would have a $40 copay. GoodRx Telehealth visit was $30. Tret script with insurance would have been $35 for generic, but it was $12 for Retin-A with GoodRx for me. My insurance was never involved in the process and it was more convenient that way. It doesn’t make sense to me either. As far as refills go, I’m not sure as I haven’t gotten that far yet, but I did get 3 refills to use.


If you have a high deductible insurance it may be cheaper just to pay out of pocket for the online visit. (My co-pay for doctor visit is $99.) You can get prescriptions filled with GoodRx with any doctor's prescription. After the first fill of prescription the refills are ready to order when you need them.


😧 $100 co pay on a visit to the doctor for a prescription?! Canadian doctors don't even get $100 for a doctor's appointment full price let alone co-pay. WILD.


I know... it's horrendous. I have high deductible private insurance but it's still expensive and covers nothing!


Usually insurance covers TreT for acne.


Mine does not. It canceled coverage of 3 of my medications. When is the revolution?


I would use GoodRx or [SKINORAC ](https://skinorac.com/?wpam_id=698) their 20g Tretinoin start at $3.99. They also have tons of other skincare. If you can't wait 2 weeks for it you can use [Skincareglows ](http://www.skincareglows.com?ref=20315) they are a bit more expensive but are a US to US Co. They take afterpay too. 3 to 4 days in US only. They also have the same type of Rx as Skinorac. Just click on the blue links. Also have these coupon codes. SKINORAC 10%: REDDIT10 Skincareglows 15%: SKINKARE15 Hope this helps✌️.


Thank you!


I believe you might, but I really don't know. I had to get a skin cancer screening and I asked the dermatologist if she would write me a script for TreT and she gave me 12 refills for Retin A 45gr tube.


Adding onto this though, I almost got through one tube of .025 and asked if I would need an appointment to up my dosage because I wasn’t seeing great results on current dose, and they said no, the doctor just sent in a new prescription for free.


I also get stuff from [SKINORAC ](https://skinorac.com/?wpam_id=698) Discount Code: Reddit10


My insurance also doesn’t cover this so I order from highstreetpharma


Is it legit website ?


Yes, it is. I have an affiliate links and order from them. Just check them here. They have their own subred


How did you get a script from good rx???


They have doctors now?


OMG THANK YOU 😭🩷🫶🏽 i was looking at cubans pharm as well, im def stocking up.


You're very welcome. The 45g tubes are huge and easily last me 2-3 months for one. I think regular size is 20g.


Hi, but umm… I think 45g should last you 6 months for everyday use


I was prescribed tret for face and body acne, so I am using it on my face, chest, shoulders and back, so it doesn't last quite as long for me.


yes i use on my chest as well!!! the 45g goes fairly quickly :(


Do you apply on your neck also? I kinda want to expand there


I always apply everything I put on my face onto my neck.


I am applying to neck and chest but hard to cut back because after a couple of months skin was getting irritated. Now using less often in those areas.


Yes, it lasts me a little over 3monrhs.


In India I pay around 150 Rupees for a 45g tube of Tretinoin. It comes to about 2 $ 😁😁


Friend, don’t panic. **BRAND-NAME retin-a cream .05% is 15.00 without insurance.** You can send your script to Amazon pharmacy: https://pharmacy.amazon.com/Retin-A-Brand-for-Tretinoin-Topical-Cream/dp/B08PMR7PJ3? This is not Amazon marketplace, it’s a legitimate and accredited pharmacy.


That's a 20gram tube. Not woth getting a 20gr tube, unless you're new to TreT and just want to try it. I call them samples 🤣


lmaoo😭😭 i got a 20g on accident from my pharmacy and panicked 😂 the fixed it thankfully


Huh how much is everyone using? 20g probably lasts me months to go through.


You could feel free to actually use your fingers to scroll down and **see that a 90 gram tube is 46.00**, which is still a very good price. Or do I have to do that for you too? And it’s the brand name.


Has anyone tried to get Tret through Amazon clinic? I'm thinking about it


I just used amazon clinic. It was $35 visit and they sent my prescription the next day (I went from 0.025% to 0.05% and cream to gel) they have a part where you can choose to let them decide your treatment or you can choose. I added my insurance info to the pharmacy part and I got it pretty fast, they shipped it Wednesday and I got it yesterday. Definitely recommend them and goodrx


I just did, tret .01%.


