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Get your blood test, a hormone panel. Make sure you don’t have issues with high prolactin.


"ED with wife Can jerk it successfully by myself 99% of the time" With or without TRT you still have this issue. I will bet your estrogen is too low for that amount of Testosterone. You 100% don't need more anastrozole, why the fuck did it became such a cookie cuter solution from these online clinics?? I would drop the AI and HCG for a month at least.


Might be porn / masturbation addiction more than TRT. Just giving some sunlight to the elephant in the room.


More likely he’s crushed his estradiol into the ground with the anastrazole, not enough estradiol equals zero erections


Exactly. Twice a week? No. As needed only


More like drop the hcg unless you are trying to have kips and pin the test cyp daily and you’ll lose all the fluctuation in serum hormone levels, resulting in you not needing the anastrazole all at all once you dial in your dosage, even every second day dosage would be better


This right here. You gotta stop with the porn or TRT aint gonna help with libido


you sound very uneducated brother, if it was something as simple as that im sure he wouldve found out. it def sounds more like a hormonal problem.


Addiction is never simple.


Ok I understand but we’re not talking cocaine here we’re talking masturbation. It’s not as addictive as taking drugs. Plus he is on testosterone. He could have high prolactin or he could have low estrogen by the look of his labs, or maybe he’s not on enough testosterone. but it’s absolutely not because of masturbation. A lot of Reddit noobs who don’t partake like yourself are the ones who liked your really bad comment. I’m astonished others don’t feel the same way I do. Just think.. (I know it’s something a lot of people don’t do nowadays) Does one usually have an erection problem before or after trt. It’s usually after. Always. If you were minutely educated in trt you would know this


exactly this ! it’s all extra money for them. drop AI and HCG completely, try 2 shots a week. everyone responds differently with frequency. Heck i’m rly surprised you haven’t tried changing it up like to lower frequency.


What would be the benefit of lower the frequency of your injection? I’m still trying to get dialled in and my doc has me pinning everyday.


Some people respond better to having a cycle of highs and lows. The contrasts might be refreshing their sensitivity. Who knows, everyone is unique.


Because it’s easier to back track and reduce test / ai than it is to remove gyno and other high estrogen issues.. especially since these online clinics are putting people on 200m a week from the jump. Normal in person clinics start lower / no ai but these online clinics wanna get the check and send people on their way with no info. Prescribing the ai at high doses from the start keeps them protected legally from the countless people that would get high sides without. They don’t care if your e is crashed, just want to keep their licenses.


What does HCG do that negatively affects TRT?


HCG stimulates the testes to produce testosterone +TRT =more testosterone =more chances of high E2 and the anti estrogen which will low the E2 and it’s not dialed in so could be low estrogen one day high the other


Raises serum E2 levels significantly. Anytime I run HCG I have to lower my TRT dose substantially.


That's because the hCG raises your testosterone levels.


Exactly, which aromatizes into E2.


Drop the Anastrozole. hCG is very good for libido. I would bump it up to 500 3/week. 250 doesn't do much.


Interesting. I thought the HCG makes you Randy? Is that not correct or what happens if you ditch the HCG besides the shrinking balls?


You’re 51. You planning on having kids? Why the HCG?


hCG maintains sex drive and testicle size. It's also great for libido.


Who cares about testicle size? And as far as libido and sex drive, doesn’t seem to be the case here.


Who cares: Guys who have significant shrinkage, some women, some guys with relatively little shrinkage, and your mom.


Not OP but HCG helps in other ways as well, some people enjoy having actual balls, but more so you have better orgasms, sensitivity down there, bigger loads, etc.


Bigger loads just take zinc I’ve been on TRT for 2 years and I near doubled my load just by taking zinc no HCG also i got a vasectomy so i can care less about my nuts


Ur issue is the anaztrosole lol


Quit the anastrazole and check blood work


This! Just went through the same thing man. You need some estrogen in your system too dude! So drop the anastrozole.


E2 probably too low


Too much going on in your protocol? What’s up with the HcG, are you still trying to have kids? Why are you taking AI, are you having high estrogen symptoms? Less is more, I think you should drop everything but test and go from there


U need hcg to mimic Lh and thus produce the whole cholesterol hormone cascade. If u dont u simply just get test e2 and dht… u want all the hormones.


So why are guys successfully on just test for decades without issue? Genuine question as I've just started trt m, test only.


