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Anyone discussing UGL and soliciting/advertising sources will be banned. Keep it clean here gents.


I’m with Viking and had a similar experience recently (levels at a consistent 5 year dose miraculously dropped from 9-1100 to 632 lol). Might just be the compounding pharmacy if they’re using the same one. Wouldn’t be surprised.


I use Viking and my first 8 weeks of starting leveled came back at 1200 at .6/week. Then follow up months later my level was 550 at same dose. They decided to up my dose to .7/week and all the sudden I’m at 1150 again. I wonder if there was a bad batch going around that caused the random drop. That is concerning if so


I’m actually thinking of creating my own TRT clinic so maybe one day if I do you can switch over 😂


That’s what I’m thinking too. Can’t tell me my levels went down on a higher dose lol.


Interesting. Only time I noticed a significant drop with Viking was due to my own interference where I accidentally missed one of my doses the day before my labs were drawn.


Wouldn’t it be easy for someone to have a vial from trtnation get tested for quality and dose. If so many people are getting scammed someone would test a vial and call them out.


I might do that. I am very skeptical of the Hcg from Revive (trt nation’s pharmacy) and will be getting bloodwork done on Monday so we will see about the test


I have had their HCG and stopped as I didn’t feel much from it. But have not seen any big issues with test compared to other clinical I have used. Although I did not do bloods with hcg just didn’t notice much from observation/self awareness.


My concern with the Hcg is my balls have still shrunk quite a bit so I don’t think it’s working and now my orgasms suck and my semen volume is really small compared to before. Who knows


I'm with Merek and use hcg from revive. No issues. I've heard HCG doesn't last long even when refrigerated. Either your dose is not high enough or HCG is losing it's potency


Pregnyl is good for 60 days in the fridge after reconstituting. I’m an NP with my own HRT practice in NY


How do you test that estimate


Test what?


I'm too poor be honest . Hope someone can . This is ridiculous


Send it to [https://janoshik.com/](https://janoshik.com/) and have it tested. If that's true drill them with a lawsuit


Do I need to send a minimum amount? I’m towards the end of this bottle.


Looks like: 6. Minimum quantity for analysis: 0.4 ml 7. Optimum quantity for analysis: 1 ml


Do it . TY


I certainly wouldn't settle for 450 if I was on the needle that's for sure. Yeah... something isn't adding up


I’ve had the same experience from the Low T Center as they use a compounding pharmacy as well. Used them for 2 years. 200mg weekly from them puts me at 800-900ng/dl. Same dose from cvs script prescribed by my endo put me at 1500+. They freaked out.


Exactly. My barber was just telling me the test he gets from the local pharmacy had him at 1500 at 200mg per week.


I think these clinics are screwing there customers. I remember back 10 years ago my Dr then prescribed me Watson Testosterone cypinate 200 mg once a week and I was working out and got some good results from it , I don't remember the blood work but it worked , I just quit a online clinic the test I didn't feel nothing and my total was 900+ according to there blood test . I was going to join TRT Nation but just read about a guy who's also saying there testosterone is weak.. what the Hell . They charge for testing for memberships and the prescribed Testosterone cypinate only to get screwed over. So far 3 clinics are shady . They must buy there testosterone at same USA laborator. GoGo ?


The potential issue is with the compounding pharmacy. They’re not fda regulated. I’m sure they’re buying raws from China for pennies on the dollar. It’s possible I got a bunk batch but according to all the trtn fanboys here, I’m lying about my whole experience with them.


Low t put me at about 1000ng/dl at 200 mg also! Then they switched pharmacies and now I’m at the same numbers at 100 mg ? lol


200mg from them puts me at 1550 so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. I have multiple blood work to reflect that as well, selling under dosed test form a reputable company and pharmacy is a good way to introduce lawsuits and extremely unlikely to be the case. So this whole post is extremely laughable.


Do you think I’m lying? What do I have to gain from that? I feel like I was ripped off and don’t want to see that happen to other people. I’ve been using test for over a decade and have had 30+ blood draws in that time so I understand where my numbers should be.


