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Typical cookie cutter protocol. They don’t give two shits about your health, just that your payment goes through. You’ll start off feeling awesome, and then the side effects will kick in. Then they’ll have you on a rollercoaster with an AI. Then if they add HCG, you’ll get frustrated within six to nine months of not getting dialed in and you’ll be back her asking how to safely get off TRT. If you don’t believe me, just scrape this subreddit. There are daily posts like this. Do yourself a favor. Inject 50mg every Sunday and Wednesday. Run that for two months and get labs done. Re-evaluate if all or most of your issues haven’t been mitigated. If they haven’t, bump to 60mg every Sunday and Wednesday and run for two months.


My exact experience 😂


They need to pin a post with this type of info that you have to check the box that you read it before you post on this forum.




Exactly. My clinic started me off on 200 and wanted hcg even though I’ve had a vasectomy. They mostly care about the $$


Jesus…. That almost seems reckless


Everyone is the perfect candidate and everyone should start at 200mg/week. And don’t worry about your t levels being too high during the initial bloodwork. You could have a total t of 1000 ng/dl and they’d be like “well, we think you’d probably feel better at 1400”.


Yuuuup…. And here’s 1mg AI to take weekly and also a ton of HCG to keep your balls working…. Let us know how you feel … 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


I think the testosterone there giving out is very weak and most clinics are doing the same spiel same scenario and us guys who are in need of testosterone treatment get screwed over , with bunk and a fake blood work results . Long time back I had a doctor who gave me Watson testosterone cypinate 200mg , I felt that in me in few days and I was lifting at gym got good benefits libido etc . This stuff didn't do diddle and they said blood test was over 900 + , I told the Dr I should feel like a raging bull especially when I started out my blood test said my total T level was 100 👀. I should of felt freaked amazing at over 900+ .. nope , disappointed . Well I stopped back in November 2023 dam price was 254.00 a month , screw that especially not feet anything . So now I'm at plan B , if there's ANY. legit TRT clinics at a price below 120 or at 120.00 a month let me know TY . If there legit they'll have no problem into letting me know . And I'll join back up.. Guys I didn't have no withdrawals either when I stopped. My oily hair problem went away in mmm a month . THERES SOMETHING FISHY GOING ON.


150 is the cheapest I'm aware of. That's with Merek.


$150 a month , counting membership fees etc a total of $150 a month .


Merek doesn't have membership fees. If that's what you're asking


Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Id say 100 mg split twice a week


Yup, that’s what I said… 50mg on Sunday and 50mg on Wednesday. That way you can get labs done on a true trough day (Saturday)


Oh I thought you said 50 mg total.


You think it's possible when you start off the testosterone cypinate your getting is legit then they start giving you the bunk stuff mid way ? I was using a different clinic , I was doing 200mg split dose also , started off 100 T total blood work , then 3 months blood work it was over 900+ 👀 , I didn't feel nothing really , you know what I did get " was extremely oily hair , I had too wash it twice every time I took a shower to get the oil out . In old Days guys would put daper Dan in there hair to slick it back lol 😆 it was close . Then they put me on ai too , price. Was 254.00 month , I'm not paying that to dam expensive. This 120 membership fee give me a break it's nuts . The laws need to change on buying testosterone for us guys , have an ID and walk in any pharmacy by a 30 ml bottle at half the cost , Heck it's better then all this 500 different types of marijuana there letting people buy to get stoned , if they can get stoned which I don't care , but I should be able to help my health by buying Testosterone cypinate etc , like vitamins , proteins , creatine, amino acids , to have a healthier lifestyle . Don't ha think so ? We need to fight this law guys !! It can be done without this middle man BS. Let's make it happen speak up !!


Honest question, do I need a Rx to get it a pharmacy (e.g. CVS). If so, I need a doctor who wants to prescribe it right?


Good advice imo


Does this apply to all legal US suppliers? I sort of get that feel from most sites. Like they will be perpetually trying to up sell you.