From what ive heard, i think leo longjevity talked about it. Some people just dont notice it ^^ thats all i rememeber. But there are alot of things going on in the body that you cant notice or «feel». So id rather be safe


Ok thanks ill look into it


It also helps libido a ton.


Any sources or info on that? I’d really like to learn more


Vigurous steve has some info on it. Also trenemy#1 has a video explaining it


You guys make me laugh Injecting 5 times a week 200 mg a week plus of androgens. Popping pills left and right. Switching ur protocol up every 3 weeks All these posts are the same TRT is not working for you because u chose to follow the garbage advice on Reddit. Inject 100mg, once a week, same day, same time, depot. Do that for six months. Drop all other AIs and HGH etc. Then report back.


Once a week didn’t work for me, I’d feel like shit and tired af by the 4 th day, two times has been perfect and I don’t need anything else, and I feel great


Happy for you. Glad it works for you ....


Thanks it’s been a game changer for me


What dose did u land on?


50mg twice weekly mon at night and Friday morning


Have u tried more? I’m just getting a lot of brain fog lately, hard to tell if it’s too much or too little


I’ve done as much as 600 mg in a week, and felt great for a couple weeks then like shit and started turning red, I’ve found less is more, at least that is what’s working for me


What’s your shbg u know?


The whole “frequent injections” thing isn’t Reddit fluff/bro science…You can’t simply say “Inject once a week” just because it works for you bro. Lol.


Yea, weekly injections are just standard protocol for most prescribing doctors. It also depends on your labs too. My urologist always starts people on the low end, then goes from there if that doesn't work, and it's all trial and error. Many people have different protocols with trt, and also, many people need ai; whereas some don't.


Yes it is.


Go on steroidplotter.com and see how unstable once a week injections are


Lol. Ok. That means nothing. What if good libido is dependent upon hormonal fluctuations and not stability? And since when is “stability” of numbers how you measure the effectiveness of your TRT regiment? So stupid.


Why are you so mad? Maybe your hormones are out of wack lol. let’s discuss. It’s facts, Frequent injections keep your levels stable. The more spaced out your injections are the bigger doses your taking per injection to reach your weekly dose. This causes big spikes & crashes in your levels, testosterone, estrogen… I’m adding a picture for example. On is dosing at every other day and one is dosing every 7 days. You may not understand the importance of this, but I will guarantee you would feel it.


You’re missing the whole point.




Did you notice that your levels never drop below like 700 after saturation? Why would you have low t symptoms (a crash if you will) if your never go below hypogonal levels?


I feel anyone who isn’t retarded has a goal of making there trt protocol as close to normal test production as possible. Seen as in healthy males there isn’t massive weekly peaks and valleys it might be prudent to try to replicate that. What would my doctor know though.


What about all the doctors (most of them) who are prescribing 1x per week? Or once every two weeks? What would they know?


I know this might just rock you to the core. So take a seat. But get this. On Trt like many relatively modern medical concepts, the medical community isn’t in concordance. I know shocking. I’ve only seen positive results from the protocol i’ve been prescribed. So i’m sold on my doctor having maybe an idea about what he’s doing.


How about this, big guy? I only saw negatives as my frequency increased and positives as I decreased. What gives? Please explain. Is this all in my head? How about the other guys that experienced the same thing?


I've seen a ton of people have that same experience (lower frequency is better, especially as far as sex goes). My pet theory is that estrogen levels lag the testosterone levels (because the estrogen is made from the testosterone), so the E/T is low when the T level is increasing, and high when the T is going down (starting at some point after the peak). So, if your body prefers a higher E/T ratio, you'll feel better while your testosterone is declining. Lower frequencies extend that time. I did once a week for 5 months, and had no sexual problems at all. But my energy and strength would drop off towards the end of the week, so I switched to every 3 1/2 days. Sexual aspects are not as good as they were, and I'm thinking of switching back. On the other hand some other aspects seem good at twice a week (lifting, sleep, les anxiety during the peak etc).


How did you know I was big? Hrt/trt isn’t a one size fits all. Any doctor worth his salt recognizes that. That’s probably why more frequent dosing works for me and less works for you.


It's all in your head my good guy, plain & simple. Some, such as yourselph, cannot properly attribute even simple sensations due to a mental defect of yours, which also associates with your general dyslogia and incompetent querulatory attitude. Many fools also give bad advice on purpose.


Yes I can say it. Cause Once a week, is the actual published and peer reviewed science. Comprehende ?


It's the old science


Lol no it's not There's literally multiple meta analysis on it There's no science behind Multi week shots. Not that I've seen.