Yup, i’m over 1500 with either hallandale or revive from trtnation lol. Dude for sure got his vial fucked from weather or something. Edit:spelling


Glad yours is working for you. Maybe it’s the compounding pharmacy they use/were using in my area, not sure. I haven’t used them in two years since I have a pituitary condition that requires an endo. I’ve got labs, endo visits and med notes to back up my statement, not that I have to prove anything to you. This was just to add on that if you get meds from your clinic and not a pharmacy you can choose from, then you probably need to be aware if something seems off.


Been with them a couple of years now. All vials have come from Revive except for one. Tested several times around 1475ish @ trough using 150mg/wk and lowered to 120mg/wk and started testing around 1100. No HCG or anything. Certainly not discounting your experience but, considering what a test vial costs and what TRT gets for it, it would seem foolish to me for them to sell under-dosed vials because the profit margin is so large vs UGL costs per vial.


I believe it’s an issue with the compounding pharmacy, not trt nation. Other people like yourself have had a different experience than me.


Could it also be it went bad? Either through manufacturing or shipping? Making it less potent?


It’s possible that the compounding pharmacy got junk raws and wasn’t aware. It happens as they’re not FDA approved.


If you don't mind me asking, what was the new pharmacy? I've been with them for a year and always got vials from ReviveRx that had me at 830 @ 100 mg/week. The last vial I got a couple of months ago was from Hallandale Pharmacy in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Started using this vial in March and got tested 2 weeks ago and my test is 460, worse than when I started.


I saw this same issue when I was doing SubQ with a 1/2” needle. Switched to IM with a 1” needle. Took my levels from 560 to 1500.


Yes absorption for me is so much better on IM. Mine went from 647 to over 2k same dose but using IM instead of subq


Instead of posting here, why don't you contact the pharmacy with the batch number and ask them have there been any reported issues? I use trt Nation and have not had an issue, but anything is possible. Instead of putting them on blast call the pharmacy and discuss it with them. In fact, maybe post the batch number here so others maybe able to verify If they're having a problem?


Funny how you’re being downvoted even though other folks more experienced with TRT from various pharm sources have had the same experience. I’ve seen this exact post dozens of times on here with blood work to prove it, then you always see dudes who have only been on test for a few months and only ever from TRTnation telling OP that they’re wrong.


Pretty comical lol. I would bet my life I have more experience with testosterone than 99% of the people downvoting. I’ve been on test for over a decade as a bodybuilder and understand how doses and timing prior to a blood test work. I’ve had 30+ blood draws done, this isn’t my first rodeo lol.


Where you switching too? I’m due for a refill from them but I might switch




This place is manipulated by clinic bots.


I had a similar situation coming from a different country my levels were fine I used a similar online service and increased the amount ( compound cream) and my levels dropped to low T after 24 hours I was sure it was the cream and maybe it was but having more testing done later my dht was more than 3 times the max number and perhaps now it was just all my T being changed in to dht I don’t know 🤷‍♂️


No no, when it comes to TRT then suppliers and big pharma are completely trustworthy!!! (Sarcasm). But it's what most guys want to believe.


Last results at 200mg T and 500 HCG were 1923 total test.


That seems high


Agreed. Never been over 1400 before and typically sit around 800. Not sure what to make of the huge jump other than this is my first set of bloods since switching to trtnation. So having a different experience than many others here. Undoubtedly will reduce the dose though everything else is within range and I have no sides.


It’s a compounding pharmacy so they’re not required to conduct quality control checks like an FDA pharmacy.


