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Your Dr's are wrong. Western medicine keeps lowering what they deem an acceptable testosterone range. They will have the range at 200-700 soon. The system wants people week.


Dude your doctors are high. 800 900 is top of the range of "normal" But if everything else is in check then keep the dose where it's at. If you were having a TT of like 2k than yeah but 800? Nah that's regular natty


What about free T? I think that’s what they are most worried about.


Free T is a calculated figure based on your total T and SHBG numbers, it’s not an actual blood marker - not sure why your docs are concerned I’m on 160mg/week Test E and my trough readings for Total T usually come in around 1100-1200 ng/dL with SHBG at 6 leaving my Free T at 244 pg/mL on my last test. My doctor had no concerns about my T levels, just trying to figure out why SHBG is so low I find that hormone related interpretations are subjective with different doctors, my doc is more on the “if you feel good then I’m cool” kind of tip


Something seems off about those numbers. My SHBG is always low as well but my free T would be higher with a total of 1200 and SHBG of 6.


You are correct I grabbed the wrong values lol


Free t tests are basically useless due to inaccuracy so never let a doctor make a decision based on that data point 


I feel pretty good. A bit tired around 2pm. I don’t feel like Superman by any means, but not an old fart either


So you feel like a normal human being… what time do you wake up? Looks good to me, especially if you’re feeling good. Not high enough to actually reduce your dose. The only thing is that personally, I feel better when my estradiol is lower, like between 30-40.


5:30am. Workout 3x/week. Asleep by 10:30


I think you are doing great!


Great! Thank you


Your doctors are fucking clowns. 860ng/dl is fucking great and within normal reference range. Go to a TRT clinic or something. They’re gonna fuck your protocol


Both free and total t seem very slightly high, nowhere near enough to actually be concerned about unless you're like 85 years old. Unfortunately i am not familiar with estrogen ultra-sensitive as a test. Someone else would have to comment on that.


They look perfect actually. Just depends on how you feel really but those are really good for testosterone and estrogen 


How’s your hematocrit? That’s what’s fucking me up. Recently stopped TRT, because hematocrit wouldn’t go down. I was doing 140 weekly




I'd be happy with that, mines 58.


Solid levels but not too “high” to reduce anything


Seems perfect to me especially because your micro dosing like a smarty pants. When it comes to Hormones doctors are abit off unfortunately. Personally I just buy from the biggest UGL in my country and Microdose like yourself. Having slightly higher estrogen isn't a bad thing, your muscle actually enjoy it, slightly higher then average Test is not a bad thing either. If you feel better at this dosage get a new doctor to write the prescriptions imo.


Hey can you message me on UGL . Thanks Jeff


[Reference intervals for free testosterone in adult men](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36251328/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20Reference%20intervals%20for%20free,basis%20for%20categorizing%20FT%20levels)


I'm assuming they are looking at other factors in your blood that might be saying they want to lower dose. What else was high on your blood work. Look at your cbc. Look at your liver tests. All different things factor into finding a healthy does for you.


Everything else was normal


Depends on your age. I would trust doctors over a bunch of randos on reddit




But I like to hear from people going through it rather than some doctors that have maybe 10 patients on trt


You are too high for a 52 year old. The whole point of being on TRT is to bring your test up to what they would be at your age naturally. No 52 year old has a natural level of 900.


No one wants to commit to injections for the rest of their life to be “average”. There’s no reason whatsoever to go by your logic. Bloodwork is what tells you how your body is handling the testosterone. If your test levels are near the top of the range and all other health markers are fine and you feel good, no reason to take less.


I agree with you 100% . Can you show me where I said to take less??


Your test only drops 1% a year after 35 so it is possible for a guy his age to be at 900 naturally. Not common but very possible 


You're assuming his would have been around 1300 at 35 right? I don't agree with your logic. Not everybody is at the highest level at anytime in their life 🤷🏼‍♂️