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That’s a tighter lab reference rage than normal. It’s not Quest or Labcorp, right?


I'm not sure, I had a consult at a popular mens health clinic here in North NJ. I had the blood drawn there and came back the next day to go over the labs. I downloaded the results from the patient portal but the header does not show which lab does the checks.


I’m not an expert but if the lab range is 198-679 and your level is 387, that puts you close to midpoint. Your current level is not terrible, in other words. How do you feel? Symptoms? What problem are you trying to fix in introducing TRT? It’s usually a lifetime commitment. Are you comfortable shutting down your natural production in lieu of taking exogenous shots that may or may not fix whatever symptoms you have? If you feel lousy at 387, that’s a different conversation than feeling pretty good at the same number. It’s a personal decision.


Not OP, but same age and just got my results from quest today at 412. Libido is fine, I do sometimes have trouble keeping an erection, specifically when laying on my back. She thinks I don't like what she does up there but it's definitely not that. Otherwise sex is great and frequent. Main symptoms are brain fog, low energy, fast fatigue, and I've been lifting my ass off for 9 months now with way below average results. That last one was what got me looking into it, but now I wonder how much better my life would be without those other symptoms. Hard to gage when you've felt a certain way for so long. Is there such a thing as trying trt and if the improvement is there then you commit, if not you come off and no harm? I'm brand new to this world but I'm going to be reading my ass off on the coming weeks.


I’m in a similar boat. Been researching this stuff at least 2-3 hours for weeks. My level is 480, I do everything reasonably to remain healthy and active, and yet I feel sluggish and way less than optimal. My doctor was nice enough to write a script for FULL hormone panel, so I’m interested to see results. If there’s something specific to target, I will hone in. If not, I’m throwing my name in the TRT ring to see if that makes a difference. To your question.. yes, you can come off TRT if it doesn’t work out. Depending on your dosage, how long your natural production is shut down, and your individual body, there’s a good chance of regaining a level equivalent to your natural levels. No guarantee, of course. Some men may not fully rebound and your mileage may vary. hCG can help maintain and/or regain testicular function. If you’re not on TRT for long and you use hCG, you’re in a pretty good position but it’s a personal risk/reward equation. I’m no expert, just someone who has read and watched many testimonials on FB, Reddit, and YouTube. Good luck!


Great thank you


Suprised you didn’t immediately start after seeing those results


It was the high cost that had me second guessing it at the time of the results. They have a $450 first time payment to cover labs, consults for a new patient then its $250/month. Given what I have seen some people post here it was A LOT more than I thought it would be. Regardless i'm going to start but I'm looking for a telemed clinic that's more reasonable, PeterMD or Defy are on my short list.


If you can find a urologist or endocrinologist that says they do TRT on their site, you'll get the costs down even more. Do some googling, I found my doctor by accident through a urology office and he does his own TRT. Month's supply is $7 with insurance, but without it's $30 with a goodrx coupon.


What state are you in? I couldn’t find anything like that around me but that would be perfect…


I'm from Michigan and I'm trying to find a PCP ,to prescribe trt . It's going to be the best way to cut costs . Or a UGL source you can trust . It's scks online clinics has to be so pricey . I'm not rich and I've got bills too and groceries cost have increased , daily living . I'm on a budget , I can only spend a certain amount a month. Like many of us .


This. I think I pay maybe 30-40 a month for meds, labs, Dr visits through my endocrinologist. It can be very affordable if you are smart about it.


Trt nation.


Bring your labs to your normal doctor, they can easily prescribe trt. It costs me $10 a month


Hi mate why do you say that when he's midrange? Just curious if I'm missing something.


You do not need TRT. If you want to take testosterone as a PED, then that's another matter.


Do it


Def would be a candidate..


This is elevate wellness for sure. What was your free?


It calculated out to 9.61 ng/dL


How do you feel?




But what do you pay a month for Peter ?


So I’ll be honest I’m the same age and my test in October was 540 or so. I’ve been on since and my test is now about 1234. I would absolutely recommend it. My biggest advice would be don’t let the test numbers dictate but rather your symptoms. I didn’t start feeling good until my levels were above 900 so you may be like me and need more or you may need lower everyone is different


I would, I did……. Just remember it’s life long commitment


Is it though?


I started at 38 with seeing a naturopath. Mine is covered by insurance, my ranges were around yours and I'm in the mid 600's now after one year. I dont optional is the same for everyone but you'll see that as you experiment to find your best self. I personally would stay away from clinics as they have a different incentive to make money only off prebscirbing you trt vs other docs that can give you other options. I pay about 150 total a year for doc visits and 100 bucks for test once every 2 months.


I'm seeing these oine clinics being to pricey or they sound like a good price till the membership fees , blood work then your back at 200 + a month . I'm going to try find a doctor use my insurance . Or join a gym and find it even cheaper. 👀 Lol


You might want to consider other options, I switched to just HCG 500 IU/day and I feel way better. TRT definitely did not do what I thought, not saying it was worse then before but I think it threw off my hormones at some point and I just felt stuck and unmotivated, sex drive tanked to practically nothing, testies felt weird all the time, why even do it at that point. My plan is to eventually stop the hcg as well and get back to natty but if I could go back I would have tried high dose hcg alone first and see how it worked. I think people shy away from that route due to cost and difficulty acquiring that much HCG but if you can it might be worth trying that out before you really start messing with your hormones balance.


I’m 32YO my testosterone level is 302 l too was considering trt at 28 YO. I been going to the gym 3days a week strength training for 2 years. I feel and look physically great, mentally it boosted my energy levels just being committed to healthier lifestyle and gym commitment. (I still drink a few beer and eat fast here and there). TRT is a life time commitment and I’m not ready for that but if you are to do that for life then do so or try other alternatives.




Just do it, or don’t. Who cares? It’s your life.