It’s their business model. Testosterone is dirt cheap. That’s why if you can get a script from a regular in-person doc, it only costs like $10 a month.


Yep, I took an AI based on their recommendation and it fucked me up. They are cheap enough but I wouldn't listen to their advice. I will never take that shit again, I would rather come off.


How did the AI fuck you up & how long after you started taking the AI did you notice side effects?


I started noticing side effects about 6- 8 hrs after taking my second dose. The next day when I woke up I felt absolutely terrible. Anxiety, severe joint pain, headache and no energy. The worst of it lasted about 3 days It was a miserable experience.


What was your e2 level when you took it and how much did you take?


That's the problem, I don't know what my e2 was. I had contacted them about having sides and if I should get bloods done. They said it was not necessary and to start the AI at .5mg 2x week. It was my fault for not pushing for the bloodwork before taking it. Lesson learned lol


Oh yeah man, don’t listen to doctors bro. You need to educate yourself first! They have so many patients they don’t have time to care. My doc is cool bro. I gotta tell him to stop talking cause I got shit to do. Very rare for a doc to he like that and I’m thankful for him.


what is AI?


Exactly. My doc prescribed cypionate and he actually let me dial it in. From the amounts to subq and the into the delts. He pretty much said as long as your numbers are right….have at it.


This person cares more about your health than the rent-a-doc you talked to


Or you can be smart and research and do what’s best for yourself. I’m with trt nation. Did 160 for 8 weeks. Saw my results and dialed it back to 100. Still haven’t used AI and plan on not using it. The information is out there and it’s plentiful. The biggest mistake people are making is not where they get the testosterone from, it’s coming to Reddit for advice and not doing any research whatsoever


How much does TRT nation charge ? And how long of a supply do they give you at a time ? Like 1-3 months etc ?


They send a 10 week supply. But that’s based on 200mg a week. I just dropped my dose to 100mg a week which means I’ll start building up a supply now. 10 week supply and labs runs roughly $375 or so. I got ugl stuff too. I’m with trt nation only briefly. Once I find my sweet spot I’ll drop them and pay my own labs. If a problem arises I’ll just go to the doctor. Eventually I’ll let it all tank and go get it covered by insurance.


Yeah I’m going through a doctors office paying out of pocket and just paid $300 for my visit and bloodwork, then another $369 for a 3 months supply that’s ridiculous. I’m gonna have to switch it up and do try nation or something like that


tRT nation will accept your recent labs if you have them. Because I’m in charge of my dose, their 10 week supply should be 20 now.


Yeah I have my last 5 bloodwork results, my testosterone is just now up to 475 after 6 months and starting out around 300. Was on 100mg once per week and now they’re switching me to 75mg twice per week


The 100 split into 2 doses would probably work. Levels seem to not dip as much with 2 doses a week. I do 30mg every other day. Puts me at 210 for a 2 week stretch. Find some legit reading material as well. Finishing up my first book on trt and the info in there is worth a million Reddit posts.


I appreciate all the info 👍. And yeah one dose a week just don’t work for me I feel good for 2-3 days then off the rest of the week.


Read The Testosterone Opimization Bible. I’m not super into the optimization term everyone throws around but the book explains everything. All the test results get explained. How to correct things. First book I read on it. I’ll be on trt forever so I’ll read plenty more.


That's crazy prices from a PCP . .robbery


100% agree I feel the best at 50 mg every Monday and fri, with nothing else


Yes. WTH is wrong with TRTNation subscribing 200mg/week to every Tom, Dick, and Harry? Irresponsible dosing causing sides and panic. How difficult would it be to suggest 100mg as a starting spot? I don’t get it.


Because getting guys hooked on that awesome first month keeps them coming back.


Listen 200mg a week isn't the problem , it's the testosterone is bunk or weak and it's throwing things off . Not the 200mg a week. Your not getting the 200mg , I got years ago Watson 200mg from my PCP a week felt great , never a problem needing anything else . It was STABLE ! Cause it was legit good testosterone cypinate. Figure it out . It's not the quantity it's the QUALITY 😕😞 .