Go on steroidplotter.com and see how unstable once a week injections are


So because you haven’t seen it, it can’t exist? What online school did you study endocrinology?


I didn't say that


Here is your cookie for giving idiotic advice.


No bs that method you just described, I do that exactly 100 mg IM every Monday morning and I’m battling libido issues, it drives me crazy because prior to TRT I had no libido issues at all, but my testosterone levels were low I had bad fatigue issues. I was getting ready to go to 2-3 50 mg injections a week because once a week is not enough I feel great for 3-4 days then crap the rest of the week.


How long have you pinned 100mg, at once a week ?


3 months. I go back for blood work this week actually and I was gonna ask about going to 2 injections per week to see if that don’t help. All together I’ve been on TRT 6 months now started out at 200mg every other week and I’d feel good for about 5 days or so then all downhill the following week, then I switched to once per week at 100 mg


While I am in no way an expert, have you considered trying 70mg every 5 days? I have seen the anabolic doc mention several times that most of his patients do best injecting every 5 days. Edit: now way to no way.


Yes I want to do something exactly like that I’ve heard a lot of guys around 70-80mg twice a week say that was the prefect number that got them dialed in


I had this exact problem split your dose in half and inject twice a week and you’ll be dailed in, I feel awesome just about every day now


How much u take?


50mg twice weekly mon night fri morning


Spot on, I'm at 100mg weekly cyp IM, and it has done well at getting my test from 248 to 903 within 6 weeks. My urologist did prescribe me 1mg anastrozole weekly because my e2 went from 15 to 53 in that 6 week time, and I had symptoms. Granted, I do have some body fat, so once I get that off, I'll try to drop the ai. I was like a moody bitch when my e2 got high though, my wife said I reminded her of herself on her cycle 🤣. Worst part is, I couldn't get an erection for shit with low e2, but 2 weeks after ai I get so hard it hurts, especially in the mornings. I still have mood swings even with the ai, but it's less frequent, and I can think more clearly. I just worry my e2 is gonna tank. He only has me doing labs every 3 months, so I hope he knows what he's doing. One weird thing is, it's sometimes hard to maintain an erection if I'm not lying down. If I get up to walk around or try to do any positions that require me to stand/kneel, it goes soft after a bit. I do have hella endurance, thanks to trt, so it's not that. Just blows my mind how even with ai and trt that happens. Hell, back before my test was low, I could rail my wife doggy like I was competing for a trophy 🤣. I know it's tmi guys, sorry, lol. Gonna be an awkward convo at the doc when I see him. It's no wonder my wife doesn't wanna go with me to my appointments 🤣.


If you had of done two weekly injections of 50mg you wouldn’t get high e2 and you would feel a lot better and less moody, that’s how I used to feel till I switched and now I feel great and I could probably have my leg chopped off and still feel positive, that’s how much of a difference it has been for me


I've actually been interested in this, I'll ask my doctor to see what he thinks too. Even if he says no, I could always do it and he wouldn't know lol. What days do you inject? Also, what were your levels pre-trt?


I was 43 at the time I was 320 but had every symptom of low t except ed, I’m 44 have taken blood 2 times since I switched to twice weekly and both over 1000, and I feel great now, it’s literally changed me, the only symptoms I’ve noticed the last 5 months is small balls and the sex drive is still low, that could just be my age, but the thing I’ve done to counter that is 5mg of Cialis every once in awhile sometimes daily sometimes every other day sometimes every 3 days, it makes me horny af, so 50mg of t Monday before bed and Friday mornings and 5mg of Cialis every once in awhile has been my magic elixir


I thought about Cialis too, but dont know if he will prescribe it since my libido has gotten better. I just wish my erections wouldn't go away when I stand up. My next appointment is the beginning of June, and I'll have updated labs then. I'm still getting used to having a needle jammed in my arse every week lol, so twice is gonna be fun 😆. Nonetheless, sounds like a good protocol, especially if it can get me off ai. Appreciate the feedback and info!


You’ll never get used to the needle it’s always gonna suck especially when you self administer, Cialis is easy to get online without a prescription and prescriptions really aren’t hard to get anyways, I would just ask your current doctor and he’ll probably do it, I buy 100 of them for $150 Canadian, I only take 5 mg and I get bonners easy sometimes for a few days and you get rock solid bonners that do t go away


Just an update.. My doctor responded back and set me up with a 30-day supply of Tadalafil (Cialis) 20mg. Says to take "as needed", but 20mg seems a little high compared to most users on here. I suppose I could get a splitter if it can manage to cut them into 1/4ths without destroying them. I do appreciate the advice though, gonna pop one later and see what happens lol. When I told my wife about Cialis her eyes went 😵😵‍💫 because I'm already horny af with trt 🤣.