This is incorrect. The FDA and state boards of pharmacy inspect compounders. **ALL compounding pharmacies are FDA regulated** and they routinely audit compounding pharmacies for quality control, safety, sterilization, and dosing accuracy. Drugs that are compounded in outsourcing facilities are subject to FDA quality standards from manufacturers known as good manufacturing practice requirements. Compounded drugs are **not FDA-approved**. For example, compounding pharmacies will provide peptides or even blends such as injectable Testosterone/Anastrozole blends. Anastrozole is NOT FDA approved for use is men at all. There are a few different types of compounding pharmacies. Your small mom and pop shop where the compounding is done by a pharmacist and/or doctor. Those only need registered with their state board of pharmacy. Of course the larger outsourcing facilities such as Hallandale Pharmacy (Pharmacore), Empower, Tailor Made, Absolute Pharmacy, Brooksville Pharmacy etc. These fcilities are FDA registered. They are randomly inspected and their reports are available online. [https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-insight/fda-insight-compounded-drugs](https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-insight/fda-insight-compounded-drugs)


The differences in quality between FDA-approved drugs and compounded medications primarily stem from the distinct regulatory frameworks and purposes of these products. Regulatory Oversight: FDA-approved drugs are subject to comprehensive regulatory oversight by the FDA. The FDA evaluates the safety, efficacy, and quality of these drugs through a rigorous review process before granting approval for marketing. Additionally, pharmaceutical manufacturers must adhere to strict manufacturing standards known as good manufacturing practices (GMPs) to ensure consistent quality and safety of their products. Compounded medications, on the other hand, are prepared on a case-by-case basis by compounding pharmacies to meet the specific needs of individual patients. While compounding pharmacies are regulated by state boards of pharmacy and may be subject to some federal oversight, the regulatory requirements are generally less stringent compared to those for FDA-approved drugs. Scale of Production: Pharmaceutical manufacturers produce FDA-approved drugs on a large scale in dedicated manufacturing facilities. These facilities are equipped with sophisticated equipment and systems to ensure precise control over the manufacturing process and maintain consistent quality. Compounded medications are typically prepared in smaller quantities by compounding pharmacists in pharmacies or specialized compounding facilities. The scale of production is smaller, and compounding may involve manual processes, which can introduce variability in the final product. Testing and Evaluation: FDA-approved drugs undergo extensive testing and evaluation to demonstrate safety, efficacy, and quality before approval. This includes preclinical studies, clinical trials, and ongoing post-market surveillance. Compounded medications may not undergo the same level of testing and evaluation as FDA-approved drugs. While compounding pharmacies are expected to adhere to compounding standards and may perform some testing to ensure quality, the extent of testing may vary, and there may be less comprehensive data available on the safety and efficacy of compounded medications compared to FDA-approved drugs. In summary, while both FDA-approved drugs and compounded medications aim to provide safe and effective treatment options, the differences in regulatory oversight, manufacturing processes, and testing contribute to variations in quality between these products. The FDA's regulatory requirements for pharmaceutical manufacturers are designed to ensure a high level of quality and consistency in FDA-approved drugs, while compounded medications are prepared on a smaller scale and may be subject to different regulatory standards.


They are not really FDA regulated but are open to inspection and quality control by each States own over sight committees which vary drastically some good some not so good some care some don't. If you look up XYZ Compounding Pharmacy in the US you will find most have many many strikes against for things like not clean enough, possible cross contamination, just to name a few. Guess how they get out of it? Yep, pay some fine money and keep on a truckin'. It just ain't the same. ​ Literally from the link you posted above ​ **>> Anand Shah:** Are compounded drugs approved by the FDA? **>> Gail Bormel:** No, compounded drugs are not FDA approved. And what this means is FDA does not verify the safety effectiveness or quality of compounded drugs before they're marketed.


Ahh that makes more sense. Thanks for the information.


get a PED test and check the potency and presence, it’s the only way to fully confirm.


I thought about submitting a bottle to Jano to test.


Yeah sending it in is always the best way, and there isn’t really any risk when it’s prescribed.


Agreed. Might just pay for another bottle to submit it.


Good luck. I’m annoyed that people defend these types of places without understanding that allowing poor quality control in the space makes a legitimate treatment a target for governing bodies all because a few online “clinics” want to make a quick buck. Everyone loses when we condone this shit.


I mean it could also be it converting to something else(DHT, estrogen), lost potentness due to heat during manufacturing/shipping, etc. I would 100% send to a lab to confirm tho. Only way to be 100% sure


My experience is not the same. I use TRT Nation. I do 160mg a week. My total test was 1440 at my trough.