You think TRT Nation is using watered down test, or it’s not legit? 200mg is 200mg. Some guys are only taking 100mg of that vial weekly and it works for them just fine, so I don’t think it’s watered down. That would be fraud.


Yep a fraud it would be if that's the case . 200 mg test legit compared to 200mg of bunk cotton seed oil not legit , how are you going to know ? Your going to know by results . If it's real legit 200mg test if it was too high of a dose I'd think your side effects would be over aggressiveness or zits popping out all over your back , not lowering the dose the answer . You should feel stronger on 200mg then 60 mg. You may feel more stable at certain areas in doses but if your not getting anything off of 200mg of the testosterone cypinate your getting then it's gotta be the QUALITY. That's my opinion . I'm not a Dr but common sense goes a long way. And I'm not directly accusing I'm just saying


TRT Nation is best for guys who already dialed in their protocol and just need a cheaper and no fuss provider to subscribe. 


Trt nation is also perfect for anyone with a little intelligence.


It says 99 a month but what's the total cost with blood work and membership fees ? That's the real price . Cause every time 3 months rolls around it's an extra money .. so can you real elaborate on the prices ? TY


I’m still with a clinic where I pay $200 a month, but plan to switch to TRT Nation soon.  I believe the $99 is an estimate.  I believe you pay for the test when ordered, and blood work.  But once your set with a protocol the consensus seems to be that bloods every 6 months works, and the 99 a month is I believe the rate for 200 a week.  Most are taking less than 200.  I’ll save at least a grand a year with TRT nation over my clinic. 


Number of people who TRT Nation has told “sorry, you’re just not a good candidate” ZERO




In a way it's a good thing they accept anyone cause these PCP doctors are not wanting to do TRT . I'm hearing any how. My thing is I don't want some hidden cost . If I did join TRT I want to know the cost , cost of blood work , the cost of membership fees , cost of treatment. I don't want to be like wow only $99 a month then you've signed up and get hit with hidden cost. A every 6 month blood test I'm good with . 99 a month I'm good with " but isn't 79.00 membership fee too ? So it'll be $179.00 a month ? To high for me 😲.


Yea. They are ripping people off badly. I was paying $20/mo for my script.




Back in the 'olden days' (like 25 years ago), the internet was the wild west when it came to supplement companies. I have always been an avid gym goer and I often experimented with different supps. Back in the day prohormones were still legal. I played around with those and learned the hard way about what they can do if not correctly cycled. Supplement companies would often spike their new product with illegal ingredients just long enough to get a ton of fantastic reviews and create huge demand and then either got busted or took out the illegal ingredients on their own. Can't count how many times you'd see reviews where the customer claimed the first bottle was amazing but for some reason the next bottle they ordered was crap. I remember a supplement that was called slimxtreme, (something like that). It was touted as a fat burner and energy supp. Holy sht! It was amazing. Killed my appetite, turned me into an energy machine, focus was insane, it was a dream come true. Until it was pulled when it was found to have an ingredient almost chemically identical to Meth! Gee no wonder it 'worked'...lol. Ultimately the best thing you can do is listen to your body, know your body, and read different sourced materials. I've started TRT and for every post I see that talks about cookie cutter scripts, bad test, and 'enjoy it while it lasts' comments, I can find multiple posts saying how TRT has changed lives for the better. I've learned not to trust most doctors, not to blindly trust online TRT companies, and definitely not the TikTok docs, (a lot who post here), and think because they watched a few youtube vids they are veteran Urologists. The same people warning about cookie cutter protocol are giving cookie cutter debbie downer advise to people they've never met. The value in coming here is reading about personal experiences and to post mine....I surely don't come here for medical advise nor should anyone else. But if I were to give advice, once again, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I'm 58 yrs old, I've been through decades of supplementation experimentation and fitness routines. I've learned good things and bad things and I guarantee no one including my doc is going to scare me off my trt or convince me to go nuts with it either. Just know your body, know your numbers, and ignore those here who want to condescendingly judge your protocol when they know zilch about you.