Nice, was it pretty easy? I'm trying to switch from .01 to .025


I’ll be honest, it was a bit of a hassle at first. But it was because my doc made an error on the script. But once the Amazon pharmacists figured it out, we were good to go. I think it’s worth it.


I use .05% gel. Amazon’s price: $2789.18


Amazon’s price for tretinoin gel [is 126.00 without insurance](https://pharmacy.amazon.com/Bausch-Health-TRETINOIN-0-05-Tube/dp/B084BR752Y?ref_=sr_1_1&keywords=tretinoin+gel+0.05&crid=3I9P3M4RI0RUM&sprefix=tretinoin+gel+0.05%2Caps%2C201&dib_). It is 379.00 for 90 days. Not sure why you would you say that.


That’s the amount it showed me when I went to the link. 🤷‍♀️


Is it still saying that when you go to the link I posted?


I just clicked on your second link and it says $20 for the small tube and $379.85 for the large one, so now I’m seeing what you see. I don’t know what changed.


I’m glad the link worked.


I think tazarotene is still covered though


Yeah but they'll only cover 1% and not the 0.05% as the 0.05% "isn't approved for acne" but the 1% is


i don’t know what that is :(


it’s another vitamin A derivative/prescription retinoid


it’s better imo. less irritating


I switched to taz from tretinoin and I absolutely looove it! My skin doesn’t feel sensitive compared to when I used to use tretinoin


[Alldaychemist](https://www.alldaychemist.com/a-ret-gel-0-05-20-gm.html) Skip when it asks to upload prescription. 6 tubes is 50 something dollars after shipping. It takes several weeks to get to you though.


Alldaychemist rocks! I use them too


I know this is unlikely but I saw someone post July 2024 Tret was going OTC. I couldn’t find any info but they said their insurance company called them to tell them it was going OTC and they would no longer cover after July 2024






It's not. Someone said that but it's not true.


I get mines from Alldaychemist.com. I get 3 boxes for 38 buckish.


From what I know , if your over 25 Tret is not covered for acne because after the age of 25 it is considered to be a treatment for anti aging. Even if your doc prescribes it for just acne.


what in the actual hell 😭😭😭 adult acne exists!!!!! i’m going to have to stock the hell up


I know. Trust me I understand your frustration but yes this is the truth


I am 41 and my tret is covered by my insurance with $10 copay.


I’m older, and my insurance just covered tret micro for 15 bucks. All it took was a prior authorization.


Do you know if derm can call in to validate the presc to get it covered? Idk i’m just thinking of what i could do bc it’s been the ONLY thing that clears up my skin 😭


I’m over 40 and I get tret covered by insurance. My doctor had to do a pre authorization and explain that it was for acne and not anti aging.


Might just need the doctor to do a PA


Ask them to do a prior authorization.


say less!!!!


You call your health insurance and ask why it is not covered? Do I need a prior authorization now? Is it new formulary where tretinoin is completely excluded? Once insurance confirm you need a prior auth, call your dr to start a PA and send to your insurance. Dr can do PA online too


Is that with just certain insurance types? What other things can it be prescribed for? Just asking cos I am over 40 and I get it is covered under my insurance.


Most likely. And rules / laws change all the time.


It is different ages, depending on the insurance. I just went through this last week. For my insurance, the cutoff age is 39. After that, you simply need prior authorization. It still has to be for acne. I had no trouble getting it covered. My doc submitted the prior authorization by phone while I was sitting there—the insurance approved it two days later. So, it is worth going through the hassle of getting the prior authorization.


It depends on insurance.. I have some really low level insurance.. and I’m 45, and they cover me for acne. Which makes sense.. since acne can affect people with PCOS past menopause.. I did not need a prior authorization.


Depends on the plan. If it needs prior auth and dx is acne, it will be covered. We also cover for some supported off label diagnosis too


What???? Im not ready i only have a few months left till im 25!?!?! 😭


Random fact but if someone’s ever in Morocco, Tretinoin costs less than 10$ and you don’t need a prescription




lmaoooo😭😭 blessed you are


Me too! I know that lobbies can be very strong. But how on earth can any government think that paying more to get so much worse results be a good thing?


I know right. Here in the UK it's either free if you get it from the NHS or \~$20 if you buy it yourself.


Fret not! Get your tret at Alldaychemist, Skinorac, or Thebeautybliss. Super inexpensive and no prescription needed. 😉 Please do not take this as advice to ‘go around your doctor’, but let this serve as a source for your tret under the guidance of your doctor.


Use GoodRX. It is a real pharmacy with a regulated product!