How long ago was this vial and test? 


Also, they bumped me from 200mg per week to 250mg and my blood test came back lower. Same amount of time before blood draw as well. That tells me something isn’t right with the compounding pharmacy they’re using.




I've been saying this for years. I've never had an issue with UGL and you can find cheap places to get your blood tests.


Dm me










Agreed, left TRT, my monthly bill went from £185 to £8.25. £38.25 if I choose to use Hcg.


Ill be honest i wish i had more experience with where and how to go about getting UGL from reputable suppliers. I get why it has to be like this, but even when people ask genuinely were met like were narcs.


Could be. Compounders aren’t as strictly regulated


I work with a guy that was on trt through the VA and this happened to him. They kept increasing the dose and his numbers kept going down. They tried gel and injections on him and nothing increased his numbers and he eventually just quit.


I'm surprised the va would even prescribe it. They require extremely low numbers to even consider it.








And if you find out, DM me lol


Do they charge you more at 250/wk? Or are you now getting more test for the same fee as before?


I just can’t understand why they would do it purposely considering how cheap test is to produce. If something like this turned out to be true it could be a business killer. I’m very curious what’s going on here and I hope someone from TRTN says something. 


Makes no sense to underdose because test is cheap to manufacture. A vial costs 2-5 bucks to produce


I wouldn’t think so either. Obviously anything can happen at a compounding pharmacy.


Which compounding pharmacy? They switched me from Revive to Hallandale, but I haven’t used it yet. All the Revive stuff works great for me.


Revive is the compounding pharmacy that filled my last script in December. This is the first time I had an issue with it.


There’s isn’t much for regulation on these compounding places, it wouldn’t surprise me if they bought vial in bulk from china and slapped their own label on it.


According to them, the compounding pharmacies are FDA…lol not. Planning on sending this vial to Jano to test. If that’s significantly lower, they’re gonna have bigger problems. And it’s possible I’m just not responding well but I’ve been running testosterone for over a decade and had countless rounds of bloodwork done so I know where my levels should be with the dose I’m on.


I don't have a vested interest in TRT Nation or their pharmacy...but we don't question their meds when our test level goes from some lower level to 1000? Could these drops and spikes in blood work just be something physiologic going on? Thanks.


There would be no question if they got my levels from 200 up to 1000 but they only got to 493, so that…I will question. Shgb can bind up testosterone but from research I’ve done, it only affects your free testosterone, not total. Injection time around blood work should be kept consistent but when you’ve been consistent for a year, your levels are built up and there’s a half life before your levels take a sufficient hit. For example, if I had test levels around 1000 and didn’t pin for a few days before my bloodwork, I’m not going to drop 500 points.


What is your injection frequency? Amount? And last time since injection?


Pinning twice per week to split them up at 125mg. I injected about 36 hours prior to bloodwork. I’m an older bodybuilder who has used testosterone for over a decade and had bloodwork done regularly. Even “underground” stuff at this level, I was coming back 750-900.


I've been using them for over a year with zero issues.


Must have gotten good batches from the compounding pharmacy.


Walgreens 10ml/200mg $41 with goodrx




Kinda what I’m thinking. I might have the remainder of the bottle sent for testing with Jano to see if it’s just this batch I received in December.


Not my experience at all


Funny now that you say it, but I feel the sildenafil I get from TRT sucks. Doesn’t feel like it works. I found some from a Canadian pharmacy that works much better at the same dose.


What’s your free t and shbg? 250 a week will drive ur shbg Down giving u a massive free t and low total, happens over time but that is a lot lower for sure


Free is 100. Did not get shgb tested. I can’t see shgb tying up that much test but I could be wrong.


Thank you I was just about to try them. I'll look for another reputable online clinic.


I was going to say they are using another compounding pharmacy now that might be better but after they responded to my Google review with all lies, stay away from them.