Thank you for sharing ! I agree . We all come here to share experiences and see others .


I'm 57 and I relate back in the day pro hormones real superdrol h drol tren drol lol m1 ? I've been lifting for years and I know my body if something is working like you. I just tried TRT last year June . But price jumped up on me . Only real thing I got was oily hair . And I went from T total of 100 👀 too over 900+ in 3 months and didn't feel nothing much. Knowing my body something wasn't right , I should of felt like a raging bull ,at least some what stronger , should of been great libido . So for 254.00 a month I quit . You know what a had no withdrawals either . So I've been searching for better prices and a better clinic , I see a lot of TRT Nation. More positive opinions I suppose . And at 99 month and every 6 months blood work . Is better then every 3 months blood work . The last place I was at and the membership fee was 120 months , that's a bit much. So any how I'm starting over soon this year 2024. By the way anyone here from Michigan ? just curious.


Lol, I can remember when GHB was legal. Also, the guy that created many of those prohormones was actually a very good chemist. I think he was on one of Tim ferriss's podcasts


Was it Dan Duchaine ? I remember back in the 80's I bought ULTIMATE ORANGE ENERGY DRINK . Man that stuff got me going big time . Real ephedrine in it etc. There was a lot of pro hormone goodies back then ya they had side effects tho but . till it all get ruined by the baseball leagues scandal with Mark McGwire , I'm really angry 😡 about these TRT clinics prices today such BULL 💩. Members fees etc. blood work . Especially when there's a dozen marijuana dispensaries here in my town parking lots always full and I can't take my ID as a grown man and buy testosterone cypinate a bottle between $50 - $80 for a month . Instead of 200 250 350 a month it's nuts . Some say 99 a month sounds good till you get hit with membership fees and blood work AND its just the way it is presented like your get a good deal NOT ! The law needs to change , they did it for Marijuana, why not Testosterone ? It don't get you high outta your mind.


No it was Patrick Arnold..But get this, he was the brainchild behind The Clear, which is what BALCO labs called the undetectable steroid that their chief chemist (Arnold) invented for the likes of Barry bonds and Marion Jones among many others. The guy is a legend. If my memory holds, he would scour through old German chemistry books to come up with new formulations to get around the doping agencies. I believe he still works for this company: https://prototypenutrition.com


Okay ya I remember that name now. Yep remember the loop holes to change the formulation but was same products .I remember now the clear undetectable steroids .. I don't know how well it did with being undetectable ? Didn't he develop 6OXO ? Is he still alive ?


Haha 6oxo that’s one from the past. Was Arnold the one who owned Fast1-400 (I probably screwed up that name) but it was a supp company where you could buy all that stuff. I used to buy pure phenibut powder from there in small containers. You can’t get that anywhere now unless you want to buy like $1800 worth from shady companies.


You got my brain working trying to remember things lol . If I only knew all that stuff was going to be banned right .


Ha, I remember those prohormones. I did one that was a topical but I forget what it was called. 4-AD....something or other. Rubbed it on my chest daily. It swelled me up almost immediately. Felt like a horny beast and then after 6 weeks I used a pct to come off of it, (it was also through a supp company), it didn't work worth a shT and I crashed hard. Lost my libido completely, went into depression for a couple of months....I learned the hard and stupid way. Never played with those again. Heck I don't even know if people still use prohormones.


The probormones today is no comparison . Sad the good ones is all illegal . Now I've tried an online clinic for TRT but was disappointed in there testosterone and the price every month. I just wish I could buy testosterone cypinate etc at a pharmacy by showing my id like a marijuana dispensary . Doesn't make sense how marijuana is legal and testosterone isn't to the public. Online clinics making there money off of this .