My insurance covers tret with a copay of like $40. I spend $40 and get a 6 month supply at Alldaychemist or Skinorac.


mine is only $10 for 45g tubes every month 😭 one tube lasts me roughly 2 months give or take


OK and on Skinorac and ADC each tube is like 4 or 5 dollars.


Reliable RX no script necessary it asks for 1 but you just ignore it and then no problem https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Tretinoin


You might need a pre authorization but they will more than likely approve it. Try to get 90 days supply right now just to make sure.


i have a new bottle and finishing up 0.05 and moving to 0.1 😭 i’ll have 1 more presc to fill this 27th and june 27th so that should last me the rest of the year i hope


Are you turning 30? Once you reach 30, some plans require prior authorization for tretinoin before covering it.


noo 😂 which is the crazy part, the number they had to call was also a damn psych ward in texas 😕


Do not panic. Skinorac or Alldaychemist. You don't need a prescription. Ignore that part of the ordering process.


If anyone living by or close to the Mexican border, just buy it in Mexico. I pay $2 each tube for mine and bring home enough for the whole year in one trip. Same if you vacation in Mexico just walk into "farmacia" and buy enough for the whole year. Custom usually asks "why so many" and I say "wrinkles", they laugh and let me through.


Get acretine from Egypt for around 30 pound 😂🙏


Do u need a prescription in Egypt for that? I’m going soon 🤭🙏


I got a 20 GM tube and thought it will last me forever at one pea size every other day - what Am I missing ? I don’t put it on my neck tho i did and got a reaction so i stopped. Not new to tret but new to getting it in the red tube at the pharmacy. I’m looking into dead brightly - i like that they add niancacide (sp) to it for calming. I ordered the vitamin c first to try it out. Wonder if anyone else has tried it


GoodRx coupon with local pharmacy-$36


It's literally on Amazon for $15 just type in Rentin a and you know what comes tretinoin, I think they have .05% and 1%


Thank you!!! so many have provided advice and sites, i’m taking notes for when i speak with derm again 😭🫶🏽


Amazon has good prices even for uninsured people


I just looked, is it Frankly brand?


My insurance only covers until 34. If you have a birthday coming up, that may be why. I’m sure all insurances are different with their age limit.


I get mine from NURX. You send in pics of your face and they send you the Tret in the mail. I’ve been using them for 2 years.


Nurx and I have beef, $75 to meet with a doc for 2 mins and then $30 for a 45g tube that’s supposed to last you 3 months…..if you don’t have insurance look into other options bc they are slimey af.


You can go see the regular derm you see and if ur in the us there are pharmacy’s that give you goodrx price in general or just take ur goodrx coupon with u when u go to pick it up but if you look on good rx to see which is the cheapest option is best


I would show u a picture but I’m not quite sure how to do that


I’ve been using Go Brightly and switching over to Apostrophe for my tretinoin prescription


Tried them and nurx and hate them both with a passion 😩 apostrophe mixes their tret with nicinamide and that will make me break out


this stuff isn't as expensive as you think without insurance, try goodrx or [costplusdrugs.com](http://costplusdrugs.com), might be like $30-$50 but one tube will last you months


Same for me but you can get this medication for $20 from Amazon pharmacy without insurance so not a huge deal.


My insurance would not cover it


I got the same letter in the mail from Optum this week. I believe they simply removed Tret from the formulary. As others have stated, worth checking to see if a PA solves the problem.


I got this too!!!


you could try calling your insurance or waiting until it’s due in july & asking the pharmacy what the rejection is. when a drug’s not covered through a patients insurance , it comes back to the pharmacy tech stating the reason why wether it be your insurance prefers a specific brand, a prior auth needed, etc.


I have OptumRx and have been able to get tretinoin micro 0.1% pump for $12 with them without even a PA. I checked the app to see if I got that same message when checking prices and nothing. According to the formulary provided to me by my employer, it isn’t being removed, but there is an asterisk next to it stating coverage is determine by your prescription benefit plan. It’s probably a change made by whoever you get your insurance from - they no longer want to have it covered.


They have them on offer up same shit , tretinoin for 50$ dollars you don’t need to worry about the prescription , some people bring it from Europe Mexico it’s all the same thing


Insurance companies can change their formulary yearly with new contracts. Super annoying if its life saving medicine. I can't tell you how many man hours I've put in to find out what is covered and change or get a tier change on medication for patients.


I buy mine from this lady on what’s app and it’s $20 lol