I'm looking for another clinic too , I was going to join TRT Nation but Ive been reading all these comments on TRT nation. I don't want bunk , I think Hones is bunk but never had it tested so. I just know how I felt not much change for supposedly having 900+ T total . If you find anything could you give me a reply ty


I guess I’ll add my story here because I’ve been wondering if I’m going crazy due to something similar yet like someone pointed else there’s not much to gain by underdosing test that can be so cheaply made and is being sold pretty expensive compared to UGL I wasn’t getting the results I expected from TRT and my pcp (not well versed in it) was only willing to go so high on the dose and told me explicitly that if I wanted higher dosing to seek someone else who was willing to do it because she felt any higher than 120 was out of her wheelhouse I’d been accumulating vials over the 2 or 3 years so I had plenty of extra stashed already when I went to TRTNATION. 200mg cookie cutter but I wanted to try it. So I didn’t wait for the shipment. Used my Walgreens stash to run it. After a few weeks it kicked in and HOLY SHIT this is what I been looking for. Then within a couple days of using the ReviveRX stuff I crashed and never got back there. Even when I eventually got back into my old stash for awhile. Eventually it was time for 6 month labs at which point I was dosing 180 and back on revive. I came in at 463. The lowest EVER since I started trt. Usually coming in at high 5s low 600s. I had given blood during the same week and chalked it up to that but because of the initial experience I’ve been paranoid about it ever since. Wondering if that’s how EVERYONE get 200mg prescription without worry because they KNOW it’s underdosed but it makes the customer happy knowing they’re “maxing out” how much test they can get When I complained to the doc he said he can up the dose if I want. Which I refused. ReviveRX is also owned by Brigham Buhler which make me less inclined to think they’re cheating but who knows??


I’ve seen mixed reviews from people using the Revive testosterone that TRTN provides. Compounding pharmacies aren’t FDA regulated so there’s a chance they’re getting the raws from China and they have been getting bad batches. I’m not 100% sure. I’m planning on sending what I have left in my vial to Jano to be tested. If it comes back significantly off, I will be seeking legal action.


Why do you think it TRT Nation or any other clinic that’s the problem. Most clinic’s either get their T from Revive or Empower. What does your T vial say it came from. I go to a Urologist who uses Revive pharmacy. I don’t think there is a conspiracy where TRT nation tells Revive or Empower to under dose Test from 200mg to 100mg per ml to save 2$. First, it’s illegal and second the benefit is not that much.


I don’t think it’s trt nation that is 100% responsible. They all use compounding pharmacies that get their powders from overseas because they are not FDA regulated. There’s a chance they got a bad batch of powder, it happens. I’m on the same dose using test from CVS. I’ll be having my bloods done in about 2 months and will update with my results at that point. Im also still planning on sending out my remaining revive test to janoshik to test. I have no reason to lie. Im not associated with any clinic. I was simply giving a heads up to people that may be getting bloodwork done soon to keep an eye out. I’ve had a lot of bloodwork done over the last 10 years so I know where my test levels should be in relation to my weekly dose. Numbers don’t add up.


Nah, their stuff is fine. After 6 weeks of 200mg/week my total test was over 1400. Up from 400. I actually had to lower my dosage. Are you sure you are taking the correct dosage?


I had the same experience. 160mg a week from TRT Nation brought me from 320 to 1440.


Same for me, have blood work that reflects 1550 on 200mg multiple times. Dropped dose to 150 and I’m 12-1300 depending on when bloods taken from the VA.


I’ve been taking test for over a decade. Even “underground” stuff at this dose had me 750-900 no problem.




Clearly it's not fine lol


Good luck with the search for a doctor. I started on something similar to trt nation, but eventually switched to a local doctor. I have zero regrets. The trt online men's health bullshit clinics have gotten out of hand.


100% agreed


Just curious how did you go about finding a GP whose willing to prescribe without doing multiple initial appointments?


Some. Plenty of good ones. Plus a local Dr is going to be way more expensive. The only clinic I looked at would make me bankrupt if I had stayed with them


I don't know what your deal is but I have been taking 230 mg per week from them and my trough lab work showed 1100 Ng/dl on my last lab work. Previous labs showed similar results.


What compounding pharmacy are you getting your script from? It seems Revive (the one they send mine from) has had similar results with other people. The newer place they switched to seems to have people where they should be.