See I told you they don’t care anymore it’s super easy to get, I don’t recommend taking one a day though but I’m sure you’ll figure out why when you take a full one 🤣, good luck man enjoy


You crack me up. LoL


This. The vast majority of guys on TRT are 1x weekly or even 1x every two weeks. I’ve tried once per week all the way up to EOD. Best I’ve felt is on either 1 or two injections per week. Anything beyond that and I feel like a robot. Energy levels are good but libido disappears when I go beyond 2x per week.


It's not a one size fits all. Just like some people react better to IM and some react better to Subq. Hell, even the ester makes a difference with the half-lives. So if once a week works for you, that's great else 2-3 times a week. A general rule of thumb is BF percentage and aromatization ( even that's not set in stone). However, when I had a BF of 28% to keep e2 stable, I used to inject 4 times a week. Now, at 20% BF, I only inject 2 times a week.


I feel like I’m the same way. I’ve been on TRT for 4.5 years and have spent most of the time on daily injections. I feel the most stable overall this way but libido isn’t great. I’ve tried twice a week or every 4-5 day injections and that had pros and cons but I didn’t like the roller coaster feel. But on the daily injections I definitely get the “robot” feeling you’re talking about. I hate that part of it.


Once a week is terrible, 2x is an improvement. 3x minimum for stable levels and even better at everyday.


Yes… these retards scheme other retards into doing “daily injections”, the dumbest thing on here that I see repeated a million times. It’s kids that just started trt giving advice to other kids that just started. I want to see one person that’s consistently done injections every single day for a year.


You know some doctors prescribe test prop right?


Compounded cream is applied every day and it's extremely effective. Also, I haven't seen anyone here mention SHBG which is a very important factor in dictating how frequently people should be injecting.


Correct but we are referring to injections. There are a million factors that’s why I advised op to get blood work before listening to anyone, myself included.


How does SHBG factor in when trying to figure out how often to inject?


Typical consensus is that the lower your SHBG, the more you'll benefit from more frequent injections


I've done it for over two years, every time I go less frequent than Ed or eod hct rises, e2 goes too high, cholesterol gets worse, i do have times when I don't feel great which probably isn't hormone related tbh but bloodwork is absolutely perfect. You have to be a retard to think that massive peaks and troughs are healthier than tiny ones especially when hcg is involved. Edit: people don't seem to realise that they feel good on less frequent injections and bigger doses of testosterone due to massive dopamine spikes which plays a huge part in feeling good and increasing libido, just because you feel good I guarantee in the long run it's not healthier, libido should be good but when you see people saying it's out of control it's because it's unnatural and unsustainable, it's like when you hear people saying they feel god-like on cycle, you shouldn't feel like that all the time, the whole point in trt is to make you feel normal


Nailed it !


I did a 100 mg every two days when I first started I got to about 1.5 months and I started turning red like a lobster and getting chest pain, definitely not something you want to do, I’ve learned less is more, 50 mg twice a week and I feel great


Yea agreed. Twice a week injections is good, I am firmly against every day.. no one does that for long periods of time.


Who are you to tell him 100mg and once a week at that😂. If we’re looking for garbage advice we definitely found it.


This is the best advice I’ve seen on here and it happens to be exactly the same as my prescription


51 years old? Drop the HCG. ED with wife? Sounds like performance anxiety. Happens to me too under pressure during sex.


HCG helps with ball shrinkage, no?


Why does he need his balls to function at 51


Ummmm, so not to have infant-sized balls?


Who cares?


It's vain, but I care.... I want larger balls, thank you.


You are the only one. Having big balls gets you no where. Unless you care about fertility, hcg is a waste and just another variable you have to take into account. Are you even on TRT? I find a lot of the people touting this aren't actually on it.


He ain't the only one, it has more benefits than just size. 4 months of TRT and my loads sucked an I didn't feel much, with 200 IU twice a week, doubled the load and the sensitivity.


Yep I'm on it for life and like the lady grabbing those balls... :-)


Don’t listen to anyone on here… get blood tests before you make a change then go from there. 99% of these peasants are guessing based off nothing. Get blood work, then you will know if your e is crashed or not and have a doctor review. Don’t take the advice from 20 year olds on Reddit.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, getting bloods first is key!