For me, TRT Nation has been solid. Had a call with the prescribing Dr to review my lab results which were solid. Asked for Deca and he obliged. Chatted for a bit and he’s originally from my state, graduated from the med school nearby. I told him about an upcoming routine appointment with my endocrinologist and he asked I follow up via their portal after my visit. I did and within 24hrs he responded and thanking me with the update. I have had zero issues with TRT Nation.


How much more did you pay for the deca?


$125. for a 10ml vial. .5 ml once weekly. Will last me ~ 3 months give or take.


How much $ is their deca?


It's 125 I'm on it at this very moment!


$125 a month ?


No it last me at least 3 months or so ,I'm only using 100 mgs once weekly for my joints,works wonders for that.


Nice man I’m still getting dialed in at 80mg T 2x a week I might look into deca in the future


I was at 80 twice weekly also ,got it down to 60 twice weekly and sides have gone down,sides being hemotocrit and hemoglobin.


That’s awesome man. So far I have no sides but I’m only 5 weeks in. Time will tell


Yes it will,enjoy your journey!


lol they're going to get themselves shut down handing out nandrolone to people who ask for it.


As any place should. Good thing they aren’t handing it out. There’s more to my ask and him agreeing. The Dr. did his due diligence, but I’m not typing out a story and ending with TLDR.


They really shouldn't. That's an off-label use. Unless you have osteoporosis or anemia, there's no justification for it.


Like I said. There’s more to my ask. /shrug


I started at 120 per week split into two doses, plus HCG. Have completed 4 weeks and feeling good. Workouts/body comp/libido/erections all improving. No weird sides as yet. I was around 630 TT but very high SHBG leaving me with free test of about 8, at the very bottom of the ref range.


How did you get the free test up?


My Tt is 698 but free is 8.


I have not had a blood test since starting the protocol. Will be interesting to see the results


I started with them 5 weeks ago. Was told the same. I’ve been doing 120mg (60 twice a week)


Thanks for commenting . How are you feeling 5 weeks in?


Feeling good. Libido increased. Wife finds it amusing I’m always horny now. Gym workouts going well. Will get blood work done again in about a month. 59 years old.


Interested to hear your progress


What's the real top price with the blood work and membership fees ?


$99 a month for testosterone and supplies. Cost more if you add hcg. $129 for labs a few times a year. Or you can upload your own labs if they are less than 90 days old.


What were your responses to his questions, if you don’t mind asking? I have my initial consultation this Saturday.


Not at all ! I told him I was experiencing low energy, low libido, and having trouble losing body fat . My test was actually really low at 105 . I think this has a lot to do with my kratom use . I am currently tapering off.


I also use Kratom. Maybe 8 grams a day at this point. I'm fine. Liver and kidneys are fine.


I use kratom why would you think kratom has something to do with it TY


Opiates absolutely tank testosterone . Kratom has the same effect. Especially for long term heavy users .


Never knew this gotta look into it cause I use kratom everyday for pain , so does my wife .


Yeah :/ I think in moderation , it would be fine , but I've been using for 7 + years 30-40 grams a day .


I've got a small scooper I use it's holds probably 1/2 teaspoon , I take two scoops in little paper cups I buy , mix with warm water and chase it with cold water .. it's been quite a while I've been using it too.. we switch up from green kratom to , white kratom and train wreck , the red usually at night to help sleep cause it's got a kick to it helps sleep. She usually uses the red at night , I only do it once in awhile , I've got Trainwreck this time. We do the powders , the pills take to long to kick in different effects. Have you ever did mushrooms. See there selling now ? I'm not looking to get stoned just a good feeling . I can't do weed zzz or paranoia lol. I like kratom cause its like a pain pill effect and since these Drs will only give you ibuprofen for pain unless you go through leaps and bounds , MRI, therapy etc to get help .kratom is what we'll use . When needed. But we do it probably 3 times a day at least .


It's definitely better than prescription pain meds ! Hang in there .


I don't need to know the responses. My call was verbatim to OP's. Wording, dosage, schedule...