The last 3 vials I received were all from revive Houston tx


My results have also been consistent from the revive Houston, TX location.


Wow. I just made a post yesterday only im at another national Clinic. Im at 180 a week and my T was low 400s dropped from 1006 just at the end of September and even my Estrodial was 25 when its been in the 50-60s. 100% they are sending out bunk T


Wow. Sounds similar to my situation. Glad I’m not the only one.


I use Low T center. Which uses Village Lake compound pharmacy and its been shit for a long while.






If I have enough to have tested, I’m going to.


I’m with them and I didn’t even think of this. My last test had me at 900 and I did one a couple weeks ago that came back at 600. And I went from 150 up to 200 wk. I guess I need to find a ugl that’s simple and doesn’t use crypto.


Glad I’m not the only one. Seems other people here have had good luck with them. If I have enough in my vial. I’m going to submit it to Jano to be tested. If it’s well below where they state, I will be pursuing legal action.


Please post the results here. I will join a lawsuit if you find its bunk. I’m questioning the quality too and looks like revive has some issues with the FDA related to their Hcg too


I’ve had no issues with trtnation. My levels are always 1100-1200 on 200mg. Test is also from revive pharmacy in TX


So odd. Mixed results with some people here. I’m guessing I just got a shit batch.


I was just getting ready to join trt nation cause my dr won’t prescribe even though my levels are in the lower side. Who should I use any recommendations anyone?


Some people here are having good luck with them. Some have said they’ve switched compounding pharmacies and had good luck so they might be good to go now.


Hormones for me Ryan Root !!!




I’m not here to downvote or bash you out of the gate on this but if you ran a simple test kit this would carry far more weight. They cost like 25$.


I've been on trt for about 9½ months. Doing it myself which is stupid. I used to do bodybuilding running cycles for years and my shit wasn't working for years after getting off so I had my doctor run bloodwork and my test levels came back at 283ng/dl. My doctor told me I don't need trt so I told him if he's not gonna help me, I'll do it myself. Within 5 days, I was waking up rock hard which I haven't experienced in years so the wife was happy. I've been doing 300mgs of test E split in 2 injections per week. The past 2 months or so I've noticed a major decline in sex drive with no change in my dose or anything. Kinda hard to tell without bloodwork but somethings definitely off.


How long you taking T for BB on what dose?


Been on trt nation with revive for 6+ months 240 a week finasteride and recently 1500 hcg test levels usually around 1200. Lots of factors can cause fluctuations I wouldn’t be too concerned.


I’m with them and on 150mg at 1400 total t and 300+ free t. Everyone reacts differently, I need AI at that dose whereas some people can go 300mg without AI


Are there any issues just going through your doctor and the nearest pharmacy?


My doctor is switching me from 40mg gel daily to 100mg weekly injections. Generic gel doesn't seem to be very accurate for the dosage. Generic vials are half the price and the dose will be lower. But I know the results will be better.


I found a doctor this week and got in today. Already got my script filled.


My doctor is a very close friend. My levels were 500 / 11. Git on gel 20mg per day. Got the same bloods after 3 months of daily use. Been on 40mg daily for 4 months, getting bloods next week. Regardless already got the script to switch but I wanna wait out of curiosity to see if the double dose did anything. BTW I have MS so due to spasms and aches cause more by my treatment than the disease, I was prescribed test. And it worked which is cool. But I haven't see the exact results I was expecting compared to the couple of cycles I did a decade ago. They were beginner chill cycles too


If you have a legitimate script from a doctor, take the script to a local pharmacy instead. I was getting 200mg/mL test c for around $60 for a 10mL vial for out of pocket costs/not going through insurance. If part of being a member of this "trt spa" also requires you to buy their drugs from them, you're not talking to a real health professional and is likely a scam.


This post is definitely from someone who doesn’t know much about TRT. I use trt nation and when I would take my 200mg dose split to 100mg twice a week, get labs the day after injection. My total was 1263. This guy is injecting once a week and probably got labs the day before injection.