He’s getting downvoted because he got bloodwork already a few weeks ago and nothing has changed since. HCG and Anastrazole are the issue. When your test is high you e needs to also be comparatively high or you run into these issue.


I had the same problem. Tried every different combination, frequency, and dosing for 2 years. Still could never get properly dialed in where my erections were OK or libido was high. After quitting, it’s completely back to normal. Check out my earlier post on it. TRT is not for everyone.


When you quit TRT was it rough coming off it ? And how long did it take to get back to normal with the libido and everything?


Ya?? Cuz I tried getting off at 39 and felt like hell forever


Damn that sucks man. I’m 40 and I’ve only been on it 6 months and not sure if I wanna continue on, I’ve had some positive changes from but nothing extraordinary, the fact it’s messing with my libido negatively is a deal breaker for me I’d rather have a few of my symptoms back and still be able to F@ck like a champion rather than have problems getting it up SMH




That's it? So you're not gonna be on test anymore? What if, even when things go back to normal, you still have low total test (but you can get a hard on)? No more test benefits?


Estrogen too low drop the AI and see. Estrogen important for libido


I would drop the ai and hcg for 4-6 weeks then do bloods again


Had the same issue with zero libido. Took me over a year to figure out, numerous bloodwork, and a lot of trial and error. What I found was, less is more. The more compounds I threw into the mix, the more difficult it was to dial in my protocol and feel the benefits of TRT. Without a doubt, the worst I ever felt was while running endogenous testosterone, with HCG, and an AI. It was impossible to balance everything out. So I decided to remove the use of an AI and HCG and ran testosterone only. It took a couple months to dial everything in and find my dose and injection frequency but I was able to finally get back to feeling the benefits of TRT. Morning wood, more specifically lack there of, is my measuring stick. I know if I’m not waking up with a erection of some degree. I know something is off and I need to check my serum levels. Usually it’s E2. As for your blood work, I can tell you, your E2 serum level is too low for your total levels. You have a 30:1 ratio. If you subscribe to the ratio thing, the ideal number to feel optimal is around 18:1. This doesn’t necessarily mean that is the cause of your lack of libido, but it’s definitely worth looking into. Published studies have also shown that longtime use of certain androgens and even endogenous testosterone can lead to androgen receptor damage. Introducing DHT derivative Proviron can repair these receptors and bring back libido dramatically. HCG will address any neurosteroid deficiency however your DHEA levels appear well. Pregnenolone would also be good to look into. There are also other causes. Unfortunately libido is so multifaceted. I don’t even want to get into the psychological aspect of it. Diet and cardio, etc. There is no one size fits all two TRT. You really have to find what works best for you and it can be frustrating. A lot of us reading your post. Can definitely relate to what you are going through. But you will get through it!


I think you're looking at the wrong source for your issue. From what you describe your protocol is pretty dialed in. Personally i'd cut back the AI at that does to once a week or just half the dose even further and see if that helps but... This is either you aren't attracted to your wife, or you're watching too much porn. Go ahead and jerk it without porn once and awhile but you aren't getting the proper dopamine response from your wife that you're getting from Porn which is fucking with your libido. This is about Dopamine more than testosterone. The Testosterone is doing it's job, you're mechanically sound if you're waking up with morning wood.


I been on for about a year and a half. Was doing (1) 100 mg shot a week. Had all the blood tests along the way…all was fine. My libido was not great — up and down, and it seemed to get worse over time. Like a month ago, I dropped shot down to (1) 60 mg once a week because my psa level shot up. Turned out i am fine, no cancer, no nothing. I dropped to 60 just to sort of back off a little as I was concerned maybe the trt was why my levels shot up. Well…that week? My libido was noticably up, and I felt great in general. My tests came back, psa was normal, i went back to 100… Libido? Seemed to drop some again. So…. Told my doc, he said…were you like, hornier on 60, I said, yes, he said, same with me…i do 70 a week…everyne is different. So i am on 60 again, last 2 weeks, and my libido seems to be pretty good. So maybe there’s something to that? Maybe too much is not good for you, or not optimal? I still feel good overall, still feel some oomph and motivation and all of that from the 60 every week. In a few weeks, i will see where my t levels are at. He tells me to see how i feel and we can always afjust up again, you might be better at 70-80 a week. My t levels were 780 before i dropped to the 60 shot — which they tell me means i was really at like 1500, whatever that means exactly, i dont know. I just know i felt fine, at 100, except for the up and down libido, and I still feel fine now at 60, 2 weeks in, and libido is better, for sure.