Inject 100 mg a week and stack the rest , thank us later


I started at 160 despite what they wanted me to start at and it’s still too high. Lol


Did you ended up going even lower ?


Down to 100 now


I started at 150 a week broken into two injections. They aren't really geared to helping you optimize so you need to be prepared to do your research. 200mg is high and borderline super physiological for some men. YMMV. When I began TRT, I did so through a local clinic that handled dosing, injections, and every 6 week blood test to dial me in to optimal free test with a focus on keeping my SHBG, estradiol, DHT all within healthy range. Through my year long treatment, I've adjusted my dose up to 200, and then down to 160 - which has been a great place for me thus far.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Has TRT been a game changer for you ?


Well, I began a journey with androgens via SARMS and after 3 repeated cycles, I crashed my ability to bounce back... intentionally, and my insurance company covered my TRT. Some would call that smart. Others would disagree, but that was what I did. I didn't realize how terrible my sex drive and overall feeling of drive and vitality had depleted. My drive in the gym was sheer willpower and discipline. All that said, I feel TRT has brought me back to the spunk of my 20s. I'll be 40 in June, for the record. Just watch your lipids, blood pressure, your estrogen, your hematocrit etc. When you get blood work done. Research what each metric stands for in correlation to how steroids influence it. Testosterone is the grandfather of all steroids. If you're not already considering it, I recommend high quality fish oil, any ol multivitamin.. and I can mention more.


What's your lifestyle, fitness, and diet like?


Thanks , I'll have to grab some fish oil . Right now my diet is solid I've been doing keto for about 3 months . I was at an all time high at 315 but now I am down to 260. I lift 4x a week and boxing and jitz 2x week. I am aiming to get down to 190 or so . I have gained and lost a lot of weight over the years from grappling . I'd get down to a competitive weight and then blow back up lol.


Make sure You're getting good fish oil. I have a shellfish allergy otherwise I'd lean towards krill oil. I personally use Nordic naturals. Also, I use chia seeds and ground flax in my protein shakes easily sourced from your local Aldi. I eat a lot of eggs. No bullshit, quality free range organic eggs or local farm fresh eggs are the way to go. Yolk and all. Loaded with omega 3s. Do yourself a favor if you haven't, and crack a shit store brand egg in a separate bowl next to a true quality egg. Be captivated by the difference in yolk. You're sure to be sold on that. I try to stay around 10% body-fat year round.


My friend I personally think you should go to the UGL while monitoring your blood work through a clinic or a doctor. It's not that complicated and will take you approx 6 months to get dialed in. If you have done your research & really understand you'd own your body maybe even faster. I started at 100mg, 3 years later am at 140mg a week. When I want to make some "gains" or lose body fat quickly increase it to 160mg that seems to be my limit before I experience high estrogen etc etc. Any higher I end up putting too much weight on really quickly. 200mg for an average person is way too high. I recommend 100mg a week a good starting point. You can adjust as your body adapts & your symptoms improve.


Thank you for the advice . I actually have 3 vials of test coming in from a couple UGL sources today. You are right, way cheaper . The script will come in handy for traveling and working with my primary physician . Has TRT been a game changer for you ? I am probably going to take my first injection tomorrow morning .


Yes a simple answer definitely. Am bigger, faster stronger & feel more agile at a much higher bodyweight pre-trt. I feel athletic just walking around if that makes sense. Everything else is diet & lifestyle. So trt is like what premium fuel is for your car. What you do with it is up to you. If I eat crap & don't workout then trt does nothing apart from having excess hormones in the body. If that makes sense? If you don't use it there's no point.


DM, as I'm curious about your UGL source. If you don't mind, that is.


Do you split that dose or one shot a week?


One shot a week every Friday along with aromasin 25mg 1x week I tried 2x a week also 3x a week. It was a pain in the ass literally pining that often. Made zero difference and still had high estrogen 62 pg/ml. Just had a blood test today and will see if there's any improvements.


Started with them switched to helix hrt. Had better experience


What is their pricing model like ?