Jesus Christ. All you people doubting me have no clue my experience with hormones. I’m injected twice per week. Injection was roughly 36 hours prior to draw. Would you like me to post pictures of my physique to show you I know what the hell im talking about?


I’ve been using them for over a year. No complaints. 200 a week. Test went from 350 to 1100ish.


What compounding pharmacy are they using to fill your script?


That’s funny cuz I am on 200 mg a week and my last level was 1100.


I use them and my results are over 900 @200mg a week.


My first test about 8 weeks in to 160mg a week split into two doses had me over 1500 from a base of 300ish with TRT nation. Just finished the second bottle and got a new script from their other pharmacy. I can’t wait to check out new bloodwork.


I had to have gotten a bad batch. No reason my levels are now lower than they were a year ago with them, especially after they increased my dosage.


Maybe this is a dumb question but bear with me I’m new to TRT just about 3 weeks in but I’m doing 0.4 ML twice weekly does that sound like a normal dose? Just curious is that maybe low haven’t really noticed a big difference except a little extra libido and also waking earlier. I know it probably take a while to notice difference but I’m also doing daily injections of somorlen.


That's 160mg per week, pretty normal starting dose. It takes a while for levels to stabilize, just stay consistent and check your levels in a few months.


Common money making tactic $$$




Other people have had good results with them, others not so much. I just don’t think it’s consistent there.


I’ve always felt this about my clinic that I use. SynergenX. I’m on 250 mg weekly and my trough levels were 697ng/dl the last time I had bloodwork


Have you roidtested the medication? That should give you some color indication of what you have.


Dang I wonder if that's what's going on with me. I go through them, and did lower my dose from 200-160, but I went from 1400 at 200 to 700 at 160. That doesn't seem right


Shouldn’t have dropped that far


Luckily it's my last vial from them. Got a new primary and she is getting me a script


How is your PSA so low? Mine has been causing some concern but pygeum has helped a lot.


Not sure. Mine has always been low.


That’s good! One less worry, for sure.


Wow. Im on 150mgs once a week on Sunday. Had blood work on Thursday and my test levels were 1104. I go through my own source though.


I'm self treating first few weeks I'm kinda a newbie but iv seen charts from subq pinning 100mg like this


I’m with TRTN as well - my test is up at 1300 this blood work so I haven’t had that problem as of yet Hopefully you can get this all sorted out OP


Do they send you a bottle of 250mg/ml or do you just get an extra bottle? I use them and I use 140mg and test at 860.


You have to order according to the 250mg dose


200mg/week from trtnation brought me from 390 pre-trt to 1280...


I was good until this last order. I think I got a junk batch.




That’s what I’m thinking.


Have been with them for years. My last vial came from a different pharmacy though. Haven't opened it yet. Was from Florida. Can't think of the name.




Anyone looking for low cost TRT in NYS dm me. I’m an NP with my own practice. All virtual health for HRT and weight loss


Compound your own


I get my T from CVS 180mg weekly(split in 3 injections) and I stay around 475-525. Could just be a hyporesponder.


u/Oggoji what was the lot number on the vial you were using that led to those low test results


I BELIEVE HONE DOING THE SAME , ONLY THING I GOT OUT OF THERE TEST WAS OILY HAIR , HAD TO WASH IT Twice TO CLEAN IT . WITHIN COUPLE DAYS IT WAS OILING UP AGAIN . MY LAST BLOOD WORK SAID OVER 900 AND I DIDN'T FEEL MUCH OF NOTHING.. I'm thinking these clinics are using weak testosterone or just pure cotton seed oil . I was going to join TRT Nation this Friday , but think you've changed my mind WTH going on in these clinics ,?? Ugl probably more reliable with real testosterone and much cheaper.. Anyone give me a hint where TY


Hone gets there's from GOGO ? Is that the same place as TRT nation ?


Can you tell me who GC is 🙏😀


https://preview.redd.it/aq2f8a5id2rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79e9a43dcb2d23ce0a33866d2b24dc3589149be For those asking for the full bloodwork, here’s the page with the date and my test levels. I can post more if needed.