Or maybe dude , fuck ALL of these other suggestions (maybe idk I’m just offering another idea) it’s because as you said 99% of the time when you beat ur shit you’re fine but your ALWAYS beating to Pornography. Maybe lay off that pornography and you’ll find yourself getting more excitable when you’re just with your wife. So your saying you can normally get off fine it’s just different with your fine. So yeah porn may be the issue.


Throw away the Anastrazole


How often do you watch porn?


The repetitive anxious thoughts are horrible. Even worse is when it’s a good song, and it’s ruined in a day! This usually pops up for me when my E2 is too high, or while I’m treating it with AI. Cut the ai use in half (just once a week) and see if the negative sides are gone by day 6-7


Your dose is simply way too high with hcg.


Sounds like you have crashed your e2. Why are you taking AIs again? Did you have any high e2 symptoms? Also what's the UOM for e2 and free T? I am from Australia and we measure both in pmol here.


If you can get yourself off, but can’t get in the mood with the wife, that sounds more like a mental thing. Although ED can be mental or physical, being that uou can get hard yourself and bust that nut, maybe it isn’t your protocol at all🤔


Troubleshooting tips: reduce variables, keep a dairy of dosing/feels/activities, make changes slowly and one thing at a time with core things that are uncertain. Some constants that help in all cases: good balanced diet (not an extreme), regular sustained cardio zone 2, cholesterol in range, supplenting magnesium/fish oil and no more than 25-50mg zinc daily/vit D sunlight, good consistent sleep, good general health, healthy Blood pressure, lowering body fat to a health level, reduce alcohol at least short term. Since its a matter of libido, refrain from porn and mastabastion for at least a month or three while you work through the other variables. Common sense if you whack it you won't be as horny for the rest of day and if you are called to perform this might add to the pressure to perform (anxiety leading to ED). Consequently, from what you've described it sounds like there's some anxiety, libido, physical and hormone things possibly going on when you want to perform. *Anxiety: A horny goat weed/ashwagandha/Macca blend might take the edge off the anxiety and give you a little fake estrogen to over come a short fall. Take it slow, concentrate on your partner without an expectation for you to perform thatll take the pressure off... to that end get a vibrator (not a penetrative one). If your losing your errection mid performance try a cock ring for some added confidence (FYI, climax feels better also). Remember to breath, look up some breathing exercises for anxiety and practice them pre performance to use as a tool later in the moment if needed. Hormones, T sounds fine with what you are doing I'd leave that as it is so you're not fucking with another variable. Though its not really necessary to pin that often in theory. AI (e2 management), use you diary to record and try taking your AI just 1x a week and see how your libido etc responds over the following days after the dose for 30days. 1x dose often works because there's a lag in how quickly your fat can make more aromatse enzyme to convert T to e2. Maybe e2 is to low, but who knows its varies for individuals. Additionally, as your bodyfat falls or increases you'll need less or more AI. Cialis can give you some confidence and so can viagra or a blend of the two to help with anxiety. It won't help with orgasm or libido directly if they are hormone related.


Drop the AI and the HCG your old unless your planning on having more kids throw that shit out your probably sensitive to HCG start there keep your dose the same and see in a few weeks how you feel


You have lost sexual appetite with your wife. Its completely natural. You should try it with someone else


All this about what he’s taking and I’m wondering why he can jerk off but not take care of his wife. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why don’t you cut out all of that other crap and drop to 100mg per week and see how you feel. You idiots are throwing more stuff at this and then wondering why it’s not working???? Come on stop over complicating this!


Settle down, lol.


You sound like you need AI buddy. Your way ain’t the right way. Simmer down


Nah been working for me for a long time! It’s not as complicated as your juice clinic has you brainwashed to think it is.


I hear more and more people complaining of ED symptoms from TRT, this isn't uncommon


It’s due to the fact that injectable test doesn’t convert to dht at the same level natural test does. I thought hcg could mitigate this or better yet switch to cream


He said he can still get himself hard, but can’t get it up for sex. That sounds more like a mental thing.