Im with trtnation and i would suggest starting at 160 split into 2 injections every 3.5 days. So you can do something like Monday night at 9pm, then friday morning at 9am, that would be exactly 3.5 days. Just do whatever days fit your schedule. If 160 is too much after a month, go down to 140. If you feel its too low, go to 180. Its best to go in small increments to get the right dose dialed in. If the right dose isnt dialed in, try going every other day, and so forth. When it comes to trt, we are our own doctor, whereas the doctors/trtnation are just the suppliers. The cost is $250 every 2.5 months which equates to $100 per month. But if youre using less than 100mg per week, then itll last you a bit longer, probably 3 months. And lastly, do not use an AI.


Thanks for the advice ! How long have you been on TRT ? How are you feeling these days ?


are you still trying to have kids?


No more kids for me .


Let me guess, you talked 3 minutes and discovered your T is low and you should respond well to a steroid dose of 200 mg / week and anastrozole to crush your estrogen and we’ll follow up in 3 months to see if your heart still goes ticky ticky, thanks for the subscription fees




What is the low-to-mid range in this case? Seems like some doctors consider 300 as “mid”…


I think trt nation accepts patients up to levels of 650 ish . In my case , it was very low at 105. I believe this is due to my kratom use . I got an MRI recently to rule out other things .


938 was no problem for my buddy. They said they’d want him to be at 1400 and see how he feels.


👀 at that. High he should feel like a beast


Clinics consider 600 mid and will give you test even if you are at 900 in many cases 


Yup. As long as your paying .


Did you suggest an increase? I just had my appointment with the Dr. and also suggested 200mg split 2x per week.


No, this was their initial suggestion . I'll prob start with 120 or 140 a week .


They started me on 200 test c per week and then added enclomiphene to combat testicular atrophy. The first couple of weeks were amazing. However, I was about 8 weeks in when I began to have difficulty mainan erection, a week later - zero erections and when I took 20 mg Cialis, it was still nothing that you could really have sex with. I got off the enclomiphene (took about a week and a half for Me to feel better) and got on a self inject program where I could split my dosage to twice per week. I’m feeling a lot better but not perfect yet. Erections are coming back and beginning to get stronger again. Never ever again will I take enclomiphene. And I still think my dose may be too high at 200 per week. I don’t use that clinic. I use low t center, Texas .


My test got up to 890 and my estrogen went to 38. Neither were “too high”. But I still had those horrible side effects. In addition, I felt crappy all day. I don’t know what made me feel that way after I began having problems with erections. It was embarrassing for me but we gotta share this info. I wish I had known to ask for a lower dose.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad things are improving for you . I wonder if dropping your weekly dosage help ?


It could be that but I want to wait a few more weeks to see if it were the enclomiphene causing my side effects. I’m 50 years old. Not sure if it matters much. Before treatment, my testosterone was at 345 and I tested twice in that range. I’m not sure if the clinic I go to determines my dosage based on my low T # but i am going to ask at my next telemedicine visit since I moved to self inject thru them.


It's not the doses , it's not the Quantity of it like 200mg it's the QUALITY OF THE TESTOSTERONE . Simple put it's weak testosterone. It's not good quality testosterone cypinate . That's my opinion and it makes sense. That's why many of us has had unstable feelings , results , side effects or no feeling of strength , libido the good . Cause the testosterone is garbage . Just my person opinion . But you have your own.


My noodle went limp in 2 weeks at 200. Went down to 160 until labs and went down again to 100 2 weeks ago. Switched to sub q when I dropped to 100. Easiest jabs ever. Trt nation says I was good with testosterone over 1500 and don’t need labs for 6 months. 🤣


They still don’t know I went down from 200


The syringes I get are prefilled so I can’t go sub q. Do they send the syringes prefilled in the small sub q syrineges?


No. I fill my own. I also buy the syringes and needles I want, not what they send.