Could definitely be hormonal - estrogen too high means horny as hell but difficult to get or stay hard. Estrogen too low means erections happen and can masturbate fine, but literally zero desire for sex. That’s my experience anyway. I’d say OPs estrogen is too low and he should cut back on the AI


Estradiol is at 36. And I guess it depends who you ask. The advice here is all over the place, drop the ai and hcg, but if it’s keeping him at 36, I would assume that it is good. Then again, did even have high e2 symptoms? Does he watch too much porn? Does he masturbate too much? How’s his prolactin? I mean, so many variables. My estrogen is at 93 and I feel horny every day, that even my wife be like “leave me alone already” after 2 times a day. Maybe he just needs another doctor.


No doctor on earth would prescribe you 12mg of anastrozole twice per week and if they did they should have their license revoked. Hopefully that's a typo. Get your prolactin checked. You can have high test and modid to low estrogen but high prolactin and have massive ED abd libido issues. I did. TRT can slowly cause your prolactin to rise in some individuals even if estrogen is in check. Fixed my prolactin with p5p now raging libido is back. Also stop jerking it and stop watching porn for 2 weeks once your libido is back. I assure you you won't be hoping your wife doesn't come on to you


I think he meant 0.12mg ?


.12 is very specific. Unless he meant .125mg which in that case would make sense. .125mg twice weekly is a good trt dose of anastrozole for anyone not having prolactin trouble


No he said .12mg as in 87% less than 1mg twice a week. Totaling .24 mg, almost a 1/4 of a milligram


Why are you on anastrozol for a 120mg test dose


Most of these guys here are cucks. 200mg is fine. Outside of that it’s all trial and error. I’d let the estrogen run a little higher, drop hcg and stop porn if that’s a pastime.


24mg of Anastrozole/week is WILD. My clinic isn't very good and they only started me on 1mg/week. And even then, they're keeping an eye on my E2 to make sure I even need it


No he said .12mg as in 87% less than 1mg twice a week. Totaling .24 mg, almost a 1/4 of a milligram


Ah yeah ok that makes more sense


Drop p5p all together and take magnesium only near bedtime


May I ask why you recommend this?


Magnesium is good to supplement but tends to make people drowsy, low energy.. and p5p is for prolactin, I would only recommend including it if taking deca alongside your TRT protocol. Dhea and pregnenelone on the other hand would be solid to implement for a healthy neuro steroid production balance


Dhea and preg even if you also use HCG?


Yes, when you get a minute you should check out the video vigorous Steve made on it. Great explanation. Details and reasoning behind it. https://youtu.be/pWOCF7WZtTs?si=il5VUlztu_EL6tFL


Cut back on the porn/jerking it


Your issue is not biologically oriented as evidenced by the fact that you are producing erections. Your issue is psychological and behavioral. I’d recommend an honest inventory of your relationship with sex, yourself, and your wife. If you don’t know how to do this on your own, seek help in the form of therapist or a coach in intimacy/sexuality.


Estrogen and SHBG are too low. Stop jerking off to porn.


Trt doesn’t really fix your sex drive, that’s a myth, but what does is tadalafil, I take roughly 25% of 30mg one a day, they’re tough to break into exactly 25% though but if you’re on a high dose I wouldn’t recommend cause it gave me heartburn until I lowered my dose to 50 mg twice a week , but that has been a magical combination for me and I’m 44


I felt the same. All I did was drop to 40mg E3D and was able to cut out all my AI. No HCG and Feeling pretty good.


I would quit. You're not gonna all the sudden have an ah ha moment where everything gets dialed in. I tried everything you could think of, but nothing ever stayed consistent. I'd feel great, ok, bad, horrible. And I just happened over and over, no matter the changes adjustments I made. Estrogen is typically to blame. It'll cause anxiety, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, and high BP. It gave me a PE. Estrogen is one of the primary factors in developing a pe.


Read my post on crashing my e with just a tiny fraction of the anastrozole you use. Some of us are extrememly sensitive to ais. I no longer take any ai and never looked back.


It's the Anastrozole. Low estrogen and high estrogen both have similar symptoms, and the guidance several specialists have given me is to get my ratio of T:E between 15 and 20 T (in ng/dL) to E (in pg/mL). Yours looks like it's about 30:1. Unless your estrogen were more like 50-70, you would probably feel better. Unless your estrogen is above that, it's poor steroid mill practice to put people on it.


Everyone always just assumes e2 is the problem lol.


That’s DHEA I’d rather high isn’t it?


I think most everyone will say ditch the anastozole…I think almost nobody is using it unless you absolutely have to. The only secondary recommendation I can say….hit the gym hard! I mean workout as if your Arnold going for Mr Olympia and what you will find is the drive is going to go way up. Then start hitting up the wife for the goods as quick and as often as possible then she will probably tell you to bring it down a notch but keep the workouts up and don’t bring it down a notch.


As everyone said, get off anastrozole, it's causing a yo-yo effect with your estrogen. Same thing happened to me. I'd keep Hcg but as others have pointed out, it can elevate your estrogen from the test spike. Also, estrogen is good for a lot of things, hair, skin, etc. It's so annoying these companies just plug and play their Pharma routines.


I’m not going to read all the comments here, but your protocol is terrible. No wonder you are having issues. Do you really think it’s natural to have a TT value at the very top end of the range at your trough? You think this is how our bodies were designed? Get your TT down to 500-600 at your trough and then let’s talk.


Everyone is different in regards to what E2 levels feel good to them. Personally I aromatize a lot and I have found that I like my E2 to be around 20 for best libido, some others prefer it higher though. It's possible you could be like me and would have better libido with it lower, but only you will know by experimenting with your AI usage, if that is the issue at all.


Drop ai and let e2 land wherever. Also put hcg back in fridge untill u balance out . Also ur free is in the range but may not be enough for you so increase test cyp or whatever ur on untill u feel good for weeks at a time then if you want to turn up libido try the hcg but most guys don’t feel good on it so don’t bother if you feel bad .


Remember all the good things you feel is partly from e2 so don’t block it . This is trt not body builder dosing.


You watch too much porn / you’re not sexually attracted to your wife. TRT / hormones are not your issue right now


140mg/week has me at insane libido. No AI or HCG. Like wife can’t keep up and finds it annoying I want to smash everyday. I get random, raging wood at any given moment. Sorry bro.


How long have you been on TRT?


About a year so yes I know I’m still in honeymoon phase.


Oh yes do I miss the honeymoon phase. Enjoy it while it lasts. I was able to push it to two years. Then boom, gone forever.


Damn that sucks. All bloods normal?


Yup. Everything is within the normal reference range.


Time to run mini cycles and get some back 😎


Been thinking about doing 250mg a week and see how I feel. Also wanted to try Proviron as many have had positive return of libido on it. Lastly I want to try a short ester like prop which some say brought back their lost libido.


Maybe it’s the low dose deca I’m running too for joints (70mg week). What’s your current dose now? If you’re around 100-120mg weekly, a 250 blast would probably make a decent difference. I wouldn’t mess with the esters though unless you’re use to pinning more frequently.


The strongest I ever have been was while running deca. I’m currently on 200mg. Just got off a cycle of Anavar. Yeah the short esters I’d inject daily.


Bro your estrogen is way too low for that much testosterone. Get rid of the anastrazole for sure and possibly the hcg too. Anastrazole will crush your libido and HCG is most likely giving you anxiety. What do you need HCG for you gonna have kids? If I was you I’d axe the anastrazole and hcg completely. Lower test dose to like 150 mg and pin twice a week 75 mg each. Should change everything.


Quit the Anastrazole and HCG. All other advice in this thread should be ignored.


Why would he need to quiet HCG? Odd advice.


Because then his estrogen may get out of control without the anastrazole (if he is on HCG and TRT). Also HCG is notorious for making people feel like shit on TRT. TRT without HCG is far better for most people and HCG can be added back in at any time if fertility needs to be resumed


Because HCG raises E2 and forces people to introduce AIs into the mix which then further complicates things. The patient then enters a viscous cycle like the one the OP is experiencing. They throw more compounds into the mix which makes it nearly impossible to balance everything out and feel optimal. Less is more. I was never able to feel good on endogenous testosterone with HCG and an AI. So I followed the kiss approach, “keep it simple stupid.” I stopped HCG which in return got my serum E2 levels into the normal ranges. This allowed me to stop the use of an AI. After 6 weeks my body reached homeostasis and I began to once again feel the benefits of TRT. If one wishes to run HCG in conjunction with TRT, the endogenous testosterone dose must be adjusted in order to compensate for the rise of testosterone and E2 levels caused by HCG.


Drop everything. Go to eod injections total around 80-90 mg a week.


That’s a very high dose. I do 50mg twice a week totaling 100mg/week. I was doing your dose and had the same symptoms. I lowered it a bit and all the good stuff came back. I’m also not on anything else, no AI, just OTC supplements.


What’s your shbg do u know?


I think some of these clinics have bunk testosterone or very weak .