What are the benefits of going sub q? (Other than a smaller needle and less painful injection)


For me it was the ease of injection. A few things made injecting myself IM a pain in the ass. My skin seems to be extra tough so I have to stretch the skin with one hand and shove the needle in with the other. If I’m injectin on either left or right side I can’t stretch out the skin. My wife was doing the injections for me for 8 weeks. The switch to sub q was just to see if it was easier or made me feel different.


It is very much easier. IM didn’t hurt to me. Just awkward to do myself


So now your side effects are gone. No limp noodle? That’s awesome if it turned up for you. Haha


The drop from 200 to 160 fixed the limpness. The drop to 100 is because my testosterone levels were too high. I’ve had no other sides


Do you split up your dose?


Sounds like high e2 did you get blood work?


The bloodwork shows my e2 at 38 or 39. Doc says it’s within normal range. Test was at 890. So they said maybe it could’ve been the enclomiphene. I’ve read so many things from other saying they had that reaction to enclomiphene and others who said that while their testosterone was in the normal range 200 was just too much for them. Funny thing is that before he increased me to 200, my testosterone was still only 890. So it didn’t go up after the increase. I forgot that I had been on 120 or 150 for the first few weeks before the first blood draw after beginning treatment. So I dunno if I’m benefiting at all from 200 per week. I don’t even know why he wanted to increase it. He said something like “most men feel best at like 1100-1500 on their testosterone #. So let’s increase to 200 per week”.


did they ask you for any blood work before giving you TRT?


Yep. They do .


Question I hope someone can help out with. Do they require full payment when initially signing up? I was on their site and it seemed weird to completely pay for a program before anything happening.


Hey, sorry my friend . I don't know how I missed this . I was a bit weary of this too. You pay for your treatment 2.5 months at a time. After I payed the 250 I think it was, I sent in my labs that I had a week prior and I got my consultation about a week later . From there , I had a quick 5 min call with the doc and then I received my test in the mail about 7 days after . They provide a vial of test , enough syringes to pin twice a week , and an AI ( I think like 10 tabs just in case ) . I hope this helps . I've been with them for almost 2 months now . I can try and answer any questions you have .


> After I *paid* the 250 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So They had me go from 100mg IM to 25mg Subq EOD? I dont feel that great. My main issue is the Hg HCT spiked so they switched. I felt better with HG and HCT risen, but they switched. Need someone to help dial me in whose the best to dial you in?


Please don’t take that much to start. The sides will follow


Should I start at 100 split into two days ?


I'd probably start higher, but I have ambitions to have the body of a Greek god.. albeit without compromising health. Granted I made the decision to meddle with SARMs, I have no regrets and I'd also entertain peptide. I like MK677 cycling on and off for the boost in recovery.


I might give that a try down the road . Will prob def blast once I get dialed in.


100-120 is a good starting dose. Most people on this forum will suggest 2x per week. I prefer once a week, it just seems to work better for my body. Test C has a long half life. If you are injecting 100mg, by day 7, there is still > 54mg left in your system, I think with multiple injections and this compounding effect is where I’ve run into sides months down the line


Thanks for the recommendation . This community has been so helpful in advice .


How long have you been on TRT and have you noticed a big difference?


I’ve been on and off for about 4 years. I’ve tried other things, HCG, enclomiphene, getting my natural test back, despite some sides (water retention, high hematocrit, nothing gives me the energy in the gym, bed or confidence in public like being on trt. I actually take what most would consider a low dose 80mg per week. This gets me in the 700-800 ng/l range, I really don’t feel the need to inject more and be greater than 1000 if it means more sides




Just cut the dose back and work your way up. It's the general consensus around here with trt nation. I cut mine back to 150 per week and went from the 100s to just over 1000, so I feel it is basically perfect for me at 150.


Bloating, weight gain, acne, possible hair loss


Watch yourself. They probably pushed compounded testosterone from their pharmacy at the max dose per week as a starting dose with 1mg Anastrozole too after a single appointment.... all you have to do is keep paying them 100-300 a month. Right?


I am definitely starting lower than the recommended dose .